Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Move on then if it cannot be helped. " he leaned against the wall. "Watcha doing now?"

"[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]馬鹿なことを言うな" She said as she looked away from him referring to how stupid the plan of winning his heart is. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]"[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]しょうがない[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]" She said shrugging as she stood up and took a box cutter from her desk[/COLOR].


(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Fenrir's Dungeon)(With: Loki) @Dante Verren@YungJazz(I wonder what shall happen next..)

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She took a glimpse back up at Loki with an expression filled with pure hatred for the sinister abomination that he was, he contemplated spitting at him as the moisture from her face began to evaporate. Although she realized that if she did something as ill-mannered like that he’d probably rip her entire tongue out from her disrespectful mouth.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “Yo..You!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She shouted angrily before having Loki ascended his heavy feet directly upward and back down onto her delicate shoulders resulting in her being pulled forward and having her face rebounded against the hardened stone-floor. A tiny moan of pain sprung its way out from her as she begun to tremble once more out of sheer terror. “Norse bastard.” Setsuna thought quietly to herself as she re-positioned her hands so that she gave Loki’s footing a more comfortable leverage.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “I-i apologize for my discourteous interruption. Please don’t punish me..” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Setsuna replied, feeling deep regret for her actions she bowed her gentle head in admiration towards the trickster god who reigned full supremacy over her.  “Ryo, I hope you don’t ever see me like this, you’d never forgive me.”  Her overall figure shook in mortification that she was taken down to nothing but a stepping stone in the presence of such an almighty God. Suddenly the sharp pinnacle of a syringe needle quickly made itself aware as the stainless steel created a blinding gleam which revealed itself in the reflection of her iris. The menacing glow of the dark-hued maroon liquid made Setsuna’s bottom lip twitched with distress. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]This mysterious liquid whatever it was, would cause her to completely forget about Ryo and become nothing but a thrall to Loki, Setsuna determined that  a life without him would surely be incomplete so she did what only the foolish and insane would do. Fight back against someone who could obliterate her entire existence while being in a damaged and weakened condition. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“You fucking monster! I’ll tear you to shreds![/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]” She screamed violently as she adjusted her posture upwards knocking his legs off from the inclined arch of her back. A gasp echoed out through the dungeon after noticing that her locks of hair were tangled and coiled between his fingers, resulting in the tip of the needle plunging itself into her jugular vein and the solvent being administered into her bloodstream. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“H..How could you?”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Setsuna upper-body fell backwards from the empty syringe until in mid-fall she stood unusually still as her chest was suspended upward. Without warning an amplifying laughter came out from her mouth which grew more and more delirious as time shifted forward. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“Master..”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She she softly whispered before returning to her regular posture except her eyes were glistening with red and her pupils were dilated. Each breath she took filled the air with thriving malice for her previous significant other on the contrary she did obtain a burning desire for Loki instead.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.3333px]“Forgive me for insolence and the way that i’ve behaved earlier.. You are right, and will always be right.. Ryo abandoned me and left me to die. He never cared about me, on the other hand my lord. You have shown me nothing but kindness through your selfless actions, i’m honored to be in your very presence and to be used for your sensual pleasure and disposal. I cannot wait for you to tear that beating heart out from his chest!” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Setsuna claims in a manipulated tone as she stands herself up and positions herself down onto Loki’s lap while straightening her long luxurious hair. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“Use me to your full-extent”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] A wicked smirk stretches across her now psychotic expression that’s plastered onto her face, her alluring thighs and knees firmly caress his waist as her flimsy arms wrap around the back of his neck as she gazes into his golden eyes with full devotion. [/SIZE]
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"Eh! You can't do that !" he yelled down the hallway.

"I really shouldn't get involved....but"

She was packing slowly down the hallway looking for Jin. She dropped the box cutter when she found a kitchen knife in the hone economics room and wore gloves and continued to walk down the hallway with the knife tucked into her skirt ready to be taken anytime.
Jack followed her . He kept his distance from her , but still keeping on the woman .

"Why the hell does she need a knife....oh...she went bat -sh*t crazy."he then mentally slapped himself. 
Jack followed her . He kept his distance from her , but still keeping on the woman .

"Why the hell does she need a knife....oh...she went bat -sh*t crazy."he then mentally slapped himself. 

She looked at him for a brief moment then continued to walk down the hallway getting frustrated that she was unable to find Jin anywhere.
Jin sat at a table surrounded by a bunch of books in the library. He had his eye patch on so her was forced to read slowly. He flipped through pages with intense focus one that he is not normally seen with. The books that surrounded him were all on Japanese mythology most noticeably on Rajin and izunami.

Fremy White


the white-haired girl with the blindfold over her eye clambered out of the now-murky water which had turned from clear to an almost grey colour thanks to the sheer amount of dirt and grime she had had on her body. Her single eye glared aggressively through the broken door, making sure noone attempted to sneak a peak on her nimble frame. She grabbed her dirty clothes and pulled them on once more and returned her gun to her side, not bothering to dry herself as she planned on leaving this school immediately. It didn't appear to have any demons of her kind in it to reap revenge, so there was no real point for her to stay. She snuck through the room door, opening and closing it silently, into the hallway and began tracing her steps back the way she had come, ignoring the smell of gunpowder in the air from recently fired shots. After a few minutes of walking and getting lost, she finally discovered the door she had entered through once more, and passed through it's wooden frame. "What a strange place..." Fremy thought to herself, ignoring the pangs of thirst and hunger she still had and pushing herself to move ever onward until she found what she was looking for, despite her not even knowing what she was looking for in the first place.

@Kisaki (I'm afraid I'm going to leave the RP, I don't really feel as though I quite fit in. Good luck and I wish this RP a good life ^_^ )
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Jin sat at a table surrounded by a bunch of books in the library. He had his eye patch on so her was forced to read slowly. He flipped through pages with intense focus one that he is not normally seen with. The books that surrounded him were all on Japanese mythology most noticeably on Rajin and izunami.

She spotted Jin and was thinking whether to attack him right now or just do nothing pretending to focus on her novel. She had a knife in her pocket and was visibly shaking.


Mary (Mammon)


Mary was enjoying her time watching the three kids fight. Although she hates being dragged into things like these, it's always entertaining to see who would win in the end. However once she heard about the knight talking about killing the boy who just complimented her, a face of discontent grew on her. "Hey hey hey, we don't need to be killing or hurting anybody ok? You get more trouble than it's worth once you kill somebody. Trust me." she negotiated, taking the side of the boy she assumed was Elch. Sure killing his own dad and a whole bunch of other people wasn't great, but you don't get much out of a dead body. Better to keep him a prisoner with emotions to torture than to just kill him and no longer get any satisfaction. "Sure he killed a whooole bunch of people, but not much will happen once you kill him." Mary knew that they were about to finish off Elch or whatever, but she thought that maybe she could stop them for now or something. Soon enough Mary was standing in front of Elch in a relaxed position, making it look like she doesn't care.

@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87(Tfw you feel like a douche for not replying since you were asleep and then school. Sorry!)


Smoke turned to her with disbelief in his eyes. "Are you serious...?" He asked. "This bastard has slaughtered people! He has slaughtered innocent people and gods! He doesn't deserve death! He deserves a living hell!" He growled at you. "You see Smoke someone loves my good looks!" Elch says cockily.

"Shut up both of you! The past is the past! Don't like bullshit like that get in the way of the present!" He yelled at the two. "Y'all are acting like prissy five year olds, it's sickening!" He said. "Forget it! No use bitching about the past when it will never correlate to the future." @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl
Jin finished the book he was on and sighed. He placed on top on One of three stacks as he leaned back in his chair. He rocked the chair back and forth a few times with his hands resting behind his head. "Gods are such a pain in the ass to research on." he said to himself unaware he was being watched.

"Shut up both of you! The past is the past! Don't like bullshit like that get in the way of the present!" He yelled at the two. "Y'all are acting like prissy five year olds, it's sickening!" He said. "Forget it! No use bitching about the past when it will never correlate to the future." @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl

Smoke stared at you. "..." Elch and Smoke stared at you. "Have you not been listening...?" Smoke asked after a minute of silence. "He killed our Mother and Father. How can I not focus on the past when it shapes my destiny?" 
Jin finished the book he was on and sighed. He placed on top on One of three stacks as he leaned back in his chair. He rocked the chair back and forth a few times with his hands resting behind his head. "Gods are such a pain in the ass to research on." he said to himself unaware he was being watched.


She wasn't paying attention to the knife which caused it to fall out of her pocket and made a pretty loud sound in The silent library. She froze with fear as the kitchen knife was on the floor near her under a table as she pretended to not be aware about it.
Caesar trudged up to the school gate, an extremely weary look on his face. He had spent bloody-fucking-ages in goddamn Nippleheim or whatever it was, fighting off a frost satan or something. Finally he had made it back, but he was freezing for an inch of his life. Shivering, he walked his way back up to his dorm and fell flat on his face into his bed. He hadn't bothered to close the door. Sighing, he thought back to the days when the school would get blown up every few hours, gods running around and half-animal people had mental breakdowns left, right and centre. Those sure were chaotic times. He then began to wonder where everyone was, Caesar hadn't seen anyone on his way to his dorm. Ari wasn't there playing on his consoles, no one was currently blowing up the school in his vicinity, or at least not that he could notice. Which was good because then he would have to break it up and he was not in the mood for that right now. Sighing again, he rolled onto his back and closed his eyes. Would everyday be like the few he had experienced in his short time at Luxor Academy? If so, maybe a normal human life wouldn't have been so bad. His face slowly grew a smile, nah, he would miss all the hectic drama that went on, his new and very strange friends and the great times they had already had together. And there was probably much, much more to come.

(guess who's back, back again. yes i'm back, tell a friend. :D )
"Well? Take a second think about him. His destiny. What if he goes on in life to do something great for humanity as a whole?" He said, staring down Smoke. "Killing him now could have serious repercussions in the future that fuck up everyone's lives." @ZappiestAbyss

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko ran out of the library before Jin could take notice if the knife and ran into Jack surprised and scared. "U-U-Ummm..." 




Mary (Mammon)

Mary rolled her eyes as the three bickered about how Elch killed innocent people, including their mother and father. She had heard this story too many times and was starting to grow tired of it. She gave another swift kick to Elch's side when he talked about his good looks, wanting to make him know that she doesn't exactly like people who show off or break down her door. "Boohoo Elch killed your parents and a whole bunch of people. Get over it. Besides, you won't really get much out of it." she moaned, leaning against the corridor wall. "The guy's right, killing doesn't do much ya know. Who knows, maybe someone will try to get you after you give him 'justice'. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind." Mary added, using air quotation marks when she said justice.

@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87
"Well? Take a second think about him. His destiny. What if he goes on in life to do something great for humanity as a whole?" He said, staring down Smoke. "Killing him now could have serious repercussions in the future that fuck up everyone's lives." @ZappiestAbyss

"Want to see what happens if he lives? Fine." Smoke says as he starts to walk away. Elch continues to giggle like a madman, he turns to look at you. "Such a sweetheart." He giggles looking at the two of you.



Mary (Mammon)

"Now then Elch, I want you to build the door again for me. Smoke obviously isn't going to help, and it's still in pieces on the ground and you were the one who broke the door." she said to Elch, pointing at the shards of wood on the floor in her dorm. There was wood everywhere and there was no hope in putting the door back together again. Mary knew she could easily get another one herself, but that was too much work for her, and seeing that Elch was the one who broke the door he should pay back. She played with her hair while looking back at Smoke, wondering why she really even bothered with the argument. 



Mary (Mammon)

"Now then Elch, I want you to build the door again for me. Smoke obviously isn't going to help, and it's still in pieces on the ground and you were the one who broke the door." she said to Elch, pointing at the shards of wood on the floor in her dorm. There was wood everywhere and there was no hope in putting the door back together again. Mary knew she could easily get another one herself, but that was too much work for her, and seeing that Elch was the one who broke the door he should pay back. She played with her hair while looking back at Smoke, wondering why she really even bothered with the argument. 


"Ok first let me take care of something." He giggled as he pulled out his crossbow, loaded it with a steel bolt, and took aim. "Smoke!" Elch called out as he fired. Smoke turned around just in time to see the bolt rip through his head. Smoke fell over dead. Elch started to laugh as he skipped over to Smokes corpse. "Woohoo!" Elch whooped as his arms shot up in victory.



Mary (Mammon)

Mary sighed through her nose as she watched Elch take down Smoke with a cheap move. She didn't particularly care about the sibling's rivalry or the fact that someone just died, as long as she gets what she wants she's fine with whatever happens to anyone. Strolling over to the dead corpse, she knelt down to take a closer look at Smoke's armour that was splattered with blood. She plucked out the bolt and inspected it before throwing it away like it was trash, rubbing the blood off onto the floor. "Is this the payment? I can take the armour, it's good enough for me." Mary asked, looking back up at Elch who was laughing happily. Well hopefully I won't be looked at like a weirdo, there are others that are waaaay worse than me she thought while she waited for Elch's response.

Logan watched the two, expecting as much. He walked over to Elch. "You know, that was very predictable of you. Taking out your brother as he wasn't facing you. But unfortunately for you, he is still alive. Turn around he's about ready to charge your sorry ass." He said, and when he would turn around he put on the P226's to the back of his head, the other where his heart is. @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl

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