Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

[Female- Yana]

"A nice Luxor? That sounds extremely creepy...." she had a quick image appear in her mind and shivered a bit. It really did make her uncomfortable to even think about it. She honestly would of rather dealed with a pissed off Luxor.

"What did you do Izona? He hasn't gotten that angry at me...yet."

Izona laughed , " It does sound weird . He even has a hard time smiling." Luxor usually kept a straight face when talking. He said the archangels don't smile. That's a sad excuse, she thought,

" I took his human woman's soul. I told him that there's no way he can get it back and the dead should stay dead. Then he tried to kill , so I ran away." she said , slightly frowning.

Red... The name certainly fitted her quite well.

"Oh! Great! Well, my name is Miko Boudreaux. Good to meet you!" he said.

But before he could say anything further her appearance simply dazzled him. Her ears and tail had already caught his full attention. Not to mention her style of black and red clothing. While indeed he has seen most races in the past, her's was rare to see. While it seemed rude, he had just to ask.

"I have never seen your kind before. What are you?" he asked while walking around her noting every little detail.

@nfounder @Dante Verren

"I was just thinking we could-", A was stopped mid sentence as she was knocked over by the running boy, landing face first onto the ground. 

"Hnngh.....I'm starting to sense a theme here.", she groans from the ground. "I might as well just lay here and save the next guy the trouble."
@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren

His eyes widen and his hand covers his mouth as he realizes what just happened. "shit-" he yells as he jumps up and tries to help the fallen demon "-I"m so sorry!" Ryujin is currently unnoticed. 
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@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren

His eyes widen and his hand covers his mouth as he realizes what just happened. "shit!" i yells as he jumps up and tries to help the fallen demon "im so sorry!" Ryujin is currently unnoticed. 

"Yea, you sure are", A said jokingly with a hint of bitterness in her tone as she gestured for him to leave her be. She got up and faced the boy. "Make a habit of running with your eyes closed or somethin? If its the ceremony your worried about, its over. You didn't miss much.", A remarked looking back at the teachers. 

"I'm hungry. Do you guys ditch class and hit the cafeteria?.....or would you two prefer to just beat me up some more?", A said caustically. 

@Dante Verren
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[Female- Yana]

She made a 'Oh' face "I would be ready to kill you too if I was him." she wondered why though. Did she just get hungry or something? "How'd you meet him? Also how did you get him to forgive you?" she was a little interested in her method of getting the principle to forgive her. She could use it maybe...



When the ceremony came to a close she slipped away . Course she bumped into others but apolgized right after. She didn't know where she was going but it was probably somewhere that was similar other forest. It was a force of habit really. She also was looking to make friends because she could't stay a loner. That wouldn't help her social skill at all and she was trying to have the ability to be 'normal' around things other than animals and plants.

When the ceremony came to a close she slipped away . Course she bumped into others but apolgized right after. She didn't know where she was going but it was probably somewhere that was similar other forest. It was a force of habit really. She also was looking to make friends because she could't stay a loner. That wouldn't help her social skill at all and she was trying to have the ability to be 'normal' around things other than animals and plants.

Tami bumped into a rather cute girl, "Whoa! Sorry there! I wasn't looking!" Tami apologized to the girl.
"Yea, you sure are", A said jokingly with a hint of bitterness in her tone as she gestured for him to leave her be. She got up and faced the boy. "Make a habit of running with your eyes closed or somethin? If its the ceremony your worried about, its over. You didn't miss much.", A remarked looking back at the teachers. 

"I'm hungry. Do you guys ditch class and hit the cafeteria?.....or would you two prefer to just beat me up some more?", A said caustically. 

"Again, sorry... but who is the other?..." Kahe slowly turned around to find himself looking up at Rijin "oh... hi.." He slowly turned back towards the red girl "It depends... when do classes start, and where are the dorms?" He shakes his backpack and suitcase slightly.

@Dante Verren
"I'm a soul collector. It was my job to collect the souls of the dead and apparently she was my target. It wasn't my fault " she sighed. 

"I meet Luxor the months before his lovers death. He had trouble confessing his love for the human , so I helped him out.  Tch! I remebered the day I asked for forgiviness.  He gave me a seal and I totally couldn't do my job for years". Izona aced the hood over her head.

"Well enough of talking. Luxor wants us to meet in the Meeting room. Make sure to warn the other teachers " she said as she ran off.

Red watch Miko quitely for a few seconds and then answered his question, "I'm a half wolf demon, and in return may i ask what you are?" She fluffed her tail out a little, and perked her ears up. 'I hope the hair dye really works' Red thinks to herself, still watching Miko 

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Ryujin shrugged. "I mean if your ifderibg I could use work on my aim and a missing target would be helpful. But the caffiteria works t-" he stopped mid sentence and turned to face the school. He rotated the dail on his headphones again before nodding to himself. "In second thought I'm going to go check something out. You two are welcome to come if you want but there is something I need to find". 

@Olivia Acerbi

Ryujin shrugged. "I mean if your ifderibg I could use work on my aim and a missing target would be helpful. But the caffiteria works t-" he stopped mid sentence and turned to face the school. He rotated the dail on his headphones again before nodding to himself. "In second thought I'm going to go check something out. You two are welcome to come if you want but there is something I need to find". 

@Olivia Acerbi


His mind was filled with confusion and he was willing to go anywhere at this point. "uhhh... sure i'll go with you..."
"Again, sorry... but who is the other?..." Kahe slowly turned around to find himself looking up at Rijin "oh... hi.." He slowly turned back towards the red girl "It depends... when do classes start, and where are the dorms?" He shakes his backpack and suitcase slightly.

@Dante Verren

A's head shot over to the teachers again. "What? Oh yeah, you're not going to class today. Here.", she said to Kahe in a preoccupied state. She placed a hand on each of his bags and they lit up and began to fade away. 

A stared back at Izona and Yana. "'His love'? No f**cking way! This is the leverage I needed. Oh, to corrupt an angel would be EPIC. Good thing, Thanatos still owes me from 1200 B.C.".

A became obviously excited. "I'll probably need a name or something.", she says to herself. 


Ryujin. Wait, where are you going? 
A's head shot over to the teachers again. "What? Oh yeah, you're not going to class today. Here.", she said to Kahe in a preoccupied state. She placed a hand on each of his bags and they lit up and began to fade away. 

A stared back at Izona and Yana. "'His love'? No f**cking way! This is the leverage I needed. Oh, to corrupt an angel would be EPIC. Good thing, Thanatos still owes me from 1200 B.C.".

A became obviously excited. "I'll probably need a name or something.", she says to herself. 


Ryujin. Wait, where are you going? 

(cries in actual confusion. ok, scratch what i said earlier.)

"oh, cool so there are no cla-" you touch Kahe stuff and they just haze away. His eyes go as wide as possible (think yellow diamond face) "- WHAT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SHIT?!" he just begins to panic between the two, no one seeming to be moved by what happened.
Ryujin kept walking heading in the direction that he felt was the right way turning rounding corners like he knew exsactly where he was going even though he didn't. He didn't check to see if anyone was following him or not.

He finally arrived at his destination. He opened the door and stepped through looking around. It appeared to be empty except for a large drum kit in the center of the room. A wide grin surfaced in his face as he saw it and say down in the chair picking up the drum sticks. He began to tap his foot starting off a beat. Once he found a beat he liked he began to play the sound started off soft but as it grow louder it began to sound like thunder echoing through the halls. It made Ryujin feel more at peace and the louder the noise became the wider the smile.
(Looks like drama is heading Luxor's way)

@Olivia Acerbi


Luxor fell to  the ground causing the grass around him to slightly burn. Luxor wings were damaged and felt like he couldn't move. Being banished from heavan was no joke. A woman who was gathering mushrooms came across him.

"A six winged man ....I mean let me help you " she ran over to him and put an hand to his back.Luxor flinched in pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to heal your wounds, I just have to get you back home."Luxor didn't say anything , but gave the woman a glare before passing out. He could feel the woman trying to pick him up and drag him to dwelling.  He could only bare the pain as headed toward a new unfamiliar place.
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It did not take long for him to finish up his examination. When pleased with the current results he stood firm in front of Red awaiting a response to his question. Upon waiting, he noticed that she had been fluffing her tail out this entire time. It seemed to please her as she did.

'Might be a sort of stress release.' thinking to himself.

As he stood in thought her quiet and delight voice reached to his ears.

"Half wolf demon, huh?" said Miko as he tilted his head slightly.

He placed his hand underneath his chin as he took in the information. A node was in order for a complete understanding. While he has heard half demons and werewolves way before, he never could have foreseen a mixture of two.

"First time I ever heard of one. As for me you ask? Well, I am the great Necromancer! Soon to be ruler of the undead!" proudly shouting in praise.

During the praising, he had set his hands at the sides his hips allowing him to bust out his chest in a heroic fashion. His smiling had revealed his gleaming white teeth piercing all who gazed upon it.


"Huh? Oh, I voided it. No big deal, just tell me what you had in it later and I'll make you new shit.", A said still preoccupied with something else. After a moment she looked back over to where Ryujin had disappeared to.

"Ok, Ryujin seems to be on some kind of mission, so Blue Man Group you're with me. We need to get into Luxor's office while they hold their little scout meeting.", she stated determinedly to Kahe.

"Come on.", she pulled him in close to her and flash teleported them to the administration building.

@Kisaki (u kno it)

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