Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Ryujin had left the room he had found the drums and started to wander the halls when he felt something hit his leg. he looked down and aw a girl with wolf ears walking around on her hands and knees.He turned down the dial on his headphones a little before speaking up "What are you doing?" He then heard some one ask him for directions so he turned to face the person. He saw a young looking man with bunny ears. "Sorry i'm sorta lost myself."


Izona arrived at the meeting room. She took a seat and kicked her legs back and forth.

Luxor sat on the other side reading papers. "I'm guessing Yana and the others will be late?"

She nodded,"Yep, we'll you have me for now."She the crossed her legs. Luxor only sighed and placed his papers on the table . "Until the others arrive I need you to do some jobs." Izona whined and fell from her seat. She quickly got Up And frowned,"Isn't that job for the assistant!?"

"She is busy . You have a lot of time off your hands,right? It's a simple Job anyways."

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was seemingly the third to arrive in the meeting room, "Greetings!" she said joyfully with the warmest smile, Auriel was actually quite surprised she recieved this much attention, maybe being a school nurse won't be so easy?, she wondered as she sat next to an short haired male teacher.


Before Luxor can answer Izona started to chatter about monster hunting and putting students in teams," And he's making me do so much work. I have to sign so many papers " she whined. Luxor cleared his throat and spoke,"Classes start tomorrow.  I hope you two are ready ?"

(In the hallway or something. @CERBERUS177)

"Sorry," she muttered, to the boy she'd bumped into. Bad impressions everywhere. Why did she have to start her first day like this? Fley got up and brushed herself off, looking at the boys. Damn, why was she being so awkward? Fley stood up and drew herself to her full height. "You guys need some real help," she laughed. "Assholes." 

@Kisaki @Dante Verren
Cody came out of the library with a few books, all flame based when he saw a group of other students, he walked up to them, "Do you guys know where I can find the dorms?" he asked, feeling dumb for not know where they were.

@Fazy @Kisaki @Dante Verren
"First you bump into me while walking around on all fours and then you call me an asshole. Miss you have a strange way of thinking."  he tilted his head  as he watched her tail and ears. Guess she is some kinda of wolf or something like that he thought to himself. he then turned to look at the bunny guy. And I'm  guessing he is some kind of rabbit. Hearing another voice He looked at the new comer. "Sorry no clue".




Auriel Dwelle

"Ready as ever!" Auriel said with an enthusiastic pose, "Just tell me where the infirmary is and I'll be all set!, oh, and please try to keep as much as flowers as you can inside the building, so my flies can have attend more patients" she said with a small smile.


Fley's tail shivered. She was about to lose it. "Well, maybe you should- you should- maybe you should watch where you're going!" she snapped, unable to think of anything to say back to him. She glared at the two, and was about to ask them where the hell the dorms were when another boy carrying a bunch of books approached the group, asking the question for her. 

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren @Kisaki
The both of them were more similar than originally assumed. With, of course, small differences. Otherwise, he would start thinking that they were long lost twins or something. But when he looked at her again, he knew it was not possible for that to true. He does not have wolf demon blood or at least looking like one. He imagined himself with ears and a big fluffy tail like Reds. Bah. The thought had vanished.

"What made you come to Luxor Academy?" he asked curiously.

Certainly, she might have come to control her abilities like him and the 99% of the students here. Or was it different?


(Sorry, I passed out yesterday. I'm the garden, walking around. And yes, I am 100% always up for interactions with anyone. Feel free to jump to where I am anytime. (☞゚∀゚)☞)

Cody looked at the wolf girl, 'More?' he thought, looking back to the group, "Guess we can look for one ourselves, it might be the largest building around the school area, want to come with....?" he looked toward the wolf girl, offering help toward the dorms, he had a key and room number, but knew that there was a way to get a spare if you lose the key.

@Fazy @Kisaki @Dante Verren
Abraham Chester

Abraham listened to the insistent chatter of Izona with a small, tired smile. She would always be the same, but at the very least she did her job. When he was addressed by Luxor however, he snapped back to attention. "Of course. As a teacher of two mundane subjects it won't be too interesting for the students, I'm afraid, but I'll manage." The psychic chuckled a bit, taking on a more relaxed demeanor again. "And... Perhaps we should do something about that demoness, don't you think? If she is allowed to continue spreading unrest like at the entrance ceremony, it will hinder the learning of many a student."

Abraham corrected his glasses with a frown. "She is a bad influence to the rest of the student body."

@Lucremoirre @Kisaki
"I'll get there myself, I'm not an idiot," she yelled at Cody. "As for you, you lousy little piece of crap, you better keep your mouth shut or-" All of a sudden, Fley just lost control and jumped onto the boy's face, baring her fangs. She was inches away from his face, about to tear his skin apart. 

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @CERBERUS177
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"Huh? Don't go blaming me  and for the record I was watching where I was going It's just not a habit of mine to look down for people who walk on all fours!" He was obviously annoyed and his voiced even raised a little bit echoed around the hall. he then pointed at the bunny guy. "Hey bunny man whos fault is it. the guy who was minding his own business or the one crawling on the floor?" 

(So who is she atacking)



"I'll follow. I'm already tired of carrying my bags around."he said ,looking at the new group member.  More wolves,he thought.  He'll have to keep out because it  seems to be the hr is the only prey like creature inside the group.

@Fazy @CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
"I think we all need TO CHILL OUT!" he shouted, picking the wolf girl up by the back of her shirt collar, and standing her up, looking directly at her. Not scared of her small figure. He smiled slightly, "That's not gonna work on me by the way..." he said, remembering the fangs and claws.

@Fazy @Kisaki @Dante Verren
"It's the last right down this hall. The one with the busts next to the doors.", she pointed down the hall. "All you have to do is get us there without getting us into shit. Easy enough right?" 

(Sorry my posts are so spaced out and random, I'm in class and this professor is kind of a biatch.) 

(I'd take ya but me and nfounder are "Ethan Hunt"ing in the admin building right now. If you could find a reason to be there then you could join up with us)

"Ok..." He breathed out "tell me what you are trying to get and I'll get it... But don't expect me to pull this shit often! I'm not getting kicked out of this school..."
Ryujin silently watched he exchange between the three of them. He did feel a bit bad for the girl."Well Argueing in the middle of a hall will accomplish absolulty nothing. If where going to look for the dorms we might as well all go together. That is if we can avoid killing each other first."


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"She is really troublesome. However, we should give her a chance before we do anything rash. " Demons who didn't behave either were given seals to hinder the use of their powers for bad things or were given detention.  "If she does anything wrong , please tell me and I will take action."

@Deucalion @Lucremoirre
Abraham Chester

Abraham listened to the insistent chatter of Izona with a small, tired smile. She would always be the same, but at the very least she did her job. When he was addressed by Luxor however, he snapped back to attention. "Of course. As a teacher of two mundane subjects it won't be too interesting for the students, I'm afraid, but I'll manage." The psychic chuckled a bit, taking on a more relaxed demeanor again. "And... Perhaps we should do something about that demoness, don't you think? If she is allowed to continue spreading unrest like at the entrance ceremony, it will hinder the learning of many a student."

Abraham corrected his glasses with a frown. "She is a bad influence to the rest of the student body."

@Lucremoirre @Kisaki

"I'll tell the assistant to set up flowers for you. "he said.

"The infirmary will be on the first floor. It's near the combat area also."

@Lucremoirre @Deucalion

Auriel Dwelle

"Thanks!" Auriel said to the stern headmaster, "And for the demoness, there should be various spells and seals that can supress demonic powers, or maybe we can contact an angel for assistance?" she suggested with a thoughtful expression, "I mean, she's still just a student...I think." she said with a nervous smile.


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