Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Logan sidestepped out of the way, and he fired an arrow Smoke's way to get his attention, then one, landing next to Elch's head, "BOTH OF YOU STOP AND ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION." He shouted, then looked to the,girl. "Sorry for yelling, but guy's tend to get outta hand, y'know?" He said with a grin. @Cheryl @ZappiestAbyss
Logan sidestepped out of the way, and he fired an arrow Smoke's way to get his attention, then one, landing next to Elch's head, "BOTH OF YOU STOP AND ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION." He shouted, then looked to the,girl. "Sorry for yelling, but guy's tend to get outta hand, y'know?" He said with a grin. @Cheryl @ZappiestAbyss

Smoke sidestepped the arrow and picked you up. You could feel the hatred pouring out of him. "Give me a reason not to kill you." He said in a very low voice. "Because, you're going to be dead before you can even land a punch!" Elch said in a sadistic tone.
Logan sighed, slinging the compound across his back, he took out the P226 on his thigh and raised it. "BOTH OF YOU STOP, CAUSE I WILL END THIS WITH LEAD IF I HAVE TO." He yelled. Drawing the second one and aiming one at each of the two. "Nobody moves." He said quietly and fully serious. "Tell me what the fuck is going on. Now." @ZappiestAbyss
Logan sighed, slinging the compound across his back, he took out the P226 on his thigh and raised it. "BOTH OF YOU STOP, CAUSE I WILL END THIS WITH LEAD IF I HAVE TO." He yelled. Drawing the second one and aiming one at each of the two. "Nobody moves." He said quietly and fully serious. "Tell me what the fuck is going on. Now." @ZappiestAbyss

Smoke simply chucked you. Then he brought his elbow back into Elch, Elch dropped his gun and began to hack up blood. Smoke noticed his swords were just outside...if he could get to them he'd have a better chance. He grabbed Elch and threw him towards Logan. Elch landed on his feet and looked at you. "Wanna help me out?" He asked as if this was an everyday thing.
"You are in no position to negotiate with me my friend." He replied. "Answer the one question, or I put you both in gurneys today to end this." He said, a stern tone in his voice. @ZappiestAbyss

"Cute! However I'm afraid that you'd be wasting your time." He said as he faced towards you his psychotic smile growing. "However you're no match for the both of us." Meanwhile Smoke grabbed his swords and climbed back in the window. He looked at his brother and his friend. 
"Smoke, I can consider you a voice of reason, tell me what the hell you two are fighting over." He said calmly. He brushed off the psychopath's threat and just kept looking at Smoke. @ZappiestAbyss
"Smoke, I can consider you a voice of reason, tell me what the hell you two are fighting over." He said calmly. He brushed off the psychopath's threat and just kept looking at Smoke. @ZappiestAbyss

"He killed our father..." Smoke growled. "And our entire clan! Don't you forget that!" Elch pitched in laughing. Smokes two bastard swords molded into a spear, it had the same red mist going off of it as his eyes. Elch smiled and reached into his bag and drew a crossbow.



(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Fenrir's Dungeon, Niflheim)(With: Loki) (I feel more bad for Setsuna with each post) @Dante Verren @YungJazz (Giving ya bit more fuel to add to Ryo's rage. Let's spice it up!)

Setsuna recognized that she made a grave mistake with her wording as soon as she saw Loki’s passive aggressive face contort into the most threatening expression that anyone has ever given her. That distinct yet dark miasma that rose off from all the opened pores on his body even gave the impression that he was about to violently decapitate her for even mentioning his son. After she heard the unsheathing sound of his blade everything completely went in slow-motion. Her unfulfilled life flashed before very eyes and it was in the hands of this man, Loki the one who was one of the most reckless deities when it came to managing other people’s lives, he could care less if he killed her right then and there, as long as it gave him overwhelming satisfaction. Setsuna’s pupils constrict as anxiety flows throughout her entire slender figure, all she could see was a blinding light and memories of them and Ryo together. Sure it was a short-time but she remembered all the incredible things that he said to her, every single hug, kiss, and remark that they’ve made to one another.. At-least she could die happy.. On the contrary she never got to say goodbye to him. Setsuna frowned and scrunched her eyes as the peak of the exceedingly shrill blade skewered the rigid stone wall which was dangerously close to killing her as the edge only pierced through a minor segment of the epidermis on her soft cheek causing her blood to trickle lightly down and onto a portion of the blade Loki was wielding. “I-i-i’m still alive?” She nervously questioned herself until her private thoughts were interrupted by his furious tone which sent series of frightened tremors down her upper and lower back. Setsuna thought he couldn’t get even more terrifying she was definitely incorrect with that assumption, as his anger multiplied so did her anxiety. Suddenly something came over here it felt like her entire brain was shutting down from fear, her head began to slouch a bit forward since she couldn’t control the muscles in her body.

Her blood-pressure was sky-rocketing as her eyelids nearly shut, nevertheless this nightmare wasn’t over with so once Loki’s finger’s snapped a burst of adrenaline rushed through her brain caused her to arch her head back up, her relatively big chest gradually puffed out and sank back in, it was a continuous motion until it started to slow down to a normal pace once more. Her skin complexion was still ghostly-white as she vividly looked into his golden eyes. She winched in slight pain as Loki pulled the blade out from the wall and inward towards himself causing her bloodied wound to get a little bit bigger as it slid across her cheek. Once she noticed the square-table that Loki materialized out from the atmosphere beside him she saw a couple of metal yet threatening objects that caused her to savagely motion her body around in response to seeing them. “I-I wasn’t lying I promise, I didn’t know that he killed Fenrir! He must’ve slain him when he was with our teacher! He bragged about something in bed, about how this Professor Xian Qui dragged them all to Niflheim to kill an enormous wolf! That’s all I know… I never hurt him..” She truthfully whimpered out in a defeated tone as she stopped rattling her chains from panic and went into a complete stand-still yet her goosebumps were still showing all around her skin. She took another glimpse at him and frowned. “My-my Tail…?” Setsuna said with a frightful expression carved in her face, she carefully looked down at her nine-tails to see their hairs standing up on end from his statement and beginning to hide themselves between her legs. Her ears perked up once she remembered something about him not being interested in perverted stuff but nonetheless still wanting to do something like that tomorrow, at this point she had no choice but to entertain him and plead to him, this sure as hell hurt her emotionally, with the words the he was about to say to this sadistic man, it would definitely piss Ryo off.

Setsuna began to softly wiggle her slender body in the light causing the sweat dripping down her busty chest and bare abdomen to glisten from the radiant illumination of the dungeon’s chamber. Her eyes forcefully switched into a lustful gaze as he looked into Loki’s eyes with incredible seductive passion for him. This wasn’t right but if she wanted to be in one piece she had to do something until Ryo stepped in to save her, even if that means doing something as disgraceful as this. “Ummf..” She moans heavily before biting her lower lip with sensual pleasure while she continues to stare at Loki and motioning her body as much as she could to please his eyes. “I-I’ve been a really.. Naughty girl.. You should punish me but not like this.. If you want you can move me into in any position you want.. Why wait til’ tomorrow when you can have me now and forever, i’ll be your little foxy concubine who gives her master anything he wants! I promise to be a good-girl from now on! This’ll hurt that Ryo of mine a whole lot more, seeing him lose myself to you.” She tenderly spoke in a enchantingly dirty voice before shifting her eyes into a different direction. At that moment it was as if every string connected to her heart snapped in half, Setsuna’s face glowed with velvet-red in embarrassment which only enticed Loki even more, she wasn’t embarrassed because of her fake-act but due to what she said, shameful couldn’t even describe the emotion she felt right now. If Ryo heard what she said to him it would devastate him.
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Loki began to chuckle which soon turned into the laugh of a mad man that echoed around the walls. His laughing died down and he wiped a way a tear that had appeared. "Now that my dear was a good performance." He slowly clapped his hands in a mocking fashion. "I would almost belive you If Fooling people and stabbing them in the back wasn't my entire reason for existing." He placed his cane on the table and slowly made his way over tell he was standing right in front of her. He raised his hand tell it was right in front of her face and sapped his fingers. The chains disappeared and his hand shot foreward grabbing onto her throat before Setsuna could fall. 

Loki he raised his arm and lifted Setsuna off her feet by her throat. "I almost pity you. You where probaly so happy in your lovers arms. so safe, so warm, and now look where you are. All because your jack ass of a boyfriend couldn't control his temper and now he has left you to become my new plaything." He dragged Setsuna over to the table and threw her down onto the table. He locked shut and locked the chains onto her arms,legs, and neck so that she was face down on the table with her butt up in the air.

He sighed at the sight before him. "What kind of sick twisted man would do this to someone. Oh right I would. Now time for the main event."  He walked around the table and lowered his head so his mouth was right next to her ear. "I would say pray to god but I am already here." He stood up and clapped his hands a large butcher knife appeared in his left hand and a med kit in his right. He twirled the knife around in his hand as he set the med kit on the table . He grabbed a hold of all her tails at once. "Any request on which one goes? You have 30 seconds to make a decision or I will choose for you and trust me you don't want that. Sense you so kindly offered yourself to me I might as well do as I please with you once I fix you back up. However I think a matching fox tail scarf would look great on me and your boyfreind. Don't you agree?"

@Obsidian (Ok I toned the character down a little bit but let me know if I need to do it more.)
(Also you shoul totally listen to rains of castamerre while reading the post above this. I just put the song in loop while I typed.)
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Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: Seo's Room)(With: Lyssa, Flemy, Lysseo)

After setting up the table in the living room Seo played with Lysseo once again, this time Lysseo managed to jump on his head. Falling to the floor laughing Seo pat Lysseo on his head rustling his fur. "Ah i have been defeated.. ahhhhhhh". Lying sprawled out on the floor with his left arm over his eyes pretending to be defeated Seo waited until Lysseo moved close to his face. Once in range Seo flipped Lysseo and began rubbing his belly laughing maniacally. "HAHA I Gotcha!" The little puppy laughed while kicking his adorable legs around, Seo continued until he saw Lyssa smiling watching them race about the entire time. This specific smile placed a wonderful feeling in his heart at that moment he understood he was completely happy, having everything a guy could be grateful for. Seo was lost in thought until Lysseo grabbed his attention by climbing up on his head and leaning over his face before falling into Seo's hands. "Daddy the food". "Yup I'll set up thanks for your help buddy." As Lyssa strolled down the hallway lifting her legs high speaking to Fremy, Seo made his way into the kitchen putting a mitten on to pull the dish out of the oven revealing a special variation of stuffed shells with little sausage bits in it and a cookie sheet that held garlic bread on it. Surprise more Italian food its all he really know how to cook, still he does a really good job making it. CRASH! Something crashed in the room! almost dropping the dish Seo jumped and ran to look down the hallway only to see Lyssa in a sexy pirate outfit, and the new wall design of a door embedded in the bathroom wall that he would have to fix soon. Letting out a sigh he took a deep breath and yelled down the hall. "Baby don't scare me like that I thought you were in trouble!" Lysseo running up to Seo seeing his mother figure he wanted to join in on the fun. Thinking for a few seconds Seo opened a black hole and put a dragon looking costume on Lysseo. The costume fit itself onto Lysseo making him look like a adorable little dragon, Seo told him he could swim with it on it will help him float. "Yippee Rawr I'm a dragon" Lysseo exclaimed running into the bathroom jumping into the water causing Lyssa's ship to crash on its destination. The little dragon pup paddled in circles and splashed about in the bath soap.

Back in the kitchen Seo had made plates for everyone and placed them on the table encasing them in a barrier to keep them warm he also brought out the roaster holding the meal and the cookie sheet with all the bread on it placing them in the middle of the table. Finishing by placing cups on the table and a container of punch, soda, and water Seo listened to the sounds coming from the bathroom and then he let out a small sigh then vanished from the dining table. "ARGH Captain yer dinner be finished" appearing in the doorway of the bathroom he stood in shorts and a torn open chest jacket wearing a eye patch. "Also I'm not human so feel happy a "human" did not lay eyes on you." He speaks to Flemy turning around and walking out to give Flemy a feeling that she has at least a little modesty left.

@Obsidian @Trust
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Aiko Kirishima


Aiko felt a new feeling of absolute resentment towards a person(Rage) and didn't like Jin for rejecting her. She couldn't find it in her heart to murder but she began to dislike Jin as he was too attached to Fley despite Aiko saving his life and unfortunatelyu couldn't do anything about it besides glare at him from behind as she imagines killing him in various ways. 
Jin shivered. He felt a pair of eyes full of malice call upon him as he left his form. "Great guess someone wants to either kill or hurt me." he sighed as he walked. Honestly it wasn't to suprising.
Jin shivered. He felt a pair of eyes full of malice call upon him as he left his form. "Great guess someone wants to either kill or hurt me." he sighed as he walked. Honestly it wasn't to suprising.

She followed him going cover to cover as she did as she continued to glare at him as if she was disappointed.
Jin felt the gaze follow him as he walked. It would break for a few S seconds then return again. After awhile he had enough and turners around. He raised his hand as electricity danced around his finger tips. "Who ever is following me while trying to kill me by stabbing me with imaginary daggers come on out. I know you are there."

Jin felt the gaze follow him as he walked. It would break for a few S seconds then return again. After awhile he had enough and turners around. He raised his hand as electricity danced around his finger tips. "Who ever is following me while trying to kill me by stabbing me with imaginary daggers come on out. I know you are there."


Aiko felt scared and showed herself shyly looking not angry but sad as she presented herself before him shamefully
Jin watched with a neutral expression as Aiko stepped out from behind cover. He lowers his hand as the electricity that built up around him faded. "So care to explain why you were starring daggers into my back while I tried to walk?

Jin watched with a neutral expression as Aiko stepped out from behind cover. He lowers his hand as the electricity that built up around him faded. "So care to explain why you were starring daggers into my back while I tried to walk?


"You don't seem to love me and it feels my interface with this negative feeling." She said looking at him with an intimidated expression as she was visibly shaking.
Jin's expression softened a bit. "You're probably just angry and sad. That's what normally what happens when confessing doesn't go you're way." he sighed again. "My awnser still hasn't changed. You can't just forget about loseing someone you love the day after you lost them."

Jin's expression softened a bit. "You're probably just angry and sad. That's what normally what happens when confessing doesn't go you're way." he sighed again. "My awnser still hasn't changed. You can't just forget about loseing someone you love the day after you lost them."


She pouted and sat by the wall like a little girl as she was merely 3 years in age(but physically 16). "I see." She said


(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Fenrir's Dungeon)(With: Loki) @Dante Verren (Sorry that took a bit, i've been feeling sick.)  

Setsuna’s sensual response was at first greeted with silence as it looked like Loki was about to think about her offer. She had him right where she wanted him. Now all she had to do was keep up her false act and she would be able to persuade him a bit more, that was until he started to burst out laughing like a complete psychopath. She didn’t exactly understand why he was laughing like this but it creeped her the hell out. He didn’t know if he fell her silly little scheme that she quickly devised. Then reality hit her after Loki stated something about her false performance. There truly was no way to get out of this situation that was about to happen. Setsuna’s seductive smirk turned into a terrified frown as her vindictive captor closed in his distance with her, her lips shook with the feeling of hopelessness behind them. Setsuna flinched as soon as he raised his fingers that were pressed together across from her face, was he going to do one of his sadistic tricks again? She was nearly on the verge of her mind breaking from his actions, especially after what he did to her while she was being kidnapped.

Loki’s finger hastily slid his index finger and his thumb against each other making the friction from his rigid skin which created a snapping motion. Suddenly her tightened bindings vanished from her weary figure. “I-I-i-i can’t move.. My body, it’s paralyzed with trepidation.” Setsuna thought to herself before unintentionally descending towards the floor beneath her until she was achingly caught by his rough hand which clutched around her tender throat which deliberately constricted her breathing to mere gasps. In an optimistic view she swore that he was going to choke her unconscious again, anything would be better than being awake and further experiencing this traumatic ordeal. Setsuna’s breathing was paused as he raised her up by her neck against the hardened stone wall behind her. “Please, i’ll do anything you want..” Her delicate hands raised up to his while she looked him in his heartless eyes that portrayed his very soul. Weakness overtook her body again as grasp on his hands is released resulting in her arms drooping down back to her sides, Setsuna felt it again, that severe numbing feeling that was tingling throughout her nerves. The warm merciful embrace of comatose was kicking in as her brain shut down until it was interrupted after he slammed her feminine frame down onto the unyielding surface of the operating table. Her enticing rear-end was hoisted up into the air above as her face was forcibly pressed against the exterior of the table, familiar unnerving sounds of chains clamping back down onto her appendages became clear to her ears.

“Was he going to have his way with me again?” She notioned until the corner of her eye caught something, it was a sharpened butcher knife that Loki was wielding. Setsuna realized that this took a situation took a very bad turn, straightforward and complicated ideas came rushing to her as her heartbeat started racing even higher this time. “Agh! No! I beg of you! Stop this!! Whatever you want, name it! I’ll give it to you, anything but this. I ask for your undivided benevolence! I’m nothing but a worm in comparison to a great deity such as yourself! There must be something that you or one of your children want from me! I can’t take this suffering anymore, you’ve already broken me down to a simple beggar! I-i can’t take it anymore..” Setsuna shouted out wildly to Loki as her movements became more and more uncontrollable, even the motion of her fluffy nine tails commenced to flurry in terror as he held onto them. An overabundance of tears streamed down her face worse than before as she awaited his ultimate decision. “I-i’m sorry.” she stuttered out quietly as she looked at the puddle of moisture accumulating on the ground from her waterworks.

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