Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Everyone is off and doing their own thing.... There is a event coming up ( Ball/dance).

(I'm plan to fix/reboot this rp after that)

sorry for inconvenience

(An opportunity to get Jin's attention!)

(If I tried to murder you it would've been at gunpoint my dearie, I had you at knifepoint and as a hostage, DIFFERENCE)

(pointing a gun at someone and holding a knife to their throat is basically the same. Anyway. No means no.)
(I am so sorry for such a late response I thought I posted earlier.)

Jin saw The Seo clones appear and smiled. "So we are using powers now?" He shot upwards like a bolt of lightning and crashed down reloading as he landed. He fired a few shots at the clones tell he heard a voice from the bushes and he emptied his magazine into the bushes trying to hit the hiding one.

@Marumatsu (Sorry again.)

Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: "My" Room)(With: Lyssa, Flemy,)

Seo noticed the lightning figure shoot up in the sky and return to the ground just as fast. "Well that escalated quickly." Seo readied his weapon as the clones were being attacked only to look up and have his face covered completely paint not to mention his shirt was cover and stained as well. Wiping the paint off his closed the distance between him and Jin. "Awesome looks like you win the prize" With that said the clones run to Jin turning into crystal chains and pining him down. Seo places his hands down to his right side forming a little black hole where his hands meet, raising his head and giving Jin a vile smile. "Well i only have a few more minutes to spare so here ya go." The black hole gained color as he talked to Jin once it was about the size of a basket ball Seo thrusted the rainbow orb at Jin screaming. "KAMEHA-MY-PAINT!" Shooting out of his hands the rainbow orb swirled into vortex enveloping and covering Jin in various colors. The vortex did not hurt is just felt like a very tripy experience viewing from the inside Jin could see a miraculous sunset the breeze from the paint flying felt as if it was a calm wind sliding across his face while laying looking at the sunset. This was soon interrupted by the ending of the vortex closing in and abruptly ending in a pitch black view and a loud slap sound as the paint smacked his face. The restraints lifted and Seo helped Jin open his eyes and stand. "Beautiful view right? That's how you use to see, and now you see nothing right? Cheer up lover boy if I THE MAESTRO OF WEIRDNESS  can find someone you will get yours as well. Don't take this the wrong way we are not friends,  I showed you this only to hopefully pick you up out of this depressing look you wear on your face. Now go find someone else to paint on." Seo noticed the baffled look on Jin's face after he said this. Seo normally would not care for things like this normally he would make him suffer even more by pretending to be the dead wolf girl but, for some reason these people at this school reminded him of the crazy people from home.


(Sunset view Seo showed to Jin)

Heading away Seo noticed another person launched into the atmosphere, but Lyssa was in his room with Lysseo right? Continuing his route over to the dorms he received a call that one of the three delinquents that were delivering the paintball guns kind of does not exist anymore. Turning to look at the area the delinquent was thrown Seo knew Behemoth HQ was in that direction, he quickly acknowledged his brother got his invitation to play. "Yeah words are nice, thanks for the heads up my lady awaits my arrival so." Hanging up the phone he runs to the dorms opens a black hole and falls into an ocean somewhere and begins to twirl himself around while a soapy bubble appears where his figure once was. Shooting himself up into the black hole he fell out of. Seo found himself circling around a sun drying off almost instantly. He put on some sunglasses and toke out a bag of popcorn watching it cook in the suns heat. "Yup Ryo would love this place!" he grins as she say this then travels through a black hole landing before his dorms room. Straightening out his attire he opens his room door slowly seeing nothing and hearing nothing as well. "I brought po-pop-popcorn" he held the popcorn up and closed the door before looking at Lyssa's seductive pose making him stutter. He looked at her eyes then her beautiful redden cheeks shifting his look even further down he would make her wait no more. Throwing the popcorn in a corner he jumped onto the bed and began kissing her, gently moving his hands across her body syncing his movement with her's. The slow gentle movements he made began to accelerate until he could no longer contain his emotion. Positioning himself upright over her he threw his shirt into a corner and began to pull her's off when he noticed his shirt did not hit the ground. "Lysseo? What are you doing little pup?" Seo moved from over top Lyssa to see what Lysseo was doing in the corner of the room. Upon noticing a human like figure he jumped out of bed and approached cautiously. His eyes grew big and his expression changed from confused to concerned when he found out the little puppy was not there but a girl, it was the girl he saw Lyssa with earlier today she looked dirty and weak barely able to move or even speak. Seo looked back at Lyssa and for a second he was lost in her gorgeous figure. "You truly are a treasure to behold... Oh yeah I'll make something for her to eat and I'll start up a bath." A now disappointed shirtless Seo walks out as he winks at his lovely lady and makes a figure of her body before he spins toward the bathroom to start the bath. Ladies and Gentleman it looks like our trip to Lyssa's Luxurious Lumps will have a slight delay. After hearing sounds of the running water in the bathroom Seo goes into the kitchen and prepares a meal for everyone. Seo brings Lyssa a cup of water to give to the worn-out girl laying on his floor he asks Lyssa if she needs anything herself before he heads back out to continue cooking. 

(Are we serious right now Seo random beaten up girl in your room casually watching you advance on your girlfriend. Wait i get it, you are dating the Goddess of Insanity now so you just accept whatever happens and throw all logic out the window.) @Obsidian @Trust

@Dante Verren (It's cool)
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(Seo Sentrale)(Location: "My" Room)(With: Lyssa, Flemy,)

Seo noticed the lightning figure shoot up in the sky and return to the ground just as fast. "Well that escalated quickly." Seo readied his weapon as the clones were being attacked only to look up and have his face covered completely paint not to mention his shirt was cover and stained as well. Wiping the paint off his closed the distance between him and Jin. "Awesome looks like you win the prize" With that said the clones run to Jin turning into crystal chains and pining him down. Seo places his hands down to his right side forming a little black hole where his hands meet, raising his head and giving Jin a vile smile. "Well i only have a few more minutes to spare so here ya go." The black hole gained color as he talked to Jin once it was about the size of a basket ball Seo thrusted the rainbow orb at Jin screaming. "KAMEHA-MY-PAINT!" Shooting out of his hands the rainbow orb swirled into vortex enveloping and covering Jin in various colors. The vortex did not hurt is just felt like a very tripy experience viewing from the inside Jin could see a miraculous sunset the breeze from the paint flying felt as if it was a calm wind sliding across his face while laying looking at the sunset. This was soon interrupted by the ending of the vortex closing in and abruptly ending in a pitch black view and a loud slap sound as the paint smacked his face. The restraints lifted and Seo helped Jin open his eyes and stand. "Beautiful view right? That's how you use to see, and now you see nothing right? Cheer up lover boy if I THE MAESTRO OF WEIRDNESS  can find someone you will get yours as well. Don't take this the wrong way we are not friends,  I showed you this only to hopefully pick you up out of this depressing look you wear on your face. Now go find someone else to paint on." Seo noticed the baffled look on Jin's face after he said this. Seo normally would not care for things like this normally he would make him suffer even more by pretending to be the dead wolf girl but, for some reason these people at this school reminded him of the crazy people from home.

(Sunset view Seo showed to Jin)

Heading away Seo noticed another person launched into the atmosphere, but Lyssa was in his room with Lysseo right? Continuing his route over to the dorms he received a call that one of the three delinquents that were delivering the paintball guns kind of does not exist anymore. Turning to look at the area the delinquent was thrown Seo knew Behemoth HQ was in that direction, he quickly acknowledged his brother got his invitation to play. "Yeah words are nice, thanks for the heads up my lady awaits my arrival so." Hanging up the phone he runs to the dorms opens a black hole and falls into an ocean somewhere and begins to twirl himself around while a soapy bubble appears where his figure once was. Shooting himself up into the black hole he fell out of. Seo found himself circling around a sun drying off almost instantly. He put on some sunglasses and toke out a bag of popcorn watching it cook in the suns heat. "Yup Ryo would love this place!" he grins as she say this then travels through a black hole landing before his dorms room. Straightening out his attire he opens his room door slowly seeing nothing and hearing nothing as well. "I brought po-pop-popcorn" he held the popcorn up and closed the door before looking at Lyssa's seductive pose making him stutter. He looked at her eyes then her beautiful redden cheeks shifting his look even further down he would make her wait no more. Throwing the popcorn in a corner he jumped onto the bed and began kissing her, gently moving his hands across her body syncing his movement with her's. The slow gentle movements he made began to accelerate until he could no longer contain his emotion. Positioning himself upright over her he threw his shirt into a corner and began to pull her's off when he noticed his shirt did not hit the ground. "Lysseo? What are you doing little pup?" Seo moved from over top Lyssa to see what Lysseo was doing in the corner of the room. Upon noticing a human like figure he jumped out of bed and approached cautiously. His eyes grew big and his expression changed from confused to concerned when he found out the little puppy was not there but a girl, it was the girl he saw Lyssa with earlier today she looked dirty and weak barely able to move or even speak. Seo looked back at Lyssa and for a second he was lost in her gorgeous figure. "You truly are a treasure to behold... Oh yeah I'll make something for her to eat and I'll start up a bath." A now disappointed shirtless Seo walks out as he winks at his lovely lady and makes a figure of her body before he spins toward the bathroom to start the bath. Ladies and Gentleman it looks like our trip to Lyssa's Luxurious Lumps will have a slight delay. After hearing sounds of the running water in the bathroom Seo goes into the kitchen and prepares a meal for everyone. Seo brings Lyssa a cup of water to give to the worn-out girl laying on his floor he asks Lyssa if she needs anything herself before he heads back out to continue cooking. 

(Are we serious right now Seo random beaten up girl in your room casually watching you advance on your girlfriend. Wait i get it, you are dating the Goddess of Insanity now so you just accept whatever happens and throw all logic out the window.) @Obsidian 

(Yikes I was just going to actually put in a comment regarding Fremy :S  ) 

Ryujin v2.jpg


Jin sat up. and wiped away the paint from his eye's as Seo left. "I really hate those two." He Stood up and sighed. "Guess I should go clean up." He looked down at his hand as he curled it and uncurled it to and from a fist. He stood up with a heavy sigh and picked up the paint ball gun twirling it around his hand. "What does it even mean to find someone to paint on?" He shrugged and began walking to his room. paint dripping as he walked. He did feel a little better though.

Jin reached his room and entered silently. He through his clothes over in a random corner and went to take a shower.  His thoughts ran back to the full events of the day. honestly just thinking about all of it caused him a freaking head ache. he had no idea what was happening any more. He finished takeing the shower but was to lazy to put on any clothes so he just wrapped the towel along his waist before collapsing down onto his bed. "Screw you to oh beautiful world." He muttered before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


Jin sat up. and wiped away the paint from his eye's as Seo left. "I really hate those two." He Stood up and sighed. "Guess I should go clean up." He looked down at his hand as he curled it and uncurled it to and from a fist. He stood up with a heavy sigh and picked up the paint ball gun twirling it around his hand. "What does it even mean to find someone to paint on?" He shrugged and began walking to his room. paint dripping as he walked. He did feel a little better though.

Jin reached his room and entered silently. He through his clothes over in a random corner and went to take a shower.  His thoughts ran back to the full events of the day. honestly just thinking about all of it caused him a freaking head ache. he had no idea what was happening any more. He finished takeing the shower but was to lazy to put on any clothes so he just wrapped the towel along his waist before collapsing down onto his bed. "Screw you to oh beautiful world." He muttered before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Aiko teleported into his room and sat down watching him sleep. She wanted him to love her but was unsure how. She looked at him carefully to study his facial features with detail as ordered by [Redacted] but she couldn't help but blush in the process.
Jim was sleeping soundly. How breathing was easy and he snored lightly. His Oni eye was still uncovered but he had managed to get all of the paint off. He grumbled in his sleep but otherwise didn't ackoledge that someone was in his room.

The Grox100 just realized he did sleep again somewhere.
 When he woke up he leaved out an 'GASP!'
 and then is going to the acadamy. He is bored. And a Grox100 who's bored wants to see violence =). So he turns music on. He dosen't want to go on an genocide...alone.
Jim was sleeping soundly. How breathing was easy and he snored lightly. His Oni eye was still uncovered but he had managed to get all of the paint off. He grumbled in his sleep but otherwise didn't ackoledge that someone was in his room.


She climbed on his bed and fell asleep by complete accident as she had wanted to take a closer look.


(Lyssa Yassa)(Location: Seo's dorm.)(With: Seo, Fremy, Lysseo)(Sorry if I haven't added that much detail, internet has been buggy af, had to post this before it messed up  @Marumatsu @Trust)
Lyssa’s tongue glided softly across her delicate upper-lip in a sensual motion as soon Seo entered the dorm-room, her tiny nose twitched a bit from the delicious aroma of delicious popcorn that flooded into the encompassing atmosphere, yet she was looking for something a bit more ‘tasty’. She smiled seductively as she centered her cute attentive eyes onto Seo’s figure which stood in the middle of the doorway. Three of her slender carnal-driven fingers slip carefully up the side of her plump rear end and coiled firmly around the waistband of her undergarments, resulting in the elastic thong being stretched outwards which lightly tugged on her butt a bit. “Heheh, I got your ‘popcorn’ right here.” She faintly replied before releasing her weakened grasp on the overextended waistband causing it to whip back against her skin, creating a ‘snapping’ sound once it impacted with her lower body. Lyssa silently ascended her leisurely bent wrist into flowing breeze above her while making a beckoning gesture with her index finger as she growled in an alluring manner. She was taken by complete and utter surprise once she watched him carelessly catapult his mouthwatering popcorn across the room and throw himself up onto her. Lyssa giggled gracefully as Seo interlocked his lips with hers resulting in a very sloppy passionate kiss as he stood over her dormant body, his and her hand moved and slithered up each other’s bodies as if they had a mind of their own. Adorable puny meeps came out from her as his hands caressed her in a way that she has never felt before, every single movement caused them to increase but they only grew a bit louder when he accelerated the pace of his actions.


As they suckled upon each other’s lips she swung her legs hastily behind him and wrapped them around his. “Mfmmm, you wanna see how crazy I can really get?” Lyssa whispered into his ear as he tore her shirt of with naughty intentions. Suddenly she was interrupted by a curious little puppy who should’ve been in bed! The one way ticket to pound-town has been placed on full halt because of that tiny cute furry shit. “God da-Ooo!” Lyssa exclaimed in a surprised hedonistic intention after he moved his muscular upper-body over her face, his heavily built abdominal region was suspended over her face causing her perverted face to be coated with velvet pigmentation. Giant hypnotic spirals were seen wreathing around in her eyes, she was completely captivated by his overly-toned body! As soon as she tried to lustfully touch his midsection he leaped out from the bed. Lyssa pouted in disbelief as she watched Seo stumble upon the overly curious Fremy who was lurking around in the enveloping darkness. “Heh, Fremy.. How long have you been standing there silly? Sorry for uh, giving you a show.. But i know on the down-low you loved it. Oo! Maybe if you stay around you can join us!” Lyssa excitedly stretched her feminine figure into a more revealing posture before shifting her tanned legs out from the side of the bed and leaping down onto the cozy carpet below. “Love, with all these compliments you’re giving me, you’re just going to make me want you even more. Also I don’t need anything except you baby.” She winked at Seo giving him a multitude of dirty thoughts. Lysseo then casually approached Seo and tugged onto his pant-leg with his fluffy paw. “Daddy, why is mommy a crazy pervert?” Lysseo questioned while smiling with an innocent expression covering his adorable face.


(Lysseo)(Seo/Lyssa's puppy.)
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Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Lyssa, Flemy, Lysseo)

"Join us?!" Seo exclaimed as he curiously watched the words come out of Lyssa's mouth. Honestly though how long was this girl here? Seo trying to find any sense in what is going on, looks toward Lyssa who strikes a alluring pose before landing on the carpet. Not able to hold himself back any longer from her top-heavy movements almost revealing, to her small comment and gesture plaguing his mind with dirty content. Moving to pick her up and place her on the bed he feels a slight tug on his pants making him stop in movement. No words come out of his mouth he simply looks into Lyssa's eyes as he brushes her cheek giving her a long slow kiss then he sits down in between Lyssa and Lysseo. " can talk?" Seo says this in a rather calm tone not that he is not surprised but, more so that the strange events leading to this point allow him to easily accept his adorable pup's special quality. "Daddy" circles around in his mind for a bit before he looks at Lyssa and back at Lysseo. Petting Lysseo on his head before getting up and walking to the doorway. "Mommy is a crazy pervert huh? Still though she is the best mommy in the world because she loves her little Lysseo?" Seo smiles at his adorable family letting out a small laugh and shaking his head as he thinks about everything that has happened since walking into his dorm. Lyssa brought an unexpected twist to his life only the first day and he already had a random person who appeared to be clinging to life, a talking puppy who was more or less a child now, and a spectacular Goddess who by the way was completely bonkers. Completely at a loss Seo waved at Lysseo to have him join him.  "Come help daddy with the food" As they walked out of the room sounds of dishes being moved and items being dragged across the floor by Lysseo are heard barely heard through the rooms. Rough-housing could be heard as they finished one step of the cooking process and chases each other around the house. "Daddy that's not fair" Lysseo's voice echoed through the halls as he ran back and forth trying to catch Seo.

@Obsidian @Trust

(Sorry its so short i could not find anything else to add)
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Fremy White


"I.. I will... I think... I'll grab a bath..." the weakened young girl whispered to the two through her painful throat, partially because of the sheer amount of embarrassment she was currently experiencing and partially because of how unbelievably thirsty she was. Fremy shuffled up from her position in the corner on shaking legs and shuffled her way towards the bathroom, purposefully making sure her soft-blue eye didn't stray towards either of the two, and instead looking longingly at the small, speaking dog. She opened the door and entered, only to find her heart thumping incredibly fast in her chest. She partially wondered if she would even know how to use such human devices but decided that they would most likely be easy enough to control. She turned on the taps with relative ease, happy to find water coming pouring out of them, one hot and one cold. She allowed them to stay on for a moment while swishing the mixture of the same liquid with two different temperatures around until it was roughly all the same. She hobbled back to the door and closed it, then locked it, just in-case. "Lyssa is weird..." Fremy confirmed in her mind before pulling off her cape, leggings and chest piece and sitting down in the mildly hot water, keeping her small make-shift eyepatch on, more for her own comfort than anything else.

Even just taking it off reminded her of her past. 

She sunk deeper into the water, stretching her legs out and lowering herself until she was completely submerged down to her neck, it feeling incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating against her pale skin. "Why was I the unlucky one..." she mumbled to herself, happy that she could relax and finally had some time to her own, but also saddened that she had time to recollect and could now lament over her own past.



(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: ???)(With: Surprise.) @YungJazz @Marumatsu 

(Very Very Long Post but it's the introduction of a character and a plot development) (Poor Setsuna :/ )

(Part 1)

As Ryo chucked a freaking decorative black marble desk at one of the henchmen, Setsuna could feel the elegant bathroom trembling around her naked body as if a seismic earthquake hit the location. Her ears perked up in surprise when she also observed the distant screams which projected through the thin walls of the shower. Sestuna happily giggled knowing that Ryo probably sent that perverted man’s ass into the next dimension, or managed to fling his sorry ass all the way down to the bottom level of the Behemoth Headquarters. Her arms wrapped lovingly around the sides of her biceps as she proceeded to day-dream about him, she couldn’t get his imagine nor his words out from her head. “I’ll never leave you.” Was all that she could hear inside of her her brain. Those four exact words gave her such an overwhelming feeling of endearment and care. All those simplistic letters combined into one thoughtful phrase that meant everything to her. However something else came over her.. She knew that he’d never leave her but.. The thought of him somehow passing from death because of his overconfident attitude and eagerness to go into battle in such a headstrong way worried her. Setsuna had someone so important to her in her existence, Ryo was exceedingly strong but there were a handful of individuals that could have no problem dispatching him, which reminded her of Daji. 9 days left.. She was so busy having sensual relations with him Setsuna didn’t even realize that a day has passed. “Ryo.. I promise to make these last days with you, be the best..” She whispered underneath her sorrowful breathe as the flowing water slides further down her bare figure, her thoughts were quickly interrupted by Ryo as he shouted into the bathroom before sprinting towards one of Seo’s goonies. “Alright have fun handsome! Try not to uh, kill your brother alright? He maybe an insufferable jackass but he’s still your brother!”

(Part 2)

Setsuna shouts back to him in a calm and slightly concerned tone before continuing to scrub down her body with some wonderful smelling body-wash. “Heh, what am I gonna do with him” She softly muttered, Setsuna gripped the golden-hued shower knob and twisted it to the left causing the droplets of water to cease their endless barrage. She grips a leisurely hold of the shower-door and slides it back open so that she’s able to step out. Once the bottom of her foot connects with the ground, something felt extremely sinister, as if something had followed her, to her immediate surprise she did also notice something in the mirror across from her, although it was pretty fogged up so she wasn’t able to see that clearly. “Ryo..? This has got to be either a prank or the most unnerving love surprise i’ve ever witnessed.” She said cluelessly as she approached the mirror. As soon as she pressed the gentle palm of her hand against the glass she wiped away the fog and saw something horrifying. Someone was standing right behind her, it looked like one of Ryo’s henchmen but this one was completely different.. Something was off about this one.. He was wearing a mask too.. Odd.. Setsuna turned around and glared angrily at the strange man assuming that he was some freaky pervert. She clenched her fists with such intensity that it caused a portion of the ceramic tiles beneath her to crack from the disperse of pressure. “Get the fuck out you, god damn pervert!” She yelled, before turning herself around swinging her fist at a lightning-fast speed into the being’s face causing their disturbing mask to crack. Setsuna grined wickedly knowing that she probably dealt this man a severe amount of pain. Served him right for being a stalking creep that was ogling her body while she was showering. To her disbelief the person took the tremendous blow without even flinching nor did his head get twisted in the direction the force impacted. This wasn’t Daji, this was someone entirely different. He reeked of devastating aura and utter hatred, Setsuna’s eyes shook in fear as the man made a menacing grin back towards her as she backed up to the sink-counter with a frown covering her face. “My my you’ve got quite the punch little lady… But nonetheless..I hit harder.” He replied before thrusting his heavy hitting fist into her face causing her to launch backwards through the kitchen-counter top and through the other side of the wall. Debris and grime scatter throughout the living quarters of the room onto Setsuna’s soaked naked body causing the dust to lay itself onto her skin.

(Part 3)

She painfully whimpered in agony as she watched the man step over the gaping crater in the wall, whoever this person was she knew she had no fighting chance against him. “Why are you doing this?” She groaned as she crawled backwards on the carpet away from the person. The antagonizing figure laughed in response and increased his pace towards her and closed in the distance between them. He gripped the front of her delicate throat and pulled her towards his wicked face. “I’ll give you a hint. I’m not really after you but your boyfriend on the other-hand well.. He took something of mine..” He whispered into her ear before slamming the palm of his hand onto the exterior of her gut which knocks all of the wind out from her. Particles of blood splatter out from her lips and spray against the person’s mask. Suddenly a bunch of Ryo’s heavily armed henchmen sprint up the stairs and to the outside of her room and point towards the person holding Setsuna hostage. “Hey you bastard, let the boss-lady go!” One grunt said as he wielded a handgun in the direction of the mysterious guy. “Yeah! You know who you’re even screwing with you circus freak?” Another one yelled out and retrieved a combat knife from out of his coat. The figure dropped Setsuna onto the ground without hesitation, leaving her to squirm in pain. His sickening eyes twisted in the direction of the hostile men adjacent to where he was standing from. Overflowing miasma from the person’s body begun to coat the atmosphere in a terrifying smell which caused the grouped up lackeys to step back a few feet. “Holy shit, this guy… I think he’s stronger than the boss.” One said until he was nudged in the face by another one’s elbow in response to his stupid comment. “Shut up! Nobody can beat the boss, this guy is just trying to scare us!” Another said before rushing towards the menacing being. Without warning the masked stranger unsheathed an extensive blade out from his cane that he had sashed around the side of his waist and plunged the pinnacle of the sharp-end through the henchman’s throat causing him to gurgle on the blood that filled his throat. “Step right up gentleman! I’ve got body bags for everyone!” The anomalous being declared before snapping his fingers causing the stereo in the room to switch back on but resulting in the Behemoth Headquarter’s lights to briefly shut off until the backup generator turned itself on giving the lights a eerie low orangish tinge. Setsuna’s vision was blurred but she managed to see the gruesome slaughter in front of her.

(Part 4)

Dismembered bodies of henchmen being tossed around like they were nothing but disposable fodder, soul-wrenching screams which echoed throughout the corridors which was halted as the last scream faded into oblivion. This, this couldn’t be real. This is a nightmare. She thought as the surviving stranger stepped towards her silently but coated in velvet red which dripped from his body and onto the ground. Setsuna was abruptly grabbed once and lifted up to her wobbly feet which were unable to support her due to the weakness which encompassed her body from the torment she was feeling. Nevertheless she was held up against the man who placed her into a painful arm lock as he pressed his available hand onto one of her unclothed breasts. “P-p-lease stop it.. You’re hurting me!” She yelled out in agony before having the humerus bone in her fragile arm fractured. A thunderous scream sprung out from her mouth as tears poured down her face, she was then dragged over into the bathroom and thrown back onto the tiles in a shaky unnerved mess of a condition. “Ooo hes going to love this home-video i’m about to make.” He muttered out from his mouth before approaching Setsuna with vicious and unknown intentions as she coiled up into a ball in the center of the bathroom. Fourty-five minutes later they both seemed to be gone however there was a photograph with a message written in blood plastered onto the shower’s glass. “A fox for a wolf, I believe that’s an acceptable trade.. Meet you back at Niflheim- Love Loki.” Not to mention there was a CD that showed footage of him assaulting, torturing, and even doing things against her will. Then disappearing with Setsuna who was badly wounded. (Yikes this went dark really quick..)

Loki photograph. 

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( Damn you @Obsidian !!!! You had to go and make me feel feelings!! NOW THE DRAGONS SHALL COME FORTH!! PREPARE FOR THE COMPLETE ANNIHILATION OF THE NORSE PANTHEON!!!!.....Tomorrow, cause I'm dead tired and need food and sleep.)
( Damn you @Obsidian !!!! You had to go and make me feel feelings!! NOW THE DRAGONS SHALL COME FORTH!! PREPARE FOR THE COMPLETE ANNIHILATION OF THE NORSE PANTHEON!!!!.....Tomorrow, cause I'm dead tired and need food and sleep.)

(@YungJazz She's still alive though don't worry. Also i can't wait to see this!) 

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