Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Mary (Mammon)


Mary was enjoying her time watching the three kids fight. Although she hates being dragged into things like these, it's always entertaining to see who would win in the end. However once she heard about the knight talking about killing the boy who just complimented her, a face of discontent grew on her. "Hey hey hey, we don't need to be killing or hurting anybody ok? You get more trouble than it's worth once you kill somebody. Trust me." she negotiated, taking the side of the boy she assumed was Elch. Sure killing his own dad and a whole bunch of other people wasn't great, but you don't get much out of a dead body. Better to keep him a prisoner with emotions to torture than to just kill him and no longer get any satisfaction. "Sure he killed a whooole bunch of people, but not much will happen once you kill him." Mary knew that they were about to finish off Elch or whatever, but she thought that maybe she could stop them for now or something. Soon enough Mary was standing in front of Elch in a relaxed position, making it look like she doesn't care.

@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87(Tfw you feel like a douche for not replying since you were asleep and then school. Sorry!)


(Lyssa Yasa)(Location: Seo's Apartment/Dorm thingy)(With: Fremy, Seo, Lysseo) (Forgive me for my brain is fried) @Trust @Marumatsu

[SIZE=13.3333px]“Ahh! Abandon ship! We’ve been picked up by a sea monster, every man for themselves!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] One of the ship’s crew-mates yelled out as he sprinted towards the edge of the deck and leaped off the boat and into the murky waters below except disappearing once he hit the moisture. Suddenly the rest of the pirates hastily burst into frenzied panic and start exploding into shrouds of tiny mist as they drastically leap up off from the boat and scattering everywhere. Lyssa’s index finger points over into the direction of where Fremy while she was picking up the miniscule wooden sail-boat and gently placing it onto the cozy bathroom carpet.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “Gosh dangit Fremy! You’re no fun. We were just having a bit of fun here and there! Also who are you calling a hoo.. Hooo Hoo-man? I am a insane Goddess! Mhmm! You’ve got that right!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Lyssa yells out after returning back to her regular size and accidentally crushing the toy ship beneath her feet and projecting her obnoxious voice towards the irritated girl in the bathtub and snapping her fingers into a sassy Z-formation. Lysseo accidentally bonks his his fluffy head into Fremy’s chest as he paddles above the bathwater happily. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“O-oh! Sorry about uh that, i’ll leave you alone.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]He responds with his furry face lighting up with bright pink and slipping himself out from the rim of the tub and pouncing into Lyssa’s warm embracing arms. His tiny tail wags merrily as he shifts his radiant blue-colored eyes towards her and smiling happily.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “D’aaww.. You’re so cute.. You’re the best child-puppy i’ve ever had!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She ecstatically announces before wrapping her arms tighter around Lysseo and lightly swinging both of their bodies from side to side as they hugged each other.  Seo’s sudden appearance startled her for a moment but she then scanned up and down his muscular body while he was wearing the somewhat revealing pirate costume. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“GOD DAMN!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She thought to herself as a hint of drool runs down the side of her lip from the pleasure floating inside of her head. Lyssa definitely wanted Seo as her main course for the meal that they were bound to have eventually, except she’d rather use her tongue instead of her pearly whites.  Lyssa places both of her fingertips into her mouth and creates a wolf-whistle sound as she continued to stare at him in a seductive manner.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “Ohh yeah baby! You’re looking fine as hell, you can scrub down my ship all day!” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She replied alluringly before leaping up onto his sturdy waist and wreathing her legs once more around her as she carried Lysseo between her arms.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “Oh I apologize for scaring you like that stud! I promise that I won't pull off anything like that again, sorry about that door too! Ooo and what did you make me big boy!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She compassionately nuzzled her head into the exterior of his muscular chest. Once Seo and Lyssa turned around the walk-way leaving Fremy to her naked revealed self, Lysseo’s head popped out from the corner in an adorable surprise before stating [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“You don’t have to worry about me being one of those humans, I are pupper!” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]His teeny body then rotates around and continues to follow his mother and father figure. [/SIZE]


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(Oh, it's go time. Finally at a point where I start digging into the lore and back story for Ryo's dragon side....PREPARE YOUR ANUS FOR STOMPING NORSE PANTHEON! Also, be prepared, it's a long one.)


Ryo Sentrale

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo had made his way through the paintball battlefield, punching and thrashing all those who tried to shoot him on his way to sock his brother in the face. Leaping onto another building and finally spotting his brother, Ryo prepared to launch towards him and hit him, but then he saw Seo's face and surroundings. His brother looked happy, so freakin' happy, and it was all due to that insane chick and the puppy following them around. He hadn't seen his brother this happy in a while, especially considering the way they were raised, with nothing but violence and destruction in their lives. Memories of the cities they were forced to destroy and the battles fought surged through Ryo's mind, all due to their grandfather and his teachings. His brother's innocent look slowly transforming into one of indifference and melancholy.

And now, Seo had found something that had brought him joy again. Ryo's brotherly smile couldn't help but grow as he turned away from observing his brother's newfound family, "Good job bro, i'm happy for you. Looks like we've both found something to cherish." And with that, Ryo dashed off towards his HQ, a newfound determination in his heart, all directed towards the person who had seen past the monstrous blood that flowed through his veins. The woman who had saw him at his cruelest and decided to embrace him anyways, who would watch the world burn with him, and love him completely. His speed increased as his smile grew, reaching Behemoth's HQ and opening the door, excited to see his workers and Setsuna.

And it all came crashing down when the sight he encountered wasn't one of comrades working and joking around, but of downtrodden faces and destroyed vehicles and structures. Ryo walked forward, disbelief on his face as he scanned around the room, his employees refusing to look him in the eyes. Ryo's gaze became intense and furious as one of his lead members stepped up to him, "What the hell happened to my place?"

The man shivered at his boss's tone, knowing that this wasn't going to end well. Looking at his boss nervously, the employee responded in a shaky tone, "W-well b-boss. S-some guy in a m-mask came in a ruined the place, and boss.....He, he, HE TOOK THE BOSS LADY AND-" The grunt didn't even get the rest of his words out before he was knocked over by a force of wind caused by Ryo booming past him and up the stairs, destroying some of them with his steps. The sonic boom echoed throughout the HQ as the members of Behemoth looked down in shame, knowing that they had failed their patriarch and matriarch.

Arriving at the room Setsuna was showering in, Ryo kicked the doors off the hinges and glanced around the room in a panic. Blood, gore, and destruction everywhere. His crew...HIS FAMILY! Anger seethed throughout his body as one of the cleaners of the room walked up to him and pointed in the direction of the bathroom, saying that the perpetrator had left him something. Zipping into it, Ryo could feel his heart stop the minute he spotted the message written in blood, his own blood freezing cold. Loki? The trickster god? Fenrir had died honorably and with a warrior's satisfaction, but of course the god would know nothing about that. Ryo then turned to the CD placed their on the sink and grabbed it, moving to the main room and placing it into the TV and turning it on, hoping to find exactly what had happened to Setsuna.




The room around him faded into non-existence the minute he finished watching the disk, the people inside of it fading away too. Ryo stood in the center of it all, floating in mid-air as his form shifted back and forth in anger. This fiend, this bastard, THIS DEAD MAN HAD DEFILED AND HARMED HER! LOKI SHALL KNOW FEAR AND ANGUISH!

Ryo's head shot up, a roar escaping his throat and echoing throughout the, the world and even farther. It was a roar of anguish, hatred, violence. A roar of a thousand blades clashing, of lives being extinguished and worlds vanquished. This was not a declaration of war, but of conquest and supremacy. Loki had brought about Ryo's true wrath and anger, had awoken something that neither Sentrale brother had revealed in ages. The power they held under lock and key, the conceptual energy of the universe given physical form, a dragon's true power, the laws that govern the universe and all its principles transformed into draconic beings.

Dravirik Lae'cueri. Translation: King of Ancients Greater than Man.

Or it's slang term: Dra'cueri. Translation: Dragon Lord.

As his roaring ended, Ryo's eyes gazed off into the distance, his true sight piercing through the veil of reality and into different worlds and dimensions. He spotted Setsuna's presence and his gaze intensified, "Hold on Sestuna, i'm coming for you." His words carrying through the realms and making their way to Setsuna's ears. Ryo warped himself out of the area of non-existence he had made and back to Luxor academies courtyard. Taking a deep breathe, Ryo's sent out a flare of primal power, using it as a flare to his brother, signalling that he need his help.

And with that flare of power, Ryo made a decision. If Loki took what he cherished most, Ryo would take what Loki cherished most. A beastly grin adorned Ryo's face as his aura flared to life and his fists clenched, his decision made.

"You take my treasure, and i'll take yours. I don't get even Loki, I get vengeance. I'll take what you cherish most Loki, i'll take your Ragnarok. All of the Norse will fear me by the end as I slay their gods and destroy their precious world tree. I shall be their Ragnarok and I will be your end Loki."

@Marumatsu @Obsidian @Dante Verren

(Like I said, a long one. This does give me the opportunity to start revealing some lore and stuff for the dragon race, but if you guys are curious about it, feel free to ask me about the stuff, they're concepts that i've been working on since I first started RPing and writing stories, so holla at me bruh!!, Now without further ado. What Time is it? IT'S DRAGON TIME!)


Aiko Kirishima:



Aiko sighed as she walked away from Jin and saw a dragon flying. She sighed and sat down at the garden to eat lunch and looked around as she started eating
At the campsite, Roy and Wulf munched slowly on their pizza. The pizza was pepperoni if you were to ask, and the delivery was late. Exceptionally late. Like 20 minutes late. Unacceptable. The delivery driver received no tips. 

Anyways, as Roy bit into the crust part of his pizza slice, Roy wondered about the school. The place seemed a bit dangerous. Way too dangerous. He remembered several different combat oriented schools. Skyline Academia seemed pretty good, even though it was combat oriented. The Fantasy High was a bit rough, it seemed violence was an everyday matter, and Roy didn't like how he just suddenly disappeared with Wylie Nightgale. Even in all of his schools he attended, it seemed that this school, Luxor Academy, was the most rough. Roy knew he had to find out the behind the scenes on this. 

But right now it was time for pizza. And getting lost in thoughts.



Loki raised the Knife upwards getting ready to bring the blade down on her tail. He stopped the blade right before he hit her tail. He laughed to himself as he tossed away the knife. Loki slapped Sentsuna on  the rear once before walking back around so he was looking down at her face. He was laughing the entire way. He stood looking down at her through his mask. "Oh my dear captive you are soooo naive." His tone  darkened once again. "I haven't even begun to break you yet. The things his sick mind of mine can come up with are beyond your feeble brains ability to grasp. " 

A large recliner appeared behind him and he stepped back falling into the chair. The chains holding her down vanished and loki pointed to the floor in front of him. "Be a good girl and sit right there. Where going to have a nice little chat. If you don't like that I could always go back to performing expirements with you as my assistant. I would like to be civil for at least a little while." His cane reappeared in his hand as he tapped it impatiently on the edge of the recliner. 

Suddenly the room shook slightly With Ryo's roar as it tore through the fabric of space. The smile on his mask creepily grew larger. "Are time alone grows shorter my dear. You may want to hurry up so that we can have our talk before we are interrupted. Otherwise You may not live long enough to see your boyfriends again."

@Obsidian (Sorry it took so long but I finally posted. I had school then I had to go to work.)
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Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: Courtyard)(With: Ryo)

"I'm sorry for this Captain but, tonight you might be walking the plank" responding to Lyssa's stare with his own seductive gaze as he wipes the drool of her chin. Hitting the wall as she pounced on him he laughed as her spontaneous action his life was full of a brand new happiness he never knew could exist. "Lyssa, I truly love you and all your wackiness." Walking into the living room Seo rubbed Lyssa's back as she buried her face into his chest he rests his chin atop her head as he goes to sit down on the couch lying on her head waiting for Lysseo to jump on the couch and sit by them. Seo waves his hand over the cute dragon puppy gathering the water still on his fur and vaporizing it. He gently pets Lysseo's fur as he speaks in a loving tone. "Babe just let me know first next time. I can fix the door and the wall that's no problem at all. You had fun right? That's all that I care about." Seo picked up Lyssa in a bridal carry and walked her to the table placing her in a seat as he kisses her on the cheek in a weird passionate way. " Stuffed shells with Italian sausage and ricotta stuffing.. I only know a few dishes and they are mostly Italian." Seo helped Lysseo reach the table by creating a little staircase that lead to a platform where he could sit and eat at between his mother and father figures. "Lyssa does your friend have clothes?" Seo questioned as he walked to get something from the kitchen. Returning from the kitchen with two beautifully decorated cupcakes in hand A loud roar echoed across the room and freezing Seo in his tracks an overwhelming feeling hit him as he fell to his knees the fall created a small quake enough to shake the entire building. His arms fell to his side dropping the cupcakes on the ground. His body stayed dormant as his white hair overshadowed face, tears can be seen flowing from his eyes as he tries to hold back his emotions gasping for air as he fails to contain is tears. Recollecting himself only enough to speak he mutters in a weak sorrow-filled voice. "So-sorry.... I did not...mean to drop.." Seo stands and walks over to Lyssa surprising her by holding her tightly as his tears follow down his face and onto her shoulder. "Something is terribly wrong. My brother's roar means something happened... something very bad probably to Setsuna. I'm so sorry to miss our first dinner." Seo moves away revealing to Lyssa his face filled with terror a horrific feeling traveled through his body as he shook in her arms. Lysseo quivered from his father sudden change and the quake he started Lysseo ran into his mother's lap. "I'm going to Behemoth HQ." Seo slowly walked out the room until he was in the hall. Immediately entering the hall he dashed breaking the sound barrier while the winds he created slammed the dorm door shut. Fear traveled it's way around his body not because of the roar or his brother's power but, actions that would follow it's been a long time since he heard a roar like that not long enough though.

Why now? What would have started this? Seo had many questions racing through his head when he found himself accidentally smashing into the front door of Behemoth. He walked around the building seeing mutilated bodies buried in a deep crimson that spread across the floor enveloping the building in a treacherous aura. The only colors he could discern where the nail polish colors on some of the dead women. The buildings orange tint coming from the back up generator barely giving out power strengthened the ominous atmosphere. Walking up the stairs Seo could hear voices of survivors he ran to the noise finding a few people with cleaning the building. One person directed Seo to his brother's room letting him know he should see whats there. The room completely destroyed shards of glass stained with the blood of someone most likely Setsuna, cracks in the walls showing someone was forcibly thrown everywhere. Seo grew enraged curling in his hand into a fist his pirate costume rustled with his increasing aura. "What am I to look at? Why would you have me see this? He speaks to the employee in a calm yet vicious tone getting more vile as he speaks. The employee pointed to the bathroom and the TV telling him this is the reason his brother is upset. Seo calmed his aura and thanked the frightened person then forcing them out the room while making a barrier to watch it alone.

  After viewing the message in the bathroom Seo was convinced he should watch the video and so he started it. Seo noticed a specific flare in the sky as the video started seeing the first few seconds of the video disgusted Seo. He closed his eyes obliterating the TV and the tape actually getting carried away he blew the entire wall away and leaped out flowing the direction of the flare. Landing in the courtyard next to his brother he looked in Ryo's direction with his Hair overshadowing his eyes. "Whatever your plan is I'm involved but, you have to be more careful of what you do from now on. We have people we cherish now Ryo.. " Seo lifted his head and gave Ryo an intense stare throwing his hands down while taking a step towards his brother his aura increases causing the winds around them to go wild throwing a couple of random students around. " RYO YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME!" Throwing his hands out the winds gather around his palms as he opens a body size rift. "Where are we going."

@YungJazz @Obsidian @Trust
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(Seo Sentrale)(Location: Courtyard)(With: Ryo)

"I'm sorry for this Captain but, tonight you might be walking the plank" responding to Lyssa's stare with his own seductive gaze as he wipes the drool of her chin. Hitting the wall as she pounced on him he laughed as her spontaneous action his life was full of a brand new happiness he never knew could exist. "Lyssa, I truly love you and all your wackiness." Walking into the living room Seo rubbed Lyssa's back as she buried her face into his chest he rests his chin atop her head as he goes to sit down on the couch lying on her head waiting for Lysseo to jump on the couch and sit by them. Seo waves his hand over the cute dragon puppy gathering the water still on his fur and vaporizing it. He gently pets Lysseo's fur as he speaks in a loving tone. "Babe just let me know first next time. I can fix the door and the wall that's no problem at all. You had fun right? That's all that I care about." Seo picked up Lyssa in a bridal carry and walked her to the table placing her in a seat as he kisses her on the cheek in a weird passionate way. " Stuffed shells with Italian sausage and ricotta stuffing.. I only know a few dishes and they are mostly Italian." Seo helped Lysseo reach the table by creating a little staircase that lead to a platform where he could sit and eat at between his mother and father figures. "Lyssa does your friend have clothes?" Seo questioned as he walked to get something from the kitchen. Returning from the kitchen with two beautifully decorated cupcakes in hand A loud roar echoed across the room and freezing Seo in his tracks an overwhelming feeling hit him as he fell to his knees the fall created a small quake enough to shake the entire building. His arms fell to his side dropping the cupcakes on the ground. His body stayed dormant as his white hair overshadowed face, tears can be seen flowing from his eyes as he tries to hold back his emotions gasping for air as he fails to contain is tears. Recollecting himself only enough to speak he mutters in a weak sorrow-filled voice. "So-sorry.... I did not...mean to drop.." Seo stands and walks over to Lyssa surprising her by holding her tightly as his tears follow down his face and onto her shoulder. "Something is terribly wrong. My brother's roar means something happened... something very bad probably to Setsuna. I'm so sorry to miss our first dinner." Seo moves away revealing to Lyssa his face filled with terror a horrific feeling traveled through his body as he shook in her arms. Lysseo quivered from his father sudden change and the quake he started Lysseo ran into his mother's lap. "I'm going to Behemoth HQ." Seo slowly walked out the room until he was in the hall. Immediately entering the hall he dashed breaking the sound barrier while the winds he created slammed the dorm door shut. Fear traveled it's way around his body not because of the roar or his brother's power but, actions that would follow it's been a long time since he heard a roar like that not long enough though.

Why now? What would have started this? Seo had many questions racing through his head when he found himself accidentally smashing into the front door of Behemoth. He walked around the building seeing mutilated bodies buried in a deep crimson that spread across the floor enveloping the building in a treacherous aura. The only colors he could discern where the nail polish colors on some of the dead women. The buildings orange tint coming from the back up generator barely giving out power strengthened the ominous atmosphere. Walking up the stairs Seo could hear voices of survivors he ran to the noise finding a few people with cleaning the building. One person directed Seo to his brother's room letting him know he should see whats there. The room completely destroyed shards of glass stained with the blood of someone most likely Setsuna, cracks in the walls showing someone was forcibly thrown everywhere. Seo grew enraged curling in his hand into a fist his pirate costume rustled with his increasing aura. "What am I to look at? Why would you have me see this? He speaks to the employee in a calm yet vicious tone getting more vile as he speaks. The employee pointed to the bathroom and the TV telling him this is the reason his brother is upset. Seo calmed his aura and thanked the frightened person then forcing them out the room while making a barrier to watch it alone.

  After viewing the message in the bathroom Seo was convinced he should watch the video and so he started it. Seo noticed a specific flare in the sky as the video started seeing the first few seconds of the video disgusted Seo. He closed his eyes obliterating the TV and the tape actually getting carried away he blew the entire wall away and leaped out flowing the direction of the flare. Landing in the courtyard next to his brother he looked in Ryo's direction with his Hair overshadowing his eyes. "Whatever your plan is I'm involved but, you have to be more careful of what you do from now on. We have people we cherish now Ryo.. " Seo lifted his head and gave Ryo an intense stare throwing his hands down while taking a step towards his brother his aura increases causing the winds around them to go wild throwing a couple of random students around. " RYO YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME!" Throwing his hands out the winds gather around his palms as he opens a body size rift. "Where are we going."

@YungJazz @Obsidian

Aiko who was eating potato chips in the courtyard watched them from a distance and was told to observe but not interfere as she observed them carefully running tree to tree.


(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Fenrir's Dungeon)(With: Loki) @Dante Verren @YungJazz (I'm heading off to bed i'm tired as fook!)

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Setsuna’s cries for mercy fell on deaf ears as Loki swung the butcher’s knife up-towards the skies above, once she heard the erratic movement of the sharpened edge piercing through the atmosphere she couldn’t help but recoil in tremendous fear, momentum in her multitude of elongated tails hastily tripled in this man’s sinister grasp yet she couldn’t break out of it.  Whatever she did was useless, she felt comparable to that of a small lost puppy. Innocent, weak, and not to mention alone. Loneliness was the only thing she could feel as she clenched her eyelids together in absolute dread. An enormous gasp slithers its way out from her clenched teeth after feeling a few of the hair follicles on one of her tails get splintered by the intense blade.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“What? He stopped?”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Was all that Setsuna could muster out from her thoughts, surely she thought he was going to dismember one of the fox-like appendages from her feminine body. Maybe he reconsidered well probably after she was greeted with a thunderous slap to her plump rump causing the print of his glove to leave a blistering mark on one of her cheeks. Minor whimpers could be made out from her shaking lips as she attempted to pull herself forward to shake off the slight pain which the perverted captor gave her.  Sickness enveloped her stomach one she realized that this was another one of his games, to get her riled up. Was this one of his sick kicks? Did he get pleasure from watching her suffer like this and then once she’s covered in tears, he’d have her way with her? What a disgusting bastard. Setsuna’s pupils constricted in distress after being surprised by Loki’s towering body which made an appearance near her face, with all of her might she turned her weakened neck so that she could connect her stare in order to show compliance. Setsuna couldn’t imagine the things he’d do to her if she didn’t show him a lick of respect.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.3333px]His devastating words made her ears fall back in silence, if this twisted individual was holding back all this time.. What would he do to her if he didn’t show her any hesitation or a fraction of mercy. Suddenly the metal clasps and bindings that were constricting her movements and attaching her to the operating table vanished causing her withered and feeble small-frame to come crashing back down onto the harsh stone floor beneath her. After hearing his darkened tone speak once more, she knew that she couldn’t pass out now or he’d most likely kill her. Setsuna flipped her fatigued body onto her abdomen as her gaze observed Loki sitting impatiently in a comfortable recliner a couple of feet away from her. “I-i-i’ll be a good little girl.. M-m-master..” She uttered out from her mouth while arching her head back down in unconditional respect for him, Setsuna [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]re-positioned[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] herself so that she was in a posture where her [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]wobbly[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] knees and delicate hands were pressed against the floor. Once he heard the end of the cane smack down abruptly onto the edge of the recliner she painfully made her way over to him while crawling on her hands and knees in an obedient manner. Setsuna’s tails brushed between her legs trying to hide themselves from his terrifying presence.  A few seconds later after she squirmed over in his direction and her eyebrows scrunched down in sadness as she hovered her chin over his feet. Her full attention was drawn back on Loki as she sat herself down in a seiza-styled sitting position. Setsuna’s hands hastily transitioned themselves overtop of her knees as she patiently awaited his speech. That’s when she heard it, Ryo’s emphatic roar clanging against her quiet ears. “R-Ryo?” She emotionally though as she tightly clenched her knees with regret and happiness. He was finally coming for her but why? Setsuna felt as if she let herself be captured by him, now he had no choice but to rescue her as she kneeled before her captive. He was putting his life on the line for her. She didn’t know whether to be happy that he was coming for her or scared about losing him to this monster before her. Small sniffling came out from her before she busted out into minor cries. Her shivering hands covered her own face with monumental guilt due to the fact she believed it was her own fault.[/SIZE]
Grox100 woke up again.

He did again sleep one time, hidden somewhere.

''Wha-'' he says confused to himself. He never needed to sleep. But on this planet...he recovers it.

He walks into the acadamy powerless, seeing some people but he dosen't care.

As long as they not see him he can whatever he want.

Then he got an idea:

He walked around EVERYWHERE at the acadamy and scanned objects. He can 3d print them one day maybe.



A turned her head towards Hundun to meet his for a kiss. As her eyes locked onto his she felt something that she'd never felt before, an absolutely alien feeling. Staring for what seemed like an infinity into his eyes she saw something she'd never seen in anyone else's, a deep desire. Not of sexual nature but of a deep and emotional her. Yet, it wasn't a mutual feeling that she felt, though she obviously felt something towards him. No, what she felt was guilt, a horrid, ravaging guilt that made her heart jump and her pull away from him. She'd thought she'd come to terms with the fact she was gonna use Hundun to meet her ends and then dump him to whatever meager existences he'd cut for himself over the years. Now she wasn't so sure. He didn't actually love her, right? And even if he did, so what? If anything it should make her job easier, right? She didn't care for what was this feeling? She slid away from him and to the edge of the bench. Elbows on her knees, she sat pigeon toed facing away from him. 
"What the hell is going on?", she asked herself internally. "Is my heart growing three sizes today? Wtf is happening to me? I'm blinded, like all of my goals a growing more and more blurry the more time I spend with this damned god."
Her head collapsed into her hands and her tail wrapped around herself as if it was comforting her. She trembled slightly as she recalled their courting in at the pool house, their encounters in Niflheim....the feelings she'd felt, they were all the same......but what were they? Excitement? Desire? Yes, but they were more complicated than that. He'd seen her for what she truly was, seen her at her weakest and on top of that claimed to love her for it. "Bullsh*t...", she whispered, trying to convince herself he had just as sinister intent as her, thus justifying her burying her feelings again. "There's no love in eternity." 
One can only imagine how having the one being your were created to love and admire treat you like trash can emotionally mess someone up, especially given sempiternal spiritual imprisonment to dwell upon it. 
As hard as she tried she couldn't fend the emotions back. Like a proper psychopath she collided internally.
"You love him."
"I don't."
"You do. That's why you can't play him like you do the rest."
"I don't! I'm just confused."
"Confused? You're not helping your point.."
"Fuck off."
"You do love him. You do because you're pathetic, you always have been."
"You're wrong."
"Am I? Look at yourself. Always the pet, the expendable, the disposable. Pledging your undying loyalty to those who show even an inkling of interest in you. But no one has ever truly cared for you and do you know why?"
"Because you're a drudge, you're nothing. You're practically begging to be used and abused. There is no love for things like you. Born to serve, your journey ended before it even started."
"No. You're wrong. I am the master of my own fate, I just have to escape the Abyss and-"
"And what!? Nothing will change! Escape to what? Be pet to Xiuruk or Lucifer eternally? Hundun? You think he really cares about you?"
"No of course not, I-"
"He'd rip you from this very plane if he fancied. To him you're just a loud-mouthed incubator and the fact you even came close to believing anything to the contrary proves the point......I know you did.....I know you do. Deep down you want nothing more and because of that he has you wrapped around his finger."
"That-that's not true, I was-I'm planning on-"
"You're a sordid waste. Look at you, making the same mistakes you said you'd never make again. Eons upon eons of running to end up right back where you started....helplessly enamored by a superior and completely at their mercy."

"Why? Why is this happening?", she said aloud but softly, softer than a whisper.
"Haven't I made it obvious?........You're weak.."
And just like that, A's greatest fear realized. She'd fallen again, become vulnerable in body and mind to someone, given them power over her that she'd pledged to never relinquish again. A couldn't help it, she cried. Cried more heavily than she ever had before, loudly wailing like a lost child, her entire body heaving with every breath, with every tear. She couldn't bare to let anyone see her this way, especially not Hundun. A tried desperately to regain her composure but couldn't. For every calming breath she took, she broke out into a deeper sorrow. Her once smug face had contorted into a pitiful sob, her voice to heart-wrenching bawl. She had no idea how else to react, what to do, or what any of it even meant. The fury she'd once fallen back on had since faded leaving her defenseless against herself. Being the emotionally inept entity she was, A opted to do what she seemed best at.....hiding herself. Without warning and as if carried by a gust of wind, she and her clones fell to ash that floated lazily through the room before disappearing. 
Unwilling to face anyone, not even herself, she floated through emptiness. Void of any and all forces she drifted, hearing nothing, seeing nothing, feeling nothing. Nothing but despair.

@Obsidian ( :\ yea I'll probably still cut the cord, just not right this minute.)



Loki chuckled as he watched Setsuna. "Don't worry my dear we still have some time before your knight in shinning armor arrives. Besides I known your just dyeing to have a little more fun with your favorite god." Loki twirled his cane around in his hand as he sat in the recliner. He raised his feet up and forced her to lean down. Effectively he made Setsuna into a foot stool. He let out a happy sigh. "Now isn't this relaxing." 

Loki enjoyed the silence for a moment before speaking again. "I'm sure you have been wondering why it was you I chose to kidnap. Why it is you that has to endure my experiments. In all honesty I could have just kidnapped you and he would have come after you but thats not what I want. No that would have been to boring." Loki clapped his hands and the med kit that had appeared floated over to him. He reached into it and dug around while humming. "A Ha! There you are my little friend."  He pulled out a syringe that already had a needle prepped and readied. A red tinted liquid floated around inside the syringe. 

"You see my dear what I want is the final laugh. I needed to break something of his. I needed to break something he found so precious that he wouldn't be able to control himself. That thing was you." He held the syringe in clear view of Setsuna. "See this is where we start the real fun. I call this guy hafna. It roughly translates to forsaken. I'm going to inject this into you and once I do... Well lets just say you will forsake the one thing you love most off all in this world." Loki reached down and grabbed Setsuna's hair dragging her upwards as he placed the tip of the needle against the veins on her neck. "Once he see's that his girlfriend is my completely and utterly devoted to me he will lose it. No matter how this plays out I have already one but I felt like I needed to rub it in a bit more. So lets make that hole he has in his heart a little bit bigger."



(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy's cafeteria.)(With: No-one) @Olivia Acerbi (Apologies if this is bad, my brain wasn't working with me :S  )

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Hundun couldn’t help but have a devilish smirk across his face once he interlocked his gentle lips with hers, everything he wanted in a nefarious woman was positioned right against him. Ruthless, humorous, not to mention very appealing to the eye.  Nothing could ruin this moment he shared between her except something did and it made his ears lower back with an uneasy feeling, Astaroth’s pupils instantly darted off in away from Hundun as if they were filled with reluctance and uncertainty towards him. For what seemed like awkward silence lasting for ages was finally interrupted as she leaned backward discontinuing the kiss and then hastily 'scooching' down a few feet across from him, perhaps he offended her with one of his comments? No, that couldn’t be right, he’s been showering her with admiration and respect, sure some of the things he spouted off from her mouth could’ve been taken out of context but he never realized that it would result in this happening. An immediate concerned frown brushed down his face as he examined her from afar. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“A, are you okay?”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] His worrisome voice projected out to Astaroth before his firm opened hand extended carefully out to her shoulder, suddenly she shrugged her tender shoulder in a rolling motion to sweep the palm of his hand off from her dainty figure.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Disbelief clouded his mind as he witnessed her situated in a befuddled posture that complimented her isolated disposition. What exactly what was she thinking? Did he make her feel like this? A multitude of upsetting speculations infected his brain like a contagious disease, Hundun wanted a queen for his inevitable rule of this uncontrolled domain but it didn’t mean anything unless she was full of vibrant jubilation. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“Astaroth..What’s going on?” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Hundun replied in response to hearing her muffled unintelligible whispers that caught his attention, her frame was convulsing back and forth on the metallic seat she was sitting on, A was acting as if she had just experienced all the atrocities in the universe all at once. His beating heart gradually sank like a sailboat taking in an overabundance of sea-water as he saw her like this, he didn’t even exactly know how to reply, Until he saw her outline tremble with sadness. This very heartache that he had seen before him was unlike anything that he has ever seen, every fibre of her being radiated sorrow as she begun to weep uncontrollably. Hundun’s  eyebrows descended as his expression grew even more worried for her well-being. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“Astaroth, it’s okay. I’m here for you.. Tell me what’s wrong.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]His perplexed tone grew as he slid his muscular body over to her in order to comfort her, Hundun’s stretched out arm coiled around her smooth midsection and pulled her in closer to him as he used his other hand to arrange her head inward so that her closed eyes were compressed against his robust chest which was now soaked in her lukewarm tears [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.3333px]“A… Whatever you maybe thinking, just understand that i’ll always be there for you.. When you’re angry, upset, sad, or whatever emotion that you maybe feeling inside of you. All the moments that we’ve shared together, well they’ve changed me. I hate to admit. But.. I just want to let you know that I Lo-.”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] His sentence was abruptly interrupted as he fell forward as soon as Astaroth de-materialized into a massive blanket of ash which passively suspended in the atmosphere infront of him before being carried away by the wind and disappearing. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“Love you..” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]He whispered as his head dangled downward as an upsetting and hurt sensation flooded his body and helplessly watching the thing he cared for the most be taken away from him. Hundun's eyes shut in distraught, he was alone.. Again.[/SIZE]

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko felt like crying as she sat depressingly in an empty classroom as Jin is too stubborn to give up Fley and live bet. She had decided to give To and see other people. Her tears started streaming down her face as she thought about it.



Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko felt like crying as she sat depressingly in an empty classroom as Jin is too stubborn to give up Fley and live bet. She had decided to give To and see other people. Her tears started streaming down her face as she thought about it.


( I wish Kagami can comfort her but she's  still  at the mall.

A great time to use my Tsundere character )

Jack sat at the back of the class. His bunny ears twitching at the sound of sobbing.

"He lifted his head looking toward the girl.  "What the hell is wrong with you?"
( I wish Kagami can comfort her but she's  still  at the mall.

A great time to use my Tsundere character )

Jack sat at the back of the class. His bunny ears twitching at the sound of sobbing.

"He lifted his head looking toward the girl.  "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko looked at him to his surprise her eyes aren't aren't red when she is crying unlike a normal human. "N-Nothing really." She said sniffling and wiping her eyes as she remained dormant sitting there.
Jack stood from his chair and slowly walked over to her.

"Really? Your obviously crying , so there must be something wrong" 

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko looked at him to his surprise her eyes aren't aren't red when she is crying unlike a normal human. "N-Nothing really." She said sniffling and wiping her eyes as she remained dormant sitting there.
Jack stood from his chair and slowly walked over to her.

"Really? Your obviously crying , so there must be something wrong" 

Aiko Kirishima:


"I just got rejected that's all." She said curling up into a ball and sobbing into her knees. "It's Jin who rejected me which seemed like no big surprise." She said sighing refusing to talk anymore and just curled up in a ball.
"You should stop  sulking. There's plenty of more fish in the sea." 

he said. He looked down at the girl with his  icy blue eyes.

Aiko Kirishima:


"I just got rejected that's all." She said curling up into a ball and sobbing into her knees. "It's Jin who rejected me which seemed like no big surprise." She said sighing refusing to talk anymore and just curled up in a ball.
"You should stop  sulking. There's plenty of more fish in the sea." 

he said. He looked down at the girl with his  icy blue eyes.

Aiko Kirishima:


She refused to respond but there was red liquid pouring down her knees which resembles blood. It may be apparently she is crying blood which is not a good sign as it usually indicates an interface desires to kill.
Jack noticed the blood. He bent down to Aiko's level and put a hand on her shoulder. "Why are crying...blood? is everything alright?" he asked. He could sense the girl anger. He'll try his best not to provoke her more.

Aiko Kirishima:


She refused to respond but there was red liquid pouring down her knees which resembles blood. It may be apparently she is crying blood which is not a good sign as it usually indicates an interface desires to kill.
Jack noticed the blood. He bent down to Aiko's level and put a hand on her shoulder. "Why are crying...blood? is everything alright?" he asked. He could sense the girl anger. He'll try his best not to provoke her more.

Aiko Kirishima:


The anger soon dissipated and she was back to being extremely miserable as she kept thinking if Jin. The aura turned from hateful to depressing as it was done. "[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]無駄だ" She said as she started speaking in fluent Japanese rather than English as she is too depressed to translate it in her head.[/COLOR]
"I speak japanese too  you know " the boy said . He sighed as he watched the girl went back to being depressed. 

I know it sucks. Getting rejected makes you feel like crap , but you have to move on ....or keep trying to win over that Jin guys heart."

Aiko Kirishima:


The anger soon dissipated and she was back to being extremely miserable as she kept thinking if Jin. The aura turned from hateful to depressing as it was done. "[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]無駄だ" She said as she started speaking in fluent Japanese rather than English as she is too depressed to translate it in her head.[/COLOR]
"I speak japanese too  you know " the boy said . He sighed as he watched the girl went back to being depressed. 

I know it sucks. Getting rejected makes you feel like crap , but you have to move on ....or keep trying to win over that Jin guys heart."

"[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]馬鹿なことを言うな" She said as she looked away from him referring to how stupid the plan of winning his heart is. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]"[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]しょうがない[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]" She said shrugging as she stood up and took a box cutter from her desk[/COLOR].
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