Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"I'm having boy problems as well. My feelings seem to be out of whack and I don't know what to do " she smiles sadly.

"To think a model and singer like me would able to confess."

She sighs.

"I know." She looked at the love letter as her face turned slightly red.
"I'm having boy problems as well. My feelings seem to be out of whack and I don't know what to do " she smiles sadly.

"To think a model and singer like me would able to confess."

She sighs.

"I know." She looked at the love letter as her face turned slightly red.
"I'm having boy problems as well. My feelings seem to be out of whack and I don't know what to do " she smiles sadly.

"To think a model and singer like me would able to confess."

She sighs.

"I know." She looked at the love letter as her face turned slightly red.
Logan stopped firing at the target seeing it riddled beyond belief. He set down both P226's and brought the target closer, replacing it for a new one. He broughtmthe target back downrange and took out the R5, aiming and firing at it, his thoughts turning even angrier. His shots were grouped toward wounding shots, no longer killing. Grouping around where a persons abdomen, below the waist, lungs, all to make someone suffer.(almost done  @Kisaki? Lol)
Logan stopped firing at the target seeing it riddled beyond belief. He set down both P226's and brought the target closer, replacing it for a new one. He broughtmthe target back downrange and took out the R5, aiming and firing at it, his thoughts turning even angrier. His shots were grouped toward wounding shots, no longer killing. Grouping around where a persons abdomen, below the waist, lungs, all to make someone suffer.(almost done  @Kisaki? Lol)

(Nope lol. Still stuck in the same spot. I don't want to leave anyone behind)


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: A's Dorm.)(With: A) @Olivia Acerbi 

Hundun observed A’s aggravated astonishment as he offered Nequam mercy except in exchange for her lips to be forever sealed. His ears perked up abruptly after catching a glimpse of what she said underneath her breath. Despite being humiliated by this sense of mercy that came over him an idea hatched in his mind where Nequam could be of some use to both of them  “Hey, you got what you wanted right? Besides, this is will make her suffer more and to add she won't be able to bother you anymore, be damned grateful that I decided to even shed a smidgen of a care for you.”Hundun growled fiercely before shifting his posture and turning his back on her. He carefully looked down at Nequam with a dissatisfied expression on his face. Without hesitation he leaned in over her shoulder and placed his hand gently over her slim neck making it seem like he was being intimidating towards her. “You know, I don’t exactly trust anyone.. Hence why I silenced you but you’re needed for a plan of mine.. If you manage to be a good little girl and play by the rules and the conditions I make, i’ll remove that sigil from your neck. But you better show me some goddamn obedience or else i’ll leave it there permanently, hell I might even give you a reward if you play nice...”

Hundun whispered, he quickly arched his back into regular standing position and spun himself around facing the direction of Astaroth as she sluggishly climbed herself back up the charred hole leading to the surface. “Hey, another thing we’re going to use your daughter as a hostage, that’s mainly the reason why i’m leaving her alive. Those angels that wind up trying to deter our plans will be halted if we use someone as innocent as her. They’ll have no choice but to play our little game. Then once it’s all over we can eliminate her if you want. But for now she needs to remain alive, don't think i've gotten soft just because of that temporary mercy i've granted she was just lucky.”  He shouted once Astaroth reached the rigid ledge of the abyss, not only was this scheme of his brilliant but it had multiple intentions behind it, even some that A was even aware of. Although they were just considered to be backups in case one plan were to fail. “I should be saying the same thing to you! You’ve already been running about causing indiscriminate mayhem around this academy, maybe if you stuck with me and acted like an innocent sweet-heart maybe we’ll get somewhere!” Hundun arrogantly shouted up to Astaroth. He lightly chuckled at the idea of witnessing A’s attempt at having an innocent demeanor, he wouldn’t be surprised if the act caused her to vomit half way through. As soon as he made his way towards the jagged onyx-colored wall near the aperture he felt a piffling tug on his wrist causing him to turn his head back over his shoulder. Nequam was grabbing onto his wrist not wanting them to leave her in this abandoned place, her harmless piercing eyes that lingered towards his resulted in him turning his eyesight away out of guilt. He knew that if A caught him speaking to her even more she’d think he’d develop more of a soft-side.

“If you’re concerned about her following you, she wont. She’s going to be staying down here in this underground lair of mine, i’ll have to feed her and everything so she doesn’t wind up dying before the archangels get here. I’ll deal with her if she’s too much of a hassle for you.” He yelled in a serious tone to her, small yelps and whines could be heard echoing throughout the vast cavern once Hundun finally made his way up to the surface after brushing away Nequam's grasp, the petrified wails for help hastily diminished after he sealed the gaping burrow with tremendous unyielding sorcery. Hundun leisurely made his way over to one of the decorative rugs that were on the floor and pushed it over-top of the opening. “As if nothing ever happened to begin with. Speaking of making an example out of you. We’d have to push our sensual passion into overdrive after what just happened.” He snickered before smacking her rear-end then wrapping his strapping arms around her smooth waist, Hundun lovingly nuzzled the bottom of his chin against her delicate throat as he stood behind her. They were probably going to have to shift into maximum overdrive once they both managed to get themselves in the shower. “Once we’re done doing our primal deeds, I probably should contact Luxor about that field-trip, a few poor bastard died, obviously they didn’t listen to me when I said stick with your damned group. Now i’ll have to talk to that archangel and behave as if i give a damn about their lives so that he doesn’t get suspicious. I’m actually pretty fortunate that you made it out relatively unscathed A. Now let’s see how well the infamous lust can make me last for..” He mutters devilishly into her ear, as they both stepped into the shower. Their bare bodies were drenched in liquid as the shower-head gently rained water down on them. Their glistening bodies pressed up against each other while proce- “Damnit narrator! I just got finished covering up that one busty fox-girl's scene and now I have to take care of this as well? Sheesh, my work never seems to end, does it?” An illusion of Lyssa exclaims angrily before pushing her index-finger against a light-switch resulting in a time-skip to the next scenario involving Hundun and A both near Luxor De’ Angelino’s main office.

(Please don't mind if there's spelling errors it seems that Rp-nation is acting up again, text is overlapping other text. ~_~) @Kisaki (Is Luxor going to be available?)
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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: A's Dorm.)(With: A) @Olivia Acerbi 

Hundun observed A’s aggravated astonishment as he offered Nequam mercy except in exchange for her lips to be forever sealed. His ears perked up abruptly after catching a glimpse of what she said underneath her breath. Despite being humiliated by this sense of mercy that came over him an idea hatched in his mind where Nequam could be of some use to both of them  “Hey, you got what you wanted right? Besides, this is will make her suffer more and to add she won't be able to bother you anymore, be damned grateful that I decided to even shed a smidgen of a care for you.”Hundun growled fiercely before shifting his posture and turning his back on her. He carefully looked down at Nequam with a dissatisfied expression on his face. Without hesitation he leaned in over her shoulder and placed his hand gently over her slim neck making it seem like he was being intimidating towards her. “You know, I don’t exactly trust anyone.. Hence why I silenced you but you’re needed for a plan of mine.. If you manage to be a good little girl and play by the rules and the conditions I make, i’ll remove that sigil from your neck. But you better show me some goddamn obedience or else i’ll leave it there permanently, hell I might even give you a reward..”

Hundun whispered, he quickly arched his back into regular standing position and spun himself around facing the direction of Astaroth as she sluggishly climbed herself back up the charred hole leading to the surface. “Hey, another thing we’re going to use your daughter as a hostage, that’s mainly the reason why i’m leaving her alive. Those angels that wind up trying to deter our plans will be halted if we use someone as innocent as her. They’ll have no choice but to play our little game. Then once it’s all over we can eliminate her if you want. But for now she needs to remain alive, don't think i've gotten soft just because of that temporary mercy i've granted she was just lucky.”  He shouted once Astaroth reached the rigid ledge of the abyss, not only was this scheme of his brilliant but it had multiple intentions behind it, even some that A was even aware of. Although they were just considered to be backups in case one plan were to fail. “I should be saying the same thing to you! You’ve already been running about causing indiscriminate mayhem around this academy, maybe if you stuck with me and acted like an innocent sweet-heart maybe we’ll get somewhere!” Hundun arrogantly shouted up to Astaroth. He lightly chuckled at the idea of witnessing A’s attempt at having an innocent demeanor, he wouldn’t be surprised if the act caused her to vomit half way through. As soon as he made his way towards the jagged onyx-colored wall near the aperture he felt a piffling tug on his wrist causing him to turn his head back over his shoulder. Nequam was grabbing onto his wrist not wanting them to leave her in this abandoned place, her harmless piercing eyes that lingered towards his resulted in him turning his eyesight away out of guilt. He knew that if A caught him speaking to her even more she’d think he’d develop more of a soft-side.

“If you’re concerned about her following you, she wont. She’s going to be staying down here in this underground lair of mine, i’ll have to feed her and everything so she doesn’t wind up dying before the archangels get here. I’ll deal with her if she’s too much of a hassle for you.” He yelled in a serious tone to her, small yelps and whines could be heard echoing throughout the vast cavern once Hundun finally made his way up to the surface after brushing away Nequam's grasp, the petrified wails for help hastily diminished after he sealed the gaping burrow with tremendous unyielding sorcery. Hundun leisurely made his way over to one of the decorative rugs that were on the floor and pushed it over-top of the opening. “As if nothing ever happened to begin with. Speaking of making an example out of you. We’d have to push our sensual passion into overdrive after what just happened.” He snickered before smacking her rear-end then wrapping his strapping arms around her smooth waist, Hundun lovingly nuzzled the bottom of his chin against her delicate throat as he stood behind her. They were probably going to have to shift into maximum overdrive once they both managed to get themselves in the shower. “Once we’re done doing our primal deeds, I probably should contact Luxor about that field-trip, a few poor bastard died, obviously they didn’t listen to me when I said stick with your damned group. Now i’ll have to talk to that archangel and behave as if i give a damn about their lives so that he doesn’t get suspicious. I’m actually pretty fortunate that you made it out relatively unscathed A. Now let’s see how well the infamous lust can make me last for..” He mutters devilishly into her ear, as they both stepped into the shower. Their bare bodies were drenched in liquid as the shower-head gently rained water down on them. Their glistening bodies pressed up against each other while proce- “Damnit narrator! I just got finished covering up that one busty fox-girl's scene and now I have to take care of this as well? Sheesh, my work never seems to end, does it?” An illusion of Lyssa exclaims angrily before pushing her index-finger against a light-switch resulting in a time-skip to the next scenario involving Hundun and A both near Luxor De’ Angelino’s main office.

(Please don't mind if there's spelling errors it seems that Rp-nation is acting up again, text is overlapping other text. ~_~) @Kisaki (Is Luxor going to be available?)

Professor Troy Sharp toyed with fire, tossing a ball of it from hand to hand and bouncing it up and down as he headed around the campus. On one particular miss of the catch, the fireball bounced around, hitting into walls and cars and bombs and... wait, bombs?

Professor Troy quickly realized that the shooting range, the area he was near and where the fireball bounced into, had bombs in it for some reason, then decided, Better get out of here. He quickly hurried away, not looking back, even when the first few explosions sounded. Cool guys don't look at explosions.

((Too late, @LoneSniper87))
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Logan heard the first few explosions, then jogged out, slinging the rifle afross his back. He walked to the garden, hoping the trees would calm him, only to find it did rather the opposite. He unknowingly walked into Kagami and fell over, hitting the ground on the flat of his arms. It stung and he rolled on his side. @Kisaki

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