Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Nice to meet you Ms. Yokubo." He bowed and kissed your hand. However some shouting caught his attention. He saw a girl and a guy. The guy was yelling at the girl. Smoke walked out and stepped between the two. The 6'5 mute in armor was glaring down at the guy. 

@TaraSobiki @Tsukihi

The male whom had just previously had just previously insulted the girl whom had entered the washroom looked sky-wards to the Iron-clad figure standing before him. “Just who the hell are you?” He asked the figure in the suit of armor. Clearly he had no idea of what he had done to bring this figure to him. Was it someone he knew, or was it someone with the school he wasn’t entirely sure. “Look man, just get the fuck out of my way, I don’t have time for your shit!” He tried to push past the iron-clad figure.

Lucas Riksmond

Phew... Finally, he had gotten rid of any trace of what could have been a bug. With a content sigh, Lucas left the dorm shower, towel wrapped around him, his normally unruly blonde hair hanging closely against his head, dripping wet. He wasn't usually a fan of communal showers, but he actually felt content now that he knew for certain that he was clean. As he calmed down, he could even control his powers properly, leading to an even more relaxed state. Overall, Lucas felt... Happy.

Thrown out of his blissful ignorance, Lucas noted another individual in the washroom. One covered in... What seemed to be soot? Or maybe ash? Dear lord, what could possibly... Unable to keep quiet, he spoke out.

"Um, excuse me... What in the world happened to you? Are you okay?" He made a bit of a nervous smile. "Did your power misfire or something..? I hate when that happens, personally."

The girl quickly jumped hearing the voice of another in the wash-room. She turned to see the male, still covered in ash and soot, more importantly almost nude. She quickly reached for towel, wrapping it around her figure. She knew the bathrooms were co-ed however she had never experienced a situation like this. Turning her gaze away from the boy she spoke softly. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to see me this way…” She bowed her head in an apologetic manner. “I was mixing in the Alchemy labs, and it kind of miss fired, I came here to wash-up before dinner time.” She continued to look away from the male, as a gentle shade of pink began to shade her cheeks.
Fley bounded towards Ryujin and licked him happily. Okay, she was starting to like this guy a lot more than she'd normally admit. She licked his face - that was wolf for a kiss, but no one knew that except her. She then looked at the girl and sniffed her suspiciously, sitting down by Ryujin's feet like a loyal dog. 

@Dante Verren @Enmyira (Sorry I had to go somewhere but I'm back)

Emma blinked and smiled. This was awesome. She slowly held up her phone. "This would make a good picture..." She said, hoping they'd say something that would be along the lines of it being okay for her to do so.

@Dante Verren

Ryujin petted the wolf. "Your personality does a complete 180 when your in wolf's quite amazing."  he then turned to look at the girl he had scared. "What's your name. Mine Ryujin and this is Fley."

He noticed that she had her phone up. " you take a picture if you want I don't mind."


"Well then I guess we can make a detour to the cafeteria" Red smiles and leads the way "to be honest I was starting to get hungry too"

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Ryujin petted the wolf. "Your personality does a complete 180 when your in wolf's quite amazing."  he then turned to look at the girl he had scared. "What's your name. Mine Ryujin and this is Fley."

He noticed that she had her phone up. " you take a picture if you want I don't mind."



Emma smiled and knelt in the grass. She slightly bended at an odd angle to get the right lighting. "I'm Emma... Would you guys mind putting your foreheads togeather..?" She asked  and glanced over the top of her phone. She had them focused in.. but they seemed a bit too rigid.


@Dante Verren
(She's just wandering mostly. Would you rather me start off? Doesn't matter to me that much.)

I'll start)

Cody saw that he was alone in his dorm, and made his way back outside, towards the garden again, sitting down under one of the large cherry blossom trees. And began to read how to control himself, it would appear that his inner demon was slowly coming out, and needed to find a way to control it.
Ryujin petted the wolf. "Your personality does a complete 180 when your in wolf's quite amazing."  he then turned to look at the girl he had scared. "What's your name. Mine Ryujin and this is Fley."

He noticed that she had her phone up. " you take a picture if you want I don't mind."



Emma smiled and knelt in the grass. She slightly bended at an odd angle to get the right lighting. "I'm Emma... Would you guys mind putting your foreheads togeather..?" She asked  and glanced over the top of her phone. She had them focused in.. but they seemed a bit too rigid.


@Dante Verren
Jayden suppressed a laugh that still managed to spill out a little bit. "Haha calm down, calm down! It's okay, don't feel bad! Believe it or not," he said with a mysterious twinkle in his eyes, "I've heard that before. Isn't it funny?

And then, perhaps deliberately but not so anyone else would notice it like Uni could, he cocked his head to one side...just like the dog.
"What's Ken going on about?", A asked, genuinely confused. 

"Well,i'm asking this question by myself actually.You really seems to hate Kahe and i don't know why,and i'm sure you will hate me soon.Just some intuition." Aurelion smile before closing his eyes.This girl was rather scary for him,and Aurelion hate to admit it.

Fley reddened a little, but no one could really see it among all her fur. She moved her head close to Ryujin's and almost appreciated him for his comment. It didn't sound like an insult. She pushed her forehead into his and bared her teeth at the camera, raising a paw in a friendly way.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira
(last post for a little while got to go to work for a few hours). 

Ryujin leaned his head against her but also wrapped his arms around her neck to pull her into a hug. He gave the phone a dorky smile as he waited for Emma to take the picture. He still cound't beleive how soft Fley's fur was.


Fley was red as hell. Or that's how she would have put it - but fortunately, no one could see it. She'd never been hugged by anyone other than her parents before - much less a guy who she considered hot... no. She did not want to admit that. She now considered Ryujin decent-looking, but she herself knew that that was not true. Besides, Ryujin would not dream of becoming friends, much less her boyfriend. No one liked wolves. She cleared thoughts of liking him in her brain before turning back to the camera. Her smile was still there, but it wasn't the same as before.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira
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"Well,i'm asking this question by myself actually.You really seems to hate Kahe and i don't know why,and i'm sure you will hate me soon.Just some intuition." Aurelion smile before closing his eyes.This girl was rather scary for him,and Aurelion hate to admit it.


"I think I'm more confused than both of you... Ok, so first off, she is A, she is a demon has evil plans or whatever, blah blah blah, she causes no harm. She isn't in any  'harem' of mine-" Kahe turns towards A "-and she SHOULD stop writing in blood in my room..." He stands there with his arms out, pointing to A, Blondie, and the blood calligraphy, like he is the "boi" meme

@Olivia Acerbi
Fley was red as hell. Or that's how she would have put it - but fortunately, no one could see it. She'd never been hugged by anyone other than her parents before - much less a guy who she considered hot... no. She did not want to admit that. She now considered Ryujin decent-looking, but she herself knew that that was not true. Besides, Ryujin would not dream of becoming friends, much less her boyfriend. No one liked wolves. She cleared thoughts of liking him in her brain before turning back to the camera. Her smile was still there, but it wasn't the same as before.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira

(last post for a little while got to go to work for a few hours). 

Ryujin leaned his head against her but also wrapped his arms around her neck to pull her into a hug. He gave the phone a dorky smile as he waited for Emma to take the picture. He still cound't beleive how soft Fley's fur was.



Fley reddened a little, but no one could really see it among all her fur. She moved her head close to Ryujin's and almost appreciated him for his comment. It didn't sound like an insult. She pushed her forehead into his and bared her teeth at the camera, raising a paw in a friendly way.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira

Emma smiled and immediately snapped the picture. She took several at different angles and in different light. "Ah thank you guys! I will defiantly get you copies when I print them. She slid her phone back into her pocket and nodded.
Fley was red as hell. Or that's how she would have put it - but fortunately, no one could see it. She'd never been hugged by anyone other than her parents before - much less a guy who she considered hot... no. She did not want to admit that. She now considered Ryujin decent-looking, but she herself knew that that was not true. Besides, Ryujin would not dream of becoming friends, much less her boyfriend. No one liked wolves. She cleared thoughts of liking him in her brain before turning back to the camera. Her smile was still there, but it wasn't the same as before.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira

(last post for a little while got to go to work for a few hours). 

Ryujin leaned his head against her but also wrapped his arms around her neck to pull her into a hug. He gave the phone a dorky smile as he waited for Emma to take the picture. He still cound't beleive how soft Fley's fur was.



Fley reddened a little, but no one could really see it among all her fur. She moved her head close to Ryujin's and almost appreciated him for his comment. It didn't sound like an insult. She pushed her forehead into his and bared her teeth at the camera, raising a paw in a friendly way.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira

Emma smiled and immediately snapped the picture. She took several at different angles and in different light. "Ah thank you guys! I will defiantly get you copies when I print them. She slid her phone back into her pocket and nodded.
"I think I'm more confused than both of you... Ok, so first off, she is A, she is a demon has evil plans or whatever, blah blah blah, she causes no harm. She isn't in any  'harem' of mine-" Kahe turns towards A "-and she SHOULD stop writing in blood in my room..." He stands there with his arms out, pointing to A, Blondie, and the blood calligraphy, like he is the "boi" meme

@Olivia Acerbi

Aurelion look back at Kahe "A?...Well,fair then.Apparently she have something to say to you so,i will wait here before we take a snack i guess."

@Olivia Acerbi
The girl quickly jumped hearing the voice of another in the wash-room. She turned to see the male, still covered in ash and soot, more importantly almost nude. She quickly reached for towel, wrapping it around her figure. She knew the bathrooms were co-ed however she had never experienced a situation like this. Turning her gaze away from the boy she spoke softly. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to see me this way…” She bowed her head in an apologetic manner. “I was mixing in the Alchemy labs, and it kind of miss fired, I came here to wash-up before dinner time.” She continued to look away from the male, as a gentle shade of pink began to shade her cheeks.

It actually took Lucas a moment to realize that the girl was, in fact, in a state of undress. The soot and ash coupled with his natural worry had taken priority in his mind and he audibly gasped when he caught his own mistake, bringing a hand to his mouth and looking away. "O-Oh, I'm sorry, I- uh... I didn't realize. Sorry."

As she went on, he began to understand more. This didn't do much to ease his worry. Enough, in fact, for him to glance at her again before quickly looking away again. "A-Alchemy? Are you sure you're okay?"

On her self tour she quickly got bored of the repetitive hallways and the rather plain color  scheme.It's like whoever created the inside of the school had zero creativity and genuinely didn't care about the way it turned out. She went outside to look for more interesting scenery and ultimately ended up at what looked like a garden. Almost immediately did the plants start to frost over and the coldness that followed her in the school followed her outside of the school but she didn't notice any of that. She walked inside  still a bit spacey but she came back once she felt the presence of another person "Hmm? Are you doing something?" she tilted her head to the side curiously.



Her face turned a little pink when he chuckled a little. Well....Least he's not offended." she was fine with him laughing at her because she was acting a bit crazy. She gave him a questioning look when he tilted her head. She was confused for a few seconds on the reason but soon it hit her like a two ton truck "Y-You're." her face turned completely  red at the realization "I-I-I'm sorry! I-I thought you were a cute dog! If I had known I never would of disrespected you like that! Please forgive me I didn't know!" she wasn't all that panicked now just really embarrassed. She did that to another student! To her it was like she had disrespected the guy and felt bad about it. He seemed pretty nonchalant about it though.

@Scarlet Wyvern

On her self tour she quickly got bored of the repetitive hallways and the rather plain color  scheme.It's like whoever created the inside of the school had zero creativity and genuinely didn't care about the way it turned out. She went outside to look for more interesting scenery and ultimately ended up at what looked like a garden. Almost immediately did the plants start to frost over and the coldness that followed her in the school followed her outside of the school but she didn't notice any of that. She walked inside  still a bit spacey but she came back once she felt the presence of another person "Hmm? Are you doing something?" she tilted her head to the side curiously.



Her face turned a little pink when he chuckled a little. Well....Least he's not offended." she was fine with him laughing at her because she was acting a bit crazy. She gave him a questioning look when he tilted her head. She was confused for a few seconds on the reason but soon it hit her like a two ton truck "Y-You're." her face turned completely  red at the realization "I-I-I'm sorry! I-I thought you were a cute dog! If I had known I never would of disrespected you like that! Please forgive me I didn't know!" she wasn't all that panicked now just really embarrassed. She did that to another student! To her it was like she had disrespected the guy and felt bad about it. He seemed pretty nonchalant about it though.

@Scarlet Wyvern

Cody looked up to the girl, "Yes, I'm reading on how to control my demon powers, sadly the mean side of me has been coming out..." he said sadly, "I just hope I can keep it down, I don't want to hurt anyone that I don't have to." he said, turning a page.

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