Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


The ordeal had A in a blank state, completely and utterly lost in pleasure and tinges of pain, that only served as multipliers. After several fiery (literally) explosions of hedonism, she begins to come to during what seems to be an intermission. Still breathing heavily and drenched in sweat, A laid on the singed floor still in flatiron position. 
"It's over already?", she teased while still trying to catch her breath. "Is that really all you got? I could go all century."
A rolled over onto her back to see Hundun dressing himself in the corner, facing away from her. She'd not been made feel that way by anyone, ever. She stared at his figure with an almost dreamy expression until her mind cleared again. 
"Back to business then?", she asked sitting up off the floor and running her hand through her messy hair and brushing it over her shoulder. "Good call. Ohp, haha, a little numb.", A giggled as she lost balance for a moment rising up off the floor. She awkwardly walked over to mirror and began to examine herself and the various marks and bruises Hundun had left on her.
"Wow, you've got quite the suction.....this one actually kinda hurts. I didn't even know I could get these..", she commented at Hundun as she inspected one of the hickies he'd put on her. 
"Well, we've got a few different bugs that need to be squashed. We've got the lizard, Judge Judy: Holy Law, the dog.....the other dog, conquering the universe, and what's for lunch because I am f*cking starving.", she addressed him playfully as she caught fire for an instant, removing all blemishes from her body. With the fire on her body another exploded from the floor creating a vanity table in front of the mirror. She sat onto the chair and started to do her hair. Her face shifted from a content smile to a furrowed brow as she noticed her horn....then to a gasp as she covered her mouth in shock. 
"Y-you, you chipped it......You son of a bitch, you chipped it. Ho-how? When?", A asked, almost rhetorically as she assessed the damage. 
After a moment of seeming mortification, she looked over to him her expression one of shock but not horrified shock, more of amazement. 
"Holysh*t, you are impressive. Do you know what these are made of?", A said in awe, shifting her gaze from him to the mirror and leaning in for a closer look. "We're definitely gonna have to have a talk about this." A resumed doing her hair though obviously still geekin out about her horn.
"That's awesome.", she remarked as she continued and finished making herself up. As she got up off the seat the table and chair fell into piles of embers that began to flow around her like a whirlwind. As they grew brighter, slightly lighting, as they began to collect into pieces eventually landing onto her and going out, becoming clothes. 
A did a long stretch that ended with a relaxed sigh and her hands falling behind her head. She faced Hundun expectantly. "So where to?", she said rocking back and forth on her heels. "I mean, I'm partial to the lunch idea but...."

Here we go he thought to himself. He looked at the red face of Aiko. "You were there when I was talking to fley's ghost so you heard my little speech." Jin raised his hand and placed it on Aiko's head. "It makes me happy to hear that you have feelings for me but I still love Fley. I told her that if someone came along that loved me they would have to show me why I should love them. So Aiko if you really do have feelings for me you are going to have to get me to fall in love with you." he stepped back and moved his hand away. "I'm sorry but that is the best sensed I can give you."

Logan woke up tied down to the patient bed, in wrist, ankle and waist restraints. "Huh? W... Where am I?" He asked out loud, looking around. His head pounded and was foggy as all hell. He didn't remember anything of the past few days. "Hello? Anyone?" Upon closer inspection he found it was the Luxor infirmary. He tried fighting the restraints a bit., to no success, @Kisaki @TGSRoleplay @CERBERUS177
Fley was up doing the usual, you know, walking around in God-knows-where, wandering the school grounds, when she realized that she now had perfect control of where she could and couldn't go; it depended on her thoughts. Concentrating a little, she focused and soon found herself in the Luxor Infirmary. What kind of person wants to go to the inf- Oh, maybe it was just the overwhelming memory of everyone's constant visits to the infirmary. As she 'walked' inside, she looked over to the beds. Oh, hey, she recognized this boy. Logan, wasn't it? He seemed like a pretty decent one - wait, was he tied to the bed? She would laugh, but it looked pretty serious...


Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location - at school at least)(With: Lyssa) 

Collapsed on the floor with the Goddess of Insanity no with Lyssa. Of course she was crazier than your average person, but he did not mind that at all he and Lyssa were together now enough said. His pulse grew heavy accelerating even more as she laid atop him, caressing his arms. He began caressing her figure slow yet passionate movements came from his hands in all directions he moved not going to close but not shying to far away. Each breath of air only made him missed her even more, driving each returning moment to its farthest point until she had moved back to catch her breath. Seo was filled with absolute astonishment as she looked at him with her glamorous smile and adorable rosy cheeks. Shifting his head to the left for a brief second before he looks back at her a smiles with a embarrassed embracing look in his eyes. He felt like he could destroy a few planets off of her single sentence alone "You're sweeter than my cupcakes" he could not say a word he just wrapped his arms around her as she laid down admiring her smooth features.

Seo finally got a taste of his own moment ruining accidents as a musician came up and stood over them waiting for money. Well Seo did not like that at all and sure he ruined some moments but not like this asshat, true he did deserve every penny yet that was wrong. Seo decided to freeze the ground in front of him after he got up from causing him to again tumble but, he was not satisfied so he blew him down the hall causing his money to fly around the hall. Looking back at the super-duper, super-excellent, phenomabomb beauty before him he assured her she was all he wanted. "Hmm well looking at the situation i think you're stealing my line". she looked confused as he said this did he say something wrong darn it you're doing bad Seo things again. She actually happened to place a box on his chest his eyes lit up as a cute little puppy came out and began licking his face he laughed as if he was a school playing in a jungle gym. "It's a gift from you its no burden at all. I will cherish it always." Seo scooting up noticed the rest of his underlings running around handing the guns out he scooped up the little pup nuzzling their faces together as he spoke to Lyssa. "This will be our first adventure together things do get crazy over on this side as well. Would you want to take our little pup or drop him off before we go paint my brothers room with all the colors of the rainbow?" Seo places the wiggling over-energetic pup on the ground and begins having him chase around his hands, after a few seconds he stops letting the pup nibbles on his hand. "What are we to call it? I had a cheesy thought of calling em Lysseo... doh-don't laugh at me I-i'm trying here?" He places his hand on his head as he rubbing it embarrassed. 

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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy Cafe)(With: A) @Olivia Acerbi

Although a bit wobbly and excreting a large quantity of sweat throughout his pores after the intense animalistic intimacy they both heavily exchanged earlier, Hundun still roughly managed to neatly dress himself back up in his regular clothing attire which concealed a majority of his hefty-frame. His head gradually tilted forward in small laughter in response to her suggestive remark which was heard within earshot. “Haha, you’d be surprised how much I can go for, you just experienced a fraction of what i’m truly capable of. Still managed to take that sweet breathe of yours away though.” He seductively smiled as he inclined his side over-near Astaroth’s feminine figure, as she was situated on her back he gently glided the pinnacle of his rigid fingers against her smooth skin which started from the top of her navel which continued upward til his fingers reached underneath her delicate chin. Voluptuous chills wriggled across the ‘dimples of Venus’ (Weird terminology for it.) on her lower backside, resulting in a few follicles of her hair to stand up on end. “Yeah, back to business as usual. I believe i’ve already got my sights set on a specific target.” He mutters coldly out from his mouth before approaching A from behind and pressing his muscular shoulder against her back while she examines her physical appearance in the changing room’s mirror.


Hundun’s eyes were fixated on her reflection, he was completely mesmerized by her symmetry and astonishing facial attributes. Each second he stood by her and felt the intertwined head radiating off both of them, he couldn’t help but feel overwhelming passion resonating in the atmosphere. Maybe that was just the after smell of it but.. He grew very attached to A. “I would be lying if I said you didn’t give me one hell of an experience. Even my the alignment of back feels a bit strange from all that movement.” He whispered in her as he slide the back of his hand up her against her neck in a caressing movement. He smirked in a passive way as he concentrated his stare into the reflection of her once more. “This might sound a bit sappy. But since you haven’t ate anything i won’t have to worry about you throwing up. For as long as I have been alive for i’ve had the intriguing experience of meeting numerous deities including that of a few primordials. A large sum of that consisted of absolutely gorgeous women but now that i’ve actually been able to come across you. Well.. None of them were as beautiful as you.” Hundun announced in a loving tone, his lips pressed firmly against her throat while giving her another small love-bite to add to the collection that he gave to her.


“Not exactly sure which dogs you’re speaking of but I would definitely love to show that Ryo-character that’s dating my daughter some fatherly ‘hospitality.’ But i’ll have to do that later. For now we have to take care of Mei or as you called her ‘Judge Judy’, the way she looked at me i’m sure we both saw it, like she was inspecting us. Hopefully you don’t think i’m paranoid for this.” Hundun said to her as he stared off into space, contemplating whether or not he should go about targeting her first. Concern stretched across his face after she materialized a vanity table from out of thin-air and looked at her now chipped and slightly jagged horn. “Holy shit! Are you alright? It’s not that bad is i-” He was hastily interrupted by Astaroth’s immense surprise and shock that radiated out from her, you think she’d be pissed at him for messing up one of her ivory-looking horns, but in actuality she was pretty impressed that he managed to achieve such a feat. “Uh.. well. Thank you? From our vicious love-making I wouldn’t be surprised if it got chipped, we kinda went pretty hard. I’m just relieved that you’re not bleeding or anything. Haha, maybe you consider that a permanent love-scar from me." He chuckled boisterously before returning to her decision, Hundun and A were both savagely hungry for some mouth-watering food but it seems that they were stuck between a rock and a hard place so to speak. If they were to go off and consume something then they’d waste a bit more time and a few opportunities would be lost. However his heart sank for her, he’ll have to make time for someone as special as her. “Ha, looks like we’re off to get something to eat. Once at the cafeteria we’ll quietly devise a plan in order to get rid of this girl. Alright now hustle that cute ass up before I eat your food as well.” Hundun sarcastically responds before adjusting his hand around her chin and positioning it up towards his face, which they then proceeded to steadily ‘suck face’ until they darted off in the direction of the lunch-room.
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Logan saw Fley, and cursed under his breath, "Great... Now I really am fuckin insane." He remarked. "What do you want? Come to tell me I did wrong? Tell me I should die? Well go ahead, I have no appointments so I'm all ears." He said. He then started to try to work loose the restraints, purely because they were uncomfortable. @Fazy


(Lyssa Yassa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Lysseo) @Marumatsu (Apologies about leaving ya and having the post being so short I was gonna take a nap for a bit.)
Lyssa giggled happily as she carefully watched the adorable little husky pup play about around the handsome Seo. Not only was he riddled to the core with overwhelming kindness but he was also phenomenal with cute fuzzy animals, not to mention GOD DAMN were his arms freaking huge! Like seriously those things are basically artillery cannons made out of skin. She continued heavily caressing his arms in a bit of a distracted manner as Seo continued to speak. A small droplet of drool forms from underneath her soft lip as she continues to examine his bicep with great pleasure. “Heheh.. You have really big arms.” Lyssa lustfully responded before snapping out of her enthralled trance like hypnosis condition. She wiped the saliva with the side of her wrist before frantically looking around at her surroundings until she gazed back at Seo’s face. “Oh uh sorry I got a bit distracted by uh.. Appendages and such.. OooOOoo! Lysseo! What a cute name!” She joyful replied as she sluggishly picked herself up off of his heavy-frame and picked up their newly named puppy dog ‘Lysseo’ from off of the ground and snuggled her face up against its cute little body. Lyssa then approached Seo and kneeled down towards him while placing Lysseo back down onto the ground.


Her cheeks are flushed with a rosey-hued pigmentation as she draws closer to his ear with a perverted look on her face. “Well, I have something a bit better in mind… For both of us, it involves a lot of bouncing..But afterwards I can definitely join you! You can take your time, uh i’ll bring Lysseo with me to your dorm so he doesn’t go all sorts of crazy and poop everywhere! But i’ll make sure to slip into something more comfortable for your soon arrival.” She smiled devilishly while looking into his eyes with venereal infatuation. She leisurely picked up Lysseo and wrapped her arm gently around him as she slid the palm of her hand against the edge of her loose velvet colored skirt. “Heh, I forgot to give you a little sneak peak.” She announced before clenching the back of the fabric and lifting it up revealing her plump rear-end which was covered by a pair of pink panties. Lyssa nudged her face overtop of her shoulder and winked seductively at Seo before releasing her grip and concealing her naughty bits with the material. She hastily waved to him before she ran off with Lysseo to Seo’s dorm.
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"Do you want me to help you or what, ya dweeb?" Fley asked, kind of angry at him. Did he not want her here? "I could leave if you want me to, it's not like I've got any business here." She paused before looking at him. "Can you see me... fully?" she asked. "And, like, you know, hear me?" 

Here we go he thought to himself. He looked at the red face of Aiko. "You were there when I was talking to fley's ghost so you heard my little speech." Jin raised his hand and placed it on Aiko's head. "It makes me happy to hear that you have feelings for me but I still love Fley. I told her that if someone came along that loved me they would have to show me why I should love them. So Aiko if you really do have feelings for me you are going to have to get me to fall in love with you." he stepped back and moved his hand away. "I'm sorry but that is the best sensed I can give you."


She thought about it for a second but saw no possible way on that happening as she is too shy. She sighed "I see." She said and left quickly her eyes were filling up with liquid for an abnormal reason.
Elch saw Smoke walk by. He was reading something and didn't notice as Elch stepped in front of him. Smoke bumped into Elch and looked at him. At first Elch seemed confused but then backed up warily. 'You...' Smoke said to him. "Me. How have you been?" Elch said in a smug tone. 'You have a lot of nerve showing yourself to me!' Smoke growled. Elch smiled and drew his gun, and Smoke his sword and shield.

Still wandering the halls the dragon stopped in his tracks. "Shénme tā mā de zhè shì!?!?" Ao Wuqing scolded himself. "Is there a fighting area around here or not?" He casually stares at some staff members pass by. This is a stupid choice but he decides to keep searching and get himself situated in to the academy himself. "Maybe I'll just enter a class and gain knowledge" He then started to burst out laughing. "What dragon Deity doesn't already know the secrets of universe?!" He then sighed ironically. "There is nothing else for me to do then is there?" So he simply forced open a nearby classroom door and welcomed himself in, he then stood there in silence in the dimly lit classroom. "A teacher is bound to come here, and if not I can use this as my very own den!" He had a small celebration in his head for it was a somewhat worn out and abandoned room in which most likely no one comes near.

Minutes later he was pacing back and forth from the room to school grounds adorning his small little space with odd items from nature. He then sat himself into a wooden chair with a missing arm sighing in relief. "No more troubles, no more problems, I'm here now."

He dozed off into a deep sleep, sadly leaving the door wide open.

Aiko Kirishima


Aiko found an empty spot on the roof and cried there as she was more or less rejected by Jin. She cried for a few minutes then finished returning downstairs after her eyes looked normal. She went to Kagami for advice.



Aiko Kirishima


Aiko found an empty spot on the roof and cried there as she was more or less rejected by Jin. She cried for a few minutes then finished returning downstairs after her eyes looked normal. She went to Kagami for advice.


Unfotunatly I'm sick and tired :(

 I'll try to reply later if your character is still there.
"Please do help me Fley, and yes I can both see and hear you." He replied, kind of feeling bad at his accusations now. "I... How are you here?" He asked. @Fazy

Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location - behind a small bench)(With: None) 

Seo finally noticing Lyssa was lost caressing his arms he smiled at her vivacity and laughed upon seeing her back to her crazy ways."HAHA now that's the Lyssa I Love". Watching her snap back into reality having not heard his last statement, she accepted their pups new name with glee. He was filled with relief that she really liked the name the came up with, letting out a small sigh he started to clean up everything he dropped earlier when she suddenly leaned on him,  her face flushed with his favorite rose complexion. Oh man Seo thought he was spoiled after witnessing her magnificent wackiness and her scintillating elegance, It was another thing all together when her words travel through his body causing him to shift his face away until he regained his composure. After that Seo immediately went hard, that is he moved as fast as he could to clean up the area and watch as his new Lady walked away with Lysseo.

His face turned completely red when she lifted her skirt up revealing her voluptuous rear. Seo winked back striking a thumbs up pose and confidently saying "Toon Town is about to get one HELL of a tour. YEEESSSSSS." Saying with a very close impression of Guy Sensei's voice as she faded into the distance. Once she was gone his face became serious and he pulled out his notebook and wrote down what he planned to do. "Take my time got it. So i will attack someone... and then shower change and return." Seo wrote down possible options but thought who better to attack then Jap man(Jin). Seo raced around the area scanning for Jin until he surprisingly found one of his men knocked out with paint ball goo on the back of his head. "Hey man are you okay?" The archery club member simply told a description of what the guy who attacked him looked like to the best of his ability he could barely move and his words were slurred all that could be made out was Soldier, Seo called his head archer to bring people to take him to the infirmary time being then he searched the grounds for the one who did this hopefully to make a masterpiece out of the soldier. @LoneSniper87 (Well this post changed several times... Currently i'm on medications for my wisdom teeth so i'll be making responses a bit slowly)

@Obsidian (no problem i will just wait)
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Jin remained silent as he watched Aiko leave. His face softened into a sad smile. "Well that wasn't fun at all." He sighed heavily and remembered he had the gun on his back. He removed the gun off of his back and made sure it was loaded. He took the cloth that was tied around his eye of and instead tied it around his left wrist to make sure he didn't lose it. With the cloth gone his Oni eye was uncovered showing he red skin and gold/black eye. He looked down at the gun. "Guess I will let you do the talking for me. Though I'm not really sure who to shoot. Oh well guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it." He left the classroom with a look of determination on his face.
Jin remained silent as he watched Aiko leave. His face softened into a sad smile. "Well that wasn't fun at all." He sighed heavily and remembered he had the gun on his back. He removed the gun off of his back and made sure it was loaded. He took the cloth that was tied around his eye of and instead tied it around his left wrist to make sure he didn't lose it. With the cloth gone his Oni eye was uncovered showing he red skin and gold/black eye. He looked down at the gun. "Guess I will let you do the talking for me. Though I'm not really sure who to shoot. Oh well guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it." He left the classroom with a look of determination on his face.

(I don't mind you finding me before I get to Logan)
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Jin wandered for a minute tell he picked up a familiar presence. He took cover at the edge of the corner and peered around it. His eyes came upon the sight of Seo looking around for something. His grip tightened on the paint ball gun. Guess I will start with the guy who made this. He quickly turned the corner with the gun raised and fired three shots towards Seo one aiming for his chest and one for each leg.

Seo hearing the fired shoots jumps onto his back shooting out three bullets in return then rolling into cover and shooting two rounds of 3 bullets for to locate Jin. Seo running into a corner noticed Jin got his left leg. "Ha i'm slipping well played! lets see if you can keep up." Seo runs in a few different patterns shooting 3 to 5 shoots to see how Jin responds.

@Dante Verren
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Jin rolled to his right dodging the first wave of bullets and quickly got up. He saw seao start to dodge and weave so Jin dived to his right and rolled into a crouching position. He felt a splatter on his left shoulder and knew he had been hit. He let loose five more shots on different areas trying to Guess where Sep would move to next.

Hearing the Splatter Seo was happy to hit Jin. "Hello is it me you're looking for?" Seo began to sing as he made three clones to scatter around the area. the original had ran farther toward the left as the clones shoot there blue colors around trying to tag Jin. "Boy do i have a surprise for you if you think you can find me? MWAHAHAHA" The real slim sh- i mean Seo screamed out as decided he would hide in some bushes (ill do a bit better after this post I'm ATM)

@Dante Verren
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Aiko fount Kagami and couldn't help but cry on her. She continued for awhile before finally stopping. "S-Sorry, I already confessed but he didn't accept it.(May be confused with rejection) He said he wants me to make him love me and is too attached with Fley" She looked depressed and wiped her eyes before sitting down. Her emotions overloaded her Interface and was temporarily turned off. She just looked glum. "Life is sour." She said monotonically with a surprise change of mood as she materialized a novel but not the usual romance novel, the novel was about a Romantic tragedy involving a Yandere.

@Dante Verren

The Grox100 wakes up again.

Good thing no-one stole from his shop while then, just infront of the acadamy.

He stays on watch, looking for any customers.

(If you go into the acadamy ya shold see me)

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