Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"I guess yeah I have been stressed lately... With the past week or so just..." He sighs, then continues to talk, "How do you hide the pain you feel?" He asks. "How do you act like nothing has happened, even though you are personally affected? It's been so damn hard to not break down and just hide from world, and yet you guys act like everything is fucking perfect." He continued, leaning against the tree and sitting against it, putting his head in his hands. @Kisaki @TGSRoleplay @CERBERUS177 @Storm Guardian



A rested her head on Hundun as he pulled her closer into him and wrapped her tail around his waist. "If I 'manage to be helpful?' What the hell is that supposed to mean?", she asked him as she swung around hugging the front of him trying to get his full attention and created a highly light-refractive bubble around them. "You want to start pumping me full of your seed already? Or what am I back to being your slave now?", she asked moderately irritated, his massive frame causing her to have to look almost straight up for eye contact, when this close up.
A let out a calming sigh and rested her chin on his chest. "You know you're gonna have to be straight with me if this is gonna work. What am I to you exactly? I need to know not just for clarity but for my own safety. If I'm just a tool to you, I need to know." A began to wedge the edge of her tail between Hundun and his pants, pressing herself further on to him. 
A took hold of Hundun's hands interlacing fingers. "It's really not a problem if you're just using me, honest. I just gotta know if I have to cover my own ass or if I can trust you to do it for me.", she asked with a suggestive tone, her tail sliding further into Hundun's loins as she pulled his hands onto her all but naked rear. Before Hundun could object to her behavior she got onto her tip-toes to meet his lips for a kiss. 

(Nah, im not sure how to start, i will wait a bit. The hardest thing for me in RP's is to get involved something :/ )

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Jin sat up with a yawn. He looked around and saw he was still on the hill. He rubbed his eye as he realized he had fallen asleep. He removed the cloth that wrapped around his left eye revealing that it was still his Oni's eye. The wind blew gently as the earlier storm had passed and the cool breeze felt nice.  He stretched out his arms to wipe away the stiff feeling in them as he stood up.

Jin held out his right hand as a small ball of electricity played around in the palm of his hand. He smiled as he watched it dodge in and around his fingers. It was amusing to watch for a little bit but it soon grew old. He silently wrapped the cloth back around his left eye before turning and leaving the hill.

(Open for interaction)


Jin sat up with a yawn. He looked around and saw he was still on the hill. He rubbed his eye as he realized he had fallen asleep. He removed the cloth that wrapped around his left eye revealing that it was still his Oni's eye. The wind blew gently as the earlier storm had passed and the cool breeze felt nice.  He stretched out his arms to wipe away the stiff feeling in them as he stood up.

Jin held out his right hand as a small ball of electricity played around in the palm of his hand. He smiled as he watched it dodge in and around his fingers. It was amusing to watch for a little bit but it soon grew old. He silently wrapped the cloth back around his left eye before turning and leaving the hill.

(Open for interaction)

The Grox100 notices an weird human that kinda looks like an space pirate.

He slilently stalks follows him if he does anything bad. Just in chase he realay was an pirate, he him, whatever he's up to :].

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As Jin left the hill he felt for the third time in the last few hours that he was being followed. He turned around quickly but didn't see anything so he kept walking. He felt the presence again but he ignored it. The feeling returned again and this time when he turned he noticed something behind him. Jin had literally no idea what the thing following him was. He looked at the creature with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you?"


Jin then heard another voice from behind him. He turned to see Aiko standing behind her as red faced as ever. She was holding something behind her back but he couldn't see what it was. She also looked really nervous and this caused his eye brow to raise a little bit more. Maybe he was still asleep and dreaming.  "Hello Aiko."

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As Jin left the hill he felt for the third time in the last few hours that he was being followed. He turned around quickly but didn't see anything so he kept walking. He felt the presence again but he ignored it. The feeling returned again and this time when he turned he noticed something behind him. Jin had literally no idea what the thing following him was. He looked at the creature with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you?"


Jin then heard another voice from behind him. He turned to see Aiko standing behind her as red faced as ever. She was holding something behind her back but he couldn't see what it was. She also looked really nervous and this caused his eye brow to raise a little bit more. Maybe he was still asleep and dreaming.  "Hello Aiko."


"J-Jin." Her face was very red as she started to stutter. She then saw he strange creature and decided not to acknowledge its existence as this was too important. Her tongue locked up as she can't say anything so she gave him the love letter which seemed to look like it as it was the stereotypical pink envelope with heart seal.
Kagami turned around ,"Yes " she said with a smile.

Cody got the courage to do it, confess, Kagami made him happy all the time, he had to do this..."I...uh...I think of you more than a friend, you've made me so happy every time we meet...I just thought id you." he was red, so red, his skin could pass for a full blood demon.
As Jin left the hill he felt for the third time in the last few hours that he was being followed. He turned around quickly but didn't see anything so he kept walking. He felt the presence again but he ignored it. The feeling returned again and this time when he turned he noticed something behind him. Jin had literally no idea what the thing following him was. He looked at the creature with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you?"


The Grox100 now faced the guy pirate eye to helmet visor.

He then says not shy: ''I where following to protect the...things! Because i faced many pirates and im sure you are too one of them!''

He also knew he was spotted at an bad point, but who cares?

''I just did something good making sure you pirate won't steal anything or do worse!''
Kagami's face went red. "Y-you like me? C-cody....I " she stuttered.  She shook her head and leaned closer ," I L-love you too" 

Cody got the courage to do it, confess, Kagami made him happy all the time, he had to do this..."I...uh...I think of you more than a friend, you've made me so happy every time we meet...I just thought id you." he was red, so red, his skin could pass for a full blood demon.
Logan watched the two confess to each other as they blatantly ignored him. "Ahem! Right here! This is cute and all but right in front of me? Seriously? Thats a big fuck you and a half right there, its like telling me to suicide. I think I may become clinically depressed now, thanks." He said part of it as a joke and to be sarcastic, but he did seem to be forgotten by the two. @Kisaki @CERBERUS177
Kagami's face went red. "Y-you like me? C-cody....I " she stuttered.  She shook her head and leaned closer ," I L-love you too" 

Cody smiled and brought her into a hug, 'So happy so happy! ' he thought, he pulled her back a bit and looked into her eyes, a beautiful red, like blood diamonds. He hesitated but slowly went for a kiss, then Logan said something which kinda ticked him off, they were having a moment and all. "Say again Logan? " he said, his face showing attention, but hiding love for Kagami. 

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Jin took the letter that Aiko handed him. He studied it for a moment before sliding it into his jacket pocket once he heard the creature talk. Jin turned and looked at the creature. "You think I'm a pirate?" he was quiet for a moment but soon Jin bursted out laughing. "Me a pirate?" his statement was followed by another round of laughing. "Oh that's priceless". He wiped a tear that had formed at his eye. "Thanks for the laugh buddy I needed that. I will also take that as a compliment. Pirates look cool so that means I must look cool."

@Freemankiller @TGSRoleplay
"I said, in a nutshell, awesome you two have happiness and crap, but I'm right here, and think how I feel. That drove the blade in deeper." Logan rose, "It takes all I bloody have to not just hide and forget everything, and here you are with Kagami not a care in the world, you act like Fley never existed!" His head pounded but he didn't care. "Fuck this, I'm goin up to my dorm, come get me once I'm worth a damn." He stalked off, purposely bumping into Cody. @Kisaki @CERBERUS177
She was going to have her first kiss until Logan. 'Of course he had to ruin the momment',she mummbled to herself. The girl turned around to face the other boy. "It's not like your dying. It's just stress "

@LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177
Jin took the letter that Aiko handed him. He studied it for a moment before sliding it into his jacket pocket once he heard the creature talk. Jin turned and looked at the creature. "You think I'm a pirate?" he was quiet for a moment but soon Jin bursted out laughing. "Me a pirate?" his statement was followed by another round of laughing. "Oh that's priceless". He wiped a tear that had formed at his eye. "Thanks for the laugh buddy I needed that. I will also take that as a compliment. Pirates look cool so that means I must look cool."


''COOL!? EVERTHING HERE LOOKS HORROFYING!'' he says loudly. The Humans don't realy look...well, 'normal' with their bodyparts for his section of the universe.

They used to be not so detailed an not have so much hair (Clothes xD)!

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