Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Roy stumbles a bit, unsure of what to say, "Uhh.... ...?"

Wulf laughs a small bit, then gives Fley a strange look, then looks back at Kagami, "Hey, dangerous looking person, did you say 'dead people'?"

@Kisaki @Fazy @CERBERUS117
Not dangerous? Wulf thought, This must be my Aasimar senses... something about Kagami seems... off. But then again, the person Roy's speaking to also seems a bit off, probably due to her being a ghost, and Roy definitely has an dark feeling to him. Meh.

"Well... that's interesting..." Wulf said to Kagami, "Sorry if I offended you with what I said, I didn't know what I was thinking."

((Dangit. Kagami doesn't like to stab people as much here, huh?))

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Aiko Kirishima:

Aiko wandered around with a love letter and a red face as she looked around. She stumbled upon Fley and tried to sneak past her but failing horribly as she fell face first creating a large thud as she ran through. "That hurt." She said and there was a bruise on her upper knee.

@Fazy @Storm Guardian
(Get her angry enough and she will )

He must be sensing Kagome., her other half. The only other reason may people think she's dangerous is her red eyes and pointy fangs.

"I'll shall accept you apology." she said while standing up.

@Storm Guardian
"Thanks," Wulf said, relieved, "Stupid blundering me, I need to watch what I say."

"Probably keep it to myself," Wulf murmured to himself


((Well, @CERBERUS177, @Fazy, and @Kisaki I'm off for the night. Wish you guys a good rest of your day, see you tomorow.))
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" You don't have to feel so bad. ' the girl spoke. " Its not like I'll stab you for saying that. It definitely ruin my singing career if I was seen as a brute"

Kagami then looks at the girl who has fallen " You okay?"she asked in a concerned voice.

@TGSRoleplay @Storm Guardian

It may take time to get to the shooting range

" You don't have to feel so bad. ' the girl spoke. " Its not like I'll stab you for saying that. It definitely ruin my singing career if I was seen as a brute"

Kagami then looks at the girl who has fallen " You okay?"she asked in a concerned voice.

@TGSRoleplay @Storm Guardian

It may take time to get to the shooting range


Aiko Kirishima:

She nodded getting up and realizing that her love letter was not in her hand. She scanned the area for it and found it on the floor near the girl. She didn't take it in time and the girl spotted it.
"A love letter?"Kagami picked it up and gave it to the girl.

"Confessing aren't ya?"

Aiko Kirishima:

She nodded getting up and realizing that her love letter was not in her hand. She scanned the area for it and found it on the floor near the girl. She didn't take it in time and the girl spotted it.
"A love letter?"Kagami picked it up and gave it to the girl.

"Confessing aren't ya?"

Aiko Kirishima:

Aiko blushed as she took the letter. "Y-Yeah." Shr said noticing that here was a bruise on her right knee as she fixed her glasses fortunately they aren't broken. "That really hurts." She said as she covered her knee with her hands
"Are you okay?" she looked at the girls bruised leg. 

Aiko Kirishima:

Aiko blushed as she took the letter. "Y-Yeah." Shr said noticing that here was a bruise on her right knee as she fixed her glasses fortunately they aren't broken. "That really hurts." She said as she covered her knee with her hands
The Freema (False Character xD)

The Grox100 goes under a tree an sleeps there for a while.

(Im too ready for anything xD)


(Lyssa Yasa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: ???)(With: Fremy)( @Trust)

“Gah, watch where you’re pointing that thing. You could blow someone’s head clean off with that! I was just asking a question silly!” Lyssa anxiously replied, shifting her body into a continuous roll on her side until she was a few feet away from her. After noticing that she accumulated a heap of dust on sections of the stereotypical western outfit that she was wearing, her delicate face turned into a pout. “Jeeze, I just wanted to help. That’s all.. Ohh! Who am I you ask? Well haha! Let me tell you, they call me Lyssa a.k.a that random girl who annoys all the students!” Lyssa responded joyfull as she she secured her hands onto her own waist in a confident posture after standing herself back up. This rather intimidating white-haired girl was nothing like who Lyssa has encountered before, she looked serious, overly serious. Not to mention it appeared that she was starving just from the demeanor she had.

Understanding that she could make a new friend, Lyssa decided to take advantage of this hunger of hers.
“Well, you do seem quite hungry. Tell ya what, since you’re new here i’ll get you something to eat! Also this is Luxor Academy. It’s a place for really really gifted students. It’s basically a college except with super-powered people running around! Not sure i’ve seen you around but that’s okay!” Lyssa said calmly as she snatched Fremy’s hand and carefully extended her open palm towards her. Suddenly there was a ceramic bowl filled with delicious well-done cooked steak, although steak isn’t meant to be placed in a bowl, I think she could honestly care less due to there actually being food in front of her that was ready to be consumed.

(You're fine, i'm actually kinda busy too.. I actually don't know what to bring up.)

Fremy White


"That's usually what you do with guns" Fremy mumbled in response to Lyssa's first comment. "A place for gifted students... Huh... I suppose that's something. hello Lyssa, I am Fremy, that is all you should really need to know, and yes, I am rather hungry"  she grumbled, unhappily before her hand was taken from her and she was suddenly holding a bowl full of meat. On instinct, she sat down and began munching on the food ravenously, not having eaten anything for several days and having had the bare minmum in terms of water. After several minutes of gobbling up the food, she placed the bowl on the ground and stood back up. 

"thank you" Fremy said begrudgingly, she had been raised to hate humans, and this girl definitely appeared to be a human, but she was also being surprisingly kind, albeit a little rude to her. 

"Luxor Academy, I've never heard of it before, where exactly is this? I don't really remember how I got here, my mind was too preoccupied on walking" She asked while returning the gun to her back. Her single eye refusing to look directly into Lyssa's due to her conflicting emotions. On one hand, she hated her, but on the other, she had saved her life. She wasn't exactly sure of how to respond. "can you show me around? I would like to scope out the area a bit more" Fremy suggested before folding her arms over her chest.

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