Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

" Its Andorra ,  however I like to be referred as Ai for now "he replied. Andorra did like his original name but he isn't very fond of using it right now. " Now what is your name puer?"

(puer means young one in latin)

@Cheryl @Dante Verren
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(Jin Narukami)


He nodded to Arian as she left. "See you around Arian." He turned around when he remembered that he changed his name. "Oh by the way the name is Jin now. Jin Narukkami." He called after her as she left.

He looked over at Aiko. "Why are you starring at me?" He sighed. now what am I suppose to do? He looked once more at the body of Fley now covered in the white table cloth and felt the sadness return. "Well what Am I suppose to do with you." He said as he walked over to the body. "I can't just leave you here." He placed his hand on the side of fley's head. A tear managed to escape from his eye but only one. "How am I suppose to usurp a god if I don't even known what to do with a dead body of a loved one." He chuckled softly. "Damn it all."

@TGSRoleplay @SolistheSun

Mentioned: @Fazy

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko blushed and got distracted gazing at him before snapping back to reality and blushing heavily. "U-Umm I wasn't uhh..." She covered her red face with her novel.
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Arian Lee Fulhumn

"Uerfmmm Lyssssah," Arian coughs, choking the cupcake down. It... was like eating heaven. That is, if heaven wasn't ethereal and was a baked sweet. She had picked a small white cupcake with pink frosting, something perfectly normal. However, even though Lyssa was nice not to mention the severed dragon head she was leading everywhere, instead the shorter gal drugged her. Greaaaat. Though, she wasn't quite certain about the whole cardboard comment, it was safe to presume it was true. 

Arian wasn't sure what effect the "sense-powders and aphrodisiacs" that wold have on her, really, it wasn't going to affect her badly, except, maybe produce a crap ton of brain chemicals she didn't need in that instance . 

Then she felt it.

Her face flushes, and her heart was suddenly running a marathon without the rest of her body to catch up.  Her skin was gathering a lusty sheen, and she clenches her thighs together, completely unprepared for the feelings that currently assaulted her. The breeze brushed across her peach fuzz and sent her body into pleasured gasps, which only builded up as Lyssa tapped her nose, and Arian falls to one knee, unable to control her senses at all- like every single cell in her body had been registered to feel pleasure. Which in an odd way, made sense. Can't feel pain? Then double, triple, and quadruple the pleasure possible! 

Thanks brain. Thanks body. 

Her breathing goes ragged and she grinds her legs together, trying to soothe the hungering sensation.

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(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: By herself)  @YungJazz

She sighed with an upbeat relief after noticing the beautiful yet filthy grease-monkey that entered her private quarters and gestured for the seemingly uncompromisable servants to cease with their transportation of food. Setsuna’s face quietly lit up velvet red after being treated so nicely by this random grime-covered mechanic who stumbled in. Once she heard the title of where she was staying her eyebrows scrunched downward with utter confusion, Behemoth HQ? It sounded like the word ‘behemoth’ was used to describe his ego. Nonetheless she didn’t mind the name at all, in-fact it was pretty neat in her mind when she thought about it. “Uh, thanks miss. You really do deserve a promotion or a raise here, seems like you’re the only one who can listen pretty well. No offense everyone, but I don’t need this much food.. I’ll have to eat a portion of these as the days pass by but i appreciate the kindness here..” Setsuna kindly remarked before nearly leaping straight out from her bed in shock after one of the caretakers showed up out from the shroud of darkness in the corner of the room. As she held her chest in a frantic panic Setsuna noticed that the person was holding a compact cell-phone that had Ryo’s number on speed-dial, maybe he could explain what exactly the hell was going on here. She rudely snatched the phone from out of the person’s clenched palm with excitement then looked back at crowd of servants who were kneeling before here.

Setsuna loved the attention she was getting but as of right now she deemed it a little bit inappropriate since she wanted a private ‘audience’ with her significant other.
“Please, just a bit of privacy so I can call him? I’ll ring the bedside bell or something If I need any assistance.” Setsuna announced while conscientiously fiddling with the device in order to activate the phone, once the cell-phone turned on she made ‘shooing’ gesture with her hand towards the staff causing them to hastily leave the room all at once. Setsuna anticipatedly awaited for Ryo’s voice to project itself through the speakers once she clicked one of the buttons that send a signal to his phone almost immediately. As soon as he heard Ryo’s voice assert itself on the other end she smiled brightly and her cheeks were a sparkling shade of red. “Hey boo? I just woke up in some unusual building called ‘Behemoth HQ’ they say you’re the leader of this thing. Can you tell me what the absolute hell is going on?! I wake up in a room surrounded with freaking strangers and they’re all piling humongous shit tons of food on-top of me, I thought I was going to drown! I’m so damn angry you can’t even believe but… It’s really good that i get to hear that handsome voice of yours again love.” Setsuna shouted out in state of overwhelming anger until she came to the last part of her sentence causing her to shift her firm knees upward towards her chest in happiness as she wrapped her available hand around both of her legs. She wanted nothing more than just to hear his voice even more as it was like soothing music to her ears.
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Mary (Mammon)


"Mary, where do you wanna go then?" Mary thought that Andorra was a pretty name, feminine actually. It sounded something like adorable which was pretty dumb for a name that was for a male. Ai's better, she considered it to be more masculine than Andorra. Maybe it was latin? He did just call her puer, and after travelling the earth for a couple millenia, Mary was pretty sure it meant 'young one'. Good to know that her body wasn't getting old quickly.

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko spotted cupcakes and her mouth watered a little and they were with Lyssa and approached her politely ask Her for one as she was craving something sweet. She looked at Arian but didn't suspect anything.

@SolistheSun @Obsidian

Ryujin v2.jpg

(Jin narukami)

Jin looked at Aiko from over his shoulder. "You where totally starring at me." He slid his hands underneath the dead body of Fley. "Guess I will do it the old fashion thunder god way." He headed for the door. giving one last look at Aiko. "You're welcome to join me if you want but otherwise I will see you later. He didn't wait for her to respond bu instead walked slowly so she could catch up if she wanted to.


Arian's pocket/ Brain-

A low grumbleing laugh sounded in the back of Arian's head. "What an interesting girl and here I thought I was going to be stuck being bored but I guess I can have a little fun." as the voice slowly faded the coin inside Arian's pocket started to glow. A small shock emmitted from the coin spreading through out her body.

His name was quite feminine for his appearance.  The other angels gave that name to him.

It also seems a city was also named after him in Spain. 

Ai refocused his thoughts back to Mary."I'm not sure. I guess the libary " the boy suggested.

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[Not open for interactions]

[Schedule exception]

Roy and Wulf stumbled out of the portal, into their little campsite. They were all bloodied from fighting, most of the blood not their's. Both Roy and Wulf bent down, panting, and after a while, Roy reverted back to his normal appearance. Wulf and Roy sighed, and both headed through the back door, into the men's restroom, where they cleaned themselves up. Afterwards, they struggled back to their campsite, both collapsing into their porch chairs.

Kagami is open. She is currently sleeping in the gardens.

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Ryo's bike.jpg

Ryo smiled as he watched Lydia embrace Honey. He was glad that the hornet turned out to be Lydia's lost friend, although he had a different look, he still had the memories of her. Ryo leaned on his bike as he watched the scene of friends reuniting, happy to help his friend. Ryo threw a thumbs up in Lydia's direction, "I'm happy you found your friend Lydia. It's definitely better to see you smile, instead of all down like you were earlier." Ryo then paused in thought, thinking of the Niflheim journey that Lydia was also on. She looked out of place, not knowing what was going on, hell, he even had to protect her at one point. It all reminded Ryo of his own sister, so right then and there, Ryo made a decision, he would help Lydia and make sure that she had a friend and protector here at Luxor Academy.

Gazing at Lydia with a determined smile, Ryo stood up from his bike, walking over to Lydia, "Oi, Lydia. I noticed you ain't been having the best of times, so imma just be blunt. From this moment forward, i'm gonna make sure that you're a-okay in this school, you now got Ryo Sentrale as a best bud, that cool with you Lydia." Ryo finished, a bright smile on his face as he offered protection and friendship to a girl who just needed some help.

Ryo was going to continue, that is until his phone ringed. Pulling out his phone, curiosity on his face, a tick mark formed on his head the minute he noticed it was his minions calling. Didn't he tell them he was going for a ride! Those freaking ass hats! Pressing answer on the phone, Ryo brought the phone to his ear, anger on his face, "DIDN'T I TELL YOU SCRUB LORDS NOT TO CALL ME! I SWEAR WHEN I GET BACK I'LL-"

And that's when he heard his girlfriend's wonderful voice, asking him why she woke up in Behemoth HQ, a reprimanding voice that shook him to his core. Nervousness lacing his voice, Ryo couldn't help but have sweat drenching down his face, "S-Setsuna! I can explain! The idiots were just-," And then she had to go and be all cute and stuff by saying she was happy to hear his voice. Ryo scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, not prepared for the sudden affection directed towards him.

"Yeah, it's good to hear you too Fox Princess. Behemoth is a club and gang I made. I thought it was about time to start my own criminal empire, so why not start with a Motor club and work my way up. All the guys there are highly skilled warriors, technicians, chefs, and business men and women. I got them all from the academies different classes. I made Behemoth, cause IT'S A FREAKING CRIMINAL ORGANIZATTION BABE! HOW COOL IS THAT!" Ryo began blabbering on about how he was going to be the best gang boss ever to his girlfriend, and how she was going to be great at being the matriarch of his gang. Not even knowing he had pretty much accidentally implied that he and Setsuna were going to be married in the future. That's the whole point of a patriarch and matriarch of a gang, you draconic idiot.

@Cheryl @Obsidian


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(Location: ??? Somewhere with Arian)(With: Arian) @SolistheSun
[SIZE=13.3333px]“Oh, c’mon you’re giving me too much credit here! I know my delicious treats are good but they’re not thaaat good!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Lyssa annoyingly stated to Arian as she watched her body writhe in overbearing sensual tension that consumed her body by the minute. Out of curiosity she picked up a tiny-purple cupcake from off of the tray which was coated in blue frosting. She was holding the treat with her available hand before she gently placed it inside of her mouth. Each flavor of the aphrodisiac and frosting melted inside of her mouth with goo-ey goodness and before she knew it she swallowed the entire cupcake despite it being made from cardboard. Lyssa smiled happily as she looked back at Arian who was pivoting her gentle thighs against each other in a rapid-motion trying to control each feeling that was rushing inside of her mind.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] “See? They’re alrig-”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Lyssa attempts to blurt out before being stopped by a surge of pleasure that sends a wave of goosebumps throughout her skin. Each single strand of hair on her body began to stand up from this sensation that was controlling her. Every nerve in her body felt as if it was set to entice Lyssa with each movement or word that uttered out from her delicate lips. This was the worst yet most amazing mistake she discovered! However an undesirable itching sensation was present which shot across her body causing shivers to crawl down her spine. Lyssa collapses down onto both of her shaking knees as she looked straight back at Arian while almost mimicking her every motion that she made. Soft whimpers of undeniable urge make themselves present once her quaking legs press up against the surface of the ground. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“You know what..? Screw this.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Lyssa shouted out as she hunched herself forward and abruptly tackled Arian to the ground while pressing her feminine frame against hers. She quickly covered her mouth before letting out a giant gasp, Arian’s smooth skin that rubbed against hers was heavenly. Like she was touched by a perverted angel. She knew that whatever this overbearing feeling she had it needed to be quenched!

Without any warning her body movements increased as she layed on-top of Arian causing them both to feel enormous amounts of pleasure in which they’ve never experienced before. Suddenly Lyssa’s hands began to take off her own silky shirt but was interrupted when a fluffy Llama which held a vast blanket in its mouth covered up the two to avoid while also placing a censorship bar over their promiscuous bodies with its small paw. Only the sounds of awkward sounding noises and rustled movement from a big blanket could be heard as a bunch of articles of clothing is heaved into the air. Oddly enough random things also were being thrown into the air. Vegetables, Baseball bats, even a clown-car was tossed into the air. Where the hell did a clown-car come from? Some of the student passer-bys wondered as it crashed through the top of the ceiling and into the heavens above. A few moments later after that incident both Lyssa and Arian were seen looking up at the ceiling, for some reason they were extremely sweaty like they ran a marathon and each segment of hair on their head looked like it was frazzled. Both of them had their regular outfits on, strange. You have to wonder how Arian got her normal set of comfortable clothes back. The overbearing pleasure finally stopped but they were shocked to notice a bunch of dead circus clowns around them that fell out from the miniature clown-car that was chucked miles into the sky. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px][/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]Okay, maybe I shouldn’t of put in that many in there. But i’m still keeping the ingredient except for the uh cardboard, that was a bit rough.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Lyssa exclaimed awkwardly before pulling out a fancy decorative wooden-pipe and proceeding to smoke from out of it causing bubbles to suspend out from the crevice of the pipe. She then moved her hand over towards Arian's nose which suddenly had a red-clown nose over-top of it. Which Lyssa quickly decided to honk once before placing her hands behind her head and gazing up at the ceiling. [/SIZE] 

Seo Human form.png

After a while the Behemoth members appeared at Seo's location with trucks of supplies. Where did they get the trucks? Well they are Ryo's henchmen use your imagination.... okay they had some i the motor shop though at least 50% of the materials were stolen. Someones loss, Seo did not care he was happy to build his archery dojo. Seo made about 100 clones they began to unload the trucks and set up areas to work. One clone stood by the blueprints looking at them so the entire group could share the information without having to view the plans themselves. one group began digging the buildings out line, while another started making cement and cutting wood.  The real Seo was making each arrow himself placing them in barrels until they needed them. To much time passed by Seo was getting impatient so he decided to use magic to speed up his clones and decided to visit Behemoths HQ looking for his brother. Once he entered the building he was fascinated at his brother speedy progress and the success his gang had so wandered the building bothering all the workers in their respective jobs. After cooking with the chefs he decided to message his brother. "Hey i'm at headquarters right now the archery club and dojo are almost complete. Also why are your people so friendly i just finished bothering the head of each section. Fill me in on whats going on here as well.. thanks BROTATO!". After sending the message he decided to get some supplies for his room before leaving. 

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(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: By herself)  @YungJazz

“Criminal Empire? Ha! Sounds pretty damn fun! It isn't really surprising that you're making something like this considering how much of a bully you are to most of the people at the Academy. Fox princess? Heh.. I love it when you call me that, although I do need a cute pet name for you too. Maybe something relating to scales or another thing.” Setsuna chattered but her cheeks were flushed even further in joyful embarrassment after he called her ‘Fox Princess’. She lazily covered herself up in bundles of blankets as she continued to hear Ryo babble on and on about his crime syndicate. Setsuna didn’t know if this was the right choice for her, to be associating herself with someone with such a menacing personality sometimes and often became really cruel towards other people. However the relationship that she held towards Ryo was unwavering! It would take a crowbar to get that addicted vixen off from him. She smirked with glee once more as she continued to speak. “Well, i’ve always wanted to have my own club at Luxor Academy, not exactly what I had in mind  but it’s a lot better anyway. Not to mention a lot more luxurious and enjoyable than having your average circle consisting of goodie-goodie two shoes in a school environment. Heh and to let you know you’re already the best boss to me.”

Setsuna giggled as she held the phone closer to her ear in excitement, however her lower-lip drooped in shock after hearing what he said involving the patriarch and matriarch statement regarding them both. She couldn’t believe what she just heard, did this actually mean he wanted to be in a long-lasting relationship with her? Even to the point of marriage. Her face quivered with several emotions even causing her to choke up a few words in happiness as she tried her best not to tear-up. “D-did you just say that.. You wanted to be a matriarch..? Ryo.. I, I.. Love everything about you.. It means so much to me how much you care about some random fox-girl that just entered your life and yet you still have the kindness to treat her like your princess. You have my unwavering endearment towards you… Thank you for being in my life, please if you’re not busy come by I just want to see that lovely empty-headed face of yours. Also this means that if you ever wind up hurting my feelings i'll pile-drive your reptile ass through the pavement.” She said compassionately while stuttering across a few words and then chuckling at the end from her sarcastic insult. This mean the everything to her, she could care less if it was just a meager gang that Ryo had, the only thing that mattered to her was that she got to share the experience with him.


Mary (Mammon)


"Let's go then." and with that Mary flipped around and strolled over to the library. She wasn't waiting for Ai, she had no reason to wait for him. It's not like he was going to kill her for not waiting or anything. The grand door to the library opened up to a whole bunch of people, with one angry looking adult using magic to fix up the flooring.

 @Kisaki @anyoneinthelibrary
The boy nodded and followed the girl. Once they arrived at the libary he grabbed a few books. He  then walked back toward Mary.  "I remeber reading these when I was young " he opened the book on top which was written in a old  language that's long forgotten. 



Saint Raphael

Before the archangel could respond to the mysterious girl, something hit him, an aura of extreme desire and greed, of course, this is normal for Raphael, as he is the one who holds the throne of Charity, he always senses auras of avarice, but this aura.... was different from the others, an more enormous and familiar aura, Ralph had suddenly stood in place after it hit him, was this the one and only... "A-Avaritia?" was all that he could quietly say right before he quickly shook his head and pushed the thoughts aside, while Michael probably could sense the demon, Raphael was most likely the only one to sense his virtue's opposite.

At: Luxor Academy Garden

With: Saint Michael (@Kisaki)

Mentions: Aiko Kirishima (@TGSRoleplay), Mammon (@Cheryl)

(btw Avaritia means Greed in latin.)
"Avaritia! I was sensing it from the school..I just been so unfocused lately " the angel said. "I have a feeling I know where this aura is coming from. In fact I meet them ealier this day."

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Aiko Kirishima: (Location: Library) (Seemingly alone)




Aiko read a romance novel with her face very red and a failing attempt to look serious in the Library. She was reading a part when they have their first kiss. She was imagining about that and it made her heart beat faster.
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"Hundun you don't understand!", A pleaded in an almost aggressive tone as she shuffled further out of the way of his attack. "This thing is the result of a massive lapse of judgement! I have dozens of kids, for all of whom I have pride but this.......stain!", she says motioning to Nequam. "It's worse than Ammit!" 
The infuriating situation with Nequam and Hundun's strange emotional response to it made A realize something. Her heart had died a long time ago, love wasn't a feeling she'd experienced even towards her children and certainly not towards Hundun, not for a few nice words and wicked threats. So then, what was this feeling? Fear? Sure, but there was something else that she couldn't quite grasp. Again she pushed her doubt back focusing on the revelation that she'd never been one to feel or express these emotions of weakness and was about to start now. As malevolence began to reawaken in her it spread like a venom into her being and mind. The fiasco in Niflheim had made her almost loose herself, to a being who, unlike her, had near limitless power yet was still so mentally weak he had not only spared her (a mistake) but babbled on about "love" and "loneliness". She became riddled with shame as she could only imagine how absolutely pathetic she must've looked, that she had almost believed there was some alternative path something like her could take. Never again, with that her 'true' self resurfaced. 
A more aware, less emotionally distraught Hundun could have noticed the atmosphere become almost noticeably darker and more sinister, characteristic of being in the company of something near purely evil. A reached out for him pretending to comfort him and herself. "Please, try to understand. The hound's genes are strong in her, she's more mutt than god or seraph.", she said in a calming manner. As his expression changes to one of shame and he moves away from her, she follows him to the floor embracing him and placing her head on his shoulder. 
"Please, don't be angry with me. You've been doing nothing but yelling at me and threatening my existence all day. You can't possibly begin to understand the position I'm in, a mistake that refuses to let me live it down.", A grabbed onto the hand he'd placed on his chest, interlocking her fingers with his.
"Nequam, is just that; worthless. Weak, without domain and stupid as fuck, why should I tolerate that kinda stuff? Because of birthright? You keep saying we're similar, but you've shown me anything but. If you were really like me you'd understand that I value strength above all else. It's what attracts me to you..", she says gently caressing his head with her own. "I don't feel the way they feel, never have never will.", she tried to convince both him and herself. "Beings like us, like you have no use for the weakness. Mental, physical, spritual or otherwise. I don't see as a mistake I see it more as a cutting of losses, ridding-", she stopped for a microsecond as if connecting the dots before continuing on. "-yourself of possible liabilities. Setsuna's not like us. She's weak; in will and in body. Not to mention she's hopelessly in love with that nuisance of a dragon god.", A smiled insidiously just out of Hundun's view making eye contact with a trembling Nequam. 
"You realize they'll oppose us, right? They'll oppose you. The dragon will turn her against you. If you really care about anything you claim to.....they're gonna have to be dealt with."
Hundun has mistakenly laid himself bare to what was for all intents and purposes a being of true chaos, unsure of even herself A proved to crave only indulgence and conflict. She'd tasted his weakness and intended to use it and Setsuna to meet her ends, whatever they now may be. 

@Obsidian (for to spice tings up) @YungJazz
Aiko Kirishima: (Location: Library) (Alone)


Aiko was reading another romance Novel and blushed as the boy stroked the cheek of the girl as she imagined that with the boy she has "Feelings" for him. Her face reddened and she was shivering with embarrassment as she grinded her legs together to hopefully to shake off the embarrassment.

@Marumatsu @Dante Verren


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy underbelly, Hundun's domain.)(With: A and Nequam.) @Olivia Acerbi 

Each appalling word that ejected itself out from A’s mouth stung him although he was unaware of her schemes because of his unwavering attraction to her. Hundun becoming more and more unstable with his mentality resulted in his hand suddenly trembling as his fingers were tightly interlocked with hers. “I apologize, for threatening you Astaroth, but you just wouldn’t listen.. All this time i’ve been asserting myself towards you the only one who was is trying to help me, all while deliberately putting myself in situations with others deeming me as weak. Heh, pathetic..” Hundun frowned in suspicion as he felt he was being used by others for their own personal gain aside from his own, not to mention it angered him that he thought he was being taken advantage of. “This isn’t the way the Primordial God of Chaos should act, this mortal realm has made me sensitive to these beings all around us. Your calm and truthful words vigorously pierce my inner-being which bring transparency to my clouded mind. There was a reason why I wanted you. You’re the only person who can steer me away from my misguided judgement. I assure you that nobody will stand in the way of our rule.” Hundun replied to A as he released his grasp from her hand and decided to stand after gently presses his lips passionately onto hers. Emptiness could only be used to describe how he was feeling right now, as if her persuasion caused him to be almost desensitized to the sickening atrocities he might cause.

Hundun was uncertain what this may foretell for him and his significant other in the future but he was determined to show her his strength. “You’re without a doubt correct. These emotions that afflict my very thoughts must not continue to deter my undeniable reign over this realm. Setsuna, my daughter. I will not eliminate her unless she becomes problematic for me and you in the future. As this path for her has been set out, I will have to stop this from transpiring by killing the very thing she loves. That damned dragon of hers.” He utters vaguely before revolving his bare muscular body around and facing it in the direction of Nequam, Hundun’s empty eyes gleam disturbingly with a murky-hued gold as he closed in his distance with Nequam. Eerie silence overtook the room once he ascended the palm of his hand towards her innocent face which results in the protective aura encompassing her canine anthropomorphic body to be briskly diminished. “Nequam, i’m sorry for this. But i will not allow you to get in our way. I’ll make this fate of yours quick. It’s the only way.” He announced in a calm voice before monstrous quantities of spiralling miasma collected around his palm forming a miniscule sphere of antimatter to corkscrew continuously and rapidly near his hand. He took one last cold regretful glimpse back at Nequam before shifting his lips anxiously.

“Once this connects with your a single molecule of your entire body, you’ll be completely obliterated beyond restoration, nothing you can do will help the destroy status of your body. Your very existence will be wiped out effortlessly, may the afterlife that exists beyond this one have mercy on your soul.” Hundun stated as the threatening orb grew slightly more in size, his pupils quivered with inconsistent caprice as he stared deeply into Nequam’s frightened eyes. Every terrified movement of her facial expression only filled him even more with guilt, Hundun choked on each emotion that he had present and decided this was the only step forward for both him and Astaroth.

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(Jin narukami)

Jin carried Fley's body out into the big field he had found when he was walking with her on the first day.

He stood in there for a few minutes holding the body closely as emotions rushed through him. Slowly gaining control of himself he set the body down and wiped away the tears that had started to form. No more crying he would send her off with a smile. He stood back as dark clouds started to form.

He smiled as the memories of the short time they had together played through his head. The crappy meeting in the hallway, Finding the field and jokingly playing catch, Fley forcing him to drink the horrible medicine, Having breakfast the next day, and the first kiss in the park. He held up his right hand in the shape of a gun as white lightning danced around his finger tips. "This is my final goodbye Fley. Thank you for everything. I love you." 

The lightning shot from his finger striking the body. Instead of causing an explosion it danced around the corpse. A strong gust of wind came and grab hold of the body. The loosely held ash was picked up by the wind and scattered through out the field. He stood their with his hand still up and pointed like a gun. The sad smile still on his face. "This will serve as my first conquest on my long rode of ambition." 

He stood there frozen in his own world as the clouds faded away. He felt the feeling of loss and suffering. He lowered his arm and turned from the field walking back to the school. The sad smile still fixed on his as he entered the building. 

Aiko Kirishima:


She closed the book to embarrassed to read further as she returned the books to the shelves of the library. She walked out and was gazing out about the first kiss and hand rubbing chin thing and bumped into Jin yet again. She fell down this time and looked fixed her glasses looking up at him.

@Dante Verren
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