Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Lyssa Yasa)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Lysseo) @Marumatsu

Lyssa cheerfully giggles with a light-hearted expression consuming her face as Seo plays along with her scatterbrained antics, delightful laughter came pouring out from his diaphragm as he fixated his peepers (I’ve always wanted to say that) in her immediate direction. Such capacious hazel flushed eyes, just by staring into them Lyssa felt as if she was swimming in a chocolate-covered body of water. She wondered what she did to deserve such an unbelievably handsome man in her life, not to mention her second gorgeous ‘man’ who was playfully patting his fluffy little toe-beans on her skin as he briefly licked the side of her gentle ankle in glee. Then he had to pull-out the emotional hoopla again by informing her that he loved her unconditionally and enjoyed her whacky tomfoolery. God-damn you, why do you have to make me so happy? She thought as the moisture in her eyes started to built up from the emotion coursing through her very essence. “Seo, you will and always will be my love.. No-one has ever treated me this way, you’re the best person to ever step in my life. Your love for me is so bonkers, that it’s making me feel sane.. You’re the bestest boo.” Lyssa affectionately announced while continuing to settle her crazy little head onto his masculine chest which hugged her skin delicately. The tip of her nose wiggled against the middle of his sternum out of discovery, she smelt something fierce and it wasn’t his elegant scented cologne that he probably bought from a chinese pawnshop. This smelly smell, smelt like.. “Foooood!” Lysseo exclaimed with a boisterous ‘roof’ from his fuzzy muzzle, his puppy-tail wags ‘to-and-fro’ from the succulent aroma tickling his tiny inky-looking nose with compelling enticement. Lyssa smiled innocently in response to his adorable little reaction to the prepared meal.


“Alright Lysseo, you’ll be able to enjoy your food once daddy gets that soggy bath water out from your coat of fur, you wouldn’t want to wind up slipping out from your seat and not being able to eat would you?” Lyssa states in a polite and enlightening manner so that he’ll take her words of advice. His joyful head nods up and down in compliance as his pupils sluggishly strafe up to his father-figure, with one courageous leap his diminutive canine figure comes hurtling up onto the side of the bed and onto Seo’s lap. “Yaay.” Lyssa happily claps in praise to the little husky. Lysseo gradually make a slight adjustments to his posture as he commences to follow his tail in a circling motion, his body makes a small ‘plop!’ noise as soon as he lays himself down onto the comforting waist of his patriarch. As soon as Seo’s ‘magical’ fingers brush across the very tips of Lysseo’s hair, it creates a small icey suction that dries up any accumulated water from the tub and slows down the particles to a point of disintegration, a soft smile materializes on the husky pup’s face after he Seo pets his fur in a massaging way. “Your kind-hearted words always seem to know how to melt my heart baby.. Take notes Lysseo! If you ever find a mate one day make sure you treat her like how your father treats me, unless she’s a complete bitchaholic!” Lyssa mutters through her tender lips before loudly informing Lysseo about romanticizing women and all that smooth jazz. Suddenly Lyssa is taken by surprise as Seo swoops his brawny arm underneath her legs and ascends her from up off of the bed side. This man sure knew how to make her giddy with excitement, her face becomes blistering hot as her skin complexion changes to a pinkish tint from his manly features and overly gracious behavior, this emotion grew to new levels as he pecked the upper-segment of her cheeks with his tender compressed lips. She couldn’t help but gaze at him in a dreamy fashion as he set her down onto a seat adjacent from a kitchen table. “Our love maybe just beginning but, our future is long ahead of us.. I can’t wait to enjoy every second it with you Seo. Heheh, and you as well my little fuzzball! She declared with a bubbly tone to both of them. Her well-behaved manners died right then and there after she observed the buffet of food set out in front of her. Hell hath no fury like Lyssa when she’s hungry!


The silver utensils were picked up by her hands with such force that a tremendous gust of wind shot throughout the kitchen, life has prepared her for this exact moment, there was no denying her this dinner! It was Lyssa’s destiny! With all of her might she commences to savagely devour the italian-styled cuisine. Once Lysseo came up the tiny stairs and reached the edge of the ornamental table he heard a ear-deafening  screech which made every small hair from his fluffy coat stand up on end. “Da-daddy, what was that..?” Both Lysseo and Lyssa took a swift glimpse at him as he dropped the frosted cupcakes onto the polished floor. “S-eo..” She mutters as she’s embraced by his caring arms in a moment’s notice, Lyssa knew that something was definitely wrong, just by looking at his devastated face and the feelings he was experiencing afterwards. “I don’t care about the dinner baby, I care about you! Please stay safe! I love you more than life itself…” Lysseo hopped up onto the cozy comforting lap of his mother as he was pretty frightened by the thick atmosphere which clouded the room, The puppy’s outline was vigorously shaking as his scared little eyes looked up at his ‘mother.’ “Mommy, what’s going to happen to dad?” He anxiously replies as he helplessly watches Seo leave his dorm, Lyssa glares back down at her little Lysseo with a reassuring smile as she skimmed her fingers alongside his fur. “Don’t worry, he’ll be okay, nothing is going to happen to him.. He just needs to see his brother. That’s all”
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Jin grew even more frustrated as he slammed his book close. He stood up angerly and gathered up his books as he went from shelf to shelf returning them where they were suppose to go. He grumbled to himself as he retunred the last book and left the library waving to the librarian as he left. He sighed as he walked down the halls. "This isn't going to be easy in the slightest. Stupid gods being gods." 

Jin decided he would go and relax in his dorm for a bit. He was walking down the halls of the dorms when he saw Caesar trudge into one of the rooms and damn did he look bad. Deciding he should check up on him Jin walked over to the door and knocked twice. "Yo Caesar you doing alright in there?"

@Destructus Kloud



Loki's smile grew even larger as the drug took its hold on Setsuna. "Now that's more like it. I see you finally understand how much of a kind and caring person I am. After all I am doing this all for my poor son who was murderd unjustly." Loki ran his left hand through Setsuna's hair. While he ran his right hand up and down her body. He stopped after a minute and snapped his fingers. a collar appeared around Setsuna's neck and it was attached to a leash that loki held in his left hand. "Well my dear its time we got you ready for when he arrives. I have a special idea in mind for the next act in this performance." 

Loki gestured for her to get off of him and he waited tell she did before standing up. As loki stood up the recliner disappeared and loki walked to the door leading Sestuna by the leash. "Now that you understand the way things are going to work there is no more need for you to stay in this room." Loki opened the door and walked down the hallway twirling the cane inn his right hand. "First we are going to have a little fun then we are going to get you a more suitable outfit. Once he arrives you are going to act like you are still devoted to him. then once he is beyond rage and focused on me you will satbb him in the back and I will finish the job. Understand?"

(Like I said, you done goofed loki, TIME FOR A DRAGON RAMPAGE MONTAGE!)

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo gazed at his brother with severe intensity, "I promise, but for now, we head to Asgard." Ryo stepped towards the portal, his brother following him as they stepped towards the lands of the norse gods. As Ryo gazed upon the golden palaces and rainbow bridge of Asgard, an evil grin adorned his face as his power increased and fluxed, warping his surroundings, "And so it begins, the destruction of these gods. To think we would have to go back to being destroyers like we were before. Time to paint these realms red with divine blood and tear down their worlds tree." And with that declaration, the Sentrale brothers stepped off and started their rampage, destroying whatever they saw.




These were the sights that were now know throughout the divine worlds as the former lands of the Norse pantheon. It had came without warning and had all occurred only within a few short hours. Asgard was ransacked and burnt to the ground, the bridge of shining ephemeral light, was destroyed and broken beyond repair. And it hadn't stopped there, all across the nine realms under Odin's watch, fires burned and lands were crushed. No one knew what was happening until it was too late, the realms had been destroyed.

And that wasn't even the worse part, the great gods and beings that they had put their faith into....were dead. As if it was some horrible nightmare, the poor mortals watched in terror as the beings they saw as divine protectors and unbeatable warriors, were brought to their knees. Tyr was beheaded with his own blade, Thor was seen frozen within a prison of ice, impaled by icicles, the valkyries were stripped of their wings and crushed into the ground, Baldur and Sif found with their bodies split in half, Heimdall's eyes torn out and his body frozen, then smashed to pieces, all their gods slain one way or another. Even the giants and great beasts of the realm were not spared, Surtr himself being burned alive, which was once thought impossible, but his body charred to a crisp proved otherwise. The great beasts living inside Yggdrasil were ripped out, Nidhogg the great dragon that lurked under the tree was devoured, as if a greater beast had come along and seen the terrifying creature as prey, Jormungand, the gigantic serpant, was found in a frozen land that had once been the great sea he had lurked in, the entirety of the ocean frozen and Jormungand's innards ripped out into the open.

Odin could only watch in terror as what he had worked so hard to accomplish came to ruin. It all came to a point as he gazed at the draconic figures standing before him, his blood on the ground and his spear, gungnir, in their clutches. Odin grasped his bleeding wound as he shook with fear and confusion.


Odin's cries fell on deaf ears as the taller of the two draconic figures stepped up, gungnir in a reverse grip and pointing it at Odin. Without warning, Odin soon found himself impaled on his own spear, as the last light of his life slowly faded away, his last sight being the menacing azure eyes that bore into his soul.

Asgard and it's gods were slain, the world tree was torn from its roots and burned down, and the only being spared in this rampage of dragons, was Hel, who had made a wager with the dragons and had come out unscathed. Ragnarok had been initiated without any of the prophecies being fulfilled, it was all due to one girl, who had given her love to a dragon, this was why the gods ended, simple because a boy loves a girl, it baffles the mind.

And so we come full circle to the final act of rage, as Ryo stood before the doors to Fenrir's once pristine palace, his brother standing behind him. Ryo slammed a palm strike on the doors, instantly eviscerating them as he and Seo walked into the palace, gungnir strapped to his back and the giant head of Jormungand being dragged inside with his other hand.

Pulling the spear from his back, Ryo slammed the sharp end into the ground and then threw Jormungand's separated head to the side, his voice reverberating throughout the palace.


@Marumatsu @Obsidian @Dante Verren

(I really hope we don't get any norse students in the future, cause that is gonna be AWWWWWKWAAAAAAARD!)


(Setsuna Hayate "Manipulated".)(Location: Fenrir's Chambers, Niflheim)(With: Loki) @Dante Verren

She nodded happily as she gazed upon his golden glare which pierced her very soul, this manipulative drug had taken every personality she had and contorted it in the favor of Loki. She was nothing but a mere loyal lap-dog to him now. Setsuna’s persuaded pupils shifted up at his face and she smiled with malicious intentions in regards to Ryo’s imminent arrival not to mention her lovely strands of hair was being stroked methodically by her newfound inamorato. “Your affectionate behavior towards me truly surpasses Ryo, i’m almost unable to contain myself when i’m around you… Perhaps when he’s laying on the shivering surface of the floor and bleeding out from his wounds, we can do something in front of him that’s very.. Well..” She giggled flirtatiously after discontinuing her sentence then leaning up against him as her busty breasts push up against his hardened chest. “Naughty..” Her fingers skimmed up the front of his sternum as a lustful glimmer sparkled in her glossy crimson eyes. Once the metallic chain popped off from her delicate throat she caught it and twirled it around her index finger while shifting her thighs in a grinding motion before being interrupted and told to get off from his lap.


“Aw.” She muttered in a tone filled with sensual sorrow as she did as her dominant master commanded, however she was relieved to notice that her once ponderous weight that was clamped around her neck was replaced with a tightened doggy pet collar which fitted itself perfectly around her skin. Just from distinguishing the way that Loki was grasping onto the leash which interconnected with one of the loops from her leather collar,Setsuna knew that they were going to have one hell of a fun time together. As she stood beside the Norse god she felt empowered by his very presence, such an overpowering feeling that this administered liquid gave her. Her inner-self wanted to deny it but she couldn’t! Once his tense clutches tugged onto the end of the leash she was pulled forward and choked a bit from the constricting force of the bondage neckband. Miniature snickers of hedonistic desire came hurtling out from her lips as he proceeded with following him. “Thank you for that master. I adore the feeling I get when i’m around you, it’s better to be by your side then staying in a locked room without you.” Her tender cheeks flooded with a cardinal red-hue as she continued to sway back and forth in an alluring manner as she followed behind Loki like an obedient dog. Setsuna’s tails wagged back and forth continuously after hearing that her temptress-like body would be used to his pleasure. “Hehe, I hope i’ll be able to walk correctly afterwards, i’ll make sure that Ryo feels the full unbridled wrath of you and your children. Thank you for this opportunity my lord."



Loki took Setsuna to what use to be his sons master's bedroom. there they partook in a few hours of entertainment. He stopped as he felt the realms began to burn. Loki snapped his fingers fully clothing himself and Setsuna. though there wasn't much covering Setsuna as the outfit he gave her was one of a very scarcely dressed servant girl. "Well my dear it seems the final act has begun. Remember the plan my little fox." Loki left the room with his cane in his right hand and the leash in his left as he pulled his new pet behind him.

Loki felt the walls shake as he stepped out onto the banister looking down on the main pavilion. He looked down at the two brothers and scowled as he saw his son's head. The room echoed with the sound of loki's slow mocking clap. He tried reaching out to the other gods and worlds but he felt nothing. his slow clap was soon accompanied by a burst of demented laughter before he could control himself. "I can't believe it! You actually did it! You actually carried out Ragnarok!" His laughter began again before he managed to calm it down to small chuckles. "Tell me my boy how stupid do you two feel right now?"

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Marumatsu
Logan watched the two, expecting as much. He walked over to Elch. "You know, that was very predictable of you. Taking out your brother as he wasn't facing you. But unfortunately for you, he is still alive. Turn around he's about ready to charge your sorry ass." He said, and when he would turn around he put on the P226's to the back of his head, the other where his heart is. @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl

Elch looked at the both of you. "Nope my kill, my trophy." He says as he looks at the greedy Mary. "It got the job done didn't it?" He asked. He draws his gun.



(Setsuna Hayate "Manipulated")(Location: ???)(With: Loki, Ryo, and Seo) (Didn't really know what to say.) @Dante Verren @YungJazz @Marumatsu

Droplets of sweat profusely stream down the curves of Setsuna’s brow as she panted in exhaustion while looking at Loki with her moderately tired eyes which glowed in a shade of vermillion which reflected the liquid circulating throughout her blood stream. The atmosphere encompassing their bodies discharged with heat as they were firmly pressed up against each other while laying in Fenrir’s comfortable bed which was now tainted. Tiny breaths emitted from out of diaphragm as she watched his expression twist into concern and vexation. She didn’t exactly understand what was going on inside of his head but she knew that it must’ve been something involving Ryo. “Heh, that was fun master. We really need to do this more.” She gently whispered before being placed into a set of clothing which appeared to be something in which a slattern would wear out on a sunday night stroll. Setsuna’s fluffy tails coiled back around her slim waist as she used the palm of her hands to adjust her breasts into a more adequate position. Finally a moment to prove herself to her unusual commandant, judging from the determined look which was carved into her very face, she wasn’t planning on disappointing him. “Yes, my lord. I’ll serve out your every order as stated.”


Setsuna silently lurched her plump buttocks so that they were on the edge of the mattress, her delicate arms stretched up towards the heavens before swinging her weight forward and leaping off from the side of the bed and onto the soles of her feet and continuing to trail closely behind Loki. Each tug that he gave her from that leash made her even more infatuated with this sinister man who captured her, it was as if this drug gave her stockholm’s syndrome and multiplied it by a hundred. Once they both made it to the outside and near the bannister onlooking both Ryo and Seo, she approached the railing and leaned herself over while looking at her previous lover. She smirked passively as relieved tears made their way down her cheeks. Without warning Loki intentionally released his firm grasp on the loop of the leash resulting in Setsuna tumbling down over top of the railing and falling down towards the ground below at a tremendous speed. “Ryo please, catch me!” She pleaded in a worrisome tone while coming closer to the ground as each second passed by.  
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Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo's eyes widened at Setsuna's form. Relief washed over his visage, but was quickly replaced with fury once he smelled the scent of sex coming from both her and Loki. The comments the trickster god had thrown at the dragon only caused his fury and rage to multiply as he picked up the spear that was pierced into the ground. Flipping Gungnir and putting it into a spear throwing position, Ryo launched the legendary spear at Loki, the speed it was thrown at causing a sonic boom to reverberate and crack the walls, "Not as stupid as the false god who took a dragon's treasure."

After throwing the spear at Loki, Ryo noticed Setsuna's form and didn't even hesitate to dart towards her, catching her in mid-air with precision, then landing on ground, his love in his arms. Ryo glanced down at Setsuna, both sadness and joy apparent on his face. He had gotten his treasure back, but the cost was horrible things done to her body. Ryo was no fool, he was raised as a monster, a warrior, and a conqueror. Memories of his past transgressions and violence that he and his brother committed flowed throughout his mind, he knew the trials and pain Setsuna had to face, because he had done it himself with his enemies.

Dashing back over to his brother, Ryo placed Setsuna on her feet, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead, before staring at her with pure love, "No one will ever harm you again. This, I promise. It goes to show now, that I would destroy worlds for you, that I would become a monster again, just for you. You are more than just my girlfriend, you're my love....and my mate, from now on, let it be known that Setsuna Hayate is linked to Ryo Sentrale for life." Ryo then turned around, a confident smile on his face, as the return of his love and his brother by his side, he knew he was going to wreck this god, "Now sit back babe, I got a jabroni to fry, gonna use his body as fertilizer. Let's go Seo, I need you to lay down cover fire while I go head to head with him, cause I know that spear won't do him in."

Ryo had his back turned to Seo and Setsuna, his power flaring to life as the world began warping around them, walls eroding and Gungnir about to pierce Loki. He was prepped for this fight, his fists clenched and his stance strong. Knowing that his brother would have his back and his love was returned. It was time for this Dragon to riot.

(Thought this song would be appropriate)

@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Dante Verren
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Loki watched as Setusna feel from the balcony. Everything was going to according to plan and even if it wasn't he always had contingency's. Loki's smile grew even larger as he saw the prized spear of odin be flung at hi and the way the rage built up inside the foolish dragon. Ragnarock had finally come. Loki's final laugh had been achieved and damn did it feel good. He didn't he flinch as the sonic boom of the spear toss shook the walls but merely loki stepped to the side and held out his left hand. He closed his hand quickly around the handle of the spear and a loud shockwave ripped through room as the spear instantly lost all of its momentum.

Loki twilred the spear around his left hand as he laughed. Dark miasma rose from the floor in the room threatening to swallow the brothers whole. Loki's aura grew rapidly as he mockingly pointed the spear at Ryo. "I have changed my mind about you my boy. Not only did you go through all the trouble of seeing that my dream of Ragnarock was accomplished but you also brought me Gungir as a present. For someone who claims to hate me you really love making my dreams a reality." The mocking smile that was planted on his mask had grown as he hopped up onto the railing of the balcony standing with perfect balance. 

Loki let out a sigh of happiness. "You know something my boy, you and I aren't really that different. We both come from terrible families and we both love to destroy. Though I personally like to use my wit while you seem only capable of punching something in the face." Loki tapped gungir on the railing he was standing on as he saw the two brothers getting ready for battle. "So its going to be two versus one huh? now that is not very fair." He held out his right hand infront of him as if he was showing fake fear. "Alas if only there was someone who would come to my aid in this desperate time of need." he chuckled to himself. Just like we planned my little fox, he thought to himself.

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Marumatsu
Jin grew even more frustrated as he slammed his book close. He stood up angerly and gathered up his books as he went from shelf to shelf returning them where they were suppose to go. He grumbled to himself as he retunred the last book and left the library waving to the librarian as he left. He sighed as he walked down the halls. "This isn't going to be easy in the slightest. Stupid gods being gods." 

Jin decided he would go and relax in his dorm for a bit. He was walking down the halls of the dorms when he saw Caesar trudge into one of the rooms and damn did he look bad. Deciding he should check up on him Jin walked over to the door and knocked twice. "Yo Caesar you doing alright in there?"

@Destructus Kloud

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko was behind him as she took out a kitchen knife and stared approaching him getting ready to stab him in the back of his neck. She tackled him "You're so cruel!" She said stabbing him in his back then climbing on him "You only care about Fley's happiness!" She started to stab him repeatedly from the back angrily before stopping and realizing what she had done as Jin was supposedly dead(Probably not) and she ran off terrified as her clothes were stained with blood. She hid in her dorm and took a shower. Jin wouldn't have known who it was as he was stabbed from behind repeatedly with no chance to look at who was trying to murder him.
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Jin fell forward with a hiss of pain as he felt a knife cut through his back. The pain separated multiple times and electricity kept from his back being mahinifes my the knife would send a very painful shock through the attackers body. He heard them say something about happiness but he didn't head anything else as the pain was pretty bad. Once the attacker once gone he raised his fist and slammed it on Caesar's door. "Caesar open the this d

God damn door!" his voice was full of pain as he tried to avoid bleeding out.

@TGSRoleplay @Destructus Kloud


(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Asgard right?)(With: Ryo, Loki, Seo) @YungJazz @Marumatsu @Dante Verren

Setsuna feminine figure arched backwards from exertion as she felt Ryo’s warm embraceful arms swoop underneath her and saving her from the spiralling plummet which nearly led to a sickening demise. Despite the menacing liquid flowing through her veins by the second she sensed her heartbeat increase rapidly as she laid defenseless and dependant in his powerful unyielding grasp. The very endearment of his heart-felt words injected itself through her sensitive ears, causing her cognitive functions to become overworked as they processed the information inside of her confused head. Once Ryo put her back down onto the solid ground beneath her, she hastily clamped both of her soft palms over the sides of her cranium in an anxious fashion. Two personalities inside of her brain felt like they were tearing each other apart in and struggling to take over her body, it was truly an inner conflict of love that she was experiencing. Setsuna clenched her eyelids together as an overbearing pain begun to curve from her cerebrum all the way down to her tailbone, although her tender lips were interlocked with each other she was screaming inside of her conscious, these invisible binds held her captive to Loki’s dominant jurisdiction. For a moment she slipped into a brief unconscious state which lasted for a couple of sections however it felt like an eternity to her. Setsuna’s eyelids abruptly sprung back open with adrenaline as she slithered her pupils back up at Ryo with an intention to save him from what’s about to happen next. Her iris maintained a persistent flaxen-colored shimmer as her eyes remained aware of her surroundings. Setsuna’s moistened bottom lip droops sluggishly downward with overbearing trepidation, this was her final chance to warn him, or else it would be too late.

“Ryo, it’s a trap! He did something to -” She was suddenly cut off as her iris became completely enveloped with a terrifying scarlet which had a brilliant yet smoldering view of her dilated pupils which were consumed with an evil unlike none other. All of Setsuna’s nine fluffy appendages wrapped themselves around Ryo’s midsection, the pinnacle of her tails pointed inward towards the center of his chest. Each pinnacle of the vertebrae gathered up an enormous amount of distorted sound, promptly causing the atmosphere surrounding their bodies to shake violently from the refined quantity of built up energy. The booming reverberation resulted in Ryo’s eardrums ringing, he couldn’t hear anything except the air vibrating at a monumental pace. “Ah-Haha! I thought she’d never shut up! You sure do have a determined bitch there Ryo! Such irony! Partially demolished by the very thing that loves you! Setsuna, witness the destruction of your beloved!” Setsuna hysterically cackles out from her mouth as her psychotic expression which was planted in her appearance grew. All together the spheres of intensified and condensed noise plunged itself into Ryo’s muscular upper-body, articles of clothing that were in the effected area quickly bursted off from his body as the azure tinted orbs compress against him. I-i’m sorry Ryo..” Setsuna’s cried out in her ordinary yet saddened tone before a colossal shock-wave disperses out from the point of impact, structures beyond their location were uprooted and suspended into the heavens above then shattered to mere rubble even the soil that was around them tore itself out from the terrain and blew away with the searing winds. Significant droplets of blood could be seen spurting out from his mouth and pooling onto the rocky surface, without warning Ryo was flung backward at lightning-like speed which shredded his feet through the foundation of the floor.

Massive debris and dust catapulted across the skies from the jet-stream that formed as he hurtled through the environment and into a towering tree which consisted of most of the landscape. Tranquility overtook the ambience as the jet-stream dissipated. Setsuna’s head hung over Ryo’s shoulder as they both slumped down against the bark of the tree which acted as leverage Setsuna’s back as her trembling arms coiled around his waist as she bit her bottom lip in extreme agony, mournfulness shrouded her face once a painful sob echoes out from between her lips, she looked back down at Ryo who laid motionless.. An abundance of tear-drops rolled down her supple cheeks. “Ryo…? No-no-no! Please, you could’ve taken a hit like that. I know you could’ve! You’re the toughest dragon out there, remember? You’re suppose to be unbeatable. Wake up you bastard!” Setsuna whined achingly as she shook him in her tightened grasp. Her heart-dropped from his inability to answer her, she felt nothing but sadness corrupting her mind. The palms of her hands were tainted in his blood, an unbelievable grief sprung up through her slender figure as she let one more powerful cry of despair before succumbing to exhaustion and falling asleep.

 (Unconscious State:)

Setsuna suddenly wakes up in a darkened room which flickered softly with light, this flickering luminescence came from a pair of crimson eyes which closed in their distance between her. “Wh-where am I, am I dead?” She whispered to herself before observing the figure which revealed itself to her with a devastating smile. It was actually a reflection of herself but with different colored eyes.  “Haha, no. Not yet anyway.” The doppelganger announced arrogantly as they retrieved a sharpened dirk from out of their velvet sash which hung loosely on her waist. Suddenly the demonic apparition pounces on top of her while positioning the peak of the blade near her forehead which caught Setsuna by surprise. Both of them struggled for life and death as their bodies were mounted on each other. “When I take over, i’m going to slit his pretty little throat open, Loki will be mine and he’ll ravish this lovely body of yours til’ the end of time.” The forbidding clone chuckled as they drew their blade closer.
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Logan glared at Elch, drawing back the gun aimed at his heart. "I din't wether or not to kill you... Decide for me?" He said with his own semi-psychotic grin meant to mock his.
Logan glared at Elch, drawing back the gun aimed at his heart. "I din't wether or not to kill you... Decide for me?" He said with his own semi-psychotic grin meant to mock his.

Elchs smile grew even wider. "What happened to not killing me? What about my accomplishments changing the world?" He said giggling. "What do you do? Avenge your friend or stand by your word?"
"Here I was thinking you would not put such a situation in front of me..." He acted like he would think. "I can do both, let us say that by killing him you did the world a favor, saving it from some future hell, and now I can kill you, sound good?" He said with a grin, this time real. "I hope when you see each other in hell you stay the hell away, cause hell is my turf, and so help me I will terminate you're pitiful afterlife before it truly begins."





People hate it. They hate not knowing. They hate how they can't stop it. They hate not being able to do anything. Lilith has long since grown used to it. Death is inevitable and painful. Nobody knows that better than she does. Sometimes, she hates it too. It's unfair how someone can take something you love so much and rip it from your grasp before you have time to blink. She knows that. She hates it. And she misses him. Lilith feels it. If things could have gone different, she would have wished it so. His screams carved a hole to her core. The girl that is. The girl that Lilith is now. But there's no going back. Once it's lost, there's no getting it back. She knows.

Then why does Lilith regret so much?

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Lilith made her way into the school's outer yards. Why was she here? What purpose did Death have for being at a school? Well, it was who she was now. It was what the girl yearned for. And what better place to be then a place that others may, at the very least, come close to understanding. Maybe... Maybe somebody could help break this curse. Lilith was sick of this. Going on forever with this burden was extremely agonizing. Sometimes she begged for the sweet release of death that she so frequently gave others. Why couldn't she just find peace? Was there such a thing for her? For anyone really? Nobody really got the peace they thought came with dying. Nobody really went anywhere after death. 

Thinking so deeply hurt her head, and Lilith rubbed her temples with her cold fingers. Cold to her, cold to others. She could bask in the sunlight for hours and never get any warmer. Another thing she envied of others.

She passed by a small flower, one most would consider a weed, and knelt beside it. It smelled strongly of pollen and was the color of ballet slippers. Lilith ran a gentle finger along the petals and watched grimly as the flower wilted at her touch. Maybe that was the thing she hated the most. She could never get too close to a living thing because it too would feel the cold kiss of death that she did. Animals and plants alike, although she had never dared get close enough to a human to test it, no matter how much she yearned for another's touch. Just another reason her heart lay in shambles. Her crimson eyes watched a group of students converse and laugh together, and without realizing it, a tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek. She touch the cold wetness, surprised by it. No, it was okay. It was what she told herself every time. Whether it was true or not, Lilith didn't quite know.

With a gentle sigh, she settled onto a bench and watched others around her. The humanity, the girl inside of her, wondered if anyone here would ever approach her, and foolishly hoped so.
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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy Courtyard)(With: Lilith) @Plasma @Olivia Acerbi (Yikes, that took a bit.)

And like that, she vanished. Hundun couldn’t believe that she left without telling him anything. The feelings that were circulating in his very essence were far from happiness. In fact they were the direct opposite. Sadness, Overwhelming sadness. At first he believed that Astaroth was going to come back to him until he felt something rumbling in his core. Something told him that she wasn’t coming back for quite some time. Each digit from his rough hand coiled inward forming a trembling fist with a mighty grip behind it. Many people have left from his life and infact he wasn’t too concerned about them as he came accustomed to it, nevertheless her unexpected leave made him feel unbridled emotion which raged on inside of his brain like a battlefield except this was a never-ending conflict. His available unyielding hand clamped down onto his hardened chest with tremendous force. “Why? Why does my cold heart feel this pain?” Unanswered questions flurried through his conscious never to be answered, maybe it was the reflection of humanity that made him feel this way. Or this permanent thrall of his which gave him a new perspective on life, nonetheless these unresolved inquiries mean little to nothing as he helplessly gazed off in the direction of where she was formerly seated. Astaroth, at first she was no more than an a walking talking incubator which comfortably housed his devilish seed. Now she was to him how Juliet was to Romeo, a lover. Her very presence breathed into his and woke him up like a deep inhale of ice-cold breeze during the winter seasons. Happiness, laughter, pleasure. She made him feel all of these, intense sentiments that he has never felt before. “I wish, I could’ve told you how i really felt.” Hundun muttered out from his lips as his curled hand clenched up even further, the peaked edge of his nails embedded into the palm of his rugged hand causing a slight incision. Pain, pain and loneliness was the only thing he was able to experience, the only thing that he could ever hope for is Astaroth to come back to him or at-least have her understand how he felt. He’d conquer the multiverse if it meant granting this simple wish of his. As he stood up from out of his seat, droplets of blood came trickling down onto the cafeteria tiles which encompassed the surrounding floor of the mess-hall.


Another bodily liquid came surging out from his heavy built frame, except it wasn’t blood, it was something that he was unfamiliar with. Tears. He attempted to choke back his wails which circumvented out of his diaphragm, although it was to no avail. He pressed both of his palms onto the lukewarm exterior of the lunch-table situated adjacent from him, Hundun’s posture became rather stiff yet he was hunched forward with his forehead being a few inches away from the surface of the table. “How come you make me feel this way, A? Your smoldering existence scorches my soul with love i’ve never felt in the times i’ve spent in this realm. You may have doubted my feelings but they were all real. I promise you." He adjusts his quivering muscular body from off of the moisture covered table and abruptly extends his mighty foot forward causing the large piece of furniture to heave itself off from the ground and towards the farthest wall which was immediately fractured from the impact’s pressure. He continued to haul and fling miscellaneous items that he found, each one resulting in more damage being added to the environment as well as the noisy commotion being amplified. A few students gathered around the entryways that led into the cafeteria as they were puzzled by the noise, none dared to interrupt his unwavering wrath because they feared that they too may become one of the things that he catapults in his fit of hysteria. Suddenly the chaos was concluded as he stood there with his depressed face concealed in darkness and wet tears. No matter how much desolation he made, no matter how much he roared up to the heavens in disbelief. It didn’t do anything, the contour of his figure stood in the center of the cafeteria, motionless in defeat. He may have not found a worthy challenger to beat him in a physical battle but in a way A winded up defeating him and leaving him in a state of emotionally disrepair. Hundun’s ears perked up from a distinct sound, it sounded like maniacal laughter coming from a multitude of people. Goosebumps traveled across his skin sluggishly as he recognized where it was coming from. The souls of all the forsaken, the beings that were taken by his merciless onslaught were mocking him continuously, as the wicked snickers grew so did his distress. For once he was actually terrified, he was now living in a world of eternal damnation for his selfish actions and crimes against humanity for the one who made him cherish his life most dearly was extinguished from his life, like she was never existing at all.


In a panicked condition he shuffled his way out of Luxor Academy’s cafeteria and out into court-yard, bright sunlight radiated off from his body which complimented the phenomenal glow from his golden eyes, suddenly the tormenting voices inside of his cranium stopped their ruthless torture. It was as if a merciful spell was projected over his clouded mind and erased the unremitting persecution. Hundun’s strained arms which covered his ears now fell to the sides of his waist in relief, he scrutinized the onyx slits of his eyes onto a young-woman that was settled upon a redwood bench, the way she was perched on the edge of ‘pew’ was unmistakable, she was in worse shape than he was. Isolation and melancholy was the impression that this girl gave as he observed a tear roll down from her softened cheek. A sense of morality overcame his emotional thoughts as he positioned himself next to her on the seat, suddenly his intimidating horns looked like it caught her attention more than his presence. “Sorry if I scared you. Sometimes I have a habit of doing that to people, it also causes them to leave.” He clenches his eyelids in anguish before opening them slowly and continuing with his declaration. “I noticed that you were here sitting by yourself. Not to mention you look like you need someone to speak to. I’m one of the Professors here at Luxor Academy, i’m mainly referred to as Xian Qui. Sure a bit silly, I know. But nonetheless it’s my name and I stick to it. I hope that you’re okay.” He announces to her in a calm tone while randomly gazing off into the distance while trying to hide the look of dejection.


The more Lilith watched those around her, the more she thought about their inevitable demise. The way their smiles could easily be wiped away when their hearts stopped beating. The pale, sickly look flesh took when the body no longer housed the soul. Every person she saw dead sent a sharp pang to her heart and she had to force her mind on something else. Her gaze whipped to the sky as if she'd been slapped and a sad smile spread across her lips. The sun was so beautiful. It was hard to think it was just a burning ball of fire and not another earth, a warmer, happier earth where people lived. Lilith couldn't help but think of one of the many ideas humans had about when they died. To think that they sprouted feathery white wings and played harps in the clouds... It was as beautiful as it was foolish. Maybe the sun was where the angels lived. Perhaps Lilith took hold of their regrets so that they could become weightless and ascend to the heavens. It almost made her happy that this was her place in the world. Almost. Even she was selfish. Even Lilith wished for a better alternative.To think she could be flitting about above in white robes and baring celestial weapons. Ha!

She was so deep in thought, she almost didn't notice the sudden presence beside her. Her crimson eyes trailed sideways and took in the sight of a broken man. His despair was instantly recognizable, although different from hers. Pain came in different flavors. While hers tasted of salt and remnants of a bitter aftertaste, his was more sour and laced with burning spice. Anger. Anguish. The horns atop his head were ironic to her previous thoughts, almost a counterpart to the fanatical celestial creatures in the sky. Some believed that if you made enough mistakes in life, committed enough horrible acts, that you would atone for such sins. Just as foolish. You'd pay one way or another. Or more like she would pay. Regret would always come. While they were unsettling, what was most unsettling was the close proximity to which he was in. To think, it was possible that if her arm brushed his, in a matter of seconds, his flesh would decay and his bones would rot away before her very eyes. She didn't know for sure that that would happen but the simple thought brought sheer terror to her face, an expression that only lasted a second and was quickly wiped away. If someone died and they didn't have to... Nothing was more painful to Lilith.

And yet, at the same time, the simple fact that someone had chosen to sit beside her... It made her happy. Even if he ignored her. Even if he noticed the darkness she was and left a moment later... It was nice. Maybe he would soon catch on to who or what she was: death. Sometimes people took her presence differently. Maybe she smelled of upturned earth and rot. Maybe she smelled like fresh roses and happy memories. It was possibly she radiated light or perhaps exumated shadows. It all had to do with the individuals experience of death. Most of the time, that was what kept others away. With his first sentence she almost laughed in spite of herself. Leave? With such a rare and precious moment? She'd sooner die there. It was possible it wasn't entirely Lilith that enjoyed the company, but the girl who grew more and more lonely each day her and Lilith spent together.

Someone to speak to... That was what people often did to feel better, wasn't it? Would it really help? What was there to say that wasn't obvious? Yes, it was hard. She could spend hours relaying everything she had come to known about death, every person's death experience, the way an old woman died in a hospital as her husband caressed her snowy white hair. The way a mother cried for the baby she never knew when she miscarried. The father who laments about his son who was one of the many casualties of war. She could describe how some deaths weren't fair. How some drew out for months, and while the person accepted it, they still had to suffer until their last breath. She could speak of suicide, her least favorite form of death. And that was because while those who took their own life thought they were making the best decision, Lilith knew otherwise. It wasn't just something you could sample and decide whether you wanted to partake or not. Once death had you in it's clutches, you were trapped forever. Life isn't something to carelessly throw away as if it were a piece of rubbish... People who did that disgusted her.

Instead of saying anything about that, Lilith turned her full attention on the man, taking care not to be too close to him or touch him, and spoke softly.

"Those who identify pain are those who know it firsthand."

She didn't have to look very hard to see that he was upset and struggling himself. While her troubles were something that couldn't be remedied, maybe his were. He said was a professor. Perhaps she would take one of his classes. She smoothed her skirt and tugged at the red scarf around her neck, always noting the lack of warmth or pulse when she touched her throat. "I would say the same, but it doesn't look as though you are. What's troubling you... sir?" She only just remember her manners, or at least what was expected of her socially in this setting. There was one particular thing she recognized in his expression, however: Loss.

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( @Plasma Such intricate paragraphs, i'll have to respond tomorrow. I have to wake up early for a doctor's appointment and I live in the midwest, so it's kinda late here. I hope you don't mind, i'll make sure to respond to you as soon as I get up, although it may not be as detailed as yours. :P  ) 

Aiko Kirishima:




Aiko was in the bathroom of her dorm showering and crying as Jin's blood rolled down her body. She placed her clothes in a plastic bag and threw it out fortunately having a spare unifrom and putting that on as she tucked the knife inside her drawer still stained with Kin's blood which is whom she had stabbed earlier. She felt instant regret and curled up on the bed rationalizing what had just happened. She wasn't feeling well so she didn't come to school but the truth was she was terrified of leaving her dorm and having to see what she thinks would be Jin's dead body.
Caesar started in surprise as a loud bang came from his door. Perplexed as to what or who it was, he walked over to it and turned the handle, pulling it open to reveal Jin, "Err, yes?" He answered, confirming that he was indeed Caesar and that he had opened the door. It had been a few days since he's seen anyone, so he'd thought it would be nice to say hello to some people. This was not, however, the type of welcome he had been expecting. 

@Dante Verren

Aiko Kirishima:


 Aiko left the dorm hurriedly as a sense of regret consumed her she ran over to the academy and looked for Jin only to trip over him face down falling next to him "That really hurt she said noticing her glasses were missing as she looked for them.


"Back...blood..." him tried to stand but his legs were super unstirdy form the pain. "Jackass..." This wasn't his he wanted to welcome Caesar back but proper welcome backs could be given later.

@Destructus Kloud

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