Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Jia Hai Xu


The hard slap of bare feet on concrete fills the air as Jia Hai lands in front of the Academy, her webbed ivory bone wings drooping from hours of use. Looking up at the academy building with not the most enthusiastic of expressions, she gives a heavy groan.


"Man, so I'm late, probably going to get my head ripped off as soon as I set foot in the building...oh well, not my fault this place is so far from Fumori. Lucky I even showed up here, because I'll say this right now, this was NOT my idea of spending the next couple years of my life."


With a sling of her messenger bag, the travel-exhausted dragon girl made her way up the path to the academy's front doors.


"I doubt anyone's still going to be waiting on me to show up, but hey, might as well make myself known~"

With that, Jia Hai flung the front doors open, and lets out a loud whistle to no one in particular.


"Whoo! Man, I tell ya, I didn't think I'd ever get here! Six straight hours of flying, I thought for sure one of these babies was going to end up falling off and conking some poor sucker on the ground in the head!"


@Dante Verren @Fazy @CERBERUS177 @Plasma @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87 @Cheryl @YungJazz  @snoozySashimi@ and anyone else that still is here @Freemankiller

@Salsa Reborn

Dear students,

We are holding annual ball this coming Wednesday. The theme this year is the 1950's or as you call it the year of swing music. Come prepared with your costumes and dance till midnight. Refreshments are free and prepared freshly from our top chefs.

Please refrain from any act of violence during this event. I'm sure your peers will enjoy this peaceful moment.


Aurum Luxor
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@Dante Verren @Fazy @CERBERUS177 @Plasma @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87 @Cheryl @YungJazz  @snoozySashimi@ and anyone else that still is here @Freemankiller

@Salsa Reborn

Dear students,

We are holding annual ball this coming Wednesday. The theme this year is the 1950's or as you call it the year of swing music. Come prepared with your costumes and dance till midnight. Refreshments are free and prepared freshly from our top chefs.

Please refrain from any act of violence during this event. I'm sure your peers will enjoy this peaceful moment.


Aurum Luxor

Aiko Kirishima:




Aiko read the letter and blushed"D-Dance?" She visualized her dancing with Jin only to fall face first. "This will be a disaster!" She thought to herself with fear as she thought about the costume. "Japan 1950?" She thought and thought of Kimonos remembering she has one she uses to go to festivals, she decided she will wear that.



(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Asgard I think.)(With: Loki, Seo, Setsuna, Lucifer, and ???)
(Apologies if I had a bit of detail lacking, my diction failed me a bit.) @Marumatsu @Plasma 
@YungJazz@Dante Verren

Hundun gently glanced down upon the thrall’s smoldering skin left palm, his gaze fixated on the darkened ashes which drifted away from his unclenched hand revealing his actual layer of threatening charcoal-like skin. Despite not managing to burn its way through his scorch its way through his second layer of hardened granite like skin, he could feel the intensified heat traveling throughout his muscular-frame which caused the atmosphere around his fleshly hand to ferociously boil. Touching her delicate shoulder was nearly the equivalent of extending his firm hand into the Sun’s blazing core. However his main concern had not to do with his hand but more to do with Lilith hastily 'scooching' herself away from him after believing that she had caused a substantial injury to him. He casually observed the reluctant look of despair written across the young-lady’s face, did she really felt this bad about causing trauma to someone that has been abandoned by the angels and even God himself? She too felt the same unwavering suffering that he himself has felt throughout time itself, that exact tormenting pain which haunts him every conscious moment of the day. “Sadly, it’ll take more than just that to cause impairment to this existence of mine, be thankful to know that, your presence is far less sinister than mine. Your miasma may reek of death but mine has the unmistakable smell of those who had their lives stolen from them due to the endless conflict that all of these realms have brought. Those who have been killed without any reason and taken away from their families because of evil senseless deeds. All of them inhabit my inner-self. Every night I hear the screams grow louder, they ask me a multitude of questions all of them more horrid than the last. Why was I taken from my children? Why can’t I see them anymore? Things such as that, the most chilling part about it is, they never listen to your response as if they cannot hear it. So you’re forced to listen to their never-ending shrieks of sorrow and all you can do is reflect their questions upon your life. What if it was yourself in their condition?”

A frightening laugh seems to wriggle its way out from between his moistened lips as his available uninjured hand presses itself against the detailed curvatures of his forehead, Hundun then continued his speech without hesitation. “Nonetheless, it’s pointless fighting your own existence if there’s nothing you can do to change it. Sometimes you just have to embrace what you were meant out to be if you are unable to combat it. I promise you that one day you’ll find happiness, we all do. Even me, except mine was taken away from me, so I have to go and tediously search for that happiness once more.” Once his talkative mouth was sealed his pupils frantically constricted with overwhelming hatred and discovery. He had eventually found Astaroth except she was linked to a presence that revealed itself, it was him.. That insignificant abomination of a creature. Lucifer, that slimy bastard had taken his only pride and never-ending joy away from him, not to mention they were in the same place that both he and her gained their aspiration for one another. Hundun’s prodigious quantity of unrelenting aura sky-rocketed out from his midsection with a diabolical crimson tinge that consumed his vibrating outline, every single fibre in his being wanted to annihilate his existence from the multiverse so that he would not lay another finger on his significant other. A devastating clamor erupted out from his vocal cords after standing himself back onto his two feet and arching the alignment of his spine backwards so that his face was in the direction of the heavens above. The astronomical magnitude of his deafening roar caused even the multiverse to temporarily tremble before his everlasting wrath, nearly every blood vessel in his mighty frame emerged to the surface of his skin as the mild temperature of the encompassing imperceptible moisture of the air began to develop into a blistering steam. “Graaah! Lucifer, I hope you can feel your vitality fading from my uncontrollable nightmarish outrage. You better hope that the creator himself erases your existence before I present myself!” Hundun shouted bitterly before reaching out his appendage into the open space adjacent from his frenzied posture. Calamitous ambience flooded throughout the terrain as an eerie vortex materialized in front of his body which he stepped into while grinding his sharpened teeth together in a resentful manner before hastily arriving to Lucifer’s location and glaring into his eyes with pure hatred resonating from his golden eyes. One of Hundun’s crescent hatchets in which he wielded in his grasp swung forward towards the angel of light’s throat. The sharpened edge from the blade became engulfed in flames as it pierced through the atmosphere at a lightning-quick pace until all of the momentum was stopped an inch from his neck. To his immediate astonishment he recognized that all of his pent-up strength that was placed into his detrimental swing was concluded by a familiar woman who positioned her dainty fingertip onto the peak of the blade.

Chronos (Yes it's female version of Chronos)


“Luci, you should really be more aware of your surroundings, you’re going to get yourself hurt one day. As for you Hundun, i hate to interrupt your little temper tantrum over a insignificant girl but I cannot allow you to interfere with this battle that is taking place. As it will change the strands of time which i’ll have you know, is my duty! I don’t even know why you’re chasing after this asinine devil woman when you’ve got someone like me who’ll welcome you with open arms!” She joyfully announced before flicking her flimsy digit forward resulting in him being hurled backwards like a ragdoll then landing ass first into a fountain with his legs dangling off the sides. Restrained giggles made their way out from her lips as he noticed him tumble into the shallow waters which also dampened his clothing attire. “Chronos, stand out of my way! It is my destiny to eradicate this scum, he’s the one who twirled Astaroth around his finger and used her no more than a puppet for his selfish deeds. I swear if you get in my way i won't hesitate to kill you” Hundun regained his composure as he adjusted his back-up against the stone pillar which was perfectly centered in the middle of the fountain. “Kill me? You can’t be serious Hun, you do realize who you’re speaking to, correct? I am the one that holds that pretty little invisible leash of yours, if you piss me off i’ll tighten that noose so damn hard it’ll make that handsome head of yours pop off like a dandelion. Nonetheless i can’t be upset at you! It’s not your fault that humanity has made you so fragile, no wonder that disheveled whore was able to manipulate you so easily!” Chronos calmly sauntered up to him as she stepped over the partially broken rail of the fountain, her astonishing minty colored eyes glimmered as the bright radiance of the liquid beneath her shined upon them. A pleasant simper made its way onto her gentle face as she fixated her stare in his direction. Hundun furiously shifted his eyesight in a different direction in order to not look at her, he knew that Chronos was right. It would be pointless fighting against her but his displeasure towards the situation only enraged him even more, he could only hope that Loki would somehow demolish Lucifer and conclude his life. That was until he discovered his daughter lying unconscious amidst the rubble, Hundun’s brow speedily furrowed in his facial expression out of pure dismay. Lucifer, Seo, and Loki, he wanted them all to die as his berserker like rage spiraled out of control. Before he could do anything rash Chronos securely wreathed her flimsy arms around his waist as he tried to make his way over to Lucifer once more. “Oofm, control yourself you brawny bastard! She’s still alive you imbecile! You know now would be a fantastic time to you know do your whole battle thing guys! As much as I like holding this hunk of a man in my grasp, he’s kind of slipping his way out.” Chronos yelled out as she struggled to keep him at bay.

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Aiko Kirishima:



Aiko read the letter and blushed"D-Dance?" She visualized her dancing with Jin only to fall face first. "This will be a disaster!" She thought to herself with fear as she thought about the costume. "Japan 1950?" She thought and thought of Kimonos remembering she has one she uses to go to festivals, she decided she will wear that.

Kagami came across Aiko who was standing in the hallway.

"What's up! How's it going Aiko?"the girl smiled.
Kagami came across Aiko who was standing in the hallway.

"What's up! How's it going Aiko?"the girl smiled.

Aiko was surprised and looked at Kagami "O-Oh everything is fine." She said smiling

"K-Kagami, why do we have a Ball?" She asked her with a red face.
"A ball?'s the annual ball that happens every year. I'm guessing the headmaster just wants the students to have fun"

Kagami pulled out her phone. It seemed that she had received the letter as well.

"What are you going to wear from the 1950's ? Just a little curious"
"A ball?'s the annual ball that happens every year. I'm guessing the headmaster just wants the students to have fun"

Kagami pulled out her phone. It seemed that she had received the letter as well.

"What are you going to wear from the 1950's ? Just a little curious"

"U-Umm.... Uhh..." She realized the only type of clothes she had was sleeping clothes, her school uniform and a Kimono she wears to festivals.

"A Kimono I guess..." She smiled weakly.
"My memory is hazy when I spent time in Japan in the 1950's. I think they did wear kimono's...." Kagami pulled up a picture of what she was going to wear. "I'm going for a more American style of clothing "

"My memory is hazy when I spent time in Japan in the 1950's. I think they did wear kimono's...." Kagami pulled up a picture of what she was going to wear. "I'm going for a more American style of clothing "

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"I-I see." She said fixing her glasses as she looked at the picture and imagining her in one of these types of clothes. "It will be interesting for sure." She smiled taking a picture of her in a Kimono(Right) with a friend of hers back in Japan(Left)


(I'm off to school)

"Yep! that the kimono your going to wear? It looks cute " she said as she looked at the picture.

"I-I see." She said fixing her glasses as she looked at the picture and imagining her in one of these types of clothes. "It will be interesting for sure." She smiled taking a picture of her in a Kimono(Right) with a friend of hers back in Japan(Left)


(I'm off to school)

"Yep! that the kimono your going to wear? It looks cute " she said as she looked at the picture.

(See you tomorrow)

She smiled, "Thanks." She said storing the picture in her pocket and blushing as shr thought of dancing with Jin. "I hope I don't fall when I dance." She said smiling.

(Seo Sentrale)(With: Ryo, Setsuna, Loki, Hundan, Chronos)


Deep within his self-induced coma Seo had a wonderful dream of his family Lyssa, Lysseo, Ryo, and even Setsuna. Spending the day together doing crazy shenanigans with his wacky goddess, running around causing a commotion with his son, yet somehow dragging his brother into his pool of various ideas. He could not wait for these moments with his cherished ones. Then the background became visible revealing a barren blackened land immediately the happy smiles of his family were replaced by ear deafening shrieks smashing against his ear drums. Surprised at the instant change he ran to aid them only to collide with some invisible force he started banging on the wall that now separated him and his family. The little pup eaten whole by a malicious demon who wore a smile of insanity laughing as the blood of his child slide down his now burgundy teeth. This same demon slew his brother by spearing him in his chest slicing off his head and devouring it completely, taking his significant other slamming her face against the barrier defiling her body before he spears his hand though her body using her as a sock puppet saying "I Love you" over and over before revealing his identity as his Grandfather. Hysterically slamming on the barrier Seo's fists bleeding, his body swore from the intensity of his assualt. He slowly falls tears blazing down the side of his face as he is forced to watch this massacre. Barely cracking the barrier a meager scratch barely even applying significance to his full power onslaught on the impenetrable object subjecting him to a intense feeling of inadequacy, of sheer defeat and the harbinger none other than his Grandfather. "This is your life. I helped shape you to become a great dragon to one day rule among the top and be your brother's greatest adviser and this is what I get in return. You engage in a fucking love feast with a insane goddess. You deserve this boy." his Grandfather waved the half alive Lyssa around in his face before he tossed her behind him and lowered the barrier. Seo noticing this opportunity races towards the Love of his life only to be bombarded with the great flames his Grandfather exhales from his vicious jaws searing his skin. Letting out a intense roar that shakes the land around him Seo falls backwards and tumbles laying dormant in the charred blistering vessel that is now his body flailing from the pain. 

Vigorously yelling out in pain as he drags his charred body across the heated sand beneath him. His Grandfather walks beside him in his face so as to show him his teeth stained with the blood of his son. "You continue to move towards her? Do you wish me to continue this? It truly hurts to see you so weak child, Do you understand why you are here witnessing this? I saw what happened to Ryo you think i'm proud you broke the chains bounding him? You should have flung yourself into that attack for him dying in his place. Seo you are nothing but the spawn I raised to bring Ryo to his potential, Why are you failing me? LISTEN AS I TALK TO YOU BOY!  IS SHE BRAKING YOUR CONCENTRATION? Easy fix my grandson." his face turning from that of a questioning Grandfather to a raging demonic dragon in a matter of seconds, yet Seo has already seen his grandfather's vile rage and strength he could careless his fate he just wanted to be beside Lyssa as she writhed in pain. Seo squirming his way towards her as they have their eyes locked onto each other. Lyssa having only the strength to gaze at her beloved as she lays growing more and more pale from the blood seeping out across her body. Seo flails faster watching as his beloved one slips away only to pause in terror as his grandfather moves over to Lyssa slamming her body in front of Seo popping her head like a balloon across his face. Seo's soul instantly becomes hollow he does not make a single sound or movement after being petrified by the sight. His body sizzles as Lyssa's blood boils on his charred and blistered surface causing even greater blisters to form. "That's better Seo' no more distractions. Does it not feel great to be cleared of mind?" All that came out of Seo's mouth was a Tch sound which quickly turned into him bawling his blood out from his blistered tear-ducts. His very being now empty no emotion no consciousness, all that rattled through his mind was Lyssa over and over. No physical pain on his body was greater than the acts he just witnessed.

"Do you now understand this is what will happen if you don't get strong enough to protect the one you love? Do you Seo?" His grandfather sits beside his young decedent talking as if the situation never occurred talking as if what he did was another one of his 'lessons'. Staring at his young grandson writhing in agony from the life bestowed in front of him, observing his reaction as if he was truly invested in Seo. A aura of indifference catches the Grandfather's eye a smile stretches across his demonic face, intrigued he continues to push at the destroyed Seo's emotions. "Like a great teacher should we can review the lesson?" following these words Seo feels no physical pain and opens his eyes to have his gaze fixated on Lyssa in complete astonishment. "" is the only thing that can escape his mouth as he wraps his arms around her smooth delicate body squeezing as if he would never have another chance. Tears follow down Seo's cheeks as he embraces his loved one with more passion than he has ever before. "Lyssa.. I'm so-" Interrupted by her placing her finger on his lip and sliding it down in a seductive way. Lyssa giggled and got lost in his eyes wiping his tears away she replied. "It's not over yet my love" Lyssa looked at him with his favorite rosy hued blushed before her skin turns a pale grey while she begins to crack segment by segment before him. The sky turns dark again and Seo' tries to grab her hand as she retracts it only to be blocked again by a barrier. "AGHHHHHHHHHHH" The aura again flares up inside of him turning his body into a ghostly appearance a white light rises from the ground beneath him engulfing the area until all that is left is his figure screaming to the unknown. The Light increases making a blinding flash. In this moment another voice speaks one a delicate voice that gently slides into Seo's ears and warm's his heart. "Continue this path Seo, you make me proud."

Seo God form.jpg        

Seo opened his eyes revealing his once blue pupils had changed into a hazy grey-ish white. He slowly started to pick himself up curiously glancing over his environment finding himself once more with his crazy family. Ryo who now has been transformed into Lucifer like gee his pride and cockiness was already high enough, Setsuna that poor confused girl trying to kill her love not sure why though all Seo knew was that what Lyssa said about her being treated better must have been truth. Then there was Loki that annoying person in the family that no one even wants to exist. Seo stood tall and let out a mighty yell the white aura from his dream flooded the room in a flash the aura shot into through the building and into the sky clearing the sky until the moon shined it's brilliant rays upon Seo. His appearance changed and his body was emitting presence of peace and tranquility as the beautiful shine of the moon rippled across his body as if he were the ocean. Assuming a new form Seo stands looking at Loki no words are spoken from his mouth all that needs to be said can be felt by the heavy glare he shows. he simply walks next to Lucifer and Kneels before him looking at him. Capturing Lucifer's gaze he bows his head as his white aura flares even brighter than that of a star's. "To die by your hand would only be a honor. I awoke you to save Ryo. I will fight him. " Kneeling motionless as his aura continues to flare while waiting for a response Lowing his head and closing his eyes  the atmosphere of Niflehem quickly begins to lighten up everything falling silent for a brief second the apocalyptic world seemed quiet and peaceful before returning to the rampage it was undergoing. As if the world recognized the appearance of Seo's form. Before getting Lucifer's response Xi'an Qui appeared attempting to kill Lucifer until a Classy woman appears to stop him. Watching about as his professor speaks of saving A by battling Lucifer, Seo' stands and watches him fly into a fountain. Who was this Hun that she referred to? Why did she stop the professor from attacking Lucifer? These and more questions ran through his head as he watched the argument between the two. Once Chronos said the time to fight was now, Seo' drew an arrow and pulled it back aiming for Loki's right leg. Pulling his arm back the arrow shined and a white aura flowed each movement Seo's bow made. releasing the arrow it bolted to it target location just before hitting its destination a dark aura enveloped the arrow increasing the gravitational force around it and hurling it with even greater force. Before the arrow lands Seo dashes breaking the sound barrier and grabbing Setsuna to throw her away from Loki while the arrow detonates surrounding Seo and Loki in a explosion the suppressed explosion releases intense gusts of wind in its aftermath revealing Seo hunched over looking into Loki's eyes as if awaiting a response from Loki. Upon noticing the slightest move Seo pins loki down by his throat and raises his fist shoulder level siting still peering into the windows of Loki's soul waiting for the vile creature to utter what words he has left before placing him into the care of his daughter.

@YungJazz @Obsidian @Dante Verren
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@Kisaki, im taking Kagami, is that possible? Im soooooo sorry for not being on, but is it possible? Dear lord my week would be so much better! As this week starting out was really bad...)
@Kisaki, im taking Kagami, is that possible? Im soooooo sorry for not being on, but is it possible? Dear lord my week would be so much better! As this week starting out was really bad.

Yep.  I hope your week gets better :3 I'll try to respond if I don't have so much homework.
" Of course! I'll teach you some moves that I learned back then." Kagami said while giving a reassuring smile. 

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko smiled and hugged her "Thanks." She said as she hugged her tightly before letting go and fixing her glasses. "So, what do you want to do now?"


Kagami softly patted Aiko on the head ," Your welcome" .Kagami leaned against the wall and spoke" We can practice now or do you want to see some of the clothing back in the 50s ?"

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko smiled and hugged her "Thanks." She said as she hugged her tightly before letting go and fixing her glasses. "So, what do you want to do now?"


Cody walks out into the hallway and see's Kagami, she looked just as beautiful as before, shame he wasn't able to enjoy that last date. He walks up to her and another girl, feeling like a jerk, he speaks, "Excuse me..Kagami, I was wondering something...the ball is coming up and I'm sorry this is on such short notice but...would you like to be my date to the ball tomorrow?" he asks, kinda nervous that she'd say no, she could go with a friend she really cares about. He wouldn't mind that much.



Kori stared at the message blankly. There was never anything like this at her previous home so she didn't know much about it. She could figure out that whatever this as involved dancing. Something about costumes too....Her image of a costume probably wasn't the one they meant because in her mind a costume was something ridiculous. Plus she didn't know much of anything about  1950 so she had to figure that out. Dancing? she thought back for a moment to see if she has ever danced before in her life. Hmm....she could recall dancing once but it was for other reasons other than her own enjoyment. She wasn't sure if should attend so she just kept it in mind and kept going.

[Male- Yana]

Yana was just entering the school again for the first time in a awhile. The inugami had kind of took a vacation when the violence started which meant he was just hanging around campus doing nothing at all. He had somehow caught noise of a event while entering and of course he didn't really think about it because of the simple fact it didn't interest him. He's been around for awhile and he already knew about this fancy ball thing that people seemed to enjoy. He didn't though. Dancing wasn't his thing and kids were even less of his thing so he hated it. He still showed u for the food though because inugami couldn't resist food in the slightest.


Stress. A six letter word that has been plaguing her recently and something she didn't feel very often at all. She didn't have any time to eat, sleep, or even take a quick break. She felt starved and needed something soon or she was going to pass out. Even with feeling these things she continued her work without much complaint but she was becoming noticeably slower and less efficent. She hadn't even known that Yana had took a break from work without permission and still had no knowledge of the dog's absence. It was extremely likely that she had messed up a few things and didn't notice or something like that,anything could of happened and she just didn't notice. 
Kagami softly patted Aiko on the head ," Your welcome" .Kagami leaned against the wall and spoke" We can practice now or do you want to see some of the clothing back in the 50s ?"

To her surprise, she seems to enjoy getting patted on the head. "I guess we could practice." She said noticing Cody in the hallway.

Kagami turned around to hear a familiar voice "Cody" she exclaimed. She gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. " Of course I will go with you...Right now I'm helping Aiko so she can prepared for the dance." She then turned back to Aiko.

" Dancing it is then" she then nodded.

To her surprise, she seems to enjoy getting patted on the head. "I guess we could practice." She said noticing Cody in the hallway.


Cody walks out into the hallway and see's Kagami, she looked just as beautiful as before, shame he wasn't able to enjoy that last date. He walks up to her and another girl, feeling like a jerk, he speaks, "Excuse me..Kagami, I was wondering something...the ball is coming up and I'm sorry this is on such short notice but...would you like to be my date to the ball tomorrow?" he asks, kinda nervous that she'd say no, she could go with a friend she really cares about. He wouldn't mind that much.



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