Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

" Nya!" she quickly posed like a cat . They both then walk into the store. " I'll try on the neko costume first. Are you sure you don't want a dress? "she slightly teased.

Aiko looked at her from around the corner of a shelf trying to analyze who it was.


Jin felt a tap on his shoulder so he turned to face who it was. It was some random guy carrying a paint ball gun and belt. The gun was decorated black and gold to resemble thunder and lightning. He read the note taht went with it and chuckled. "why not it could be fun." He thanked the man as the guy left. "Alright I wonder what the ruled for this is."

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Aiko looked at her from around the corner of a shelf trying to analyze who it was.

He looked at her, "I'm sure Kagami-neko-san." he said, laughing a little, "Can we see the clothing you spoke about?" he asked, he was so excited to see what they had here. But, he has a few hundred dollars left over, and there was a jewelry store nearby, maybe he can buy her a nice necklace.

"There's different sections to look at. Your best bet is the boys section if ya want to find that blue excoriated costume ..Anyways I'll try on a costume and show it to you" The girl just wonders if theirs a costume that doesn't show much skin.  The girl costumes seem more proactive then the male counterpart 
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(Congratulations another psychotic relationship has formed) (Lyssa Yassa)(Location: Luxor Academy ~ ???)(With: Seo) @Marumatsu
Lyssa’s eyes squint after hearing a familiar voice and observing a figure in the distance hastily rushing towards her while carrying a bunch of paintball guns. A joyful screech echoed out through her mouth after realizing that the mysterious being happened to be Seo, without any hesitation holding her back she cheerfully sprints in his direction. “Seo! You absolutely gorgeous thing, you!” She exclaimed once her feminine figure gently snuggled itself against Seo’s built-frame. Lyssa was incredibly overjoyed to see him once again, she swiftly wiggled around in merrily anticipation as she wrapped her delicate arms around his Seo’s midsection. Although she met him a few days ago he seemed really nice to her, no-one was really that willing to give her any gifts. Everyone just wanted to stay away from her because of the weird personality that vibrated out from Lyssa. Suddenly emotions being pouring through her like never-ending waterfall, having someone this affectionate and persistent towards her was unlike anything she’s ever experienced. Sure she met Hundun but she drove him completely bonkers within a few hours. “W-why are you always being so nice to me..? All i’ve done was cause you problems.. I made a mess of your dorm too… W-w.Why aren’t you mad at me?”


Lyssa murmured out from her soft lips as her face lazily contorted with overflowing feelings for him. She took a swift glimpse down at the gift she presented him, it wasn’t exactly flowers or anything typical like jewelry but it had everything that she wanted, especially considering how random it was! A firearm decorated in cats, cupcakes, and other odd things that she frequently enjoyed! Her arms coiled in even further causing her busty soft chest to squeeze even more against him. “You.. even brought me another gift.. Thank you so much for caring..” She smiled blissfully as wet tears streamed down from her eyes and to her jawline. He nuzzled her tender face even more into his t-shirt while the sides of her pigtails brush up against him. Without warning her cheeks were flushed in a vibrant pink as she stared into Seo’s magnificent eyes which pierced her heart-strings, each heartbeat grew more and more intense as her prolonged fixated look continued. Stage-lights shined brightly and illuminated the entirety of the area as a couple of musicians  and John Legend  showed up and encompassed them as both Seo and Lyssa stood dormant with their bodies interlocked against each other. One of them also placed a fog machine near one of the walls and turned it on causing the ground beneath them to be shrouded in a heavy mist. The lead singer began to pucker his lips as approached the microphone stand adjacent to him. His voice projected throughout the building singing ‘All of me”

(Gotta love Lyssa's Toon powers for opportunities like this.)

Lyssa placed her hands up against his bulky chest and gripped his shirt then pulled him towards her resulting in their lips pressing firmly against each other. She closed her eyes as she got further into the passionate kiss she released her grasp and lazily swung her arms around his neck. Prodigious fireworks begun blasting off into the air behind them making it look like a cheesy romantic scene from a movie. Lyssa arched her head back once with her exuberant smirk still planted on her face. “Deliberately falling for the Goddess of Insanity? Ha! You might be even crazier than me.” Lyssa chuckled before pushing herself into him to continue with their wistful and suggestive french-kissing.
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"There's different. Your best bet is the boys section. ..Anyways I'll try on a costume and show it to you" 

The girl just wonders if theirs a costume that doesn't show much skin. 

Aiko poked Kagami in the back and looked sad. "J-Jin didn't notice me." She said visibly holding back tears.
Aiko poked Kagami in the back and looked sad. "J-Jin didn't notice me." She said visibly holding back tears.

Kagami turned around after hearing a familiat voice. She was wearing her Neko  costume . Kagami realized Aiko was here...and crying.

"What! Tell me what happened." 
"There's different sections to look at. Your best bet is the boys section if ya want to find that blue excoriated costume ..Anyways I'll try on a costume and show it to you" The girl just wonders if theirs a costume that doesn't show much skin.  The girl costumes seem more proactive then the male counterpart 

(I saw some weird shit on pinterest...MY GOD WAS IT FUCKING GORY!)

Cody went to the area directed, and found the outfit for BE. He took it and donned it on in a changing room. He got out and went to find Kagami....

Aiko poked Kagami in the back and looked sad. "J-Jin didn't notice me." She said visibly holding back tears.

Cody found her speaking with a girl, she was crying, he went over, "Everything alright gals?" he asked, looking at Kagami, she looked cute in her outfit. But the girl who was sad was a bit more important, it's sad to see one cry, pretty much makes him feel bad and mad, bad because he doesn't know how to help, and mad because someone caused it.
Logan dropped his paintball gun, going to walk the school grounds some more. A staff member tried approaching him, and he snapped. He punched the staff member in the jaw, knocking him out in one hit. He quickly ran to the bus station, got on one to town, and got off, running to the mall to blend in with the crowds. He ran into the cosplay store,not knowing so until he saw the costumes. He bumped into Aiko, he looked up and saw Kagami. In terror, hatred snd his own madness, he drew his knife and grabbed Aiko by the neck, holding the blade to her neck. "Back off!" He yelled at Kagami drawing attention. @Kisaki @TGSRoleplay (Sorry but I won't kill your character, just holding yoh and spouting delerious crap) @CERBERUS177
"Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled back, his hand shaking, the knife blade making a small cut in the bottom of Aiko's chin, blood slowly trickling down her chin and neck, the wound not fatal, just superfical. "Try to stop me and I will slit her throat open!" He yelled, a crowd starting to form and people making phone calls. @TGSRoleplay @Kisaki @CERBERUS177
"Why are you doing this idiot?  "she took a step foward . She had super speed , she could easily take the knife from his hand. The vampire decided to talk it out before doing any drastic moves. 

"You seriously need to calm down"

"What. The fuck. Is your MAJOR MALFUNCTION SOLDIER?! DROP THE DAMN KNIFE!" Cody shouted, now angry.




"Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled back, his hand shaking, the knife blade making a small cut in the bottom of Aiko's chin, blood slowly trickling down her chin and neck, the wound not fatal, just superfical. "Try to stop me and I will slit her throat open!" He yelled, a crowd starting to form and people making phone calls. @TGSRoleplay @Kisaki @CERBERUS177
"Cody leave me be or YOU'LL BE NEXT!!" He yelled. "Actually, you'd enjoy that since you'd get to see your precious Fley!" He mocked, taking a few steps away from Cody and Kagami. "If I could I would kill every fucker in sight... I hope you know that... But I left my guns at the dorm..." He said with a grin, eyes wild despite his face bing fiarly calm. @TGSRoleplay @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
"Why are you doing this idiot?  "she took a step foward . She had super speed , she could easily take the knife from his hand. The vampire decided to talk it out before doing any drastic moves. 

"You seriously need to calm down"

"I said fuck off Kagami!" He yelled. Police started to arrive on the scene, they cordoned off the area. Word would woon reach Luxor of what was going on. "You don't want to piss me off anymore! Espicially if you care for your friend!" He yelled. @CERBERUS177 @TGSRoleplay
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Jin put on the belt and slung the paint ball gun over his shoulder. He started to walk off and placed his hands in his jacket pockets. He felt something inside of the pocket and remembered the letter Aiko gave him. He found a quiet and empty place before leaning his back against the wall. He gently opened the envelope making sure the heart wasn't broken. He gently pulled out the letter and began to read. 

@TGSRoleplay (I will let you decide whats on the letter then I will post Jin's reaction)
Roy blinked open his eyes and gave a quick yawn. What had happened? All he remembered was sitting down... and did he doze off? He looked around and saw that Wulf was also asleep in the flowers, and a moment later, Wulf grumbled, then woke up.

"WhatshappeningwhereamI?" Wulf said. Roy replied, "We're still at the gardens." Roy got up and dusted off his clothes, then helped Wulf up. Together, they headed back to their campsite, where they ordered a pizza from phone.
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(Ok, and when I went mental I just imagined that moment frim Call of Duty: Black Ops, when Mason, the main character, was delusional the whole game, spouting crap as Reznov, though he saw Reznov when everyone saw him. I can just imagine my character seeing numbers and yelling 'I AM VIKTOR REZNOV, AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!' Then shooting a scientist in the head with a Makarov)

(Seo Sentrale)(Location - ???)(With: Lyssa) 

Seo blushed at her grabbing him and calling him gorgeous he smiled immediately as if he could not control it his heart beat rising. She was much more excited to see him this time he could not quite put his finger on what was going on all he knew was that she was what he wanted after so little time could he have truly fallen for her? After realizing it was true he delicately laughed as she shook in excitement . " I-i'm go-going to drop this if you keep shaking like an earthquake".  Seo noticed as she began to ask him about his actions that she truly felt the same as he did. He looked down at her as she looked away answering each of her statements, his word filled with admiration. "From the begining I said i would help you.... Problems? You helped me out when I was attacked back at the library wonderful skills i might add. That's who you are, why would i be mad?" He grew warm dropping what left he had in his hand as Lyssa's grasp grew tighter, immediately he embraced her in his arms holding her tight nuzzling her head. He noticed her tears as they looked at each other. "No need for these, besides your the only Flower i know whose still beautiful without her petals."  His eyes rested on her soft beautiful face as he moved to wipe her tears creating wonderful crystal petals that would flow behind him and vaporize. Sliding his thumb across her cheek for the last time before, gently gliding his hand down her body stopping at her just above her waist. "In this moment you have given me a gift far greater than anything I could imagine." As the lights cast their glow upon Lyssa he became mesmerized by her.. her everything, her dazzling cheeks looked as roses blossoming in beautiful sunlight. Her eyes were as the ocean, pulling him in and reflecting every sparkle the lights cast down. As her arms moved over his shoulders he slide his hand to her mid back kissing her passionately lost in her smooth delicate features. Her wonderful laugh so ebullient and happy gave new purpose to him. "Is it really so-" Interrupted by her return his eyes widened only for a second before they fall slowly and Seo and Lyssa' join together once more in magnificent bliss. 


(sorry for the late response I had to get ready for tomorrow)
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"Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled back, his hand shaking, the knife blade making a small cut in the bottom of Aiko's chin, blood slowly trickling down her chin and neck, the wound not fatal, just superfical. "Try to stop me and I will slit her throat open!" He yelled, a crowd starting to form and people making phone calls. @TGSRoleplay @Kisaki @CERBERUS177

Aiko lost her emotions and initiated her self defense mode as the knife's molecules were ripped apart demolecurizing it into small bits. She used her repulsion field and the man went flying to a wall as her eyes were not the usual purple but more of a Darker red. This was of course not observed as time in the local area was stopped temporarily only her and the mysterious man was unaffected by this time freeze as she pulled him out of the wall and slammed him on to the ground and throwing him up at the ceiling multiple times until eventually he was in near death with blood pouring out of his mouth as she was about to deliver the final blow, she stopped and everything reverted to normal even her eyes. He was on the ground with multiple bones literally shattered and was immobilized. She laid on the ground as she needed to recharge after multitasking for awhile she seemed to be unscathed as the cut on her chin was regenerated. However she forgot to reproduce glasses.

(You have awoken the sleeping giant.)
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"Oh no, I mean human Earth money," Norman says.

To make this not a one-liner, look at this

  Reveal hidden contents

View attachment 166053

''Pff, who cares about that?!'' he says serious.

''I mean, im sure we can exchange a little bit of it.... it looks shiney, and im sure someone wants it somewhere on this planet. But i don't know who here. I maybe gonna try to trade some in the future...''

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