Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Mei opened the door and looked boredly at the demon. "What's up chump. Do you have some bad news?"

Mei stand back to let him in.

Luxor Was sitting at his desk drinking tea. He looked up at his guest. "It seems your done with monster hunting,yes?"

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi
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(I despise math. .- )

((There is a right triangle. One side is 3 inches. There is a line going from the right angle vertice to the hypotenuse, which creates a right angle with the hypotenuse. The two parts of the split  hypotenuse into 6 inches and another number. The line splitting the hypotenuse is 225. Of the original triangle, what is the length of the not given side?))

((Jeez, I'm bad at writing.))
(I despise math. .- )

((There is a right triangle. One side is 3 inches. There is a line going from the right angle vertice to the hypotenuse, which creates a right angle with the hypotenuse. The two parts of the split  hypotenuse into 6 inches and another number. The line splitting the hypotenuse is 225. Of the original triangle, what is the length of the not given side?))

((Jeez, I'm bad at writing.))
(I despise math. .- )

((There is a right triangle. One side is 3 inches. There is a line going from the right angle vertice to the hypotenuse, which creates a right angle with the hypotenuse. The two parts of the split  hypotenuse into 6 inches and another number. The line splitting the hypotenuse is 225. Of the original triangle, what is the length of the not given side?))

((Jeez, I'm bad at writing.))
((There is a right triangle. One side is 3 inches. There is a line going from the right angle vertice to the hypotenuse, which creates a right angle with the hypotenuse. The two parts of the split  hypotenuse into 6 inches and another number. The line splitting the hypotenuse is 225. Of the original triangle, what is the length of the not given side?))

((Jeez, I'm bad at writing.))

My brain is hurting already.

( Are we still on Math? Ok, how bout this. Let (x¯, y¯) be the center of mass of the triangle with vertices at (−2, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0) and uniform density δ = 1.

a) (10) Write an integral formula for y¯. Do not evaluate the integral(s), but write explicitly the integrand and limits of integration.

b) (5) Find x¯                                      Uh oh, an MIT practice exam question. The person to solve it gets a good noodle star)
( Are we still on Math? Ok, how bout this. Let (x¯, y¯) be the center of mass of the triangle with vertices at (−2, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0) and uniform density δ = 1.

a) (10) Write an integral formula for y¯. Do not evaluate the integral(s), but write explicitly the integrand and limits of integration.

b) (5) Find x¯                                      Uh oh, an MIT practice exam question. The person to solve it gets a good noodle star)



((Is this Calculus?))
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( Are we still on Math? Ok, how bout this. Let (x¯, y¯) be the center of mass of the triangle with vertices at (−2, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0) and uniform density δ = 1.

a) (10) Write an integral formula for y¯. Do not evaluate the integral(s), but write explicitly the integrand and limits of integration.

b) (5) Find x¯                                      Uh oh, an MIT practice exam question. The person to solve it gets a good noodle star)

((Enough with the Spongebob references, I'm getting bad memories. Bahahaha!))

(i kno ur weakness 

Ryo Sentrale

Ryo new outfit.jpg





It was utter chaos as the employees of Behemoth were losing their minds due to the fact that the building was shaking like it was caught in the middle of the world's largest earthquake. People were crying on corners, men and women were kissing out of pure despair, prayers to gods were made, and walls were crumbling. No one new why the building was shaking, their only clue being the hip hop music that had been playing for the last....six hours? HOLY SHIT!

All of the sudden, everything stopped. The shaking and loud music vanished, as if it never happened, and the building stopped crumbling. The workers all raised their heads curiously as the 'apocalypse' stopped. Glancing at each other in joy, hugs were exchanged and tears were shed in happiness from survival. Then a loud bang echoed throughout the HQ, startling everyone and causing guns and weapons to be pulled out and locked onto the source of the noise.

Stepping out of the room, mist flowing out behind him, his shirt off and covered in scratches, was their boss, Ryo, a happy grin on his face. A bottle of jack was in his right hand, a cigar in his left, scratch marks were on his right cheek, shoulders, and a good majority of his back, but he didn't seem to notice and loud music describing what he just did was playing. With a loud laugh, Ryo glanced back to the room he was in, the room itself being completely wrecked and destroyed, cracks adorned the walls and the actual bed was completely torn apart. Man that was some terrific sex.

Glancing down to his employees, who were all pointing guns at him, he grinned and pointed at them, "Congrats peons, i'm not going to outright slaughter you for pointing guns at me, you can thank your boss lady for that." Ryo then glared down at them, "However, that doesn't mean that I won't kill you for not working....SO GET BACK TO WORK!"

Immediately they all scattered back to work, afraid that if they took too long, Ryo would kill them. Smiling, Ryo turned around to face Setsuna, still covered by the sheets and blankets on the bed. Walking back to the bed and laying back down, Ryo wrapped his arm around Setsuna to bask in the afterglow.

"Okay, i'll admit it. You were in control for most of that, but just like I said I would, I wrecked that hole."


Tyrus Zephronic (War)


Tyrus of War.jpg

Tyrus had made it to the dorms and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at what he was seeing, hearing, and smelling. Apparently Astaroth thought it was a good idea to randomly destroy her belongings if the burning hole or general destruction was any indication. Tyrus could feel War's irritation at the sight. War never really got along with the thrones, he tolerated them at good times and outright wanted to skin them at normal times. It also didn't help that the place was letting out a stench of sex, dirty, nasty, horrid sex.

"Fucking whore can't even keep it in her pants long enough to get shit done. Knock the door down Tyrus, the skank probably won't hear your knocking, she's probably too busy with her mouth on some poor fool's pipe."

Tyrus let out a chuckle at War's crude nature, no love lost between him and the throne of lust, "It's always good to be polite War, besides, if she doesn't answer, then we simply kill the being she is with and join in. Don't you enjoy a good romp here and there War?" Tyrus asked, knocking on the door while communicating with the entity.

"Hmph, dominating a woman is always fun, but you stick your dick in the little prostitute, and you're liable to catch a STA. A Sexually Transmitted Astaroth. That's right boy, they classified her as a sexual disease."

Tyrus let out a loud laugh at War's joke. The horseman had a dark sense of humor, but it still made Tyrus laugh. While chuckling to himself about War's joke, Tyrus continued knocking, increasing the strength to make the sound louder, hoping to get A's attention.

Simultaneously raising his voice while knocking, Tyrus called out for A's attention, "Hello, Ms. A, are you there? There's a very angry gentleman who wants to speak with you." His voice laced with humor, Tyrus didn't know if A knew about War or not, but he was looking forward to the meeting.

@Olivia Acerbi

(Sorry i've been gone all day, life and what not. Also, SCREW MATH!)
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