Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Alright," Norman says, "but I wonder if people like chrysoberryl. Oh well." He sits down. "Humans know how to live their lives normally, yet I don't know how to start."
''Well then...'' he says. ''We shold go back to the acadamy...maybe..i don't realy know what i can do next. I whold want some hunting.''

He then goes back to the acadamy.
Norman follows the Grox100, hoping that he could find some means of stability. This extraterrestrial is quite unique; Norman has never seen their like. He stays wary.
They reach the acadamy. Grox100 just sits out there. (Thanks for too calling him 'the Grox100', Norman :]) If any person whold pass, he whold ask them where he could go hunt and if they whold like to buy something. Then Grox100 got an idea: An souvenir shop! He made himself an little stand there where he can accses all of his things he still had in the ship's inventory. Even trees. Everyone could buy something from him :].
(I thought everybody who read the bio did that!) "Hey, what do you have?" Norman asks the Grox100. He hopes for some good deals. After all, something has gotta be worth something in the Grox100's spaceship.


Jin put on the belt and slung the paint ball gun over his shoulder. He started to walk off and placed his hands in his jacket pockets. He felt something inside of the pocket and remembered the letter Aiko gave him. He found a quiet and empty place before leaning his back against the wall. He gently opened the envelope making sure the heart wasn't broken. He gently pulled out the letter and began to read. 

@TGSRoleplay (I will let you decide whats on the letter then I will post Jin's reaction)

The letter was pretty brief it just said "[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]大好き" which meant I love you in large font covering the paper within.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)][/COLOR]
(I thought everybody who read the bio did that!) "Hey, what do you have?" Norman asks the Grox100. He hopes for some good deals. After all, something has gotta be worth something in the Grox100's spaceship.

''Loads of data, creatures, plants, artifacts, gear...oh, and most popular are the diffrent s.(how do you call it again?) salsts.'' he says. He picked up alot on his adventures. ''I sell basicly mostly everything from all around the universe. Im too buying things, much things. Im a good merchant, you know.''
Norman shows the Grox100 a small chrysoberryl. "What will you trade this for?" The chrysoberryl gleams in the sunlight as he holds it up.

It's a golden-yellow gemstone, one commonly found on his homeplanet.
(Well damn, sorry wrong hostage)

Logan lay on the floor, crippled, bleeding. He coughed and blood spurted out of his mouth, blood trickling past his lips. 'Well... These are my last moments it seems...' He thought. "Y-you're... No... Be-better than... The r-rest of 'em..." He murmured. One had weakly gripped Aiko's leg and tried pulling her down. His eyes were dim, almost grey, and his skin was pale. He surely was going to die in his mind, but he for the most part was just severly crippled. He glares up at Aiko, tried mumbling a few words, then passed out. @TGSRoleplay @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
''Well, i whold too trade the Gem.'' he says. He shows him some
''Interested in that for your gem?''

Then he takes a look at the metal. '' hard is it, and for what do you use it?''
(Well damn, sorry wrong hostage)

Logan lay on the floor, crippled, bleeding. He coughed and blood spurted out of his mouth, blood trickling past his lips. 'Well... These are my last moments it seems...' He thought. "Y-you're... No... Be-better than... The r-rest of 'em..." He murmured. One had weakly gripped Aiko's leg and tried pulling her down. His eyes were dim, almost grey, and his skin was pale. He surely was going to die in his mind, but he for the most part was just severly crippled. He glares up at Aiko, tried mumbling a few words, then passed out. @TGSRoleplay @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki

Aiko stood up and ensured he would stay alive as she was prohibited from killing a human from her superiors and healed him until he would at least not die immediately. She then left him and bought a pair of cat ears before leaving the mall and teleporting back into the academy noticing there was a stain of blood on her shirt.

(Lesson learned)
(oh xD)

''Yes..'' he says. ''Its an heavey matirial. I often did use it to fix parts of my ship. It can me smelted hard, but it allways wokrs for fixing something quick.''
"Thank you," Norman says, putting down the gemstone. He also lays down a card of some sort. He takes the huge box of Yttrium and stores it in his pocket. Mindblowing.

Norman then goes to the front doors of the academy. "Maybe these people have something for me to do." He walks inside.
The Grox100 sits on his stand, thinks about the universe.

He then begins to sleep. But before he did that, he did an emegancy call to Alex. He will pick him up maybe someday.

Short and to the point. He sighed once he finished reading the letter but a small smile was fixed in his face. It was one of both sadness and happiness. "Guess I owe her an awnswef now." he chuckled a bit. "A love letter is a bit of an old fashion way to do it." he muttered to himself as he put the letter back into the envelope which went back into his pocket. Jin stopped leaning against the wall and began walking again. He wasn't really walking to a specific place but if he ran into Aiko then he would give her an anwser.

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Short and to the point. He sighed once he finished reading the letter but a small smile was fixed in his face. It was one of both sadness and happiness. "Guess I owe her an awnswef now." he chuckled a bit. "A love letter is a bit of an old fashion way to do it." he muttered to himself as he put the letter back into the envelope which went back into his pocket. Jin stopped leaning against the wall and began walking again. He wasn't really walking to a specific place but if he ran into Aiko then he would give her an anwser.


Aiko left the bathroom with a new uniform as her other one was stained in blood and she wore a jacket. She bumped into Jin by accident and looked at him with a red face.
Jin looked down at Aiko and gave her a small smile. "Guess we have a rabbit of literally running into Each other." he went silent for a moment. "We have something we need to talk about. Don't we?"

Jin looked down at Aiko and gave her a small smile. "Guess we have a rabbit of literally running into Each other." he went silent for a moment. "We have something we need to talk about. Don't we?"


Her face turned red and she took his arm and pulled him to an empty classroom for hem to talk into. Her grip and pulling force was quite string and hard to resist. "Y-Yeah." She said 
Jin was caught off guard as she practicly dragged him into an empty classroom. This girl has some serious strength he thought to himself. Once they were in the class room Jin's face became emotionless as he took a deep breathe. He started by pulling the letter out of his pocket and holding it in his hand.



(Lyssa Yassa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: ???)(With: Seo) @Marumatsu (You're fine I kinda half-assed this one i've been having a serious-case of brain farts lately.)

As soon as they faintly collapsed onto the rough surface of the ground, Lyssa’s eyes grew more enthusiastic and flared up with pure adrenaline while she was caressing his enormous biceps with the smooth palm of her hand. Not only was she swept off of her feet from his breath-taking words of kindness, but by his robust physical condition. Its as if muscles were stacked on-top of his muscles. Although oddly enough the frame of his body was quite slender although it was riddled with noticeable strength! Each breath of air she took became more heavy and filled with uncontrollable emotion. Lyssa leisurely pulled herself back off of him for a moment to take gasp of fresh-air and to admire Seo’s facial attributes. Her cheeks became even more occupied with color after remembering his romantic compliments towards her, she smiled softly and her eyes squinted once her affection poured into her soul like rushing water.  “You’re sweeter than my cupcakes..” She sniffled quietly before collapsing down onto him once more.


Suddenly the musicians quit playing after the song was finished and one of them approach Lyssa while she’s coddling her significant other. The instrumentalist extends out his palm, Lyssa responds with an exasperated huff before sluggishly reaching her delicate hand down between her large breasts and pulling out a bunch of neatly folded up dollars-bills and smashing them into the man’s face causing him to lose his composure and tumble over. Since that rude interruption was over with she shifted her eyesight over towards Seo and blushed heavily. “Are you sure you want to spend your life with someone as crazy as me?” She whispered lightly into his ear before slithering her fingers up against his mid-section and pressing the tip of her index finger against his bottom lip while giggling softly in response. Her eyebrows scrunched down as if she was missing something, but she quickly remembered after they immediately raised with excitement. “Actually, I did purchase a gift handsome! It may just give you another responsibility but.. I just want you to cherish it with your life. It’ll be ours to share.” She announced before retrieving a miniature box from out of nowhere and placing it onto his chest, as soon as she swung her finger through the ribbon’s loop and tore it off, the present hastily opened resulting in a siberian husky puppy to crawl out from the wrapping and ecstatically lick Seo’s face as it waved its tiny tail in happiness.
Jin was caught off guard as she practicly dragged him into an empty classroom. This girl has some serious strength he thought to himself. Once they were in the class room Jin's face became emotionless as he took a deep breathe. He started by pulling the letter out of his pocket and holding it in his hand.


She blushed as she gazed at the letter her face was very red and she was frozen in fear. She looked at him with a red face.

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