Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Aurelion look in the room "Like i said,it's so tiny...Yeah i could go anywhere." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Any preference ? Should we find students,explore deeper,getting along with teachers..." he smirk "That's totally up to you.So,what should we do?"

He laughed a little "ehh... Can we find a vending machine?... Or a resturaunt..." He held his belly slightly, it groaned. (He doesn't actually need to eat to survive but his body still acts hungry. Also I see the school like a college campus with small stores and what not...)
"Izo Makoto " he said  standing up. "I pick the room on the left."he said pointing to his room. He already set up his collection of teddy bears and plushies inside the room.

"Left? Fine. I get right." She nodded to her corner. "Are you going to be nice, or just some rude guy like the other guys in school? Wait, no. The more important question is... why are you here? Can you fight well? Are you strong?" she eyed the boy suspiciously. She walked around him and grabbed her towel as it slipped. 

He laughed a little "ehh... Can we find a vending machine?... Or a resturaunt..." He held his belly slightly, it groaned. (He doesn't actually need to eat to survive but his body still acts hungry. Also I see the school like a college campus with small stores and what not...)

"Hungry..." Aurelian scratch his chin before looking back at Kahe "Fine.Maybe we could meet up some people at the restaurant...Even if i don't know if there is one there." Aurelian say walking at the door,leaning at the wall on the hallways "Let's go."
(let's do Ryujin for now.) 

The storm continued over the field. While Ryujin laid there talking to the sky. The thunder seemed to repsond to him like they where haveing a conversation.

The sound of an explosion echoed down the Academy hallway. Most of the student’s fled the room, as they were quickly engulfed by a Black-Smoke. Shortly dispersing afterwards. Each of them coughing and shielding their eyes. Yet one student happened to stand there among the previous carnage. Covered in ash and soot nobody would be able to recognize her, however they certainly recognized her handy-work. It was Sucy, only she would attempt something so bold, and dangerous by adding her own ingredients to a concoction. She giggled for a moment before she let out a small laugh.

“I knew I shouldn’t have added the crow’s feet…” She spoke softly as she grabbed her Satchel and chalked this up to be a failure. Walking out of the room, she left a trail of black soot behind her. Leading all the way down to her dorm-room. Knocking on the door to be polite, she had no idea if her room-mate had shown up yet. However she needed to shower. Seeing her room empty, she grabbed a towel, and an extra change of clothes. As she headed off to the showers, to clean herself of the dust.

-Open to whomever, just quote my message to respond.-
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A's shadow slid under the door and she resurfaced from it to look around the room. "Hmm, if I were still an ardent prig....where would I hide information about "my beloved"?", she said sarcastically, faking swooning. 

A taps her left ear; the tip is missing. She had split that small bit of shadow into many pieces to track Kahe and the others ( @nfounder , @Dante Verren , etc). "Looks like smurfboy and Thor's more awkward cousin are mingling with the fauna. I'm gonna have to do something about that one, he's got my number, if he goes to Luxor I'm royally f*cked."

A walks forward towards the desk. "Better make this quick.". Her eyes glow again and a horde of pitch black tendrils appear from behind her soon completely engulfing the room. After a short moment of total darkness they retract and reveal A holding a small diary. "Yea, this looks right.", she smirked, opening it up. As she did a picture of a woman fell out from between the pages. "Wow, how convenient. This is probably'd be a good idea to read through the diary to make sure.......but who has the time?", she threw the diary to the side and picked up the picture to study it. " Whoa! Well done, Luxor! This girl was a dime!...I guess I'd be pretty broken up about her too. Well that's all I came for. Better put this back before someone suspects something."

With that, A jumped out the window, falling through the ground leaving a burn spot, and surfacing in front the dorms. "Recon complete, time to spread more mayhem.", A said looking through that last bit of shadow patrolling the dorms. "If he thought he could be rid of me that easy, he's f*cked up.", she said seeing Kahe and Aurelion."

She turns to ash and re-materializes outside their door. She knocks.

@nfounder @NickTonCutter 
(let's do Ryujin for now.) 

The storm continued over the field. While Ryujin laid there talking to the sky. The thunder seemed to repsond to him like they where haveing a conversation.


Emma frowned. There was thunder. Anddd what appeared to be an odd storm... over a field. Her eyebrows quirked up for a few confused seconds before she pulled out her phone. She held it out, quick-launched the camera app from the lock-screen, and touched it to focus. "This... is a good picture..." she mumbled to herself and nodded as she tapped near the circle that was the 'take picture' button. The phone made the normal shutter sound and pulled up the snap to display. She hummed and started walking twoards the storm. Even thought she very-much disliked thunder, she thought she might as well see what was going on.
"I'm nice if your nice."he smiled. He pointed at the girl's chest,"I should call you pancake. That would be a fitting name."

Aurelion look at the door noticing someone knocking on it.Aurelion who was beside the door open it and notice someone behind it "Hello?I guess you are the roommate of Kahe." he say before his eyes wide open.Of course Aurelion was a demi Angel so seeing a demon in front of him was a little surprising,he smirk before closing his eyes at the demons lady.

@Olivia Acerbi

"Are you telling me I'm flat?" Fley growled. She was not, indeed, flat-chested - she was quite the opposite. She dropped her towel and jumped on top of the boy sitting on the couch. "DON'T INSULT ME YOU FOOL!" 

"Trying to now. Just seeing how far it will take me." he concluded.

In truth, he felt a bit uncomfortable in telling his personal life. It was the first time he had actually told someone about it. But as he did, he could only think nothing but why he did so. What was the point in all of this? He just met her and she undoubtedly wanted to hear him chatter about his issues. If he wanted to solve his issues he would have gone to a therapist for that. Rich ba!#@&ds. As he was about to start his next sequence, a growl of intensity had been produced from his stomach. The growl had been quite loud indicating the lack of food. Miko crossed his arms over his stomach to attempt to calm the beast inside of him. His energy levels dropped significantly, if he did not eat something in the next hour or so, it would not be long till he lies on the filthy floor. Sensing his strength, the skeleton who had been following the two quietly had fallen back into the ground from whence it came disappearing out of sight. Miko looked at Red for a moment. He did his best to show that nothing was wrong.

"Haha.. I guess it has been a while since I last ate." he laughed for reassurance.

"It wouldn't be a problem, as long as you don't do anything crazy." he didn't look like he would do anything stupid so it was fine. "Who are you anyway? I have to know that much." there were a lot of students so she could't automatically figure it out.


"I'm smoke. And you?" He asks. 
Izo burst out laughing ,"You just dropped your towel !". This was always situation. He could feel Izona panicking in the back. "Help this crazy naked lady is trying to molest me!" he joked.

Fley punched Izo's face repeatedly, ignoring his comments as she scratched his face so hard it'd make him bleed. Unless, of course, he had some weird power to stop it. Just like the others. She roared and continued taking out her anger on the boy.


The thunder continued as Ryujin sat up. "You known something grandfather. Your a pain in the was." this time the thunder struck and it was loud enough to shake the concrete of the building. "Yeah yeah I get it". 

Izo blood was black , but his face quickly healed. "Ouch! "he said as he repeatedly being hit in the face.  Izo lifted his hand  towards Fley's collarbone. A burning sensation would be felt . "Luxor is going to mad about this."His hands started to glow a purple , it seemed like fire surronded his hand."

Izo blood was black , but his face quickly healed. "Ouch! "he said as he repeatedly being hit in the face.  Izo lifted his hand  towards Fley's collarbone. A burning sensation would be felt . "Luxor is going to mad about this."His hands started to glow a purple , it seemed like fire surronded his hand."

Izo blood was black , but his face quickly healed. "Ouch! "he said as he repeatedly being hit in the face.  Izo lifted his hand  towards Fley's collarbone. A burning sensation would be felt . "Luxor is going to mad about this."His hands started to glow a purple , it seemed like fire surronded his hand."

Izo blood was black , but his face quickly healed. "Ouch! "he said as he repeatedly being hit in the face.  Izo lifted his hand  towards Fley's collarbone. A burning sensation would be felt . "Luxor is going to mad about this."His hands started to glow a purple , it seemed like fire surronded his hand."


The thunder continued as Ryujin sat up. "You known something grandfather. Your a pain in the was." this time the thunder struck and it was loud enough to shake the concrete of the building. "Yeah yeah I get it". 


Emma let out a yelp and nearly dropped her phone. Her face had paled and her eyes were wide. A small crater of ice was leaping out from around her, her feet directly the epicenter.

@Dante Verren
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Aurelion look at the door noticing someone knocking on it.Aurelion who was beside the door open it and notice someone behind it "Hello?I guess you are the roommate of Kahe." he say before his eyes wide open.Of course Aurelion was a demi Angel so seeing a demon in front of him was a little surprising,he smirk before closing his eyes at the demons lady.

@Olivia Acerbi


"I have no idea what you're talking about.", she smiles back.
Fley flailed and tried to back out. "All right, all right, I'm sorry. What's Luxor gonna do?" she muttered, getting up as she brushed the water off of her body angrily. "Luxor can't do anything."


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