Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Earth, you say?" Norman asks. He heard about the humans that inhabited that world, the ones who were crazy and killed way too much. But that was from the news, and everybody knows that the news is corrupt. "Hm. That's odd, I thought I teleported to 22 Tauri of the Asterope system."




A extends her neck back further as he kisses her, her breaths become short and choppy, broken up my gasps and squeaks as he fondles her tail. Her body instinctively took a white-knuckle hold of Hundun's clothes with one hand and his horn with another, pulling him further onto her. 
"Hundun..w-wai.....Hun", was all she could manage. Hundun had come across her mortal vessel's Achilles' heel. Being a growth as result of possession her tail lacked any form of protection or layering, making it little more than a long collection of soft muscle and nerves, extremely sensitive to pleasure and pain stimulation. For this reason it's one of the first things she armors when she changes forms.
Her legs began to buckle and shift slightly as her innate sexual perversion caused her to do something akin to the potty dance. Her knees rubbed together as her pelvic region began to convulse making her back arch and her eyes go into a haze.
"I-I can't.......the bubble", she moaned just before the refractive bubble burst, revealing them in a compromising position in the middle of the hall.

At this point A was like putty in his hands and ready to rock so Hundun had to find a way to bring things back to 0 from 100, real quick.
"Earth, you say?" Norman asks. He heard about the humans that inhabited that world, the ones who were crazy and killed way too much. But that was from the news, and everybody knows that the news is corrupt. "Hm. That's odd, I thought I teleported to 22 Tauri of the Asterope system."


''Well, i had problems with my spaceship. I got lost because i went too far with the blackholes.'' he says, and now is glad someone knows what's beyond the skies.
Could our interactions go into a 1x1? Cody would be devastated if you left ;-; or wait, are you leaving leaving like Fazy and getting off rpn?))

Cody nods, but before anything, he kissed her, he didn't want to delay that any longer, and felt happy, he felt warm inside, lovely warmth. He stopped, i didn't want to delay that anymore..." he said, smiling. 

( Sure ,I'll have Kagami stick around for more. Also I won't be leaving anytime soon ..I'll probably just take a break from the site.)

Kagami felt as if she were going melt into a puddle when he kissed her.She slightly blushed as pulled away and smiled at her."Y-yeah."
''Well, i had problems with my spaceship. I got lost because i went too far with the blackholes.'' he says, and now is glad someone knows what's beyond the skies.

"But black holes tear all atoms down. How did you harness its gravitational pull? That stuff is logically impossible," says Norman. "Wormholes, though, are a different story." He is trying to make sense of how any object could survive the disintegration.


(But whyyy! That's the only way Norman can write.)

The archangel sat in the libary. Reading categories of different books on the same subject. 

"I know this guy. I have a feeling I meet him before " she flipped through the books more until she came across something. "Jackpot.  I can totally ruin his day with this. " she snickered to herself.

The ignored the weird looks that were given when she laughed out loud. "I'll wait until they make their next move. Surely their planning to kill me already....speaking of those two. Definitely some Chemistry happening between them"
"But black holes tear all atoms down. How did you harness its gravitational pull? That stuff is logically impossible," says Norman. "Wormholes, though, are a different story." He is trying to make sense of how any object could survive the disintegration.

(But whyyy! That's the only way Norman can write.)

''Oh, wormholes, sorry.'' he appologizes. ''I got an hard headache after i chrashed on the ground with my spaceship. I went too far and then i didn't find the way back... can you help me?''

He gives him the co-ordinates of all his coloneys (planets he owns) and from friends.
Norman examines the data. "This is not the Milky Way," he says. "It's a different galaxy." Sadly, Norman only knows five other galaxies, none of which has anything like this. "Can't help you in finding this place." He gets an idea and asks if Grox100 still has his space vehicle.

Possible to do our adventures on Saturday's and stuff? ))

Cody stands up, "Guess we can go do something, maybe, the mall! We never went there..." he said shyly, "Want to go? I still have money left over and stuff..." he said, rubbing the back of his head. 
Norman examines the data. "This is not the Milky Way," he says. "It's a different galaxy." Sadly, Norman only knows five other galaxies, none of which has anything like this. "Can't help you in finding this place." He gets an idea and asks if Grox100 still has his space vehicle.


''Yes...'' he replies.

''I parked somewhere over there. Its Currently invisible so noone enters it.''

He goes into the direction and asks:

''You wanna see it? It's small, but in it its VERY BIG and it has all ship upgrades in this galaxy!''
"Sure," Norman says. He is sure that the technology is more primitive than Grox100 thinks. After all, Norman DID go to ten other galaxies and learned about their technology. He knows that he could fix it, if given the correct tools, fuel, and parts.

(Yep :3 )

"Yes! I promised to help you with clothing anyways " she jumped up and held his hand.

Possible to do our adventures on Saturday's and stuff? ))

Cody stands up, "Guess we can go do something, maybe, the mall! We never went there..." he said shyly, "Want to go? I still have money left over and stuff..." he said, rubbing the back of his head. 
"Sure," Norman says. He is sure that the technology is more primitive than Grox100 thinks. After all, Norman DID go to ten other galaxies and learned about their technology. He knows that he could fix it, if given the correct tools, fuel, and parts.


They walk to his spaceship.

It then reveals itself because Grox100 is near.

It is quite big and has all kinds of tools.

''Here!'' he says. They both walk into it AND ITS REALY BIG INSIDE IT, HAS SO MUCH TECH ETC. 1000101/10
They walk to his spaceship.

It then reveals itself because Grox100 is near.

It is quite big and has all kinds of tools.

''Here!'' he says. They both walk into it AND ITS REALY BIG INSIDE IT, HAS SO MUCH TECH ETC. 1000101/10

Norman nods. More high-tech than he thought. About seven hundred years more high-tech. But still a few millenia behind. "Hm. Nice," he says. "Given the proper conditions, I could fix this for you. But Earth has no Xyranthium. Sorry." He then asks the Grox100 if he knows any way to make money or something.
''Money? Ohh, i have much.'' he says. ''Im too an merchant, you know.''

He shows him 2mil spore bucks.

''They work almost everywhere as currency in this galaxy. Im trading diffrent salsts, you know :>. Oh, and btw, this ship is worth more than 10mil of these.''
''Money? Ohh, i have much.'' he says. ''Im too an merchant, you know.''

He shows him 2mil spore bucks.

''They work almost everywhere as currency in this galaxy. Im trading diffrent salsts, you know :>. Oh, and btw, this ship is worth more than 10mil of these.''

"Oh no, I mean human Earth money," Norman says.

To make this not a one-liner, look at this

"The mall of course. Just need to get to the city."She pulled out a bus pass with her free hand. "Ready to go?"she asked.

He smiled and waited for her to lead, "i don't know where to sorry." he said, feeling warm as he held her hand.
"The mall of course. Just need to get to the city."She pulled out a bus pass with her free hand. "Ready to go?"she asked.

Didn't get notified) )

Cody nods, "Let's go! " he said, walking with her to the bus stop. He was excited to be with her like this, he kept a smile on his face as they walked. 
(That's fine. Rpnation wasn't working for me anyways)

Kagami sat beside Cody when they enter the bus. She lays her head against his shoulder.

"I think they have clothing for that  tail of yours"

Didn't get notified) )

Cody nods, "Let's go! " he said, walking with her to the bus stop. He was excited to be with her like this, he kept a smile on his face as they walked. 

(Hundun disguised as 'Professor Xian Qui')(Location: Changing rooms)(With: A) @Olivia Acerbi

(Also this content is a bit spicy I removed a lot of detail to make it more PG-13ish. If I make it too spicy then Guy Fieri will eat my post)

Hundun’s pupils widen and a nervous dumbfounded look emerged on his face once he recognized that the concealment that they’ve both had was broken from Astaroth’s overwhelming sensual pleasure. He glared at her with a lusty gander radiating from that of his inner-soul. He bit his lower-lip in anxious carnal tension as she leaped up onto him and wrapped her delicate legs around his midsection while her rear-end was pressing firmly against his waist. She wanted everything he had, and Astaroth wanted it now. There was no way he’d be able to escape her, she’d wind up pinning him down onto the ground if she had to in order to suppress her incredible desires. There was only one way that they could proceed with their naughty behavior and not get spotted by any bystanders or instructors. They were going to have sneak throughout the academy and find a place of secrecy and conclude their unfinished business. “You better hold onto my waist with those juicy legs of yours for dear life, because we’re going to need to get out of here without being distinguished.”
Hundun replied in a suggestive tone before firmly grasping a segment of his robes. With one swift erratic motion he hastily tore off an upper-right portion of the fabric which revealed half of his lightly scarred body. Not realizing that A’s tail was still trembling in his other hand he observed her already taking off the lower-portion of her clothing then slingshotting her garments at him in an alluring manner. This was going to be rough as Hell, he knew that for a fact. Considering this was also a family-friendly program school that they were in he had to enfold the flimsy fabric around both of their waists and tighten it so that it’s shielding their obscenities from the outside view. Without any warning Hundun sprung himself and A from off of the ground while nonchalantly playing with the peak of her devilish tail in one and his other hand pressed up against the back of her slim waist so she doesn’t fall off.  After being propelled into the air a few feet away from the ceiling, he impressively shifts his body into an advanced aerial twist as he plunges his body through one of the slender skylights above, surprisingly both of them are unscathed from that seemingly successful attempt. Even louder noises erupt from Astaroth’s tender lips resulting in a few of the students to investigate the area where they once were out of sheer curiosity. “Shit, shit, shit!” He muttered from out of his mouth after noticing series of security cameras on the roof-top which were surveying the nearby surroundings, out of sheer panic he swings himself and Astaroth in a way so her velvet-hued tail would slide out from his loosened grasp and in his mouth, immense pleasurable shivers riddled down her spine as he felt his jaws gently securing her appendage into place.
Tasted a bit odd-fashioned but nevertheless he still continued with his ‘special’ covert mission, without any warning he rammed his now unoccupied hand onto the surface of the concrete beneath him which results in a fierce shock-wave that expels some of the debris out from the roof-top. Time itself felt as if it slowed down once Hundun’s pupils became constricted as he examined the targets adjacent to him. The lenses of the cameras are effortlessly destroyed after snapping his index finger into each suspended hefty piece of debris that encompassed their bare interlocked bodies causing them to be catapulted towards the electronic devices. As soon as he sprinted forward towards the roof-top exit he felt humongous surges of gratification flow throughout his body not to mention that A’s face looked completely shell-shocked with immeasurable amounts of enjoyment. He came to an abrupt halt while glaring into Astaroth’s hazy eyes with lustful passion. A miniscule groan escaped his mouth. He had to keep going forward, if he didn’t he knew that both him and her would eventually get caught red-handed in the act. Luckily something caught his attention in the corner of his eyes, beyond one of the skylights led to a succession of changing rooms as well as the school’s wide swimming pool. “You’re going to feel this drop. A lot..”
He muttered out from the side of his mouth before shattering the tempered glass of the skylight with the sole of his foot. Hundun pressed her as tightly as he could against his midsection, his eyes squinted in sensation as her movements became more sporadic. He then dived back down onto the ground-level of the school. Both A and Hundun were finally in a solitary changing room, tranquility and unconditional romance surrounding the atmosphere once more. His overjoyed smile came to light once more as he closed the curtains and concealing them both from the public eye.

(I’ll have you skip to the next scene Olivia that was too much.)

(We'll have to be plotting our action against Mei)
(That's fine. Rpnation wasn't working for me anyways)

Kagami sat beside Cody when they enter the bus. She lays her head against his shoulder.

"I think they have clothing for that  tail of yours"

He giggles, "Don't say it like that..." he said, his tail wrapping around his arm, looked kinda cool to him, 'I will KILL Ryo if I ever see him again...' he thought, "So, the clothes, do they have good designs or just plain shirts? I'm just wonder..." he asked.

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