Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

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(Jin Narukami)

Jin wasn't really paying attention to where he was walking and he closed his eye. That was when he felt someone run into him. He opened his eye to see aiko sitting on the ground. He leaned down and held out his hand to help her get up. "Sorry about that are you alright?"

Aiko Kirishima:


She looked up and her face turned red as she hesitatingly took his hand and blushing as she got pulled up but looked concerned as he looked glum. "Are you a-alright?" She asked shivering as she still held his hand. She held it really tight as she was panicking on what to do in her mind

@Dante Verren
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(Jin narukami)

"I would be lying if I said I was but it's nothing that need worrying over." He felt a strong pressure on his hand and realized that she was still holding on to his hand tightly. Damn this girl has a strong grip.He then felt her body shiver. "You feeling alright? It felt like your shivering. Also do you mind letting go your starting to crush my hand."

Aiko Kirishima:


She noticed her hand holding his and was surprised letting go immediately and covering her face in embarrassment. "I-I'm o-okay." She said shivering vigorously despite it being sunny. She soon gazed at his face and as he walked she followed him too shy to say anything but certainly following him around. 

@Dante Verren
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(Jin Narukami)

Jin shrugged. "Alright if you say so." Jin continued walking. He noticed that Aiko was following him and also noticed that the silence was getting a little awkward. Jin decided to break the silence. So where are you from Aiko? Your name sounds Japanese so are you from the main island?"


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Ryo smiled, even smiled as Setsuna threatened him, man this girl was awesome. Although, nervousness did encompass his body when he let slip the whole, matriarch thing. However, it still made Ryo happy to hear Setsuna accept such a possibility, and only made his smile wider. His had already began putting his riding goggles on, joy plastered on his face, "Don't worry foxy, we can always make any club you want. I'm sure the minions we have would love to be a part of it. Yosh! I'm all pumped up! I'm on my way beautiful! PREPARE YOUR BODY!"

And with that idiotic shout, Ryo ended the call and hopped onto his bike, revving it up, the roar of his vehicle echoing out, as if a beast had just come to life. Glancing over to Lydia one last time, Ryo shot a kind grin towards her, "Oi, Lydia. Remember, if you need help or just a friend to talk to, i'm here. Oh, and before I forget, here's a cellphone with my number on speed dial, didn't know if you had one, so here you go!" And with that statement, Ryo pulled a brand new phone from his pocket and placed it in Lydia's hands, "I'll see ya later Lydia."

Ryo revved his bike, before shooting off at insane speeds towards his HQ. All along the way, Ryo thought about his relationship with Setsuna. They had started of antagonistic towards each other, but the rivalry and urge to challenge each other is what made their relationship awesome. Ryo laughed, thinking of their first meeting and the words exchanged. Hell, Setsuna even accepted his cruel side and his urge to fight, and not a lot of people were okay with that, not even his parents. Speaking of parents, maybe Ryo should introduce Setsuna to his family....NOPE! SCREW THAT NOISE! Ryo shook his head as he sped around campus, he would definitely refrain from introducing Setsuna to his folks, especially his dad and gramps, the less she knows about them, the better. Should probably have her actually interact with Seo, it takes a while for people to get used to his brother, might as well get it out of the way.

Ryo chuckled once again, this fox deity really had a hold on him. He.....loved her, wow, that was hard to say. For all the fighting and violence, the battles and drinking, Ryo was never one to be in tune with his emotional side, and now look, this girl who he had met, had rearranged his whole outlook. If his gramps could see him now, he would kick his ass for falling for such a woman, or congratulate him on getting such a fine piece of tail. Ryo shook his head, clearing his thoughts, time to focus on his lady love, oh yeah, it was go time.

Pulling up to Behemoth HQ, Ryo pressed a button on his bike, opening up a passage that led to an underground garage. Speeding down the passage, Ryo skidded to a halt in true awesome fashion, flipped off his bike, threw his keys to one of his lackeys to park it, and immediately went to the elevator upstairs. As he arrived to the top floor, Ryo mindlessly signed forms and papers brought to him, answered questions, and directed plans and problems without a second thought. He was good at multitasking, but there was only one goal in his mind.

Stopping in front of his private room, Ryo glanced at all the servants waiting outside the door with trays and other things, ready to serve Setsuna. One glare from him and they all scattered away, knowing their boss wanted some private time with the boss lady. Loosening his tie, Ryo opened the doors, his gaze softening at the pristine form of his love. Walking up to the bed side, Ryo sat down and gently caressed her cheek, a loving gaze etched on his face.

"Sup' temptress, you miss me?"

@Obsidian @Cheryl


(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: Ryo)  @YungJazz
“Anything with you involved is sure to entertain me.. I’ll be waiting here for you Ryo, Ha! My body is always prepared for any action you can throw at me. Just don’t let your confidence go to your head, this amazing feminine figure of mine would have you exhausted! Ciao handsome!” Setsuna happily exclaimed into the bottom-speaker of the cell-phone before turning it off and carefully placing it down onto the comfortable sheets concealing her midsection. Once she had placed the phone down a overwhelming sensation of delight overcame her emotions causing her to shift her knees downward onto the surface of the mattress. Unable to contain the  feelings of merriment, Setsuna leaps up from out of the covers resulting in most of the ceramic plates and silverware being knocked all over the place causing them to spill various amounts of food onto the floor and bed. At the time she wasn’t worried about the nasty mess she caused, only the fact that Ryo actually wanted to be with her. “ As Setsuna bounced up and down with excitement she winded up spinning around and snatching one of Ryo’s portraits off the wall and embracing it into the exterior of her chest. Squeals of exhilaration echoed throughout the room as she descended back onto her delicate knees and hugged the portrait of him even tighter. “If you were here right now, i’d never let you go you crazy bastard..”

She muttered underneath her breath as a single tear streamed down from the right side of her eye which mildly rolled down to her chin. However all of her joy accelerated into immeasurable fear once once she felt a smooth hand secured itself around her throat in a choking manner causing her to drop the portrait. Setsuna’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head from the amount of force that was pushed down onto her neck, she didn’t know what was happening. At first she was rejoicing over her love, next she’s being strangled by some unknown stranger. Without any warning the silhouette of a figure dragged her off from the luxurious king-sized mattress and smashed her slim body through the window on the other side of the bedroom. As the Dazzling sunlight shined itself through the opening of mangled window it revealed the perpetrator who was choking the life out of her. Daji, Setsuna’s mother. “You repugnant little shit! You think you could just disobey me? You were suppose to make him a god-damned slave of your will, not become his little seductive toy to play with!” Daji angrily yelled out at her as she dangled her daughter out from out of the demolished window, Setsuna helplessly watched as the splintered glass slowly disappeared as it plummeted down onto the concrete several stories below her. “P-p-lease i’m just trying just st-” Sesuna lied through her teeth until Daji sliced her long fingernails into the side of her face causing droplets of blood to seep down her face. Quakes of shuddering uneasiness corrupted Setsuna’s mind as she thought of something to say to her now enraged matriarch figure.


“Let me rephrase myself, oh sweet daughter of mine. You have ten days.. Ten days to get over this childish obsession of yours and make Ryo a brainless servant to your will. Or i will come back and tear your damned throat out you cagey whore! I can’t believe you fell for him.. You were a mistake to begin with..  I should’ve discarded you as soon as you came out of my womb. Here he comes Setsuna, hopefully you understand that he only wants you for what you have in between your easy-access thighs” Daji whispers to her after drawing in her slender arm causing Setsuna to be within an inch away from her mother’s face. Daji releases her clutches once she hurls her daughter back onto the bed as if she was a disposable tissue. As soon as Setsuna looked back while regaining her breath. Daji wasn’t there, as if it was a figment of her imagination. She couldn’t help but continue to shake from the violent altercation she just experienced. Once Ryo entered the room he was a bit too distracted by Setsuna too notice the broken glass scattered across the floor. As he came closer to her she nervously glared at with him in helplessness. She couldn’t say a word about Daji considering that she’d come back to kill her if she revealed what they were speaking about. Visible bloodied cuts could be seen once Ryo drifted apart the long follicles of hair that were concealing her cheek. “S-s-orry, I kind of um stumbled into the window and winded up hurting my foolish self.” She uttered nervously then proceeded to look away from Ryo in an anxious way. Something was definitely wrong with this situation and he could feel it.



Lydia beamed at her good companion, he was really back! She had mixed feelings; there was the heartache feeling in her chest that was longing for the Honey before the whole attack with the dragon, but there was the joy of realising that he was still alive. Taking a step back to see how much Honey had changed, Lydia was surprised that the old white hornet grew so large and got a whole new colour scheme. She was still unsure how the bug could've changed so much, but she didn't mind. 

Ryo surprised her when he told her that he would now be her friend from now on he would be her friend. Maybe he isn't such a klutz after all, it's good to know that I have at least one person I can rely on. she thought, inspecting the black phone in her hands. Lydia had one before she was like this, she lost it after she woke up. She started to investigate what was on the phone and skittered off with her new Honey hovering by her side.


Mary (Mammon)


There was quite a few people in the library that were making quite the commotion, but Mary just walked off to the nearest bookshelf where she started to grab all of the books that intrigued her. After grabbing only two books from the shelf, she decided to just take just a couple more before returning to a table. That 'couple more' was more like over half of the books from the shelf, leaving lots of empty spaces and books based on romance novels. She never liked the soppy stuff, it made Mary feel sick to the core. The only person she needed was herself, everybody else was just a pain in the ass.

Before anybody could notice the sudden lack of books in the bookshelf, Mary clicked her fingers and replaced it with a convincing illusion of novels. If anyone came along to grab a book to look at, their hand would pass right through the book and meet the back of the bookshelf. Along with that the whole pile of books that had collected next to her were whisked away to a little abandoned corner that Mary spotted while looking around the whole library. It was big, too big for anyone to bother search the whole place for the missing pile of books. She could've just brought them into her cove of stuff in another dimension, but that would've been no fun at all. It was better to have the suspense of whether she would be found out or not.

After she had done all of this, Mary strolled back over to a table with Ai on it. "Are you from a different country then? Whatever you're reading doesn't look like english to me." asked Mary, peeking over his shoulder. While she distracted him with the question, she nabbed one of those books from his pile he had put to the side. 




Nequam tried to back away and escape but as she moved A created a simple trap around her holding her in place. Nequam cries out and starts to frantically shift in place as Hundun threatens her with the sphere. 
"I-I didn't mean to do......what I did! I was just I..I..please! I'm sorry! I didn't even-the other thrones threw me out and I got lost in a weird place and then there was snow and a big lizard guy and a giant and.....please don't kill me. I'll be good, really! I'll-I'll...Please don't! I was born into perdition I've got nowhere to go from here. Have mercy"
Nequam burst into confused and frightful tears as she pleaded for her very existence. She had no idea what was going on. One minute she'd been abandoned in the snow, the next she was being mutilated, now she was about be utterly annihilated by someone she'd never seen before as her beloved parent assisted. She never understood what she'd done to deserve her torment. All she'd ever seeked out was A's love though all she ever found was unrelenting hate.

"I'm not from anywhere here on earth or even from this dimension. This language has been long forgotten. ...I can't even remeber it's name but I have the ability to read it" 

When he spent time in the heavens his teacher would give lessons on language  from Earth.

@Cheryl (I'm sick but I'll try to reply)


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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy underbelly, Hundun's domain.)(With: A and Nequam.) @Olivia Acerbi 

(Sorry for how shit this one is. Olivia you gave me your contagious boredom disease :( I slapped this thing together with elmer's glue. )
As Hundun held the sphere of Anti-matter closer to Nequam, small strands of the end of her hair began to tear off of her body from the monstrous amount of energy that surged around the menacing orb. However his emotions caused him to be more reluctant as Nequam pleaded for her life, all he could see is Setsuna’s face when he stared at her innocent helpless eyes which trembled before him. “I-i.. I can’t do it. I’m sorry Astaroth but she was born into this life without reason. But i’m not going to disappoint you, i’ll give her a fate worse than death. She’ll never come to bother you again..” Hundun shamefully replied before clenching his open hand into firmly clenched fist causing the wreathing sphere to collapse in on itself and disappear while it was mere inches away from Nequam’s forehead. “Astaroth, your child shall bare the same shame that you feel towards its meager existence. Especially when it has the ability to never speak again, that’ll give her a lot of time to contemplate her actions.”

He announces as he grasps Nequam’s throat and heaves her up off of her fluffy feet while clasping his hand onto her throat with an even stronger grip causing her to choke violently as tears drip further down her terrified face. Her throat gleams with velvet red as a mysterious sigil is burnt deeply into skin tissue. Loud whimpers are projected out from her sealed lips as she wiggles around fiercely trying to escape his grasp. However the pain doesn’t last for much further as the flaring burning sensation leaves her body and she is dropped back onto her knees while looking up at him with panic. She noticed something was wrong as she was making motions towards her mouth, she couldn’t talk or say anything at all. “There Astaroth. Now you’ll never get to hear her voice again, she won't be able interfere anymore, maybe if she remembers her place i’ll remove that sigil but if she bothers you again i’ll ensure that it stays permanent.” Hundun responds to Astaroth after shifting his disturbing gaze in her direction with an emotionless expression written on his face.
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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy underbelly, Hundun's domain.)(With: A and Nequam.) @Olivia Acerbi 

(Sorry for how shit this one is. Olivia you gave me your contagious boredom disease :( I slapped this thing together with elmer's glue. )
As Hundun held the sphere of Anti-matter closer to Nequam, small strands of the end of her hair began to tear off of her body from the monstrous amount of energy that surged around the menacing orb. However his emotions caused him to be more reluctant as Nequam pleaded for her life, all he could see is Setsuna’s face when he stared at her innocent helpless eyes which trembled before him. “I-i.. I can’t do it. I’m sorry Astaroth but she was born into this life without reason. But i’m not going to disappoint you, i’ll give her a fate worse than death. She’ll never come to bother you again..” Hundun shamefully replied before clenching his open hand into firmly clenched fist causing the wreathing sphere to collapse in on itself and disappear while it was mere inches away from Nequam’s forehead. “Astaroth, your child shall bare the same shame that you feel towards its meager existence. Especially when it has the ability to never speak again, that’ll give her a lot of time to contemplate her actions.”

He announces as he grasps Nequam’s throat and heaves her up off of her fluffy feet while clasping his hand onto her throat with an even stronger grip causing her to choke violently as tears drip further down her terrified face. Her throat gleams with velvet red as a mysterious sigil is burnt deeply into skin tissue. Loud whimpers are projected out from her sealed lips as she wiggles around fiercely trying to escape his grasp. However the pain doesn’t last for much further as the flaring burning sensation leaves her body and she is dropped back onto her knees while looking up at him with panic. She noticed something was wrong as she was making motions towards her mouth, she couldn’t talk or say anything at all. “There Astaroth. Now you’ll never get to hear her voice again, she won't be able interfere anymore, maybe if she remembers her place i’ll remove that sigil but if she bothers you again i’ll ensure that it stays permanent.” Hundun responds to Astaroth after shifting his disturbing gaze in her direction with an emotionless expression written on his face.


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Ryo's smiling face turned into one of confusion when Setsuna glanced at him nervously. What the hell? His girl is never nervous when facing him. And that's the moment when Ryo pushed Setsuna's hair back, revealing the blood dripping down the side of her face and down to her her chin. Ryo's face became that of a blank stare, his head slowly turning to survey the room. Glass was shattered across the floor, from a broken window across the room. Glancing back, Ryo's hand felt Setsuna's shaking form, he could feel fear and doubt within her. A calm fury etched itself onto Ryo's face, his hand reaching to cup Setsuna's chin, turning her head to face him when she turned away from him, "Setsuna. Who did this to you?" The even tone of his voice hid the raging fury that was under his calm words.

The minute Setsuna turned to look away again in a nervous gesture, that was when Ryo lost it. Shooting up to a standing position, Ryo's aura and power flared, cracking the walls and causing a wild gust to fly about the room, destroying the furniture.

"I SAID WHO DID THIS TO YOU! WAS IT ONE OF THESE WORTHLESS PEONS! I'LL RIP THEIR FLESH OFF AND USE THEIR SKIN AS BLANKETS! I'LL DEVOUR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEIR LINEAGE, UNTIL NOTHING IS LEFT!" Ryo exclaimed, his form shifting between the illusion of a mortal body and the fearsome form of the draconic predator, as his power began spiraling around him, his fists clenched and his fangs bared, "Tell me who it was. I'll rip out their innards and choke their loved ones with them. I'll make them bow before you in forgiveness and their cries of pain and sorrow will be their apologies. THEY WILL SUFFER UNTIL THEIR LAST DAYS FOR TOUCHING MY TREASURE! THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES WILL LIGHT UP WITH MY FLAMES OF WRATH! NO ONE HURTS YOU!

His fury escalating along with his power, Ryo's anger only grew the more he thought of someone touching Setsuna. No one touches his queen and lives, he'd destroy the gods themselves if they were to even THINK of laying a hand of Setsuna. It was apparent now, Setsuna was the single greatest treasure that Ryo had ever had, no one would ever touch a dragon's treasure. Ryo loved this woman and would crush, maim, tear, break, and obliterate anything that would cause such a sad look on his queen.


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(Jin Narukami)

Jin felt the tug on his sleeve and He stopped walking. He turned around to look at the very red faced figure of Aiko. "Whats up?" He looked down at her with the same weak smile fixed on his face. 

Aiko Kirishima:


"N-Nevermind." She said just following him thinking of love between them and thinking about what to do in those romance novels. 

@Dante Verren
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(Seo Sentrale)(Location- Behemoth HQ - Kitchen)(With- Himself) @SolistheSun @YungJazz @Obsidian

"Well this should be it help me carry this to my place if you won't mind." About fifteen bags of various foods were laying across the floor of the kitchen as Seo continued his search for ingredients. "Basil, parsley leaves, garlic power, that sound do it!." Seo whipped the sweat off his forehead, tired he walked placing the ingredients in another bag standing tall stretching his arms behind his head and standing on his toes. He swiftly throws his arms down and his upper body follows until he is looking at the cabinet upside down. His eyes catch something "emyht, camus, what is that? wait a second... thyme?" After seeing this he completely forgot the top shelf full of dried herbs, bolting up he returns to scrambling in the cabinet throwing the spices and herbs at the chefs saying corny jokes as he throws them. "That curve ball was Oregano right? Hey you need to Chili Powder down, that joke was at least Parsley good ehhh ehhh? The cooks could not stand this idiot he was good at cooking but, if only he would shut up and leave already. A few corny jokes later a few Seo clones appeared startling the cooks. "Sir the building is complete." Seo stopped tossing a few containers of lovage into a bag then signaled to the clones to help carry the supplies. "Now this i Loveage, YES!" pointing his thumb at the cooks and giving them a Guy Sensai smile. "That be my cue! Hurry to the home with thee".

The clones followed scooping up bags and running behind the original knocking a few things over in their haste. The clones that were not needed evaporated chilling the area around them, others following Seo began to pass him up and started ice skating throughout the hallways some on the ceiling. The clones began passing the bags around other students in the hall way sliding in between legs and jumping over others. Once Seo realized the library was around the corner he ordered a clone to pick his books up. The clone passed its bags to two other clones and jumping on the door to the library, leaving imprints on the door from its skates. "Wait what are the books! the clone looked out then door only to see a book smacking his face. "Hello book, what secrets do you have?" Reading the book the clone gets up skating around leaving ice tracks behind him in his search for the books. Meanwhile in the dorms of Luxor, Seo opened the door to his room. He paused dropping his bags shocked by the condition of his room. "........I'm just mad this did not cross my mind. Honestly this could have been worse." Seo approaches the sheet-less bed picking up the blankets and sheets to remake his bed. Finishing his bed and straightening the room up he began cleaning the other rooms to make sure nothing else was messed. Seo did not mind cleaning up after Lyssa's mess he was happy to have a friend who was crazier than he was, and that would not mind his awkwardness......she did not mind his awkwardness right.... right. Seo was lost in thought about how he had a friend that was a girl, and she put up with his weird ways. The fact that Lyssa is way crazier then him never came across his mind as he wandered to the kitchen to help his clones clean up. Come on Seo she is the Goddess of Insanity who else would do the crazy things like a random wrestling matches in the library or drop a train out of nowhere or even punch her panda friend into the atmosphere. "Oh SHIIIIIT" Seo thought as he realized that Elvis was her friend and she just launched him. "Well i'm glad i aint no panda". "Um what is going on guys....guys?" Seo noticed his clones were standing eyes wide open none of them saying a sinle word,  their faces were red and they could not stand still. One of the clones gave a note to Seo while his hands where shaking rapidly making it hard to garb the note. Grabbing his arm Seo told his clone to calm down as he toke the note from him and read it "Wanna Bone- Love Lyssa".

A tingle shoot down Seo's spine his face in complete shock his aura fluctuated causing the clones to explode like fireworks each of them light up in a miraculous arctic color. Seo was nervous he did not know what to do his brother was this expert of sex.... his brother he would know what to do. Seo began sprinting down the school halls calling his brother. "RYOOOOOOOOOOOO RYOOOOOOOOOOOO I NEED AN ADULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." as he approached the HQ he scared the secretary with his urgency slamming on the desk. "ROOM LOCATION RYO NOW!" The secretary gave him directions to the master bedroom Before she could say anything else Seo Speed up the stairs blowing her into the nearest wall. Approaching the room he slide and stopped at the door and yelled. "RYO..... SEO HELP LYSSA ...LYSSA WRITE NOTE.... SEO NEEEEEEDS HELP! REEEEEAAAAAADDDD!" Waving the note in Ryo's face rapidly  After noticing Setsuna's injuries Seo said calmly spoke still waving the note in Ryo's face "Are you okay pretty fox lady? I can heal your injuries if you wish?"


(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: Ryo)  @YungJazz

She shuttered in unstable tension as Ryo romantically brushed away her the bundles of hair that were covering her delicate cheek, droplets of her blood covered his fingertips as he on-looked in sudden shock. She knew he was going to ask who did this and when she heard it coming from his calm yet angered tone. Each of her tails gradually jittered and begun to coil up around her slim waist. Setsuna was too terrified to tell even mention the first letter of her mother’s name as she knew she was being watched by her.  “R-ryo.. I can’t tell you, i’ll be killed if I do..” She uttered from her lips as she nervously shifted her eyesight in a different direction. It devastated her shaky heart not being able to tell her beloved one how this happened to her, Setsuna’s eyes immediately lit up with dismay as they witnessed his uncontrollable rage which sent his vast aura skyrocketing throughout his body. The tremendous gusts of wind caused her to slightly squint her eyes while she stared at Ryo with a mixed emotion of sadness and fear from the overwhelming power that he was emitting. Suddenly tears bursted out from her as she was now being yelled at by a pissed of Ryo, she understood he was upset by her not telling him the full truth but what exactly could she do in the situation. “I’m sorry! Please.. Don’t be upset, it’s my fault that this happened. I should’ve never involved you in this predicament that we’re in.” Setsuna loudily cried out in a burst of confusion as she pressed her hands up against her eyes while trying to wipe away the tears and purposely concealing her vision. She never wanted to ever feel this weak before, Setsuna was so conceited and filled with pride the thought that she’d be taken down to this pitiful level of groveling filled her with profuse embarrassment. Setsuna manage to swing her legs back over the side of the mattress and she continued watching Ryo’s monumental miasma rise up to jaw-dropping extents, Her physical experience was an absolute wreck considering her eye-liner was streaming down her face from it being soaked in tears, not to mention her face was concealed in a flush of raspberry coloration from the condition she was in.

She leapt up off king-sized bed and onto soles of her feet, in an attempt to calm him down she tried extended her hand out-towards him but managed failing in her efforts since she pulled back her soft hand as she observed his destructive wrath continuing onward.
“Ryo stop! You’re scaring me..Calm down!” Setsuna yelled out before sprinting into him and hastily wrapping her arms tightly around him in her final venture to relax his senses. Sounds of Setsuna’s frightened saddened sniffling caught Ryo’s ear, he noticed every single fibre of her existence shaking with terror as she held him. She adjusted her chin so that the bottom of it was placed onto the top portion of his chest making her gaze look upward into his. “Ryo, I beg of you, don’t be angry… This whole situation is complicated I know but just think about us.. You’re here with me now and i’m here with you, that’s all that matters! Ryo.. I love you and I want to be with you til’ the end of time.. When I first met you I thought you were some idiotic scrub that was just going to be a burden on my shoulders for the rest of my days there. But now I see you for who you truly are, the prince who managed to sweep this young fox-girl off her feet despite how difficult and annoying she was.” She announced to him after shifting her face into his bulky chest. His body being so close to hers made her feel a bit more relaxed although her heart was beating out from her chest not just from that emotional rollercoaster she went through but also the fact that he was back with her. She then pushed herself back up to face-level with Ryo and passionately connected her lips with his and began romantically kissing him. Her tiny frame leaned into him as she enjoyed the feeling of their interlocked lips, this continued for a brief moment until she arched her head back and lovingly connected their tips of their noses against each other.

“Ryo.. This person, doesn’t want me with you.. But I don’t care… I do love you.. You mean everything to me and I want to be with you until death takes us both away, even though I might wind up dying.. I just want to let you know that.. You are the only person who has ever meant anything to me. If we ever have children together I really do hope they look like you.. You’re the most handsome man i’ve ever laid my silly fox eyes upon.” She happily said with a wide smile from ear to ear. She couldn’t believe what she just said to him, at this point Setsuna even knew that she had fallen for him and to be honest, she didn’t even care how he acted anymore. Setsuna leaned the side of her head into his shoulder wanting to feel his every embrace. This moment of theirs, Setsuna wanted it to last forever. However their moment was abruptly ruined by a certain perverted man named Seo waving a nasty letter near her face involving that sensual driven psychopath Lyssa. “Hey scaley, I know you're his brother and everything but me and my lover-boy here are having a moment. How about you just take Lyssa and slobber knock her [Censored] into next week here at this place. But not in our room!” She yelled out angrily before returning once more to a calm voice as she watched Seo unanticipatedly burst into the room in a state of emergency.


Mary (Mammon)

"So you came from a different dimension? That's cool. Do you know which one?" she didn't know that this school took in kids from other dimensions, how did they even get here? Mary pondered about it for a while while staring at the book before returning to her seat and flipping open a book from her own pile. The title suggested it was about space and the technology earth was making. It always fascinated her about what people could do, it made Mary feel pretty old. The human race came from the invention of the wheel to making whole spaceships. It's amazing how quickly time goes by she thought, flipping through the book. Her eyes were just staring at the pictures and skimming the facts as she actually didn't really want to read a book. I guess I'll go soon, there's more than just a library in this place. .

@Kisaki (Sorry I'm not replying quickly! I'm just super tired from today ;-; )
(That's fine. I'm tired as well)

 Andorra nodded, "I wouldn't really say dimension but you can call it that. He stood back a little then let out his three paired wings. "I'm from heaven. Class of angel: archangel." 



Mary (Mammon)

Wait, this person's an archangel? That probably means that there are other angels here as well... This was a bad idea. . A look of concern appeared on Mary's face before it returned to the usual relaxed face she always puts on. "Whoa, you're an angel? I didn't know that angels came here. What made you come to earth then?" Mary asked, intrigued by the fact that an actual archangel actually decided to come to earth. In fact it worried her, was something going to happen? Mary knew about other demons wandering the earth, but couldn't remember the last time an angel came and interacted with people.

"I can't exactly remeber. ...I think I got in trouble by the all seeing God.At least he didn't eternally damned me to Hell" he replied. Ai pulled his wings back toward his body.  " Now I'm stuck here...unfortunately. "

His memory may return to him once his body is back to normal.


Ryo new outfit.jpg

Power fading. Common sense disappearing. Erection elevating. Yup, Ryo was definitely calm now. Setsuna always knows how to calm him down. Plus, her lips are damn soft. Grinning from ear to ear as she spoke, Ryo took a squeeze of Setsuna's ass, a perverted grin on his face, "I love you too Foxy. And trust me, ain't nothing going to be taking you away from me, i'll fight death itself before I let it take you. And you better hope any future children turn out like you, cause if we got to deal with a bunch of me, I think you'd go crazy." Ryo laughed at his own joke, before leaning down and pecking Setsuna on the lips, nuzzling into her neck afterwords, "You're my treasure Setsuna, i'm grateful that you can deal with my idiocy. I'm glad that someone as beautiful and kind as you can love this dragon, no matter how monstrous I am. Thank you Setsuna, for loving me." Ryo lifted his head up, lowering his lips to hers and kissing Setsuna passionately again, letting her know exactly what she has done to him, "I'm about to make sure your cries are heard all the way in the heaven realms. Now, let's do this thi-."

And then his brother HAD to interrupt him. Ryo's eye twitched in anger, his frustration reaching a peak. Why couldn't his brother ever figure things out on his own!? Ryo let go of Setsuna for a couple seconds, walking over to his brother and grabbing him by his shirt collar, shaking Seo furiously, "YOU PUT YOUR THING. IN. HER. VAGINA. HOLE. Now, if you don't mind Seo, I'M ABOUT TO TAKE MY GIRL TO POUND TOWN, POPULATION: HER!"

Ryo then gripped Seo's collar, spun him around a couple times, and launched him out the broken window, sending his own brother flying a few miles. Ryo huffed before turning back to his girl and gaining a perverted grin. Ryo zipped over to her, picking her up and throwing her over his should like a sack of potatoes. Ryo laughed uproariously as he slapped Setsuna's ass once again, "Time to get down! To my lavish dorm room! Cause this place is wrecked! Let's go babe, you ain't sleeping tonight!"

And with that, Ryo sped his way out of the room. Passing by his workers and giving a quick instruction to not disturb the bosses for a long while. Ryo burst out of Behemoth HQ, Setsuna over his shoulder, laughing all the way as he headed towards his dorm room to consummate his relationship with Setsuna.

@Marumatsu @Obsidian
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Mary (Mammon)

"I heard that Hell's a pretty bad place, I mean, every bible I've ever read told me that heaven is good and hell is bad. I hope I go to heaven." replied Mary, staring at Ai as he pulled his wings back in. At least he wasn't sent down here for a mission, that would've been so annoying to deal with she mused. All she cared about was getting more and more, it doesn't matter what it is, she just wants more. 
"Heaven is...great. However I must tell you that angels are not very pure or kind creatures. So ...if you ever go to heaven maybe I can see you." Ai placed the books back on the table.

Angels were definitely not perfect. A great example would be Lucifer who used be one of most beautiful angels in all of the heavens. Now he's stuck in burning, never ending jail.


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