Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Mary (Mammon)

"Well that's not what I thought. Huh." commented Mary, not actually that surprised to hear that. She had met angels before, they were way too serious for her liking. Shrugging her shoulders, she got up and stretched. "Well I'll be going now. You can come if you want to, but I'll just be exploring this place." and with that Mary left the table and strolled out of the doors, leaving the two books on the table. Wonder if there's a place I can stay she thought as she stood in the middle of a courtyard. Mary took out her phone and quickly checked the time before putting it back and staring at the sky. 

(Fley Sanders)

She reached out and hugged him close to her. He still cared, even if it was only a little bit. Jin's skin was warm, the way she liked it. His eyes were the same, the eyes that used to love her, just like his soft lips which she wished to kiss. But that would be the worst move, especially since she wanted him to move on, especially since she was... dead. Her arms wrapped around Jin's sides, lovingly. "I love you." 

The other girl could see her. Maybe she was a god of sorts? Holy being, spiritual powers? Hmm. She wasn't sure, but it was a start.  

@Dante Verren

Aiko Kirishima:




She stared at Fley who was hugging Jin. She felt jealous but managed to hide it within her interface as she stared at her curiously and her hand going through her as she was fascinated at the sight. 


Ai nodded and followed the girl. As he walked he wondered where his brothers were. Raga must in India , and Ren.... he's probably still in New York.

He sighed , 'I was asleep for a century. So much time lost'.

The angel looked  up to the red'head girl. "Do you have a place to stay? ".


Ryujin v2.jpg


Jin felt the cold feeling wrap around him like he was being hugged. This feeling was different though. instead of sending signals of warning through his body he felt something different. Even though the embrace was cold and chilling it was still sorta warm. His expression softened as the feeling passed through the body and then he heard the voice again. this time it was clear as day. He nodded his head as a smile of both happiness and sadness appeared on his face. A tear formed in his eye. "Yeah. I love you to."

He watched as Aiko poked her hand through the place where he guessed Fley was and saw it go through. "You know the fact that you can touch someone but they can't touch you is a bit confusing." His light hearted nature slowly started to show. "Aiko stop poking Fley. After all if you where a ghost would you want some one placing their hands through you?"

@Fazy @TGSRoleplay



Lydia was skittering around the garden as she took a walk with Honey, taking in the crisp air that was scented with the smell of lavender. "Well then Honey, where do you want to go? I've been so lonely without you so it would be nice if we could spend some time together." Lydia said to the large hornet. The amber bug couldn't speak but that didn't matter to her, she did this all the time before she came here. Honey simply buzzed a little bit before going back to the usual silent hovering. She'll have to get used to the fact that Honey flies silently now, not with the constant buzzing before the encounter with the dragon.

So the two carried on in silence, just happy to be in each others' company again. Lydia felt weird to not be able to have Honey rest on her shoulder anymore. He was much, much bigger than before, she still needed to accept the fact that the old white Honey was gone. Now he's basically a brand new creature but with the same memory. She pondered about how he reacts in fights now until she spotted a rather strange animal, alien almost. Her eyes shifted from Honey to the weird thing, unsure of what to do. Normally she would go up to them and say hi, but after the recent events that have happened she was more scared than anything. 

Lydia skittered up to the alien robot thing and introduced herself. "Hello there, can I ask what you are?" she knew it was rude to ask what a person is, but she just really wanted to know. She's never seen anything like him, or it before.



Mary (Mammon)

Mary glanced back at Ai. "No, but I am new here. I guess I'll have to find somewhere to stay." she answered. To be honest Mary wasn't really planning on staying here for long, but seeing that there are angels and whatnot here it might be fun to stay now that Mary thought about it. There was a slight sense of spirituality going on back in the library, like some sort of ghost was there. It made Mary even more interested in the school. What else could be here? she thought as she carried on walking around the courtyard.



(Lyssa Yasa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: Underneath Fremy enjoying the scenery)(With: Fremy)( @Trust @SolistheSun)

“Sure thaaang gurrrl! Oh and sorry about the whole clown-car thing. You know I get pretty craaazy when i’m in the mood. Also don’t mind the dead-clowns too much. That reminds me before we did our little sideways grind dance, where were you going? I was planning on following you around and pestering you a lot!” Lyssa exclaimed excitedly while shifting her body weight over towards her side and happily hugging Arian then lazily looking back up at the ceiling and noticing the dead dragon’s head. That’s when a disturbing idea popped into her head in order to mess with Arian even more, as soon as Arian shifted her gaze somewhere else she noticed that the suspended decapitated head that was dangling from the ceiling was gone. Weird, after a few seconds of momentary silence. The dragon’s head popped out from nowhere and it’s mouth started nastily moving up and down while making a clapping noise as Lyssa started to imitate a dragon. “Roaaaar, i’m a yucky zombie dragon, i’ve come to eaaat you. Give me da buns hun nom-nom-nom!” Lyssa yelled out in a low-tone while having her hand rammed up the severed neck of the dragon causing its face to be all contorted , which was pretty damn messed up when you think about it.

Once Lyssa felt the slimy tongue of the dead beast slither across the back of her hand she flung it quickly off of her dainty wrist in disgust.
“Damnit Arian, I don’t know why you carry that thing around like a backpack, why don’t you put that thing in your flippin’ locker?” Lyssa screamed out as she bounced up and down while attempting to briskly wipe the saliva from off of her hand. You’d think she’d wouldn’t mind because of all the blood seeping down her forearm from the creature’s gaping wound but nope. From out of nowhere the awkward looking Llama shows back up with a flimsy towel clutched between is teeth and thoroughly cleans her hand dry from all the nasty juices. “Thank ya my furry friend. Alright Arian you lead the way, onward so we may travel many adventures together! Heeyah!” She joyfully yells before lifting up Arian onto her feet and then immediately leaping onto her back while clenching the side of her thighs against her waist. “We gotta hurry up it’s.. Hiiiighh nooooooon.” Lyssa exclaims boisterously. Arian was a tiny bit shocked when she looked back up at Lyssa as she was now wearing a full-set western outfit from head to toe. Yet Lyssa’s shenanigans were interrupted by a certain smell which caused her to bounce back off of Arian and scratch her chin in a puzzling fashion. “Hm, It seems that my insanity senses are tingling. I must go, you keep that uh butt of yours warm. Oh and make sure to take care of my pet Llama!” Arian yells out to Arian before disappearing into a cloud of dense smoke. As the fog dissipates all Arian could see in front of her was the fluffy dumbfounded face of this random Llama staring her down, the only expression that this creature had written across its mug was genuine confusion. “So uh, how do you keep your boobs from falling out with that shaky piece of fabric you have wrapped around your chest?” Lyssa nonchalantly mutters as she materialized in a prone position beneath Fremy while laying dormant and staring at her wobbly makeshift bra in amazement.
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"There's  dorms here. I think we can sign up for them and me...I'll like to be a teacher here". Ai looked toward the libary. He sensing the dead...someone who was restless. He will have to deal with that later.

"A very intresting school. I will definitely enjoy it here."

"Jin, I know you can't see me, but... you can hear me, right? I want you to move on and forget about me, okay? And don't die anytime soon, it isn't fun up here, trust me. I can't bear to see you like this, especially because I love you. I really do love you and I wish I could be alive to do... normal dating things like I wanted to... I'm sorry I couldn't be a good girlfriend while I was with you. I'm sorry." Silent tears slipped down her face. She really had been an ass and had treated everyone she knew poorly. Why had she done that? Why hadn't she formed good relationships with people when she had the chance? Why? Regret poured over here, realization that she shouldn't have taken her life for granted. How long was she gonna be here? Would she watch Jin grow to become a god with... this purple-haired girl she still didn't know the name of? Would she see Cody fall in love with Kagami, or some other girl? Would she watch Ryo run around murdering others heartlessly, without second thoughts? She couldn't bear that. Muttering curse words and obscenities, she looked down at the floor.

You are dead. It doesn't matter. 

@Dante Verren
(Holy crap what'd I miss? Is Fley a rap god now? And I'm open for interaction, Im at the track)

Logan set down his water bottle and went back onto the pavement, starting off jogging then picking up the pace.


Jin felt the cold feeling wrap around him like he was being hugged. This feeling was different though. instead of sending signals of warning through his body he felt something different. Even though the embrace was cold and chilling it was still sorta warm. His expression softened as the feeling passed through the body and then he heard the voice again. this time it was clear as day. He nodded his head as a smile of both happiness and sadness appeared on his face. A tear formed in his eye. "Yeah. I love you to."

He watched as Aiko poked her hand through the place where he guessed Fley was and saw it go through. "You know the fact that you can touch someone but they can't touch you is a bit confusing." His light hearted nature slowly started to show. "Aiko stop poking Fley. After all if you where a ghost would you want some one placing their hands through you?"

@Fazy @TGSRoleplay

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko smiled feeling touched watching Fley say things to Jin. It reminded her of a romance novel and she read in the library. "Sje wants you to move in." She said to Jin as she wanted to see it develop. 

@Fazy @Dante Verren
(Holy crap what'd I miss? Is Fley a rap god now? And I'm open for interaction, Im at the track)

Logan set down his water bottle and went back onto the pavement, starting off jogging then picking up the pace.

Kagami was still in a deep sleep near the garden. She was still pale , but her blood seemed to be flowing again.



"Well I'm an Arachnid, I don't know if there are more of my 'kind' as you would say." Lydia didn't like to think of herself as not human anymore. It made her feel sad inside when she realised she couldn't say that she's a person. "My name's Lydia and this is Honey. Did you come here from space then? Are there more of you coming?" she questioned. The fact that aliens were coming worried her, was earth going to be taken over by these Grox? Honey cut off her train of thought by buzzing loudly as some sort of way to introduce himself to Grox100. 



Mary (Mammon)

"So what do you think you're gonna teach then?" asked Mary as she wandered around the school grounds. She knew they were getting closer to the dorms, but didn't know the exact direction of the place. Perhaps she could take a peek in the other dorms and maybe nab some stuff, it would be fun. But otherwise she wasn't exactly sure what she would do apart from talking to angels and taking stuff away. Maybe she'll stay and have a look at the lessons in this place then leave or stay depending on her opinion of them. 


Ryujin v2.jpg


Jin heard most of what she said. her voice kept fading in and out so it was hard to hear everything.his smile faded as his face became very serious. "i have already died once but I don't pplan on doing it again. Not until I have accomplished my dreams and established my legacy. Though I'd rather be where you are instead of Oblivion." He shivered recalling the never enduing wave of darkness. He closed his eye and fell silent for a moment. "I love you, I miss you, and I mourn for you."

He smiled again but this time it was of genuine happiness. "Though you never really good at planning things out. I told you gods are very possessive and you just made it about twice as hard to move on. So your going to have to deal with me being in love with you for a little while longer. Besides you just gave me another new goal. First I'm going to kill Ryo, then I;m going to usurp my grandfathers throne, become the next Rajin." He paused as his smile grew even larger. "Then I'm going to go down to hell in kick the shit out of Izanami for cursing you this way."

"Someday I know that I will fall in love with someone else. it could be tomorrow or a thousand years from now. Once someone comes along and proves that I should be in love with them then I will move on. Until then my dear Fley I will keep on loving you. It might be selfish but I aim to be a true god. Gods are selfish creature's after all." His smile turned nto a grin of pure ambition. "Aiko and Fley. Take note for you stand in the presence of the next Rajin. I will make both heaven and hell bow before me. To make my dream a reality I will need the support of People. So how about it? you two in? After all a good god needs to have people who believe in him."

@Fazy @TGSRoleplay
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"I may just help out with monster hunting.  The teacher seemed to need some help with his class."He walked up to the the front desk in the dorm building. He talked to the assistant as he managed to get some keys. Ai walks back to Mary and throws a key to her. 

"Here you are. I heard the rooms were big , so I think you will like it." Ai started to look at the girls aura. She seems like a mischievous person...someone who gets bored easily, he thought.  He finally realized that he  was staring at her .The angel then quickly turned around. 




"Yeeaaah I think so... the training grounds should be down that path and on your left." slowly replied Lydia. Her face had a confused and worried look on it, and for good reason too. She had just listened to an alien talk about how long it would take for them to come here, and how they're slowly taking over the universe. Lydia wasn't prepared to think about aliens taking over the world, but hearing that it would take them at least 7000 years she calmed down. She would be long dead before they came, there was no need for her to worry about dying by aliens.



Mary (Mammon)

Oooh so this school's rich? I mean, how else would they have big rooms? thought Mary as she caught the keys with one hand. She quickly inspected the keys before she was determined that they were just plain iron, nothing special. She has been to hotels where the keys were made of silver, and she had always taken every last one of those keys. "Well bigger is better. I'll go to my... is there something on my face?" Mary changed the subject halfway through before realising that Ai was staring directly at her. Luckily he noticed what he was doing too so there wasn't any more awkward staring between the two; but there was some awkward silence. 

"It's nothing " as they came to a akward silence. The smaller boy reached his room and opened it. "They weren't lying when they said it was big"

He walked inside and observed the dorm. There was a large living room complete with a kitchen. Next was two rooms with a large king sized bed .

Ai was impressed. 



(Lyssa Yasa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: Underneath Fremy enjoying the scenery)(With: Fremy)( @Trust @SolistheSun)

“Sure thaaang gurrrl! Oh and sorry about the whole clown-car thing. You know I get pretty craaazy when i’m in the mood. Also don’t mind the dead-clowns too much. That reminds me before we did our little sideways grind dance, where were you going? I was planning on following you around and pestering you a lot!” Lyssa exclaimed excitedly while shifting her body weight over towards her side and happily hugging Arian then lazily looking back up at the ceiling and noticing the dead dragon’s head. That’s when a disturbing idea popped into her head in order to mess with Arian even more, as soon as Arian shifted her gaze somewhere else she noticed that the suspended decapitated head that was dangling from the ceiling was gone. Weird, after a few seconds of momentary silence. The dragon’s head popped out from nowhere and it’s mouth started nastily moving up and down while making a clapping noise as Lyssa started to imitate a dragon. “Roaaaar, i’m a yucky zombie dragon, i’ve come to eaaat you. Give me da buns hun nom-nom-nom!” Lyssa yelled out in a low-tone while having her hand rammed up the severed neck of the dragon causing its face to be all contorted , which was pretty damn messed up when you think about it.

Once Lyssa felt the slimy tongue of the dead beast slither across the back of her hand she flung it quickly off of her dainty wrist in disgust.
“Damnit Arian, I don’t know why you carry that thing around like a backpack, why don’t you put that thing in your flippin’ locker?” Lyssa screamed out as she bounced up and down while attempting to briskly wipe the saliva from off of her hand. You’d think she’d wouldn’t mind because of all the blood seeping down her forearm from the creature’s gaping wound but nope. From out of nowhere the awkward looking Llama shows back up with a flimsy towel clutched between is teeth and thoroughly cleans her hand dry from all the nasty juices. “Thank ya my furry friend. Alright Arian you lead the way, onward so we may travel many adventures together! Heeyah!” She joyfully yells before lifting up Arian onto her feet and then immediately leaping onto her back while clenching the side of her thighs against her waist. “We gotta hurry up it’s.. Hiiiighh nooooooon.” Lyssa exclaims boisterously. Arian was a tiny bit shocked when she looked back up at Lyssa as she was now wearing a full-set western outfit from head to toe. Yet Lyssa’s shenanigans were interrupted by a certain smell which caused her to bounce back off of Arian and scratch her chin in a puzzling fashion. “Hm, It seems that my insanity senses are tingling. I must go, you keep that uh butt of yours warm. Oh and make sure to take care of my pet Llama!” Arian yells out to Arian before disappearing into a cloud of dense smoke. As the fog dissipates all Arian could see in front of her was the fluffy dumbfounded face of this random Llama staring her down, the only expression that this creature had written across its mug was genuine confusion. “So uh, how do you keep your boobs from falling out with that shaky piece of fabric you have wrapped around your chest?” Lyssa nonchalantly mutters as she materialized in a prone position beneath Fremy while laying dormant and staring at her wobbly makeshift bra in amazement.

"huh?!" Fremy screamed, aiming her gun directly down at the strange girl that had appeared out of nowhere. The whie-haired girl wearing her make-shift eyepatch glared angrily at the blonde. "what do you want?"she asked with a hoarse voice, her throat, sore from dehydration and her stomach grumbling hungrily and angrily as she stood there above the newcomer. The arm holding the end of the gun shifted from it's position to find itself under her chest, shielding it from view as her usually pale face went an angry shade of pink. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the corridor bar Fremy and the new girl so she wasn't afraid of this being an ambush. "Who are you, what is this place and can you get me something to eat or drink?" she asked grumpily, each question quickly succeeded by the next as her unwavering icy-blue eye gleamed down at her.

(sorry, not much to write about ;~;)

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(Lyssa Yasa ~ Goddess of Insanity)(Location: ???)(With: Fremy)( @Trust)

“Gah, watch where you’re pointing that thing. You could blow someone’s head clean off with that! I was just asking a question silly!” Lyssa anxiously replied, shifting her body into a continuous roll on her side until she was a few feet away from her. After noticing that she accumulated a heap of dust on sections of the stereotypical western outfit that she was wearing, her delicate face turned into a pout. “Jeeze, I just wanted to help. That’s all.. Ohh! Who am I you ask? Well haha! Let me tell you, they call me Lyssa a.k.a that random girl who annoys all the students!” Lyssa responded joyfull as she she secured her hands onto her own waist in a confident posture after standing herself back up. This rather intimidating white-haired girl was nothing like who Lyssa has encountered before, she looked serious, overly serious. Not to mention it appeared that she was starving just from the demeanor she had.

Understanding that she could make a new friend, Lyssa decided to take advantage of this hunger of hers.
“Well, you do seem quite hungry. Tell ya what, since you’re new here i’ll get you something to eat! Also this is Luxor Academy. It’s a place for really really gifted students. It’s basically a college except with super-powered people running around! Not sure i’ve seen you around but that’s okay!” Lyssa said calmly as she snatched Fremy’s hand and carefully extended her open palm towards her. Suddenly there was a ceramic bowl filled with delicious well-done cooked steak, although steak isn’t meant to be placed in a bowl, I think she could honestly care less due to there actually being food in front of her that was ready to be consumed.

(You're fine, i'm actually kinda busy too.. I actually don't know what to bring up.)
[Availible for only today and tomorow]

Roy and Wulf, done with cleaning up the place, decided that taking a light walk might be a good idea, to avoid their muscles from cramping up from battle. Together, they headed towards the garden, in need for somewhere quiet.
Kagami slept on the garden floor. Not the most cleanest place that she slept , but much warmer than usual. She shifted a little to a more comfortable position. 

@Storm Guardian
(Okay, I'm back from my unofficial break of Luxor Academy that I'd decided to have. Whats happened, and who's died? :D )
(Oh I remember now, it was Ryujin I'm fairly sure. Alrighty, I guess I'll come back soonish, I think Caesar's been in Niflheim for ages still. xD )

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