Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Kagami turned around to hear a familiar voice "Cody" she exclaimed. She gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. " Of course I will go with you...Right now I'm helping Aiko so she can prepared for the dance." She then turned back to Aiko.

" Dancing it is then" she then nodded.

Aiko looked nervous as she prepared to dance with the knowledge she had in Ball dancing. "U-Um.." she was shaking nervously terrified to fall over.
@Dante Verren @Fazy @CERBERUS177 @Plasma @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87 @Cheryl @YungJazz  @snoozySashimi@ and anyone else that still is here @Freemankiller

@Salsa Reborn

Dear students,

We are holding annual ball this coming Wednesday. The theme this year is the 1950's or as you call it the year of swing music. Come prepared with your costumes and dance till midnight. Refreshments are free and prepared freshly from our top chefs.

Please refrain from any act of violence during this event. I'm sure your peers will enjoy this peaceful moment.


Aurum Luxor

Looking up from the letter from the Headmaster announcing the annual ball, Jia raised an eyebrow, talking to herself.

"Uh...okay I get the part saying this is for a dance party...but what in the shit is 'swing' music? 1950...damn, I know Earth's a little further behind us in the year department, but just hearing 1950 makes me feel like I'm going backwards."

Sighing, Jia leaned back against a wall, glancing down at the paper again.

"Well, I've never really been much of a "ball" girl, much less a dress girl...and spotting that last line, I'd say this might be a boring time...but, I spy the mention of free food, and I'm not that busted in the head to turn down free food, so...I guess I'll show my face there anyway. Hell, maybe if I see it start to die, I'll make sure to find a way to spice things up." 

An impish smirk slowly crept onto the girl's coal black lips, and began to wander off.

"Saying that, I half-hope it is a drag...but now, I have to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to wear...actually, fuck it, I'll just put on that stupid dress I never's old enough to look like it's been around for ages, so it'll probably work."

New Canvas.png
Cody watches by, smiling at them, wondering what Kagami will wear. Knowing her, something flashy, but he could be overestimating her and she could wear a basic dress skirt outfit and look normal.



Aiko shyly hid behind Kagami because she is exceedingly shy.

" Have you guys meet?" she asked the shy girl who hid behind her. Kagami looked back to Cody," I'm also interested in what your going to wear''
Cody rubs the back of his head, "I-If you're shy...Sorry never caught your name, but I can leave if you want?" he asked, as he had a suit to find and wear to the ball.



" Have you guys meet?" she asked the shy girl who hid behind her. Kagami looked back to Cody," I'm also interested in what your going to wear''

"K-Kirishima Aiko." She said visibly shaking from behind Kagami like a child before a dentist appointment. She ws just exceedingly shy. "U-Umm... No..." she said hugging Kagami tightly
"Oh uh...I have no idea what to wear but a suit..." he said, feeling guilty for such a short notice thing, " we haven't actually. I think I saw her at the mall the other day..?" he said, looking away. But when she said her name, he extended his arm, "Cody...I, kinda forgot my last hehe." he said sadly.



(I really did forget ;-;)
"Oh uh...I have no idea what to wear but a suit..." he said, feeling guilty for such a short notice thing, " we haven't actually. I think I saw her at the mall the other day..?" he said, looking away. But when she said her name, he extended his arm, "Cody...I, kinda forgot my last hehe." he said sadly.



(I really did forget ;-;)

She smiled a little peeking out of Kagami as if she were a wall "I-I guess it happens. I am wearing a Kimono." She said smiling.

(Going to school. You'll be asleep when I get back. Bye.)
Kagami giggled at Aiko's shyness. "It will be great seeing you in that Kimono" . Kagami then smiled at Cody, " You could also fit into a leather jacket if you dislike suits.  " she referred to the movie Grease.  Rebellious men in the 1950s wore stylish leather jackets and ripped jeans.

(Cody Gore I think..)

@CERBERUS177 @TGSRoleplay
Logan walked back to his dorm to change into plain clothes and go look for a nice suit to wear. "1950's eh? Interesting choice..." He said as he slipped into a grey V-neck and jeans. He left town to look for a nice tux or some form of formal wear for Wednesday.

" Hasn't it been a long time" she said to herself. The demon looked at the school gates and carried a leather handbag with her. Izona smirked and walked in and entering into the first building. She strolled down the hallway and came across a familiar face.

"Yana" she squealed and gave him a hug. " You were on break without permission weren't you!? Never mind that! I was busy as well..My other boss Death pulled me back to work and stuff and-" she babbled on.

Kagami giggled at Aiko's shyness. "It will be great seeing you in that Kimono" . Kagami then smiled at Cody, " You could also fit into a leather jacket if you dislike suits.  " she referred to the movie Grease.  Rebellious men in the 1950s wore stylish leather jackets and ripped jeans.

(Cody Gore I think..)

@CERBERUS177 @TGSRoleplay

(I think that's the 60's you're thinking about...?)

"'s an oldies style ball?" he asked, now having a MUCH wider range of clothes he had in his closet. Jacket would have to be something he get's tomorrow before it starts. "So...I'm guess you'll be wearing those old dresses?" he giggles, since her haired would be either cut short or put up, he can't remember any oldies girls with regular long hair...



A grunt of surprise left loki's mouth as he was shot through the leg. He din't feel any pain but he could tell it had pierced through. Next thing he knew he was pinned to the ground. It didn't matter if he died. He had seen his dreams carried out and his one purpose for existing had been complete. However he still wanted one more laugh and he would get it. "Guess I have a one way ticket to my daughters house. I needed to pay her a visit anyway. Though I'm sure shed love it if you came with me!" Suddenly loki's body began to change and gungnir disappeared. in a flash of light a large serpent laid where loki previously was. 

The serpents head shot forward stabbing its fangs into Seo's upper left arm. its fang glitted with the same glow that covered Gungnir as it pierced through armor and flesh. Dark liquid flowed from the fangs as burning pain flowed up and down through Seo's arm but didn't advance anywhere else in the body. The serpent let out a sinister chuckle. "Better kill me fast boy or I will take your entire arm with me!"

( Popularized in the 1950s until  the late 60s")

" Yes. I just can't decide what I'm going to wear. I can wear my old nurse uniform.. or go with a rock and roll themed dress"she sighed.

"Nurse uniform? A little flashy , but I'll make sure to cover my body if I do that" , she thought.

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( Popularized in the 1950s until  the late 60s")

" Yes. I just can't decide what I'm going to wear. I can wear my old nurse uniform.. or go with a rock and roll themed dress"she sighed.

"Nurse uniform? A little flashy , but I'll make sure to cover my body if I do that" , she thought.


"Oh! How about..." he smiles, "Cheerleader and jock?" he asks, as that was a popular thing back then too. Very overly used during movies too.

(Yeah that popped into my head)
[Male- Yana]

He didn't know what he was going to say when asked about where he had went off to and was going through excuses in his mind. He was just coming up  with a relatively good one too but a well known voice caused him to jump slightly but the hug that followed surprised him much more than the voice. He wasn't expecting a warm welcome. "Izona!" he said, making a attempt to stop her talking. He was happy to see her and everything too but she wasn't giving him much a chance to speak "I did kind of....Things were getting a bit too dangerous here so I had to go until everything calmed down." teenagers were even crazier than he had thought.Most, if not all would  most likely mutilate him. It wouldn't of killed him of course but it still hurt and the fact it wouldn't kill him was even worse."Nice seeing you again after awhile though."

(Anyone wanna join in me in my suit escapdes?)

Logan entered the mall, glancing around as he actually wasn't insane this time. He walked around, looking for an oldies store.
"Oh! How about..." he smiles, "Cheerleader and jock?" he asks, as that was a popular thing back then too. Very overly used during movies too.

(Yeah that popped into my head)

She quickly nodded, " That's a great idea ! We are going to be the cutest couple at that dance"
Jin awoke sitting up in a small panic. He looked around and saw he was in the repaired infirmary. He don't feel any pain in his back but his shirt was ruined. He looked over at Caeser and sighed. "You must of had it pretty rough. Oh well hopefully you well get better." he stood up and left the nurses office and began to wander the halls when he saw a poster for a ball. There was a girl who was sitting a little way away looking at a letter that looked the same as the poster. "Hey miss do you know What this is about? Also what is swing?"

@Destructus Kloud @snoozySashimi
  She had many of the deaths recorded in her book of death. It sadden her but she now that she is here , she will aim for the safety for the students."I've heard... That means I definitely need to get back to work" the demon sighed , but returned back to  a cheerful mode.

" Its great to be back and with you too.. Now I'm wonder if Luxie feels the same "

[Male- Yana]

He didn't know what he was going to say when asked about where he had went off to and was going through excuses in his mind. He was just coming up  with a relatively good one too but a well known voice caused him to jump slightly but the hug that followed surprised him much more than the voice. He wasn't expecting a warm welcome. "Izona!" he said, making a attempt to stop her talking. He was happy to see her and everything too but she wasn't giving him much a chance to speak "I did kind of....Things were getting a bit too dangerous here so I had to go until everything calmed down." teenagers were even crazier than he had thought.Most, if not all would  most likely mutilate him. It wouldn't of killed him of course but it still hurt and the fact it wouldn't kill him was even worse."Nice seeing you again after awhile though."

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(Couldn't figure out a nice way to introduce my character. Hope this is fine.)

Josh opened his eyes slowly and took a breath of the air around him. He had woken up in an infirmary type place, by the looks of it. "W-wha-?" He muttered, groaning as he sat up and felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. His memory was fuzzy. Last thing he could remember was that he was going to a place called Luxor Academy. Well, now he could assume that he had sort of made it to his destination. He must've made it there before collapsing. They probably found him lying outside the place. Who knew. He would find out soon. He had a way of finding information about him. 

Before anyone could notice that he was awake, he gripped his side and stumbled out of the door. Josh stumbled around the halls, looking to see if anyone was around. 

(Can someone notice Josh so he can interact with someone? Thanks ^_^)
Cody smiles, "Alright, I'll look ingot some clothes for me, since I can tell you already have yours covered huh?" he asks, knowing she's a model, of course she will.

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Jia Hai raised her head and shifted her monocular gaze at the source of the voice.

"To be perfectly honest with you, dude, hell if I know what's going on with this party thing. I just showed up here not that long ago, and found this letter just lying around. I literally have no idea what the fuck is going on. guess is that this is some attempt at having us get to know each other better or something in a party setting. And as for what swing is..."

She trailed off as if really trying to think about what the word could mean. Moments later, with an exaggerated shrug, the girl continued.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I've never heard of it. Then again, I haven't really tried looking for someone else and asking them what it means. I kind of feel like I don't want to know what it is, but either way, probably going to find out tomorrow at the actual party. Though...I'm kind of on the fence about going. I'm not really the fancy ball type. Really, if I go, I'll probably just go for the food and maybe...stir things up if things get dull?"

Upon finishing her sentence, she noticed another male stumble out of the infirmary, and whistled.

"Oi! Hey dude! Mind staggering over here a sec, maybe you could help us out here figure out what this is all about."

@Dante Verren @LennyTheMemeGod
[Male- Yana]

He probably shouldn't of mentioned that since quite a few people had died. He wasn't sure who specifically because of his absense. Izona knew who died though. He kind of wanted to know but deciding the incidents weren't the best thing to talk about at a reunion. Also she cheered up fast and he didn't want to make her sad once more "Luxor? I'm sure he'll want my head on a stick for leaving without saying anything." he looked around quickly, searching for something, most likely the man in question."By the way...Did you let him or Jonetsu know you were going off to your other job for a bit?" if not then they would be in similar boats. Similar but not the same. She was actually doing something worthwhile, he on the other hand was just waiting for things to slow down.

@Kisaki ( On mobile as of now!)


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