Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Unfortunately no. Well, good luck and don't be so nervous.  Everything will work"

Kagami replied. 

"O-Okay." She was shaking and remained motionless as she needed to reboot which caused an awkward 10 minutes between them before she started moving. "Oh sorry, I needed to reboot." She said as she fixed her glasses.
"R-Reboot? Are you a robot or something . I can smell that you have blood , but robots don't have that,right?"

"O-Okay." She was shaking and remained motionless as she needed to reboot which caused an awkward 10 minutes between them before she started moving. "Oh sorry, I needed to reboot." She said as she fixed her glasses.
"R-Reboot? Are you a robot or something . I can smell that you have blood , but robots don't have that,right?"

"Hmm....It's complicated to say the least." She said. "Can I stay by you until I locate Jin, the highschool is really easy to get lost in.


(Lyssa Yasa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: Luxor Academy dorms)(With: Fremy)( @Trust)

“Fremy! What an unusual yet beautiful name. Nice to meet someone like yourself, nothing like a firearm muzzle pressed against someone’s face to give a good introduction! That’s how i met most of my friends! Well, I understand if you’re a bit anxious about telling me about yourself!” Lyssa joyful announced, her available solitary hand suddenly swished into the surrounding air adjacent from where she was standing which resulted in a wooden antiquated rocking chair emerging itself from out of ground nearby. Once Fremy commenced her vigorous consummation of the delectable beef-steak she had in front of her, a tiny innocent smirk revealed itself upon Lyssa’s face. She was content to understand that she helped some stranger out with their ravenous hunger, despite not realizing she probably saved her life. Fremy’s appreciation was noted by Lyssa resulting in her smile stretching across her face even more. “Oh don’t mention it. I’m rather new to Luxor Academy as well but I think i’ll be able to give you a little bit of insight on what you’ll discover here” Lyssa outlandishly replied before thoroughly stripping off her own clothes and concealing herself once more with a different outfit, Except this time she was fully dressed up as a stereotypical grandma with reading glasses where the bridge was placed neatly onto the ridge of her nose. Equipped with a woolly sweater and a oddly fashioned dress underneath, if it was considered old, then she had it.


Lyssa’s physical appearance changed as well, which did manage to puzzle Fremy, first she was young and full of energy next thing you know, her skin is full of wrinkles and her movements seem to be a bit more sluggish. “You know, these ‘youngins’ now a days don’t appreciate a good story here or there! I’ll get to your little hootenanny scopin’ out shindig after I tell ya this good ol’ tale.” Lyssa exclaims in a elderly tone while retrieving a small unorthodox picture-book from out behind the seat of her polished antique chair. She tenderly licked her dry-lips before placing a single piece of extremely hard-candy into Fremy’s rough palm before adjusting her reading glasses to eye-level and blowing off the dust particles littered across the front cover of the book causing them to hastily scatter into the atmosphere. “Ah yes. Luxor Academy. Luxor Academy was built by this really old guy named well uh, you guessed it Luxor, which he’s currently the principal here at this wonderful schooling district. His idea was to fabricate a college-like teaching center where gifted students are able to hone their abilities and their super-human powers so that they’ll wind up better equipped for the future all while leading them down the righteous path. Yeah he’s a goodie-two shoes but what can you expect from some angelic deity, right? Rumors have it that Luxor De’ Angelino created this place due to combat the evils in this realm or because of the ‘incident’. This incident that i’m speaking of is the great tragedy! It resulted in one inexperienced being causing numerous amounts of destruction from not being able to restrain their own strength. Many deaths plagued the land before the person winded up taking their own life due to the guilt which took control of their very mind! And uh-sneur.


Lyssa declared until having the last portion of her sentence concluded since she leisurely fell asleep, obnoxiously loud snoring noises radiated out from her constricting nostrils until her book fell out from her lap causing her to abruptly wake up in a panic. “GAH! Bingo! Oh uh, yeah i’ll show you around now.” She screamed out in a shaken up tone before carefully shifting her eyesight towards Fremy. After a few seconds of awkward uninterrupted silence Lyssa pulled out a very itchy christmas sweater that she was happily knitting earlier and placed it over-top of the confused girl standing in front of her, each measurement of the material was fitted to perfection in her size, as if somehow Lyssa guessed them accurately. The elderly skin complexion and appearance that she had, faded away as she removed her rear-end from the seat and stood back up onto the soft padding of her feet. “Let’s get going then! Wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun stuff!” She shouted, Lyssa immediately placed her firm grasp over Fremy’s hand and tugged her in the direction of the elegant dorms.
( @Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi Once Hundun is done with Nequam. There might need to be a teacher conference or a one on one meeting with Luxor and him, if A is with Hundun she'll have to wait outside the office. This is regarding the student deaths among the field-trip. Luxor isn't going to be pleased. :(  )
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"Why do you like Jin so much?" The girl asked as she sat back down.

"I guess, I saved his life when we were in the field trip and something just happened when I brought him back." She said as she felt nervous. "He keeps talking about this 'Fley' which causes some sort of a negative emotion to pour on my interface(most likely jealousy) for an odd reason."
"You are  feeling Jealousy.  "Kagami layed her down on the grass. "It's a common thing to feel ."

"I guess, I saved his life when we were in the field trip and something just happened when I brought him back." She said as she felt nervous. "He keeps talking about this 'Fley' which causes some sort of a negative emotion to pour on my interface(most likely jealousy) for an odd reason."
"You are  feeling Jealousy.  "Kagami layed her down on the grass. "It's a common thing to feel ."

"I see. This 'Fley' is deceased and he can't see her spirit but I can." She said as she materialized a bowl of rice and started eating it just like that.
"I see.." She poured rice seasoning on her rice and continued eating. "When does school end anyway?"

"I haven't checked. " The girl replied. Unfortunately for her , she has to leave school early."

I have a week to go before I leave this school.  My career is calling me and have so much schedule ahead"
"I haven't checked. " The girl replied. Unfortunately for her , she has to leave school early."

I have a week to go before I leave this school.  My career is calling me and have so much schedule ahead"

"I see." Aiko looked somewhat sad. "A negative emotion is pouring throughout my interface." She said as she looked up at the sky.
"I'm having boy problems as well. My feelings seem to be out of whack and I don't know what to do " she smiles sadly.

"To think a model and singer like me would able to confess."

She sighs.

"I see." Aiko looked somewhat sad. "A negative emotion is pouring throughout my interface." She said as she looked up at the sky.



A couldn't do anything except scoff in disbelief as she turned and started to walk away. "I don't fucking believe this....", she muttered under her breath. Yet another being claiming to be all powerful, claiming to be capable wrath that would dwarf the very fires of the Abyss showing their true nature; acting like candy-ass bleeding hearts. 
"Yeah, great job, killer! She's your problem now.", she shouted to him semi-sarcastically as she carried her, still naked form, back up to the hole leading to the Condorm™. "We should probably clean up this mess.....or at least show face. The Sunshine Guild won't be very happy about the mess."
A swung around beneath the hole and faced Hundun with a sly grin. "You gotta keep up your appearance. We can't have them catching whiff of our romance, they'll think I'm a bad influence on you. ", she continued to smile before starting to do suggestive gestures. "You can make an example out of me...", finishing with a beckoning tone she started to turn away again before she noticed Nequam's frantic behavior.
"SIT THE F*CK DOWN, FILTH!", she hissed as she stomped her foot causing a piece of the ground beneath Nequam to jut out and uppercut her, sending her flying  onto her ass. 
Looking satisfied A jetted herself back up to the ravaged Condorm™. 
"Hurry up! My tail is tingling, that's never a good sign! Something's coming, we should probably be ready! Plus we got a lizard and glorified weasel to deal with!", she called out as she landed on the chard hardwood floors and started to walk to what was left of the shower.


"I can't belive they left me" the girl grumbled. Abe lost her ticker for the airport and the two other angels flew without her. Now she had to use her wings to get to the Academy.

The blonde was careful to avoid raising suspicions , so she only flew at night.

She finally arrived to her destination, tired and wearing dirty clothes. She trudged through the school gates and sat down on a bench.

"Avaritia. ..."she mummbled. She felt an aura of greed. Very similar to someone she once meet.  "Remeber Gabriel.  Mercy and forgiveness is your name....hmm.."she tried to convince herself. "Nope...not working. God forgive me if I slaughter the dark one."she prayed , looking toward the sky.

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