Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Jia Hai raised her head and shifted her monocular gaze at the source of the voice.

"To be perfectly honest with you, dude, hell if I know what's going on with this party thing. I just showed up here not that long ago, and found this letter just lying around. I literally have no idea what the fuck is going on. guess is that this is some attempt at having us get to know each other better or something in a party setting. And as for what swing is..."

She trailed off as if really trying to think about what the word could mean. Moments later, with an exaggerated shrug, the girl continued.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I've never heard of it. Then again, I haven't really tried looking for someone else and asking them what it means. I kind of feel like I don't want to know what it is, but either way, probably going to find out tomorrow at the actual party. Though...I'm kind of on the fence about going. I'm not really the fancy ball type. Really, if I go, I'll probably just go for the food and maybe...stir things up if things get dull?"

Upon finishing her sentence, she noticed another male stumble out of the infirmary, and whistled.

"Oi! Hey dude! Mind staggering over here a sec, maybe you could help us out here figure out what this is all about."

@Dante Verren @LennyTheMemeGod

Josh grinned and looked around for the location of the voice. There. Finally, another human! This was wonderful, they could help him find out if he was where he needed to be. Oh, he hoped he was already at Luxor Academy. That would make everything easier. He didn't want to have to go on another journey. As much as he enjoyed running through forests, he did not enjoy running through forests while running away from angry beasts. 

He straightened his posture and struggled through the pain as he trudged over to the two people. "Hello, everyone! I'm Josh. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be much help. I just woke up in that infirmary place myself. But I can try helping." He muttered. 


@Dante Verren
"Hi, Josh. Name's Jia Hai. Don't know who this guy beside me is."

Jia gave a slight snicker before speaking again with an amused smirk.

"Oh, well THAT explains why you look how I feel right now after 6 hours of wing flapping. Alright, I'll make it quick, since anyone can see how much pain you're in from space, and I don't feel like having to carry you back in the room if you pass out or something."

She got up and stepped over to Josh, holding up her Ball Letter in front of him, tapping a claw like nail at the word "swing" on the letter.

"This place's having a party tomorrow, and all the kids here are invited. Apparently there's some sort of theme to it...1950's "swing"? Assuming you've been here longer than I have, and thus know more about Earth shit than I do, would you by any chance know what in the hell swing is? Neither me or this guy over here know." 


@Dante Verren
"Don't worry. Totally not gonna pass out." He joked, eyeing the letter. "No, actually, in everything I've learned in my years in society, I've never heard that term. Sorry I couldn't be of anymore help. I grew up in isolation. Don't know much about culture." He said again, smugly. 

Jin waved his hand in greeting at the new guy. "Names Jin Narukami." he didn't really understand why the one girl was talking about space but he did meet an alien a little while ago so it wasn't farfetched that she could be one. When Josh asked about where he was Jin nodded. "This is the one in only luxor academy. " he caught the smug to be that Josh spoke with and sighed. " I don't know if growing up in isolation is something to be proud of."

@LennyTheMemeGod @snoozySashimi
Raising an eyebrow at Josh's smug final response, Jia lowered the letter.

"Damn. Oh well, it's fine, what are you gonna go? I'll probably find someone who knows eventually. But uh...what...Jin said, growing up in isolation isn't exactly a good thing last time I checked, so I'm confused on why I heard a hint of pride in your voice when you said that., I'm not one to judge, or get into anyone's personal life, really. And to completely contradict myself in the same breath, I gotta ask...why did you say it like that? You don't have to say it, but I'm just curious."


@Dante Verren


(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Asgard?)(With: Seo, Lucifer, Hundun, Chronos, and Loki) (Ever since yesterday my writer's block has been killing my brain.) @YungJazz @Marumatsu (Too many people to tag.)

Nothing but silence overtook the darkened atmosphere of the room. The catastrophic events which unfolded beyond her unconscious body was completely deafened by her condition, not even a solitary whistle from the outside breeze could be felt nor heard. All Setsuna could depict in front of her was a frightening counterpart with ominous vermilion eyes which reflected the venomous ‘poison’ coursing through her bloodstream at an alarming rate and already affecting her perception upon reality as well as her loved ones she hold close to her such as Ryo. As the horrifying fixated blade drew closer Setsuna’s smooth throat, so did Death’s forbidding grasp which closed in its distance wanting to claim her fluctuating existence which scarcely dangled in the balance of this altercation.

A sickening snicker lurched its way from the strange doppelganger as it alternated the shifting weight of her palms down onto the the hardened hilt of the dirk, this apparition wanted nothing more than to watch Setsuna’s meager life be drained completely in front of its cold-hearted eyes. The pinnacle of the searing edge suddenly managed to pierce the outer-layer of her skin which led to droplets of blood contaminating her unmarked skin,  “Am I really going to die here? She is right, i’m weak.. I can’t even protect my own damn self.. I’ve always had to have Ryo come and save me, every single time. Why? Why does he always come to my rescue? I am nothing but trouble to him.” She whispered to herself in a sorrowful tone which trembled on every word. Setsuna’s apparition’s eyes happily light up with confidence as a boisterous chuckle leaves her mouth, she knew that she had already won this pathetic ‘battle’, nonetheless her arrogance was going to make itself shine as she unfastened her constricted lips. “Haha! So you admit it? Oh this just wonderful! Not only do you give into your defeat but i’ll have the pleasure of killing you and taking your succulent body! Any last words before I carve into that pretty little throat of yours like jack-o-lantern?”

The duplicate halted her advance as she haughtily awaited Setsuna’s last response. “Yes, I do admit it. I’m nothing to him but a burden. Still he’s shown me nothing but love and forgiveness, even though you made me betray him! Nevertheless i believe it’s about time i’m the one who saved him. Ryo, my love! I am coming for you!” Setsuna screamed out before transitioning one of her fluffy tails underneath the menacing specter quavering wrist. To apparition’s dismay her dainty hand twisted in the opposite direction causing the blade to savagely lacerate her own throat. Each of her crimson colored eyes shook with astonishment, Setsuna had managed to eradicate the apparition by taking advantage of the flaws in their conceited personality. And like that the nightmare had ended as the doppelganger lost her balance while sitting on Setsuna’s midsection then sluggishly collapsing onto the darkened floor across from her. Immediately after the concluded struggle a blinding light illuminated the blanket of murkiness which shrouded her quiet mind. Her eyelids anxiously quivered and shut as the glimmer consumed her, when she opened her tiresome eyes she realized that she was back in reality once more. However Ryo was nowhere to be seen except for the fact that he saw some pieces of his clothing scattered across the floor and a towering figure with horns which stood across from her. Unknowingly she mistook him for Ryo as her vision was rather blurry at the time from the outside glare which shined down on her. “R-ryo, is that you?” She muttered out from her warm lips.

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Wúqíng opens his eyes and stares at the opposing wall adorned with flowers, vines, and other lovely plants. "This is nice, but I'm missing something." In empty silence his thoughts let loose. "I'm missing someone, oh dear I'm lonely."

He started to take remembrance of the times when he would take strolls through villages, kids swarming around him, adults swarming at his feet. Commoners kneeling before him. Coming back to reality. "I need followers, people who I can trust."

He then let out a single tear. "I should've thought twice before I decided to battle.."

He then stood from his broken chair and let a chuckle escape his lips. He slowly walked out of his "dorm" and into the bright hallways. "Tis be a turning point of my life."
Kagami giggled at Aiko's shyness. "It will be great seeing you in that Kimono" . Kagami then smiled at Cody, " You could also fit into a leather jacket if you dislike suits.  " she referred to the movie Grease.  Rebellious men in the 1950s wore stylish leather jackets and ripped jeans.

(Cody Gore I think..)

@CERBERUS177 @TGSRoleplay

Aiko's face turned red, "Th-Thanks." She said still very shy as she fixed her glasses which was sliding down her nose.


Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(With: Lucifer, Hundan, Chronos, Setsuna)

Surprised at his choice of words Seo looks at him before dropping his hand on to his face. A flash of and a quick trick stopped his devastating blow from connecting as to his surprise a snake had appeared only to bite him. The poison surged it self through his arm causing immense pain and the more force he used with his left arm the faster is spread. Squeezing the snake Seo lifted it and encased it inside of a sphere that forced gravity to shift towards the snakes center crushing the snake inside. The sphere grows until it covers Seo's entire left arm before the poison climbs it's way further. The previously transparent orb now became a snowy white color before flashing and collapsing on itself taking Seo's arm with it. the orb making a small explosion and causing a bit of smoke that surrounds Seo. The power Loki was emitting was now gone relieved Seo fell to his knees simultaneously reverting back into his human form. Catching his fall with only one arm he hits the ground looking to his left watching as blood seeps from his shoulder. The smoke clears showing a exhausted Seo sprawled on the ground "That is very upsetting this poison is astonishing my arm I can't regenerate it." Having been exhausted and currently losing blood Seo passes out on the broken up terrain with only a single thought. "Hurt my family then threaten them. Ha these things do I deserve them for my past actions? Is there more I must endure....anything and everything I will endure for you.....Lyssa.....Lysseo, to a lesser extent Setsuna.....fuck you Ryo."

@YungJazz @Obsidian @Dante Verren
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Aiko Kirishima



Aiko went to the toilet and washed her hands and face forgetting to take off her glasses and getting them wet. She took off her top to check her belly to ensure she wasn't too fat for Jin to notice and was crossing her fingers that she still fits into her Kimono.
[Male- Yana]

He probably shouldn't of mentioned that since quite a few people had died. He wasn't sure who specifically because of his absense. Izona knew who died though. He kind of wanted to know but deciding the incidents weren't the best thing to talk about at a reunion. Also she cheered up fast and he didn't want to make her sad once more "Luxor? I'm sure he'll want my head on a stick for leaving without saying anything." he looked around quickly, searching for something, most likely the man in question."By the way...Did you let him or Jonetsu know you were going off to your other job for a bit?" if not then they would be in similar boats. Similar but not the same. She was actually doing something worthwhile, he on the other hand was just waiting for things to slow down.

@Kisaki ( On mobile as of now!)

Izona giggled, " I'm sure you'll be just fine." The demon then nodded her head ," I made sure that I told him before I left.  If I haven't he would of gave me a 3 hour lecture as soon as I came back."she said. 
Kagami was suprised by the sudden question. "No! Your not fat. Your beautiful and you should think that too she said.

She pat the girl on the head to comfort her.

Aiko Kirishima


Aiko hugged Kagami from behind shyly. "K_kAgami, do you think I'm fat?" She asked her while shaking insecurely.


Kagami was suprised by the sudden question. "No! Your not fat. Your beautiful and you should think that too she said.

She pat the girl on the head to comfort her.

She enjoyed it and felt instantly calm. "Th-Thanks, Should we practice dancing now?" She asked.



(Lyssa Yasa)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Lysseo) (Apologies this was a big one!) @Marumatsu

Lysseo and Lyssa both shared the same sentiment while continuing to fixate their unyielding gaze   in the direction of the same entryway that Seo went through. Desolation filled the room as minutes sluggishly pass-by awaiting his eventual return back to home. Despite Lysseo viciously chewing his way through the exquisite cooked dinner that Seo had prepared, Lyssa didn’t lay a single one of her delicate fingers onto ceramic plate nor the silverware. How could she? She’s never seen such a devastated look in those eyes before, every waking moment that they’ve had together, Seo was always so pleased to be around her and his brilliant smile was everlasting, until he was suddenly called upon by his brother. Observing the frightening reaction in his quivering eyes made her have continuous flashbacks of the moment, as they played back in Lyssa’s head, something was giving her an uneasy feeling which shot through her tailbone and up her feminine figure. “What if he doesn’t come back.?” She contemplated as she curled her upper body forward in a painful motion which caught the attention of Lysseo. All he could see was his matriarch leaning over and lightly compressing the palm of her dainty hand onto the exterior of her wavering lips. The soft pads of his paws pat themselves up against Lyssa’s firm ankles as he tried to get her attention and look up at her terrified facial expression. “Mommy, what’s wrong? Don’t be scared, he’s gonna come back! He even said so, I promise! Please don’t be sad!” Lysseo whimpered as he gently pushed his teensy forepaws against her peachish-hued skin. Her eyesight erratically shifted towards the cute little pup as he attempted to cheer her up Lyssa from her saddened condition, a reassuring smile gingerly brushed its way across her mouth before carefully kneeling down to pick up Lysseo and place him in her loving grasp. She couldn’t be seen looking like this, especially not in front of him. The last thing she wanted to do was scare the undersized husky into believing that Seo wasn’t coming back. “Thank you.. I’ll be okay Lysseo. I’m just a bit tired that’s all, nothing to worry about! Heh, with all that rough-housing you also seem like you’ve had quite the exhausting day! Hmm, ah! Why don’t you get yourself tucked into bed and i’ll come read you bedtime story to pass the time!” Lyssa exclaimed cheerfully in hopes to distract herself and Lysseo from the unfortunate situation that hung heavy over their thoughts. “Wa-wuh! A story?! That one witch lady never use to tell me stories! Yahoo!” Lysseo willingly hurdled out from the clutches of her loose grasp and pounced onto the silky bed sheets then rolling around in glee as they shifted beneath him and hugged his little body.

Chuckles erupted out from her mouth as she approached the mattress and sat the side of her plump rear-end onto the lush edge of the padded cushioning. As she flicked her wrist nonchalantly in the atmosphere around her, a murky blue aura spiraled around in the palm of her hand before the miasma gradually took on the shape of a rectangle and dispersed throughout the room and revealing an encyclopedia-sized book full of fairy tales which she leisurely held in her possession. Before she wiggled herself up next to Lysseo something caught her off-guard, Lysseo’s pale complexion begun to shine with a glimmering sparkle almost as if there was glitter encompassing his very skin. Without warning the little creature’s body sprouted with astonishing growth and taking on the contour of a small child. As the dazzling light simmered down, Lyssa’s jaw dropped with amazement. Lysseo never was a husky to begin with, he was an adolescent boy with two separate colored eyes. One which shined with a maroon pigmentation that complimented his fierce yet playful nature, another one being a pastel green which revealed his passive and gentle essence. Even his milky-white strands of hair somehow made the color of his iris stand out beautifully. “Hehe! I’m ready for a story mo-..” He announced until ceasing his wordage after stretching out his hand to retrieve a realistic plush rabbit that he was given earlier. Once he brought the toy plushie back up to his chest his smile transitioned into an immediate frown which was then concealed after he curled his knees back up to his face in overwhelming sadness. Quiet tears pushed their way out from the corner of his eyes and down his softened cheeks. Droplets of moisture smacked the blankets beneath him as he tightened his grasp on the plushie.

“Looks like you know now.. Huh? Yeah, i’m not a cute little puppy.. Instead i’m just some child that nobody wants. You probably don’t even want me now, that’s why that one Witch cursed me with that appearance, sometimes i’ll be able to switch back and forth. She told me that nobody will accept me if i didn’t look cute.. She was right too.. Nobody wanted me when I looked like this, not even the people she tried to sell me too. Her frustration made it so that she turned me into a dog that everybody would adore, but it never lasts for that long… She scammed you, momm-. Lyssa, sorry.. You’re probably mad at me now, i’ll leave if you want me to.. And I do have a tiny bit of money that the witch had given me by accident, she’ll probably not give you a refund.. I was desperate for a family that would love me… Sorry again for ruining everything, i’ll go now.” Lysseo whispered grievously out from his shaky lips, his hand motioned over towards the doll’s stuffed arm and held it tightly before sliding himself off the side of the bed and dragging the rabbit behind him as he positioned the back of his gentle hand against his eyes as he proceeded to sob uncontrollably then twirling himself around and facing Lyssa’s direction. “T-thank you, for being so kind to me..” He choked out until he was interrupted by Lyssa who hastily jumped off from the bed-frame and kneeled down infront of him so that she could wrap her arms caringly around his slender midsection. Lyssa’s face was covered in sorrow as she hugged him further,  she couldn’t believe that this young-boy had been through. How much he had felt throughout his existence. Being rejected time and time again like herself except she had a family and this child didn’t. “Lysseo, i’m sorry.. For everything you’ve went through. Whoever that witch was, she lied about you, you’re a wonderful young boy. As for a family goes.. You have one now, us… Now give your mommy a hug.” Lyssa weeped happily with Lysseo as they wreathed their arms around one another. After her delicate fingers skimmed across his face wiping the tears from his face she continued to joyfully smile at her new son. “No matter what anyone says.. You’ll always be my boy, i promise you that Lysseo. Heh, now.. We never even got to read that book of ours haven’t we?” To Lysseo’s bewilderment he was lifted up off the carpet beneath him and placed once more into the comforting blankets by Lyssa. He didn't know what to think, he was truly happy.. He finally had a family.


(Lysseo. Adopted child of Seo and Lyssa) 
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Elch and Smoke were at the shop looking at clothes appropriate for the ball. This was the first time in a while since they wore anything but their uniforms. To be honest the twins were enjoying it thoroughly. This would be the first time that anyone at school would see Elch without his mask on. They got into their suits and looked at each other before smiling and heading back to the school. 





Both in their new attire: (Flowers included.)


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Logan glanced at the two, "Oi! Gentlemen, mind poinitng me to the 50's prom section?" He asked with a grin. "And you guys look... Damn... Just damn... I'd love to see who you two got booked for this dance." @ZappiestAbyss

Luxor and Mei


"It seems like everything is going to plan" Luxor announced as he walked in the ball room. Mei turned around and smiled," Yep! I have the food and music ready to play. I just need to finish with decorations" the pink haired girl announced.  She turned on the jukebox  that started to play Elvis. " Good, I'll be back in time for the dance." he said. Once he finally left Mei pulled out a bottle of Vodka from her large pink bag.

"A little strong , but no one will notice" she cheerfully said to herself. The pink haired girl started to pour the alcohol in the punch bowl and placed the bottle back into her bag. "Done! I can't wait for the poor suckers who drink this." she giggled and walked off to finish her job.

The ball area was set up as a old burger joint. Mei happened to find old vintage cola vending machines and neon signs that she could hang up. She add her final touches with a couple of dozen of balloons. The girl placed her hands on her hips and complimented her self for the work.   " I did this sh*t all by myself! Aurum better thank me for my hard earned worked. ".



[Male- Yana]

There went his last bit of hope. And if Izona would of had to go through a lecture upon returning if she hadn't told him she was leaving he would probably have to go through the same thing. He would of wished he didn't have his head then. But the party was coming up soon so Luxor would possibly be in a better mood. "I'll take your word for it." he responded. Actually now that he was thinking about it he wondered if Izona was going "So about the ball that's coming up. Are you planning on attending?"



Kori had looked into the 1950 and the most she could say was that their clothes style did not appeal to her in the least. She preferred more plain and simple clothing and the clothes weren't simple enough to her. Did they even make those type of clothes anymore? Probably so but currently she owned nothing of the sort. Maybe she could order a dress online? No, because those people took ages to deliver anything.  She would go through the lost and found if they had one then. 



That was it. in one final attack loki was crushed into oblivion. His aura had vanished but he had kept his word. He had not only taken Gungnir to hell with him but he had taken Seo's arm. He had died with no regrets. However not all of him had died. The mocking mask he had worn now floated in the space where Loki had died. The mask emitted its own small aura that was full of malice. It stayed floating in the air fro a minute before fading away only to appear attached to the right side of Seo's waste. It still emitted the feeling of hate and malice but t was directed towards everyone besides the one it attached itself to. Nordic runes burned itself into the back of the mask. "You have killed the god of chaos. His lies and trickery now bow to you."

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"I almost forgot." she quickly snapped her fingers . New clothing had appeared on her body. She was wearing a old military costume  that had a short skirt that barely reached her knees. 

"Tada! Are you going as well?"she asked.

(On mobile )

[Male- Yana]

He blinked a few times, thinking that her trick was way too convenient and thought it would be useful for when he needed it. If he ever did "Yeah I am though only for the food." he was planning to but upon seeing her little magic show made him realize that he didn't actually have anything to wear. "If I'm going to show up I'm going to need a outfit."he would somehow figure it out, nothing a quick run to the store couldn't help.

@Kisaki (Went offline for a little bit.)
Logan came back with a nice charcoal grey suit with white long sleeved undershirt. He put it on, seeing it it fit and it did perfectly, the folded collar feeling snug around his neck. He fixed his cuffs, hid his sheathed karambit in a pocket opposite his phone and walked around, looking for any friends, or anyone for that matter, to talk to.

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