Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

[Can someone PM me to tell me how to shooting range looks like?]

Seo outside range.png

This is the main shooting area the blocks can be used to mark a persons lane the target are mostly used for archery however there is a way to extend the range to 500 meters for long range shooting and mechanical fire. Mostly delinquents come here to train scaring away the average student others who don't mind find there way here regularly. During the morning (5 to 7' o Clock) you will find Seo and some of Behemoth's top martial artists cleaning the building in preparation for a day of hard work. Immediately following they do target practice for a hour before opening up. During the night the only person found is usually Seo laying in the range, dancing around or practicing. 


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(Ah, thanks for the info.)

The Grox100 walks again to the Shooting range. Not much for him. Good he has his own laser...

He shoot some of the targets. His aim is good as always. It was relaxing for him.

Ryo Sentrale


Ryo new outfit.jpg


Ryo paused in his running as his girlfriend LITERALLY hit him with common sense. He did have a giant freaking hotel room with hundreds of lavish rooms that he could kick his peons out of. Laughing with perverted glee, Ryo quickly turned around and headed back to Behemoth HQ, since it was closer, "You're right babe! Time to kick one of these worthless minions out of their room and use it for actions that will make the creators of the kama sutra blush!"

It was only a few seconds before Ryo and Setsuna were back at Behemoth. Dashing up stairs and finding one of his penthouse suites, Ryo kicked the door open, flipping off the crew of workers who were currently having a mini-party, "OI! YOU GUYS HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GET OUT, BEFORE I USE YOUR BODIES AS SKATEBOARDS! AND YOUR TIME STARTED FOUR SECONDS AGO!" Immediately, all the occupants of the room dashed out in a hurry, eager to get away from their irate boss. The minute the penthouse was empty, Ryo grinned and adjusted Setsuna to a bridal carry. Leaning down and pecking her lips with his, Ryo's fanged grin beamed with excitement, "Oh, i've been waiting for this. It's about time we put all our boastful bragging and challenges to the test, my fox deity."

Ryo moved over to the bedroom, placing Setsuna gently on the soft blankets. Ryo didn't even hesitate to rip his shirt off, getting on top of the bed and hovering over Setsuna. Ryo then stopped and glanced upwards, seemingly staring at nothing with a wild grin, "The following content is rated THFYS, 'Too Hot For You Scrubs', viewer discretion is advised. So obviously the jackasses writing this will cut to a transition scene." DAMNIT RYO, DON'T BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!

Anyway, leaning down so that his forehead was touching Setsunas, Ryo inhaled her scent and gazed into her eyes with lustful intensity, "I love you Setsuna, everything that you are, belongs to me, your body, mind, and soul will be mine. I claim you as my greatest treasure." As he said these words, Ryo was caressing Setsuna's body with sensual strokes and kisses. As he lowered his head to nuzzle the nape of her neck, Ryo had begun undressing her.

"I'm claiming you now Setsuna. You are mine."


Tyrus Zephronic (War)

Tyrus of War.jpg

"Such a beautiful school. It's amazing how peaceful this place is. I could really enjoy it here."

The joyful baritone of a man's voice echoed throughout the courtyard, the figure of a redheaded man walking through the courtyard, a peaceful smile on his face. Tyrus hummed to himself as he enjoyed the scenery, it had such a calming atmosphere, Tyrus couldn't help but hum on his stroll.

Sighing in happiness and joy, Tyrus was truly at peace. It's too bad he would eventually have to raze such beauty to the ground, but hey, that was life. As the young man made his way through school, waving politely to students, who in turn, waved back, his thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice within his head, a booming sound that reverberated across battlefields and war zones. How silly of himself, of course 'he' would be grumpy right now, 'he' was probably bored.

'I don't understand why that little whore Astaroth decided to come here, or even why Xiuruk took place here. It reeks of Seraph.'

Ah yes, the ever irritated voice of War. Strangely enough, Tyrus found comfort in listening to the primordial entities grumbling, it let Tyrus know what he could do to appease the entity. Tyrus chuckled to himself, he better find Astaroth soon or else War may blow a gasket. Replying to War's thoughts, Tyrus continued his stroll, "Come now War. It's such wondrous scenery, plus I sense a few strong people, such fine young folk to battle. Would that make you feel better?"

'Hmph. Whatever. Just hurry up and find the whore throne. I smell those unbearable pagan gods and damnable lizards here, and I want to gut them. So hurry along Tyrus.'

Chuckling to himself, the calm young man began walking in the direction that he had sensed A, lest he make War mad, "Of course War, anything to appease you." Tyrus increase his pace, a hop in his step and a tune being whistled from his lips. Students passing by couldn't help but admire you handsome man, gaining joy from his own happiness. Oh, if they only knew that he was whistling in joy due to the fact that he was imagining the pain and suffering of the future opponents he would face. Truly this man was the vessel of War, and he finally arrived to bring about battle and ruin.

@Olivia Acerbi @Anyone who feels like talking to Tyrus

(Since everyone else started bring their guys in. I figured, meh, why not? And so comes the first horseman and his willing vessel, off to find A and insult her for many a reason.)
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Cody woke up and made his way to the garden, he was about to sit when he saw someone who's helped through a lot, she was a very joyful person to be around, Kagmi, she was lying in the garden a few feet away, he walked over, "Kagami, you there?" he asked, giggling a little.

Kagami slowly opened her eyes. The sun was slightly blinding , causing her to squint.

"5 more minutes Dad."she turned her head back to the side , covering her face from the sun.

 Once Cody's face came into view Kagami's eyes widened  . She starts to feel embarrassed.  "Ah! C-cody." she stuttered out. "Sorry I was ...dreaming "she nervously laughs.

"...Little heart broken...She was a good person when you got to know her...a joy too." he said sadly, thinking of her, and her wolf form. "But...I'm holding up..." he said, smiling weakly.

Logan jogged off the track, grabbing his water bottle, and his belt and R5, slinging the rifle across his back and clipping the belt with his dual P226's onto his waist, then made his way to the shooting range. He made no notice of anyone, heading to a lane, drawing both handguns and firing them in succession, the shots echoing through the campus. They get faster in rate, the only breaks signaled by two clangs as the clips hit the floor, then 26 bangs procced once again. His thoughts went to the mayhem that happened at the hunting grounds, of Fley's corpse, and his anger gets worse.
"I'm sure Fley-chan is in a better place now. ..I'm happy that your holding up."she scoot a little closer to Cody. "I'll be here to make you smile. Even through the tough times ."she smiled.


Ryo Sentrale



Ryo paused in his running as his girlfriend LITERALLY hit him with common sense. He did have a giant freaking hotel room with hundreds of lavish rooms that he could kick his peons out of. Laughing with perverted glee, Ryo quickly turned around and headed back to Behemoth HQ, since it was closer, "You're right babe! Time to kick one of these worthless minions out of their room and use it for actions that will make the creators of the kama sutra blush!"

It was only a few seconds before Ryo and Setsuna were back at Behemoth. Dashing up stairs and finding one of his penthouse suites, Ryo kicked the door open, flipping off the crew of workers who were currently having a mini-party, "OI! YOU GUYS HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GET OUT, BEFORE I USE YOUR BODIES AS SKATEBOARDS! AND YOUR TIME STARTED FOUR SECONDS AGO!" Immediately, all the occupants of the room dashed out in a hurry, eager to get away from their irate boss. The minute the penthouse was empty, Ryo grinned and adjusted Setsuna to a bridal carry. Leaning down and pecking her lips with his, Ryo's fanged grin beamed with excitement, "Oh, i've been waiting for this. It's about time we put all our boastful bragging and challenges to the test, my fox deity."

Ryo moved over to the bedroom, placing Setsuna gently on the soft blankets. Ryo didn't even hesitate to rip his shirt off, getting on top of the bed and hovering over Setsuna. Ryo then stopped and glanced upwards, seemingly staring at nothing with a wild grin, "The following content is rated THFYS, 'Too Hot For You Scrubs', viewer discretion is advised. So obviously the jackasses writing this will cut to a transition scene." DAMNIT RYO, DON'T BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!

Anyway, leaning down so that his forehead was touching Setsunas, Ryo inhaled her scent and gazed into her eyes with lustful intensity, "I love you Setsuna, everything that you are, belongs to me, your body, mind, and soul will be mine. I claim you as my greatest treasure." As he said these words, Ryo was caressing Setsuna's body with sensual strokes and kisses. As he lowered his head to nuzzle the nape of her neck, Ryo had begun undressing her.

"I'm claiming you now Setsuna. You are mine."


Tyrus Zephronic (War)

"Such a beautiful school. It's amazing how peaceful this place is. I could really enjoy it here."

The joyful baritone of a man's voice echoed throughout the courtyard, the figure of a redheaded man walking through the courtyard, a peaceful smile on his face. Tyrus hummed to himself as he enjoyed the scenery, it had such a calming atmosphere, Tyrus couldn't help but hum on his stroll.

Sighing in happiness and joy, Tyrus was truly at peace. It's too bad he would eventually have to raze such beauty to the ground, but hey, that was life. As the young man made his way through school, waving politely to students, who in turn, waved back, his thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice within his head, a booming sound that reverberated across battlefields and war zones. How silly of himself, of course 'he' would be grumpy right now, 'he' was probably bored.

'I don't understand why that little whore Astaroth decided to come here, or even why Xiuruk took place here. It reeks of Seraph.'

Ah yes, the ever irritated voice of War. Strangely enough, Tyrus found comfort in listening to the primordial entities grumbling, it let Tyrus know what he could do to appease the entity. Tyrus chuckled to himself, he better find Astaroth soon or else War may blow a gasket. Replying to War's thoughts, Tyrus continued his stroll, "Come now War. It's such wondrous scenery, plus I sense a few strong people, such fine young folk to battle. Would that make you feel better?"

'Hmph. Whatever. Just hurry up and find the whore throne. I smell those unbearable pagan gods and damnable lizards here, and I want to gut them. So hurry along Tyrus.'

Chuckling to himself, the calm young man began walking in the direction that he had sensed A, lest he make War mad, "Of course War, anything to appease you." Tyrus increase his pace, a hop in his step and a tune being whistled from his lips. Students passing by couldn't help but admire you handsome man, gaining joy from his own happiness. Oh, if they only knew that he was whistling in joy due to the fact that he was imagining the pain and suffering of the future opponents he would face. Truly this man was the vessel of War, and he finally arrived to bring about battle and ruin.

@Olivia Acerbi @Anyone who feels like talking to Tyrus

(Since everyone else started bring their guys in. I figured, meh, why not? And so comes the first horseman and his willing vessel, off to find A and insult her for many a reason.)

(You should come storm the carnage going on at the Condorm™ otherwise you're gonna have to wait until A, Hundun and Nequam work some shiz out and then leave to slaughter Ryo and maim Setsuna......just follow the smoke and fire to the massive hole in the floor, can't miss it)
Cody nods, "I just...I just wish she stayed here, and waited for us to come back, so she could have lived. I miss her, she reminded me of a dog I owned too...Now their both dead..." he said, holding back tears, and having his hand crawl to her's, wrapping his fingers between hers.

"Cody...I know that it hurts to lose someone.  However moving on is the best. Just think what will happen if Fley saw you crying" she lightly squeezes his hand.


(You could join us)

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Fley started to laugh. "Are you crazy? I was always with you from the start. I have no idea what you're talking about, idiot," she said, rubbing his head lightly. After he finished speaking, she thought about what he'd said, in detail. So Izanami had brought this upon her? Somehow, she didn't feel any form of vengeance overcome her at all; just pure sadness. Was this something that had to happen? How she longed for him to hug her, just one more tim-

Fley's perspective changed again without warning, she lost her footing on the 'ground', or moreover, air, and found herself watching Cody and Kagami. Not wanting to ruin this moment, she watched them - she knew this had been coming. Ha, she wanted to rub it in his face. She watched the two as they spoke, watched as Cody held Kagami's hand. Damn, she felt like she was intruding on someone's privacy - which she was. How could she escape this hell? Fuck no.

@Dante Verren @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki


(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: Ryo)  @YungJazz

“Hehe, what would you do without me to rejog your senses their big boy? Hopefully those minions of yours have an extra-pair of pants because they might shit themselves after you barge into their room!” Setsuna shouted happily and confidentially as Ryo sprinted back over towards the Behemoth headquarters, each motion and vibration caused her to midsection to bounce on his shoulder. Despite the nauseating movements she was enjoying the fact that she was being treated in such a way, it made her feel as if Ryo treated her like his very own princess. When he finally reached the top of the stairs and barged into one of his peon’s penthouses she couldn’t help but stare at his face in a dreamy manner, all the way from his nearly transparent masculine stubble and up to his free-flowing natural milky-hued hair. Although she had suspicions once in a great while from paranoia, she knew that everything Daji said about him was wrong, his relationship towards her in comparison to others his vastly different. Setsuna giggled lightly as she watched the scared henchmen scatter before Ryo and her. One of them actually winded up toppling over when he deliberately placed out his foot to make them trip. He was such an egotistical asshole, but she loved every minute of it. Once she was swooped and adjusted into a bridal carrying position she made a small squeal in fright believing that Ryo was going to accidentally drop her, Setsuna looked back up at him with a sarcastic sulky expression then poked his nose gently as she looked into his eyes. “Hey you! Warn me before you do something like that, you’re gonna give me a freaking heart-attack. She eccentrically replied before leaning herself into his lips and graciously accepting his romantic gesture, his lips yet they were firm with texture but pulpy to the touch. Her eyelids brushed downward concealing her eyes as streaks of velvet appear across her cheeks. How much has changed in their relationship in over a mere three weeks. Or however long it has been, it’s definitely improved.


Setsuna arched her neck back in reply to him pulling back away from the kiss, she begun to smile devilishly and raise her eyebrows after hearing his perverted remark. “Let’s see how long your ‘infamous’ endurance lasts there stud. You’ll wind up being worn-out by me in less than 30 seconds!” She boastfully said with fiery confidence in her eyes, that’s probably what made him put her down onto that bed so quickly. She was hoping that he would prove her statement wrong.“ After a few minutes of sensual movements with Ryo hovering her body she observed him do something out of the ordinary, like this time actually beyond weird. He was staring at the wall adjacent from where they were laying. He was talking about something involving writers? Like as if he was associating the real world as if it were a theatrical play or a movie. “Um.. are you alright there babe? Uh.. screw it you know what I don’t care back to our moment we’re having!” Setsuna leisurely responded, Ryo’s forehead stroked gently against hers causing a tiny bit of shivers to go throughout her body, his colorful iris felt like it was consuming her with emotion and pleasure, seeing him up this close and passionate to her. She knew too that he was also her most cherished prize Setsuna has gained from this world. Each heart-filled word that slithered its way out from his mouth were like cupid’s arrow piercing her heart.  “You’re going to make me cry from content again if you keep being so sappy.” Setsuna silently uttered while stroking the palms of her hands against his muscular abdomen. Her face embarrassingly lit up even more as Ryo thoroughly caressed her body with his strong hands. Goosebumps instantly traveled up through her skin as each finger slid over her.


 Without warning she smiled wickedly then uncoiled her tails from her waist and wrapped them around his upper-body and rotating him causing them both to switch places after he slid off her flimsy clothing attire. “Claiming me aye? You’re gonna have to conquer me first, i maybe your Fox princess but that doesn’t mean I don’t go rough as hell.” Setsuna placed her tails into the middle of his shirt and ripped the fabric in two pieces revealing his bare upper-body. Her eyes flooded with lustful desire as she arched her back downward and pressed her chest tightly against his, suddenly Setsuna glanced over at one of the oversized stereos that were next to the luxurious bed she was on. With one swift motion of her hand she pushed the button on its control-panel and made it turn on. Loud hip-hop music filled the atmosphere and Setsuna’s eyes widen and so did her smile after intertwining her legs with his. “Hope you can last, because I plan on making this last for a really long time. Your pores are going to be dripping with sweat. Heheh.” She laughed joyfully before erratically rolling off the side of the bed with him and continuing on with their ‘Hanky-panky’.  Suddenly an imaginary figment of Lyssa showed up and closed the door and looked back at the audience(YOU). “Alright, alright you perverts! Let’em be, nobody wants a crowd! C’mon get outta here!” Lyssa’s apparition states before disappearing.

(The loud hip-hop music that's probably shaking the whole Behemoth HQ)

Fley glared at him as he said that. Damn, he couldn't see her, either... she hated this so much. Rage enveloped her entire being. She DESPISED this feeling. She could kill... Fley hovered in the air for a moment before 'flying' over to Cody and covering his mouth. He couldn't see her, but surely, he could feel. And maybe even hear. Nah, she doubted that... did he really care for her at all? Her hand tightened around his mouth. "I'm right here." 

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki

"She'd say something smart, which was cute. Even though it made me a little mad." he chuckled, "I hope she is happy..I can sense her glaring at me though..." he said, looking around.

@Fazy @Kisaki

Kagami could feel that Fley was here. In fact, she could see her. "She wants you to notice her." the vampire said. She had the ability to see the dead...just don't ask how.

Fley glared at him as he said that. Damn, he couldn't see her, either... she hated this so much. Rage enveloped her entire being. She DESPISED this feeling. She could kill... Fley hovered in the air for a moment before 'flying' over to Cody and covering his mouth. He couldn't see her, but surely, he could feel. And maybe even hear. Nah, she doubted that... did he really care for her at all? Her hand tightened around his mouth. "I'm right here." 

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki

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