Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Aiko finished the book and sat by Kagami she seemed to have a blank expression and took the pieces of the blade Logan had used to cut her with and seemingly phased it out of existence only to materialize it again and it was another novel. She started to read the book next to Kagami silently.

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Ryo Sentrale

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo smiled softly at his love, accepting the peck on his lips with one of his own, "I promise Fox Princess, i'll never leave you." Ryo then proceeded to watch with perverted interest as Setsuna walked towards the shower, admiring her form. Then one of his stupid peons had to go and ruin his moment by peeking in. With a frustrated sigh, Ryo quickly picked up the nearest object he could find, a desk, and chucked it at the henchmen. Of course, this was a freaking desk, so it literally hit the guy like a freight train and sent him flying down the corridor into other henchmen, but Ryo didn't care, he was too comfortable.

Laying back into the bed, Ryo sighed in comfort, enjoying this quiet time as his girl showered. He really did enjoy this bed and the afterglow of the sex romp he had with his love. Nothing could have ruined this moment.

And that's when one of his brother's underlings popped in, shot him in the face with a paintball gun, and then proceeded to laugh hysterically. Ryo stared blankly at the laughing henchman with paint on his face. Slowly wiping the paint off his face, Ryo stood up and got off the bed, shouting out to Setsuna, "Hey babe! I'll take a shower later! I have to go have a little chat with my brother, i'll be back shortly!"

With that said, Ryo appeared in front of the laughing idiot in a burst of speed and grabbed his face in a vice grip, causing the man to cry out. Ryo then proceeded to launch the guy through the ceiling and towards the stars, more than likely never going to be seen again, poor henchman #2495

With that done, Ryo jumped out of the hole he made and onto his building's roof, his aura flaring wildly in irritation from his brother's antics. All around, a massive paintball war was occurring, and IT WAS GETTING EVERYWHERE! Oh yeah, it was time for some brotherly wrath.


@Obsidian @Marumatsu

Tyrus Zephronic (War)

Tyrus of War.jpg

"How dare that whore not be in her dwelling! I'll rip her skin off and use it as shit paper!"

Tyrus sighed as he listened to the irate ranting of his inner companion. Looks like War was on another one of his, 'mutilation' tangents. Better just let him get it out of his system before they find Astaroth, otherwise it would be a bloodbath in the making. He couldn't believe that A had left her living space in such a mess, burnt floors, holes everywhere, and the sex dungeon, never forget about the sex dungeon.

Tyrus shuttered in revolt at the thought of that, the Thrones were weird. Good thing he was a vessel for a horseman, and all that meant was rage, constant violence, and unnatural physical, mental, spiritual, and martial ability, plus the end of the world, but Tyrus was looking forward to that.

Now though, Tyrus definitely had to speed up his search for Astaroth, cause War was getting very close to saying, 'screw it', and going full horseman on the people here, and that wouldn't end well for anyone. Finally making a decision, Tyrus extended his senses to feel for A's unique presence and found it immediately with....the primal god of chaos? Well that's a new one. Tyrus mapped his path and then gained War's attention.

"And furthermore!"

"Not to interrupt War, but i've found the 'vacuum for penis', as you've described her. Shall we be on our way?" Getting a mental confirmation from the being inside him, Tyrus set out towards the cafeteria, intent of finding the Throne of Lust. Passing by quite a few beauties along the way, Tyrus made mental note to test the waters later, after all, War also came with its prizes.

Arriving at his destination, after avoiding what seemed to be a war zone of paint, Tyrus looked around the cafeteria and spotted A, who's face was currently attached to Hundun's, looking as if they were desperately trying to suck the air out of each other's lungs. Tyrus chuckled awkwardly at the sight, maybe he shouldn't interrupt. And that's when War chimed in with his ever considerate disposition.

"Go over there and stop that disgusting sight, before the bitch gives that God some form of extra-dimensional herpes."

Sighing in quiet acceptance, Tyrus followed War's orders, making his way over to A and Hundun. He stopped directly behind Hundun, tapping him on the shoulder politely, hoping to gain his attention and at the same time, not offend him for ruining their whole make-out session

"Excuse me, but the lady you're sucking face with is an acquaintance of my friend. And he's quite ready to speak with her if you don't mind."

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

(Man, that took a bit. Sorry, i've been super busy, so I haven't posted. BUT I'M BACK NOW PEOPLE!)
Elch shot twice at Smoke both times Smoke dodged and jumped out of the way. Elch kept shooting at Smoke keeping him at bay. Smoke was getting annoyed quickly and finally said 'Why don't you drop the toys and fight me dammit!' Elch smirked under his mask and said "Fine! You first!" Both of the men dropped their weapons and walked towards each other. They looked each other in the eyes. Finally the knight spoke up 'I want to see your face before I kill you.' Elch took off his mask revealing an insane smile. Elch reached up and took off Smokes helmet. They both had a look of hatred on their faces, however Elch looked on the verge of insanity. They both backed up a bit. They stared at each other  before Smoke seemingly teleported in front of Elch, Elch jumped away. Smoke growled and followed him, constantly swinging at Elch, every time Elch dodged. Smoke stopped and waited for Elchs move. Elch lunged at Smokes throat, Smoke anticipated it and caught him. He had him by his collar and chucked him. Elch went through a brick wall and into the library. "I'll fucking kill you!!!" Elch screamed as he got up. 

@anyone in the library


(Lyssa Yassa)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Lysseo) @Marumatsu (Should've added more detail but my brain hurts :(

Lyssa brushed her delicate fingertips through her the locks of her bangs as she nonchalantly strolled through the entry-way which led into Seo’s dorm. Lysseo barked excitedly as his pupils darted across his eyes. The little husky was so cheerful to notice such a massive decorative room to play in, it was a bit unfortunate that he had no other puppies to play with but he was happy either way! “Wai-Lysseo!” She gasped in slight panic as Lysseo wiggled out from her slender arms and leaped onto the surface of the neatly folded covers of the bed. Lyssa was terrified that he was going to fall out from her grasp and onto the carpet beneath her, which probably would’ve ended up in the poor pup being hurt. A relieved sight escaped from her mouth after realizing that Lysseo was rolling around in the sheets with pure joy and completely unscathed. That crazy pup was gonna give her a heart-attack if he kept pulling a stunt like that! An irritated look crawls across her face as she looks at the dog. “Hey! You really gotta watch what you’re doing, you’re going to get yourself hurt!” She declared in a scolding voice causing the small puppy to situate its tail between its legs in a fearful manner as it lightly whimpered.


As soon as Lysseo looked up at her with his big innocent blue eyes, she couldn’t help but feel unyielding regret flow throughout her entire body. He was so freaking adorable! She immediately wrapped her arms around him and hugged the little creature, she felt so bad that she made him sad. “Aww.. I’m sorry buddy, you really do need to be more careful, I don’t know what i’d do if you were to get yourself hurt!” Lyssa smirked radiantly as she positioned him against her busty chest. “O-okay mommy.” Lysseo responded before planting his fluffly little head onto her chest, his eyes began to close in comfort as he drifted off into dream-land, on the other hand Lyssa’s eyes hastily opened with utter revelation. “Y-y-you can talk!?” She shouted loudly causing her projected voice to traverse throughout the entire room and echo into the surrounding hallways. Her hands swept rapidly underneath his furry stomach and she pulled him up right across from her face awaiting a response from the far from normal husky puppy. “Eeyup I sure can, didn’t you know that silly” Lysseo replied while wagging his cute little tail all around in a circular-motion. Lyssa’s jaw dropped even further as each word that came out from this tiny creature’s mouth gave her chills that ran down her spin. What kind of Husky did she even buy? Well, it wasn’t really that shocking now that she thought about it, she did infact buy her from a peculiar witch.


That witch really did have big boobs too. Big boobs are pretty magical in a sense. Where was she going with this again? Oh yeah.. Once her eyes were fixated at Lysseo she saw him happily staring at Lyssa while sliding the top of his tongue against his nose, kinda gross in a way but nonetheless it was adorable to watch. Seo instantly came to her mind once she walked over to one of the visitor living spaces that he had and tucked the tired puppy in a bed that was a tad bit big for him. She had to get ready for his arrival, and she knew just how to prepare for it. By getting in a suggestive and appendage arousing posture of course! Genius, her cheeks were concealed with a redish-hue once she sprinted out from Lysseo’s temporary living space and into the ‘entertainment’ room. Lyssa crawled onto the surface of the comfortable bed and go into a rather seductive position while mildly lifting the bottom of her skirt all the way up to her waist revealing a bit of her undergarments she then sluggishly slid her fingers up to middle of her bra and tugged a portion of the fabric on it so that her large breasts would be a bit more revealing. Now she played the waiting game.

Lysseo appearance

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Since nobody came to buy something, Grox100 started to...well...patroll?

He walked around and had his pocket where he could reach his ship's inventory.

Just walking in the acadamy and taking a tree out...



"If you touch my food I'll rip your balls off and use them as fishing lures.", A jokingly threatened at Hundun's comment as they made out.
A had already started to pull away having felt the source of her tail's tingling from earlier approaching. As Tyrus made contact with Hundun A swung out from beneath his arm and stood in his face, crossing her arms. 
"Hey, whats up? That's great. Yeah, I have no aquintances, so how about you tell your friend that I'm not and will never be interested in anything he has to say.", she asserted in a kind tone before looking around and finding no "friend" to be seen. "I think the psych ward is two buildings down. Kindly fuck off.", A finished, providing Tyrus with a little nudge in the right direction. 
She turned around and wrapped her arms around Hundun pushing him to a table. "Ignore that freak, I get that sh*t all the time. I'm not about to have our planning sesh be interrupted by some schizo, wolverine look-alike. They guy is wearing face paint for f*ck's sake, I bet he eats crayons. ". A was obviously annoyed by this guy which begged the question why?
She coerced Hundun to ignore the guy at least for the moment as she sat him down and positioned herself next to him and under his arm, her tail wrapping around his midsection. 
A tried to keep his attention crossing her leg over his and leaning onto him. They giggled to themselves for a moment before A snapped her fingers causing a battery of burst of flames to erupt from the floor spawning clones to do their bidding, a few positioned around them as if standing guard.
"16 ounce sirloin, the boiled lobster dish, two orders of shrimp cocktails and a full rack of ribs, dry rub and.....the unlimited brompton cocktails.", A barked to a clone dressed as a french waiter. 
"Yes, right away, mam.", the clone responded in a bad french accent snapping to a group of clones who immediately move away in search of the food. "and for Monsieur?", the clone asks, leaning in Hundun's direction. 
"What do you want, Hun?", A asks looking up at him, her head resting on his shoulder. "My treat.......well kinda.", she smiled, her face lit by the bursts of flames and violence in the background as her clones went about preparing the meal. 




Mary (Mammon)


Without so much as a bye Mary sulked off to find her own dorm. Of course the archangel that protects all humans gets a snazzy room, of course. Jealousy was coursing through her veins as she silently stormed down the hallway, tripping up one or two unfortunate kids that were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Both times after the kids fell over her foot, they whipped their heads around to look for the culprit; and both times Mary pretended to help them up, secretly nabbing their possessions from their pocket before dropping them back onto the ground and leaving them alone to fume. In the end she had picked two dorm keys, a wallet that was rather full and some kind of weird artifact, she'll have to look into that later.

Unlocking the door to her own room, Mary threw her cap and coat onto the bed and slammed the door shut, making sure no one could get in without her permission. She let out a long sigh and collapsed onto the bed, checking out the odd artifact before chucking it to the side into a portal. It lead back to her treasury that only she could enter, it grew constantly as poeple around the world gave her gifts of gold and jewels for a return of promise of fortune. All they ever get is a single diamond, not that much to Mary's standards. But never mind that, she soon fell asleep to replenish her energy after walking all the way here.
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Without so much as a bye Mary sulked off to find her own dorm. Of course the archangel that protects all humans gets a snazzy room, of course. Jealousy was coursing through her veins as she silently stormed down the hallway, tripping up one or two unfortunate kids that were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Both times after the kids fell over her foot, they whipped their heads around to look for the culprit; and both times Mary pretended to help them up, secretly nabbing their possessions from their pocket before dropping them back onto the ground and leaving them alone to fume. In the end she had picked two dorm keys, a wallet that was rather full and some kind of weird artifact, she'll have to look into that later.

Unlocking the door to her own room, Mary threw her cap and coat onto the bed and slammed the door shut, making sure no one could get in without her permission. She let out a long sigh and collapsed onto the bed, checking out the odd artifact before chucking it to the side into a portal. It lead back to her treasury that only she could enter, it grew constantly as poeple around the world gave her gifts of gold and jewels for a return of promise of fortune. All they ever get is a single diamond, not that much to Mary's standards. But never mind that, she soon fell asleep to replenish her energy after walking all the way here.

(Surprise!!! I'm not sorry.)

Smoke punched Elch into the girls dorm rooms. Elch took the distance between him and Smoke to find a place to hide. He hid in a supply closet and waited. Smoke came storming into the hallway, his eyes blood red with red smoke coming out of them. He saw two fuming boys looking for their wallets and dorm keys. He heard shuffling from the supply closet and ripped the door off of its hinges. He saw Elchs fist an inch away from his face. The punch made contact with his face and sent him flying back. He slammed into your door, crashing through it. 


Mary (Mammon)

Jumping up about three feet into the air, Mary bounced off of the dusty bed and landed roughly onto the cold floor. Her face quickly showed surprise but was soon replaced with the bored expression as she remembered that this had probably happened to her before. Snatching the trench coat and black cap Mary slipped them both on before looking to see who dared to disturb her. "Could you not smash through my fucking door?" she hissed through her teeth, with a tone of voice that didn't exactly match her expression.

Her eyes raised from the boy laying on the shattered door to the kid that had red smoke coming out of his eyes. Mary gave a swift kick to the boy on the floor before pondering if she should do anything helpful.

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(Hundun, Disguised as “Professor Xian Qui”)(Location: Luxor Academy Cafeteria)(With: A, and Tyrus) @Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz

Hundun couldn’t help but hastily cringe and gulp at the same after the fishing lure comment Astaroth made. He definitely didn’t want his precious nether-regions used as a fishing lure, even though it was a comedic comment he still let A beat him to the cafeteria, since he was a good-sport, that and he didn’t want to actually test out her violent theory. “Well shit, you actually beat me there.. You must’ve been pretty damn hungry.” He smirked devilishly while gawking his golden eyes at her well-rounded rear end, even though she made it before him, he wasn’t too concerned losing, besides he had a real nice prize to look at in front of him. However his perverted intentions that soared through his mind at deafening speeds was suddenly placed on full stop once he heard a low-tone sounding man from behind him. He suddenly switched his gaze over towards the mysterious man, once he spun his muscular body around to greet him Astaroth slithered underneath his own bulky arm and made the wonderful impression for him. Hundun lazily crossed both of his arms overtop of his wide chest while trying his best not to chuckle through his teeth at A tearing this guy a new asshole with her energetic yet ferocious words. As soon as nudged the random stranger she made her way back to Hundun as she did her regular sassy yet tempting strut. Watching her absolutely demolish that guy’s day just made him want to pin her down on all fours on the kitchen table and well you know the rest. Once her delicate arms pushed him down onto the seat of the table, he shuddered with excitement.

God-damn he loved this girl with every fiber of his being even though she set an even worse example for him despite his true intentions for this world and others. A small burst of laughter made its way out from his mouth once she mentioned the “Wolverine” comment. “Haha! He looks a bit more like Sun Wukong without the beard and the monkey tail to be honest with you. Crayons?! Ha, you’re such a lovely mean-spirited person. Oh I think i’ve fallen even more for you.” He declared boisterously as he positioned himself even closer against A as she wraps her devil-tail around his waist, as soon as he noticed her sensitive tail wreathing around him he planned on grabbing a hold of it just to mess with her but, he decided not to due to the very inappropriate timing. Hundun briefly looked back at Astaroth with a passionate grin and leaned in towards her which resulted them in interlocking their tender lips silently for a few seconds. “You’re one hell of an addiction.. You know that?” He uttered before turning his attention his head over to the french waitress. His eyebrow raised slowly once he discovered how much Astaroth was ordering, with the amount she was wanting to consume he was surprised she didn’t purchase everything on the menu instead. In her defense they did have some pretty rough s- “Sir are you going to order?” A’s clone impatiently repeats once more before quietly rotating her body left and right in a bored manner.

“Well haha, I wouldn’t mind having this fine lady next to me, but i guess i’ll have to wait for desserts after our meal.” He responds in a perverted voice before looking back at A with a lustful glimmer in his tow-colored iris. “But really i’d just like to order your two of your largest Sirloin steaks, uh let’s see… Yeah the 72 oz ones will do perfectly thank you uh.. A?” Hundun says in a puzzling voice at the end not knowing what to actually call her, once the waitress left them both, Hundun lovingly nuzzled the side of his head against hers. His weakness for her grew even more as the time passed.. He tossed his former plans away as if he never thought of them in the first place. He definitely wanted Astaroth.

(If RP Nation messes up my paragraphs one more time i'm going to fucking lose it.)

@Cheryl Hey uh your image isn't actually working. Since the link doesn't work you can use this one site called PostImage, what it does is uh basically hosts your pictures  in a way, giving them a link and what not. Good side about it is if one link doesn't work you can open the image again with it and it'll give it a different one. Just thought i'd let ya know! :)


Mary (Mammon)

Jumping up about three feet into the air, Mary bounced off of the dusty bed and landed roughly onto the cold floor. Her face quickly showed surprise but was soon replaced with the bored expression as she remembered that this had probably happened to her before. Snatching the trench coat and black cap Mary slipped them both on before looking to see who dared to disturb her. "Could you not smash through my fucking door?" she hissed through her teeth, with a tone of voice that didn't exactly match her expression.

Her eyes raised from the boy laying on the shattered door to the kid that had red smoke coming out of his eyes. Mary gave a swift kick to the boy on the floor before pondering if she should do anything helpful.


Elch got up slowly and looked up at you. His insane smile coming, "Ooh lala. I'm glad he knocked me into here!" He attempted to flirt. Smoke came into your dorm after putting his helmet back on completing the armor. He looked at you before grabbing his brother and throwing him again. "Would you like me to fix your door later?" Smoke asked telepathically in an unnaturally calm voice.
(Fixed the images (I hope)! @Obsidian Thanks for telling me, they showed up for me so I would never have noticed if they were broken :P )


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Mary (Mammon)

"I don't want your hands touching my stuff. Just give me something so I can pay the school to replace the door." she said nonchalantly, just happy that the guy who seemed to have flirted with her away from herself. Mary was sure that she was going to have such a fun time with all of these different races, a walking suit of armour? Yes please. She wondered if it was possible to take a piece of the armour, but stopped the train of thought when she realized that he would probably notice the weight difference once she was done with him. Stomping over to the boy that was just thrown around, Mary glared at him. She just wanted to make him feel looked down upon, both literally and like the saying.

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[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]Fremy White[/COLOR]


Fremy was completely shocked at what she was seeing, shocked so-much-so, that she couldn't even make a noise, her mind had gone blank from the strangeness of her current position. When she tried to use her voice, it seemed like it didn't even work, so the white-haired girl with the flower and the blindfold simply sat there in a dark corner of the room with the large shadows. She seemed to meld in with the darkness due to her clothes, the only noticeable thing being her hair and vibrantly-coloured flower.

She had been following Lyssa the entire day, mostly due to the fact that she honestly didn't have anywhere else to go, or anything else to do. The only thing that had truly registered in her mind was that there was now an extremely revealing blonde in-front of her lying on a bed.

And a dog. That could speak.

Fremy loved dogs, she loved any animal in-fact, she simply despised humans and demons alike, or any creatures that even resembled them. Her only exception being herself, it wasn't her choice to be one anyway.

[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][SIZE= 8px]"L-Lyssa..." [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]She tried in her small, miniscule voice, it barely even being registered to her own ears, never mind the woman before her that seemed to have a certain fondness for breasts. Fremy's throat felt extremely dry in her current situation, she hadn't really had anything to drink all day, and was extremely thirsty even at the thought of a liquid. [/SIZE][SIZE= 9px][COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"L-Lyssa..." [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]she tried again, barely any louder than before. Her clothes were still dirty from all the travelling she had done, and the jumper old-lady-Lyssa had given her had been too uncomfortable so she'd taken it off to reveal her skin to the air once more, her gun, meanwhile, was still on her back. She hadn't had to take it out at all the entire day but she wished she could. It's smooth wooden-grip was very comforting in her mind, as odd as that would most-likely seem to everyone else.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px][COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"Lyssa..."[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]@Obsidian[/SIZE]
(Oh god that doesn't sound fun O.o . I hope you're alright. Btw Mary isn't really into fighting, but she can get a bit pissed off when her door breaks down while wanting some privacy)

Aiko Kirishima:






Aiko got her emotions back after a few minutes and hugged Kagami remembering of what happened. She cried on her shoulder as Jin didn't seem to appreciate her feelings for him.



Aiko Kirishima:






Aiko got her emotions back after a few minutes and hugged Kagami remembering of what happened. She cried on her shoulder as Jin didn't seem to appreciate her feelings for him.


Kagami hugged the the crying girl. The idol hummed a song to calm other.

(Still busy today .You can leave me if you want...)

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