Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Cody squinted and saw Fley after Kagami announced it, "I can tell..." he said, he couldn't touch her, as he tried to hug her, "Well...Fley, what's it you want to say?" he asked, tiling his head.


Fley laughed. "You're the first who hasn't been surprised after seeing me. Just wanted to drop in and say hello," she replied. 
"Kagami I can see her, and hear her, I'm demon after all, but sadly, It doesn't work fully, so I hear her in an echoy way, and she's all gray." he said sadly, "I'd hug you if I could Fley...I miss you so much!" he said, tearing up.


"I'm all.. um, gray? Is that a bad thing- h-hey! Don't cry, that's not the Cody I know..." Fley said, sitting upon his shoulders. She weighed nothing in this form and so Cody most likely would not have felt anything. "And you know, I kind of miss you too." Her voice was hollow - 'kind of' was a big understatement. 

He nods, feeling cold, he's heard good ghosts were cold, while mean ones were hot. He whipped his eyes, and maned up, "Alright...Do you know how long you'll be here on earth still?" he asked, feeling bad for the question.


Aiko Kirishima:

She stalked Jin but was too shy to say anything. She felt sad so she asked Arian for advice on how to confess your feelings with a boy. She looked for Arian and after awhile, found her. "U-Um...Can you give me advice in how to confess to a boy?" She asked Arian her face slightly red.

@SolistheSun @Dante Verren
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Jin smiled as he heard fley laugh but the inevitable happened and He felt her presence leave. He sighed heavily as the hollow emptiness returned. "Why can't the gods just throw me a fucking bone. That or just kill me now." he muttered to himself as he continued walking. 

At some point Aiko disappeared again and Jin was alone. With out realizing it He had wandered outside next to a hill by the dorms. Jin laid down on the hill and raised his hand pointing to the sky. He made his hand shaped like a gun and muttered "bang." bolts of lightning shot from his fingers arching up into the darkens sky as he continued to mutter bang. He was letting out his emotions in the form most familiar to him. Thunder and lightning.



Arain Lee Fulhumn


Arian, the dufus, almost responded to Lyssa, though she disappeared. Literally. Then the dragon's head did too, after she had thoroughly invaded it. Arian sighs, and stands up. And almost instantly, a random girl approaches her about love advice. She'd never met the girl, nor recognized her. Probably just a normal student, or at least mostly. She smelled okay. 


"Are you sure you want it from me? I'm not the best at explaining. Though, if you wanna confess, I recommend writing a letter to help sort out your thoughts. That way incase your tongue and mind locks up, you can just let him read it. That's what I'd recommend. Oh! And----- "


She's randomly cut off as Lyssa's weird magic backfires and her slew dragon's head falls out of the sky, it's mouth now containing her head within it's toothy maw.


"Groooosss...... I can't even... urhhh...." Arian says, voice muffled. She pushes up, trying to get the now thawed and decaying reptilian head off. 


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Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko seemed fascinated at the love letter idea and her face turned red. She thanked her and gave her an envelope with the word "Money" written on it and went to a classroom and wrote down a love letter. Shethen finished and asked Arian "What do I do now?" She was very nervous.

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Arian Lee Fulhumn

Unlike her desires, the dragon's head remained firmly lodged on her head. Fortunately, she was able to somewhat see through the top of the severed neck. And breath too for that matter. What was most irritating was the GIRL WATCHED HER. THEN LEFT. AND THE HAD THE AUDACITY TO COME BACK. LIKE, UGHGHHH.

And she left some sort of paper tucked into her hand. As Arian is unable to read it from her current position, she stuffs it into her bodice and bumps against the wall and walls over in her attempts to escape from her flesh prison. 

"Now??!!! Now you go to the guy, watch his behavior to figure out the optimal time to give it too him. AND THEN YOU LEARN ABOUT HIM BEFORE YOU RUSH THINGS. AND THEN YOU HELP PEOPLE GET THE DECAPITATED HEAD OFF THEMSELVES!!!" Arian huffs in response, almost illegibly. 

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Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko watched her talk through the dragon's head and tried to take it off her head. "Here let me get that for you." She started pulling at it. She tucked the love letter in her own pocket and cracked her fingers pulling it a little harder.

Roy and Wulf wandered together, down the garden, smelling the flowers. Both Roy and Wulf were surprised on the inside, they had never tried smelling flowers as they wandered a garden at all. All they did was copy what the other person did... actually, all Roy did was lean down to inspect a flower, and Wulf had mistaken it as taking a sniff, and did so, which confused Roy, who then gave the flower a real sniff.

As they continued to wander, Wulf suddenly utters a cry of surprise. Roy quickly turned and asked, "What?"

"Oh," Wulf said, "It's just someone sleeping on the garden floor."

"Eh," Roy said, "We'd best not bother her."

(Kagami is awake  ...You  could speak to her while Cody is speaking to Fley)

Roy and Wulf wandered together, down the garden, smelling the flowers. Both Roy and Wulf were surprised on the inside, they had never tried smelling flowers as they wandered a garden at all. All they did was copy what the other person did... actually, all Roy did was lean down to inspect a flower, and Wulf had mistaken it as taking a sniff, and did so, which confused Roy, who then gave the flower a real sniff.

As they continued to wander, Wulf suddenly utters a cry of surprise. Roy quickly turned and asked, "What?"

"Oh," Wulf said, "It's just someone sleeping on the garden floor."

"Eh," Roy said, "We'd best not bother her."

"Not sure, but it's gonna be a helluva long wait, even if it might be only five minutes. Apparently, Izanami's got me stuck up here stalking you. Don't hurt Kagamichii, k?" Fley patted Cody's head and gave him another hug. "Right, so I should be sh-" 

Roy then suddenly glares at Wulf, with a light smile, "Wait, she's not asleep."

Roy looked around a bit, "There are other people here," he observed.

"Am I intruding on something?" Wulf asked to Kagami.

@Kisaki @CERBERUS177  @Fazy
Fley stared for a moment before noticing Roy. "HEY!! You were that guy who helped me, um, hospital? YEAH, it's Roy, right? Can you see me and my beautiful ass?" she punched his side. 

@Storm Guardian

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