Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Logan stood up, shaking his head, "well hi... How has your day been?" He asked, trying to make conversation. He felt light-headed but brushed it off as nothing, probably just all the propellant from the rounds he shot. @Kisaki



A feigned a smile at Mei, trying her absolute hardest to not respond with hostility. "Mei, Luxor, it's always a pleasure."
She broke from Hundun's side and walked into the room first, hopping over the back of the chair and into it. She sat sideways her legs hanging off the armrest and her back resting on the other. 
"I wouldn't call it bad news, more like........natural selection in action.", she says laughing to herself. "Hundun's got the juicy deets."


@YungJazz(we're at Luxor's office. The Condorm™ is empty)
Mei sat on the couch. Waiting for the worst to be delivered. When there's A involved Luxor is always pissed. She peeked her head from behind watching the other three. The girl had a smug smile on her face waiting for chaos. 

"Just tell me. I do have mounts of paperwork to do".The archangel sat up straight, waiting for news to be delivered. He had a feeling that this quick meeting will not go well.

@Obsidian   @Olivia Acerbi


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: A's Dorm.)(With: A) @Olivia Acerbi @Kisaki

Hundun greatly sighed once he observed the arrogant A abruptly pushing herself into Luxor’s office making an interestingly rude entrance for herself. He gently nodded out of respect to Mei’s hospitality before entering the room and placing his mighty grasp on A’s shoulder with trembling anger and glancing back down at her with an enormously aggressive smile. His eyesight shifted towards Luxor as he sat there unamused in his comfortable leather chair. Knowing that he didn’t want to be interrupted Hundun decided it would be best to get straight to the point and spare the lengthy compliments and chit-chat. “Apologies sir. I have some unfortunate news. Please don’t mind my…” Hundun coughs with irritation before taking a swift glimpse at A then redirecting it back towards Luxor. “Assistant, she’ll be helping around class after what happened, we need more watchful eyes.


During this field-trip that we’ve, had I tried my best to keep the students from abandoning their groups, however this failed miserably, as I was a bit busy running after one of them so that they wouldn’t get killed. Nonetheless, It’s still my fault to tell you that during this trip…” Hundun continues saying until the nervous tension causes him to stop dead in his tracks. He knew that at this point he needed to show him sincere remorse for his careless actions, however he’d have to suck up all of his pride in order to do so. His face begun to shift into a slight grimace as he leaned over towards him in a bowing posture out of forgiveness. He made a silent growl in the direction of Astaroth, considering he could already hear the mocking chuckles coming out from her lips. “Ahem, sir. I have to let you know that there have been casualties on this trip. One of our students named Fley Sanders has been killed. She was killed fighting one of the legendary beasts named Fenrir. I believe that there has been other deaths as well.” Hundun replied to him with a stressed expression in his tone as he glared at the floor angrily.
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"Great..."she stared at him with her crimson eyes. "So who are you again?I think Kagome meet you before, but not me."

Logan stood up, shaking his head, "well hi... How has your day been?" He asked, trying to make conversation. He felt light-headed but brushed it off as nothing, probably just all the propellant from the rounds he shot. @Kisaki
Mei was the first one to respond. "Holy sh*t! I didn't think it was that bad!"  She was honestly suprised. The angel was sensing a dead soul from a hour ago, it must of have been Fley.

He didn't know how to respond. There's the part of him where he's pissed off and wants to burn the school to the ground while the other part  wants him to stay calm and figure things out like any archangel would do. Luxor tried his best not see the out any anger when he started to speak. "Of course the youngling didn't listen.....I should be taking full responsibility for deaths since I'm the principal after all. "

He took a deep breath .

"Announcements will be made and funerals will be scheduled later on. Also keep an eye on her assistant. I"

Mei eyes widened. He controlled his anger. "That's all. I thought this was going to be more " she whined. She looked at Hundun suspiciously. She is the archangel if judgement and Punishment. This includes the ability of knowing the truth from lies. For now...she won't say anything. A demon like him still has a long way before being judged.

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi
"Logan" he answered. "Kagami right?" He asked, closing his eyes for a few seconds then opening them to dispel an off feeling. His vision grew dark around the edges and he had no idea why. "How have you been holding up?" @Kisaki 
"Logan." The girl started to look at him with concerned eyes. He doesn't seem okay.

"Yep, I'am Kagami. I've been sleepy as usual. I think I slept for two days straight out in the sun. ...I'm suprised I didnt get sunburnt" the vampire response. 

"Logan" he answered. "Kagami right?" He asked, closing his eyes for a few seconds then opening them to dispel an off feeling. His vision grew dark around the edges and he had no idea why. "How have you been holding up?" @Kisaki 
Logan laughed at her response, "I guess you forgot the Coppertone this morning?" He said with a grin, his vison tunneling, pupils dilating. Logan closed his eyes once more, then fell to the ground unconscious.

"Logan." The girl started to look at him with concerned eyes. He doesn't seem okay.

"I was hungry...but I can't feed on a sick guy" she muttered to herself. She pulled the boy into the shade , observing the unconscious boy. "Dehydration. ...I guess"

Logan laughed at her response, "I guess you forgot the Coppertone this morning?" He said with a grin, his vison tunneling, pupils dilating. Logan closed his eyes once more, then fell to the ground unconscious.



Mei was the first one to respond. "Holy sh*t! I didn't think it was that bad!"  She was honestly suprised. The angel was sensing a dead soul from a hour ago, it must of have been Fley.

He didn't know how to respond. There's the part of him where he's pissed off and wants to burn the school to the ground while the other part  wants him to stay calm and figure things out like any archangel would do. Luxor tried his best not see the out any anger when he started to speak. "Of course the youngling didn't listen.....I should be taking full responsibility for deaths since I'm the principal after all. "

He took a deep breath .

"Announcements will be made and funerals will be scheduled later on. Also keep an eye on her assistant. I"

Mei eyes widened. He controlled his anger. "That's all. I thought this was going to be more " she whined. She looked at Hundun suspiciously. She is the archangel if judgement and Punishment. This includes the ability of knowing the truth from lies. For now...she won't say anything. A demon like him still has a long way before being judged.

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi



A winced as Hundun gripped her shoulder in irritation and let out a quiet squeal from the force that felt like it was going to snap her collarbone. She pulled away from him and pouted as she shrunk into her seat, crossing her arms. 
"Good riddance, I say. The mutt didn't know her place.", she commented under her breath as Hundun delivered the news. 

As Luxor began to speak a rolled her eyes and rested her head back staring at the ceiling, only occasionally commenting. 

I should be taking full responsibility for deaths since I'm the principal after all.

"Yea, good call.", she added caustically.

"Announcements will be made and funerals will be scheduled later on.

"As long as they're not mandatory.."

Also keep an eye on her assistant

"Don't bother, Doc Brown here has me on a short leash as it is.."

"That's all. I thought this was going to be more "

"Yeah? Head hall monitor not exciting enough for ya?"

As A noticed Mei staring at Hundun suspiciously her aggressive instincts reared slightly.

"Hey, you got a starin' problem, crime and punishment?", she lashed out before mildly reigning herself back in.


"I wasn't looking at you chump. As for me, I don't have a least for now "

The girl gave A an inoccent smile as if she didn't suspect anything.

Luxor sighed. These two are already giving him an headache. At least he hasn't heard any reports about A....well being A. 



A winced as Hundun gripped her shoulder in irritation and let out a quiet squeal from the force that felt like it was going to snap her collarbone. She pulled away from him and pouted as she shrunk into her seat, crossing her arms. 
"Good riddance, I say. The mutt didn't know her place.", she commented under her breath as Hundun delivered the news. 

As Luxor began to speak a rolled her eyes and rested her head back staring at the ceiling, only occasionally commenting. 

"Yea, good call.", she added caustically.

"As long as they're not mandatory.."

"Don't bother, Doc Brown here has me on a short leash as it is.."

"Yeah? Head hall monitor not exciting enough for ya?"

As A noticed Mei staring at Hundun suspiciously her aggressive instincts reared slightly.

"Hey, you got a starin' problem, crime and punishment?", she lashed out before mildly reigning herself back in.


Logan leaned up against the tree, still unconscious but he wondered what caused this. He ruled out dehydration and possession. He doesn't drink or do drugs, so it came down to stress. Logan fell on his side, landing with a thud. @Kisaki
"Your blood pressure is high. It means your stressed out" 

She walked closer to him , pushing back to lean him against the tree.

Logan leaned up against the tree, still unconscious but he wondered what caused this. He ruled out dehydration and possession. He doesn't drink or do drugs, so it came down to stress. Logan fell on his side, landing with a thud. @Kisaki


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Previously Luxor's Office, Now in one of the Academy's corridors.)(With: A) @Olivia Acerbi @Kisaki
Hundun re-corrected his posture back into regular standing position after hearing Luxor’s sorrowful words that uttered out from his lips. Luxor’s displeasure could be seen with his persistent gaze which caused Hundun’s eyebrows to scrunch down in nervous anticipation. He was uncertain if he discovered who he actually was, however he was relieved once he heard the end of his speech. “Please, it’s not your fault. You may be the principal here but I was the one who was suppose to give them guidance. Your undivided vexation should be with me, not yourself. You’ve done nothing but show me and other instructors at this academy your wholehearted gratitude and selflessness. As for grading goes on this, I think it would be inappropriate to weigh their scores out differently, they’ll all pass. Apologies once more for bothering you Luxor.” He responds politely before turning himself around and facing the main entryway to his luxurious office. Overwhelming anger overcame Hundun as he stood there motionlessly except for his clenched hands which were trembling with fury.

Bowing before another deity he deemed as unfit in his eyes, especially an archangel. A hefty breathe left from Hundun’s mouth as he looked back at Astaroth and Mei with tiresome eyes while hearing their non-stop bickering.
“You two can figure out your differences later, as for now me and this trouble-making assistant of mine will be heading back, thank you again Luxor for the privilege you’ve given us.” He announced as he clamped his hand down gently onto A’s wrist and lifting her lazy ass up out from the seat of the chairs situated adjacent from Luxor’s spot. He hastily dragged Astaroth out from the walkway leading to his office, once they were within a good distance away from Luxor and Mei he released his grip on her delicate wrist. “Let’s not make this shit more difficult than it has to be. Your lust for their bodies will be quenched soon enough so keep your devil panties on. Ah, as for this Mei character that Luxor is with. If you manage to be helpful we’ll eliminate her first.” Hundun declares as he adjusted one of his available arms around her waist and pulled her in closer to the side of his body. Small laughter erupted out from his diaphragm as he knew that despite the troubles that Astaroth may give in the future, his sinister plot was bound to succeed.  

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Luxor could only focus on the negative energy surronding the man who stand before him.

Mei may have sensed as well..No..she's busy fighting with A to focus on any serious topics.  He thanked his colleague before him and his assistant left. " More work for me and more souls to pray for " he sighed  

Mei stood up from the couch and walked close to the door.

"I'll be doing research in the libary " she announced. 

Luxor furrowed his brow.

"You never do research? "

He pulled his glasses from his face and waited for her to answer.  "I'll inform you later. For now it's a secret." The angel pulled her hair out from a pony tail to let it flow . She stepped out of the office and gave a bow to Hundun before leaving.

"May God bless your soul" 

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi
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Logan very slowly came to, awaking with a pounding headache. "K-Kagami? What happened?" He asked, looking around. He stood, a bit wobbly but ok. @Kisaki

"You passed out. You've been stressed out lately haven't you?" He watched the wobbly boy. His blood pressure is getting back to normal,  she stated.


(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: Ryo)  @YungJazz
Setsuna’s cheeks illuminated with soft velvet hue as she felt Ryo’s gentle yet sturdy arm embracing her slim waist. Silently she shifted the position of her side so that she was staring directly at Ryo. It was incredible to her, how such a antagonistic being could have such great passionate love to give. After hearing his perverted remark towards her she extended her elbow and placed the top of her index finger on the smooth bump of his nose. “Told you! To be honest I heard rumors about dragons and uh their anatomy. Well you sure proved that rumor to be correct! Ugh damn that’s an understatement too, you made me sore as hell.” Setsuna replied in a cute manner as she stretched her flimsy arms into the air as she extended out her palms, a small cute yawn emitted from her mouth before descending her busty bare chest on top of his midsection and staring up at him with an exuberant smirk across her face. The shade of her eyes glimmered as the incoming light from the open window shined in, Setsuna sniffled in excited joy while admiring every detail that was sculpted in his face.

“It’s funny one day I can’t stop saying I hate you, then a few days later i’m saying I love you constantly. You sure proved this arrogant vixen wrong Ryo, I can’t stop looking at you. You’re everything that i’ve ever dreamed of babe!” She exclaimed, her soft lips pecked his once more before she laid her cheek against one of his muscular ‘pecs’. Strands from her vibrant hair drooped downward over his masculine frame as she lightly brushed a few of her white furry tails against him. Cuddly like a bear and as ferocious as one too, Setsuna could get use to his personality surprisingly enough, not to mention his monstrous composition. She giggled at the thought of it as she curled her knees up a bit more. “Hey babe? Can you promise me something… I try not to ask for a lot but. I just want this one thing from you.. Please, never leave me? When I think about it now, being with you.. I don’t know if I could live without you in my life, you impress me in every way imaginable. You’re the missing puzzle piece that makes me whole.” She said wistfully. Suddenly she lifted the sheets that were covering her sodden body, she looked down at herself causing her eyes to widen a bit with shock. She chuckled a bit then looked back at Ryo with an embarrassed look written on her face.

“Well, uh I don’t know how to describe this but I definitely need to take a shower after seeing that mess.” Setsuna replied lustfully before swinging the sheets off of her body and pushing herself off the bed revealing her feminine figure which was dripping with sweat and other liquids. As she was making her way towards the bathroom she noticed one of his henchmen peeking in at her through the opened entrance of the room. Gah! Ryo! Take care of this freaking perv!” She screamed out loudly while pointing at the man then immediately snatching the tainted blankets from up off of the ground and concealing her revealed body with it, finally she sprints into the bathroom in panic as she tosses the sheets into the air. Once she was in the bathroom she sighed from relief knowing that random weirdo wasn't ogling her body head to toe. Finally she could cleanse her body off in peace, although she definitely wouldn't mind Ryo's company afterwards. Knowing that he has that after stench as well, he'll most likely need a shower. Setsuna stepped into the shower and turned on the nozzle which caused the head to douse her in a constant stream of warm soothing water. Her eyelids became closed once the water seeped through her soft hair, she was thankful for such tranquility at the moment especially after going through Daji's fits earlier.


A couldn't do anything except scoff in disbelief as she turned and started to walk away. "I don't fucking believe this....", she muttered under her breath. Yet another being claiming to be all powerful, claiming to be capable wrath that would dwarf the very fires of the Abyss showing their true nature; acting like candy-ass bleeding hearts. 
"Yeah, great job, killer! She's your problem now.", she shouted to him semi-sarcastically as she carried her, still naked form, back up to the hole leading to the Condorm™. "We should probably clean up this mess.....or at least show face. The Sunshine Guild won't be very happy about the mess."
A swung around beneath the hole and faced Hundun with a sly grin. "You gotta keep up your appearance. We can't have them catching whiff of our romance, they'll think I'm a bad influence on you. ", she continued to smile before starting to do suggestive gestures. "You can make an example out of me...", finishing with a beckoning tone she started to turn away again before she noticed Nequam's frantic behavior.
"SIT THE F*CK DOWN, FILTH!", she hissed as she stomped her foot causing a piece of the ground beneath Nequam to jut out and uppercut her, sending her flying  onto her ass. 
Looking satisfied A jetted herself back up to the ravaged Condorm™. 
"Hurry up! My tail is tingling, that's never a good sign! Something's coming, we should probably be ready! Plus we got a lizard and glorified weasel to deal with!", she called out as she landed on the chard hardwood floors and started to walk to what was left of the shower.


"Not sure, but it's gonna be a helluva long wait, even if it might be only five minutes. Apparently, Izanami's got me stuck up here stalking you. Don't hurt Kagamichii, k?" Fley patted Cody's head and gave him another hug. "Right, so I should be sh-" 


"I will Fley...She makes me happy.." he looked at Kagami, smiling, 'These feelings are, strange...' he thought, "Kagami...i n-need to ask you something..." he said shyly. 


@Storm Guardian


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