Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Aiko Kirishima


Aiko got lost as she had lost sight of Jin and was no cluelessly wandering the halls. She looked around and was unable to find Jin anywhere. She sighed and sat down at a bench to stare at the wall until Jin finds her.

Mentioned: @Dante Verren


Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: 6 Feet under)(with:Aiko....maybe)

Yet again ruining another moment seems to be Seo's favorite pass time now a day. Seo soon figured out he fucked up this time however he learned his lesson quite well. Setsuna struck intense fear into his core, his color faded at her response, embarrassed as he began to understand the situation he put himself in. "Err ugh" he could not respond he tried to raise his hand but, his body became lifeless as he brother began shaking and telling him this simple answer. When Ryo stopped shaking him, his body just stayed life less as he looked into his brothers eyes with his head leaned back. "Guh Got it." Seo's words were as lifeless as his current disposition. How could he leave? If Ryo is good at anything he is a great escape artist so he kindly showed his brother out the window. Seo's body dizzy from being spun around moved side to side as if he was swimming like a fish on the wind. So he would not fly to far he tried to lighten the speed using gravity but, wait Seo is a genius so he is sure to be fine. haha well you thought right he was able to lighten the speed... going in his current direction. Shifting the gravity around himself without taking into consideration the sheer force used in the throw. Seo immediately darted head first into the earth burying him up to his ankles. he landed next to someone who is was he had no clue but he tried to speak to the best of his ability. "Is there anyone out there because its getting hardier and hardier to breath." Seo sang the loudest he could hopefully he was heard if not his voice. The sound of him diving into the ground should be enough.

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(Seo Sentrale)(Location: 6 Feet under)(with:Aiko....maybe)

Yet again ruining another moment seems to be Seo's favorite pass time now a day. Seo soon figured out he fucked up this time however he learned his lesson quite well. Setsuna struck intense fear into his core, his color faded at her response, embarrassed as he began to understand the situation he put himself in. "Err ugh" he could not respond he tried to raise his hand but, his body became lifeless as he brother began shaking and telling him this simple answer. When Ryo stopped shaking him, his body just stayed life less as he looked into his brothers eyes with his head leaned back. "Guh Got it." Seo's words were as lifeless as his current disposition. How could he leave? If Ryo is good at anything he is a great escape artist so he kindly showed his brother out the window. Seo's body dizzy from being spun around moved side to side as if he was swimming like a fish on the wind. So he would not fly to far he tried to lighten the speed using gravity but, wait Seo is a genius so he is sure to be fine. haha well you thought right he was able to lighten the speed... going in his current direction. Shifting the gravity around himself without taking into consideration the sheer force used in the throw. Seo immediately darted head first into the earth burying him up to his ankles. he landed next to someone who is was he had no clue but he tried to speak to the best of his ability. "Is there anyone out there because its getting hardier and hardier to breath." Seo sang the loudest he could hopefully he was heard if not his voice. The sound of him diving into the ground should be enough.


Aiko Kirishima:


She was trying to comprehend what was going in and why did t look like Seo just had a skiing accident. She just stared at his ankles unable to rationalize the situation. She started trying to pull him out when he asked by it was a big mistake as as soon as she pulled, He got out but was now caved in in the ceiling up to the midsection still upside down and Aiko thought the job was done and left him placing a 100 Yen coin in his mouth as there was no where else she could put it as a sign of apology then sat down back at the bench and read her novel.

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(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: Ryo)  @YungJazz
As she vigorously held him and rested her cheek against his shoulder she felt something from his pant-leg protruding and rubbing heavily against her waist. She was a bit confused at first but oh alas she knew what was happening after a couple of seconds later. Crimson red obscured her regular peach colored cheeks as Setsuna looked back up at him with lustful eyes. “Hey. I know this is going to sound cheesy but is that a banana in your pocket or are you just really really happy to see me?” She whispered into his ear while pressing himself up against him even more causing a bit of sensual ‘discomfort’. Nonetheless she wasn’t surprised what happened next, Ryo was ordering from the female-body menu and he was having the special which contained a large portion of Setsuna’s ass. Setsuna lasciviously gasped almost causing her echoing moan to project itself through the neighboring corridors outside of their room. Her hands quickly shot back up to her soft lips concealing them while being in a completely embarrassed state, despite this she didn’t wind up angrily sucker-punching him in the reptilian nads or anything for that. Setsuna actually started chuckling because of his naughty behavior. “Hehe, you’re gonna leave a permanent mark if you keep that lewd behavior up!” Setsuna replied playfully to his exuberant abrupt ways. What came next out of Ryo’s mouth completely took her by surprise. Every complementive word that lingered out from his handsome mouth caused Setsuna to smile and blush even further in overjoyed happiness. She continued listening to him as her eyes darted downwards and then back up at his face as if she was taking a swift gander at something that interested her.

Each kiss that was planted on Setsuna’s lips caused her to shudder with excitement, if he didn’t do anything soon she was about to tackle him and overtake him right then and there. “You’re not a monster Ryo, you’re my everything.. Without you, who would be there to complete me?” Setsuna responded in concern to his insult towards himself. Her eyebrows raised in curiosity when he made the “crying to the heavens” comment.
“Not exactly the type of ‘battle’ I expected us to have when we first met but, you’re not gonna get one peep out me though! It’ll be I who will be making you act like a bitch! You better bring some duct-tape because you’ll need to wrap it around your mouth when I get started with you.” Setsuna replied in a salacious tone before watching him have an extensive argument with his brother involving uh. Lyssa’s ahem ‘hole’. Gross, but, she was still very delighted that he was giving his brother a mouthful and in a way defending her ‘honor’. It made her feel very special to him, although when she saw Ryo man-handling Seo out the broken window she thought that was a bit overboard yet her thoughts were hastily contained once she was tossed up over Ryo’s muscular shoulder.

“Pound town huh? I’d like to see what that has in sto-Mwhaauf!” She mutters out from her lips before whimpering noisily after being slapped on her rear-end once more by his perverted hand, I swear that thing has a mind of its own sometimes. Like that thing needs to be put on a leash i’m telling you. Setsuna’s skin started to completely change into a bright red, right now she could be compared to someone with a severe sunburn. “You keep doing that Ryo and you’re going to make me lose control of myself, and I’ll have you know that I get a bit wild when I do.. Oh and why the hell are we going all the way to the dorms? Did you not realize that you have a freaking hotel of a building, not to mention you’re like some-sort of gangster now! Why don’t you just throw someone’s non-important ass out of their room and we can keep it to ourselves for an hour.. Or hehehe six or seven.” Setsuna questioned while hinting at her perverted remark. Thoughts rushed in through her now viciously deviant mind, she completely forgot about what Daji said but now she was thinking about something entirely different.


Arian Lee Fulhumn


Arian watched as Lyssa collapsed before her, mirroring her movements. She had no idea what to do, her body did, but not her mind. She was caught between her lust and desire versus common sense and commitment to Caesar. Thus her indecision and worry. Luckily, she didn't have to choose. Hence the feminine form above her gasping. 


However, an electrical charge shoots through her body, and a voice calls through her head. The sharp.... pain... It was mental again. Like a direct attack on her conscience. Already on overdrove, a buttload of endorphins and natural dopamine go surging through her bloodstream, wracking her with pure euphoria. 


Stripped of clothes, Larry the llama courteously held up a large blanket with censorship. Fancy. Atop her, Lyssa gasped, feeling their hay-wired skin brush one another. Sparks could've been flying. Her body quivered, partially from the stimulation, partially from excitement. 


Though Lyssa wasn't..... exactly doing what she expected.  


She was patting her.  Rubbing her.


All over.


 Along with a couple boob gropes. And some butt too, it couldn't be left out. 



And then, it was over. Arian was standing, her pores crying and her hair frizzed. Though, it heals the damages and it's soon back to its normal state of general pretty-ness. And she was wearing her normal clothes. With a quick pat down, she determined that she still had everything. Arian, the dolt, had completely forgot about the mind-invading instance, as if it had never even happened, and was left listlessly sitting beside Lyssa, who was smoking a bubble pipe. However that worked. 


After a good honk on her nose, maybe a subliminal thing there, Arian nodded wearily in agreement as several clowns crashed into the ground around them dead as a doornail. Oh well. 


"Let's agree to never mention this to anyone, like, ever, m'kay?" Arian offers looking at the ceiling, which had her dragon's head suspended from it like a grotesque ceiling fan or something. Wait... hadn't they been outdoors? Oh well. 




Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Loctaion: in the ceiling)(With: Aiko...definitely) (Sorry to steal your style Obsidian) 

"Ouch hey than- cough cough" Aiko stuck a coin in his mouth almost choking him. With his arms now free Seo pushed himself out of the ceiling landing gently by catching himself with a whirlwind blowing a few pages of Aiko's novel. "Sorry bout that. Well this belongs to you" Seo spit the coin out rubbed is on his shirt and placed it in Aiko's hand. "I get that you don't talk much kinda like i don't human very well, but i noticed you scanned me earlier do you have some kind of secret agent girl gear cause that would be awesome! Maybe i could get some.?" Seo before she could respond gave her a thumbs up and contined to talk. "Well for helping me out it there is something i can do for you?" Seo offered with a smile brushing the dirt and the insulation off a him, returning to his thumbs up position.


(Seo Sentrale)(Loctaion: in the ceiling)(With: Aiko...definitely) (Sorry to steal your style Obsidian) 

"Ouch hey than- cough cough" Aiko stuck a coin in his mouth almost choking him. With his arms now free Seo pushed himself out of the ceiling landing gently by catching himself with a whirlwind blowing a few pages of Aiko's novel. "Sorry bout that. Well this belongs to you" Seo spit the coin out rubbed is on his shirt and placed it in Aiko's hand. "I get that you don't talk much kinda like i don't human very well, but i noticed you scanned me earlier do you have some kind of secret agent girl gear cause that would be awesome! Maybe i could get some.?" Seo before she could respond gave her a thumbs up and contined to talk. "Well for helping me out it there is something i can do for you?" Seo offered with a smile brushing the dirt and the insulation off a him, returning to his thumbs up position.


Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko was reading a novel when suddenly a picture of Jin fell out of one of the pages and onto the floor. She was too engaged in the book so she didn't notice. How she got the picture is as mysterious as herself. She finished the book and finally acknowledged his presence looking up at him and fixing her glasses still unaware of the picture on the floor.
Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko was reading a novel when suddenly a picture of Jin fell out of one of the pages and onto the floor. She was too engaged in the book so she didn't notice. How she got the picture is as mysterious as herself. She finished the book and finally acknowledged his presence looking up at him and fixing her glasses still unaware of the picture on the floor.

"Okay i understand... is that a romance novel? You dropped your lover on the floor." Seo points at the fallen picture.
"Okay i understand... is that a romance novel? You dropped your lover on the floor." Seo points at the fallen picture.

"Okay i understand... is that a romance novel? You dropped your lover on the floor." Seo points at the fallen picture.

[Data corruption has left some files damaged]

Aiko Kirishima 

<Img src="">

Aiko blushed seeing the picture And took it. "W-We aren't lovers....J-Just...Uhh..." Her face was red as a tomato as she said that. "Carbonated drinks." She said
(Fley Sanders)

S T A T U S: Deceased
Soul: Alive

It was an unbelievable feeling - not of love, as she may have wished. Pain so harsh, cold and unforgettable. Her fingers were numb and so were her ears, and eyes, and soon enough every part of her. Dead - or so she thought. 

She awoke hearing people's voices. She was watching them, but not from her usual perspective. She was above them, and the feeling was not the best. Startled, Fley moved forward to pat the sleeping Cody on the back. It seemed that he was upset. And hey!! He was sleeping on her bed! Well, she's let it slide. Smiling, she felt the "ground", or air, beneath her shift into a different scene. This was one of a girl she barely knew but recognized. Glasses, purple hair... eh, she didn't know - HANG ON A GOD DAMNED MINUTE, was that a picture of Ryujin she had? An outrageously boiling feeling filled her up. She was about to give the girl a piece of her mind. Fley strode over to the girl and tapped her shoulder, only to watch her hand fall through. So... she really was dead. But then why was she still able to see people? Dear Rajin, was this the afterlife or something? "HEY!! ASSHOLE-" but Fley knew the girl couldn't hear her. It was just a waste of breath. A wave of self pity washed over her. 

Her perspective shifted again, this time to Ryujin's. She smiled at him softly. She hated it when he was sad. As much as it hurt her, as much as it killed her inside, it was something she had to do. Maybe he wouldn't hear her. Well, of course he wouldn't... But maybe some almighty God-knew-what force would tell him to wake up. She touched his shoulder - how, she didn't know, and whether he felt it or not, she also didn't know - and whispered to him, in a very Fley-like manner, "Hey, Jin? Time to move on. And you know the very best way to do that? Find a new love interest. Maybe to forget about me, you know... lemme tell you, the purple-haired one is interested in you, glasses? Yeah, her. Love you." She released her grip on him and seemed to almost float back upwards, her eyes fixated upon him - damn, was this staring? She felt like an ass, but... did it really matter anymore? No one could see her. 

@Dante Verren @CERBERUS177 @TGSRoleplay
Seo looked at her in wonder and saw himself as he looked upon her nervous break down. "Its fine Carbinated drinks? Would you like me to get you some soda? There should be a machine near by." Looking at her reaction Seo could not find out what was wrong with her. "Hey so I'll get something for you to drink what do you want?" 


(Sorry for the late response i'm smiting)

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko heard someone say something behind her but the being disappeared before she saw. Being an integrated data thought entity, she can see the supernatural but doesn't really bother them as long as they don't bother her. She showed Seo a complex chemical formula to be absolutely precise of what she wants. It seems to be a a lot of glucose molecules bonded with carbonic acid, water and complex carbohydrates.

(More or less soda)

@Fazy @Marumatsu
Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko heard someone say something behind her but the being disappeared before she saw. Being an integrated data thought entity, she can see the supernatural but doesn't really bother them as long as they don't bother her. She showed Seo a complex chemical formula to be absolutely precise of what she wants. It seems to be a a lot of glucose molecules bonded with carbonic acid, water and complex carbohydrates.

(More or less soda)

@Fazy @Marumatsu

Seo pulled his glasses out and looked at the formula placing his hand on his chin. "Hmmm I don't understand this." Seo continued to look at the paper with a determined faced even as he walked away. When he was out of site he threw the paper in the trash and bought one of each soda from the machine to Aiko. "There you go i hope you enjoy this." Seo placed about ten sodas next to Aiko and then he opened a black hole pulling out a couple coloring books and a enormous selection of crayons to color with. "Would you like to color as well? He asked her very cheerfully holding one out to her.
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Some where along his wandering he had lost Aiko. He sighed and found a nice quiet spot where he sat down with his back against the wall. He thought back to oblivisn and the strange voice he heard. "Guess that must have been my great grandmother. Wonder what I did for the infamous Izinami to take pitty on me." he closed his eye and was lost in thought.

Jin's eye shot open and his shoulder felt cold.  "What the hell was that." He rubbed the side of his head. His eye scannded the area around but he couldn't see any thing. He sighs heavily. "Guess I'm going insande. Could swore I heard a voice." He scratched his chin. "Something about a purple haired girl and moveing on."  He held out his hand and small orbs of electricity danced in his hands mimicking the lightning storm he had watched with Fley.

(Fley Sanders)

It was hopeless, she shouldn't have tried in the first place. She shouldn't have thought of trying. He couldn't see her. He heard her - a little. Well, what was the point of it all? She should've died instead of coming to... here, wherever 'here' was. She should've died and never come back. Her heart shattered - well, her intangible heart - and she started to cry. Her tears fell to the ground where no one could see them, just like no one could see her. Watching Jin made her want to cry even more. She didn't want him to leave, she didn't want him to go, she didn't want him to move on, but that was being selfish, especially since she wasn't even alive. The cold truth began to set in. Facing reality had to happen now, but Fley wasn't ready for that. She didn't want to. 

Dealing with heartbreak - what was the first step? She didn't know. Oh, how she wished Jin could answer her question- oh, that's right, she couldn't! Ever, ever again. How long was she going to be in this hell, watching the people she loved move on and forget about her? More tears fell to the ground as she watched Ryujin. They were uncontrollable drops of water falling freely from her face. It wasn't even normal crying. Great, the dead had a new type of crying. The thought made her want to cry more. CRYBABY. She wanted to yell at herself. Die. But you're already dead.

1 hour ago, Fazy said:

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko thanked Seo by rejected the colouring books as the bottles of soda fade into a 4th dimension for her to summon at will. She walked around and saw Fley crying like there's no tomorrow in front of Jin who is looking around anxiously. She looked at Fley as if she knew she was here but can't actually phtsically interact with her. She saw Jin and her face turned red. "Th-There's a floating woman crying in front of you." She said pointing out at nothing.

@Fazy @Marumatsu @Dante Verren
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Jin was Aiko approach and he waved to her. He watched her face turn red for like the fifth time that day and he chuckled a bit. However he burst out laughing when she mentioned a floating cryeing lady. "Yeah right. Invisible crying people don't... They don't exist...right?" the serious look on her face made him question his statement. His eye narrowed at the spot with extreeme concentration and he swore he saw a small sparkle call and hit the ground before disappering. 

He stood up slowly his eye still narrowed at the spot. "What in Amaratatsu's shinning hair was that." he walked around the spot his eye never leaving It. "A cold touch, a voice from nowhere, and A sparkle that appered then vanished." He scratched his chin as he walked pondering what it all meant. " so you can see this lady right? I will be live you for now but first What does she look like?" he don't really have any expectations. Honestly he thought Thu was a trick his great grandmother was playing on him.


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Jin was Aiko approach and he waved to her. He watched her face turn red for like the fifth time that day and he chuckled a bit. However he burst out laughing when she mentioned a floating cryeing lady. "Yeah right. Invisible crying people don't... They don't exist...right?" the serious look on her face made him question his statement. His eye narrowed at the spot with extreeme concentration and he swore he saw a small sparkle call and hit the ground before disappering. 

He stood up slowly his eye still narrowed at the spot. "What in Amaratatsu's shinning hair was that." he walked around the spot his eye never leaving It. "A cold touch, a voice from nowhere, and A sparkle that appered then vanished." He scratched his chin as he walked pondering what it all meant. " so you can see this lady right? I will be live you for now but first What does she look like?" he don't really have any expectations. Honestly he thought Thu was a trick his great grandmother was playing on him.



Aiko Kirishima:


"She has pale skin and wolf ears and looks about your age." She said describing any unique features she could spot while being overcome with the emotion of shyness. After a while, she was describing what seems to be Fley not his great grandmother.
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Jin's eye widened as Aiko decribed the floating girl. His hands came crashing down into Aiko's shoulders in an instant. The motion was easy but it was controlled to where he wouldn't hurt Aiko. "Don't screw with me. There is no way that can be right." his voice was laced with pain and desperation. "It can't be her... Please tell me it's not her..." though he knew the answer once Aiko was done with her description. His hands left Aiko's shoulder as his right hand covered his right eye. "Damn it even in death she can't find peace.



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