Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy underbelly, Hundun's domain.)(With: A and Nequam.) @Olivia Acerbi
Hundun’s scrutinizing look gingerly darted back and forth, switching his gaze over from Astaroth to Nequam continuously while simultaneously trying to connect two pieces of this confusing puzzle of a predicament in-front of him. His pupils that were constricted with raging fury dwindled back to their standard measurement after observing Astaroth’s nervous demeanor as she coddled up against the stony wall in concern. His Miasma that was dispersing throughout the entirety of the shivering underbelly of Luxor Academy was beginning to recede back into Hundun’s hefty-frame with a strong-suctions of the atmosphere bursting out from all around him. He didn’t want to frighten Astaroth due to the fact that if he were to scare her too bad it would wind up with her being choked upon every word and not being able to answer him. Not only this but his relationship towards her was more compelling than the average individuals he was associated with. He couldn’t understand what made this young seductress of a hellhound so damned important, jumbled up uncertainty filled the darkened crevices of the abyss as he was led up to a few alarming conclusions by her. Once his supposition was made he nonchalantly sauntered over towards A before placing the palm of his firm hand against a segment of the jagged wall nearby her delicate head which ultimately supported his body-weight.

He shifted his intimidating vision in the direction of Astaroth’s face before extending his other hand out and caressing her cheek while he smiled passively.
“Please, don’t be nervous.. I’m not going to harm you A, your existence with me means everything to me, to be quite clear I believe I love you. Nonetheless if you wind up lying to me again I don’t want know what the future will foretell for both of us. Consider that a simple warning.” He replied to A with a light-hearted tone before pressing his lips briefly against her tender forehead before staring into her eyes in an effort to survey her nervous behavior. “She’s related to you isn’t she? Sister? Cousin? …. Daughter?” Hundun questioned with an annoyed tone before a flicker of ember in the corner of his eye briskly caught his unwavering attention. His figure suddenly disappeared into a mantle of onyx colored aura before re-materializing his body back in front of Nequam brutally battered self. He then grasped her shoulders lightly and picked Nequam up off the stony ground beneath her, as he looked at her more thoroughly he realized that she looked almost identical to A despite the fact she was a bit more uh furry looking. Strange enough she could even regenerate pieces of her flesh and bone back together. “Who are you..?” Hundun calmly replied with a hint of curiosity coming out from his voice.


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(Location: Luxor Academy library)(With: Seo and Aiko) @Marumatsu @TGSRoleplay
Once Lyssa emerged from her state of disappearance he noticed Seo in the library speaking to a bunch of delinquents that nearly stabbed him but were pushed back by his tremendous prowess. Understanding that these foolish idiots that were confronting him might wind up trying to attack him again she went stumbled over towards the library's main light switch which turned off all the overhead lights in the room, only silent breathes and erratic shuffling body movements could be heard in the dark as complete confusion took over the ambiance. "W-who turned off all the damn lights in here?" A delinquent said angrily before hastily shielding his eyes with his forearm in response to a bunch of stadium lights brightly illuminating his entire surroundings, spot-lights directed over a professional wrestling stage that they suddenly were standing on-top of. The abrupt static sounds of a mega-phone could be heard echoing in the distance once it was turned on. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen you are spectating the most mind-boggling event tonight on Luxor Academy Wrestling Federation! Tonight we have a special event planned out for all of you consisting of nothing but pure unadulterated violence in our no-mercy match for the world championship belt! I don't know about you KT but i'm just absolutely shaking in my seat from the anticipation! This is going to be one hell of a slobber knocker match-up!" An announcer joyfully exclaimed as he looked over back at the other announcer sitting on a comfortable leather chair adjacent to him. "Oh you know it Johnny! Especially since we have the 12-time record holder for the championship belt standing right in the ring, Lyssa is a sight to behold! Numerous amount of wrestlers tried taking the title from her but failed miserably, however Johnny despite these two new contestants looking like thrown-away trash I think they might be able to last 15 seconds in that arena!"

The second announcer (KT) declares while trembling from excitement as he takes a swig from his ceramic mug. Theme music could be heard noisily blaring throughout the room as Lyssa leaps up onto a turn-buckle and cheerfully extends her arms up into the air towards the massive applauding audience that showed up out of thin air. Varieties of obnoxious chants could be heard from the gathered crowd including one mysterious spectator telling her to marry him. Both of the delinquents frantically hunched their bodies while sporadically looking around in bizarre amazement from this spectacle that they were witnessing. Once the noise of a loud bell rung out Lyssa immediately sprinted towards one of the delinquents in the wide ring and swung her firm knee directly into the abdomen before hastily spinning herself around merrily then adjusting her hands onto the side of his head before positioning it over her shoulder and dropping herself onto her rear-end resulting in the troublesome child being flung up several feet into the air before landing back onto the surface of the arena. One of the announcers swiftly spit out most of his soda in awe before sloppily grasping the microphone and pressing it up against his lips and screaming "BY GOD! He had a family and Lyssa snapped him in half like a kit-kat bar with her signature stunner!" Suddenly Lyssa deliberately collapses onto her belly and drags herself over the unconscious trouble-maker while shouting obscenities into his face then springing herself back up onto her own two feet and vigorously chugging down a beer bottle before pouring the beverage down onto her chest and the knocked out delinquent. 

Wrestling theme music:

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Aiko Kirishima:

(Location: Library with Lyssa and Seo) @Obsidian @Marumatsu



Aiko was reading a book when suddenly the environment changed and she looked confused as she sat in the middle of a large Arena and observed a group of people fighting looking confused she continued to read her novel despite being in the middle of an arena. She moved her head and a delinquent flew by her only inches away from hitting her. She seemed to engaged in the novel to continue fighting as it has a similar plot line as hers about an alien trying to adapt to the normal aspects of Earth life. She eventually finished the book and closed and looked around catching a Delinquent lunging at her and slamming him through the floor of the Arena apologizing afterwards and leaving him a 100 Yen coin.

Seo Human form.png

Seo upon hearing the strange setting his excitement grew, his arms tucked in his side and his smile growing every word the announcer said until he heard it. The announcer called Lyssa's name, Seo immediately broke out into cheer making ice clones to fill up some of the area and he made signs saying "i love you Lyssa, Lyssa the Conquer, Luxor's finest Boingy Bits." Where did the others come from Seo could careless until one of them shouted to marry him, Seo then walked over to him and punched him in the face. "Sorry random fanboy but, you need to take her like a lady first maybe a intergalactic ride on a train or something get creative or whatever. Oh just saying ill obliterate you if you hurt her." Seo was completely ignorant to the fact that this random fan was just dreaming though he showed no mercy as he peered into the soul of the student. This caused the random fan to back away and begin cheering again but a little more cautiously this time.

Yeah Lyssa show em how its done break their spines! Seo cheered until one delinquent flew over the crowd towards the mysterious girl. Approaching the girl he placed his forearm on the table looking at Aiko with a wonderful smile and speaking in a amazingly happy tone."Hey Ms. i don't think i know your name but, that girl over there she is my friend and she is awesome lets go meet her!" Seo drags Aiko over toward the arena, after she smashed the poor soul into the table, to cheer Lyssa on he is elated at having seen Lyssa for the first time since before the trip. Wondering where the last delinquent went Seo looked around until he found him jumping down to attack. Seo then placed his hands in the sky waving until he found it. Swifty his hands flew down causing something to crash threw the ceiling and crush the delinquent mid-flight. "Thank ya Thank ya very much!" the crashing item looked to be the fired conductor weather he was alive still he was not sure its just the panda happened to be the closest thing besides a plane that Seo decided he'd crash into the delinquent. Looking at Aiko he smiled and tilted his head a bit to the left. "She is the coolest huh"? 

@Obsidian @TGSRoleplay

Aiko Kirishima:




Aiko blushed and covered her face with her novel ducking before a delinquent could punch her from behind and paralyzing him with an incantation leaving him clueless as he fell like an unstable statue to the ground still in an attack position. She apologized for the inconvenience having to be polite to the Earthlings before making him unconscious and unfreezing him. She looked at Seo and blushed covering her face with her novel unable to say anything, she just looked at the book cover. She didn't enjoy the cheering of the crowd as it was noisy.




(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(Location: Luxor Academy library)(With: Seo and Aiko) @Marumatsu 
(This one was super rushed and lazy, I gotta take a nappola)
As soon as Elvis the panda (Lyssa's friend ~ long story.) plummeted through the library's ceiling and landed abruptly on top of the unknown delinquent every joyous emotion inside of Lyssa head raced around. She couldn't believe her long time friend Elvis was here to see her once more! Even though she believed she somehow shot him out of the planet's orbit yet nonetheless Lyssa was very glad that he survived her senseless violence. With open embraceable arms she sprinted up back to the fluffy panda and lifted it off the ground and hugged him passionately.  "Elvisss! You're okay!" Lyssa shrieked merrily as she swung the panda from side to side in her everlasting grasp, yet her delightful reunion with Elvis the panda ended very quickly after she noticed Seo nearby. Without any hesitation at all she droops her arms down slightly near Elvis's waist and screams "Suplex City!" Before slamming his entire head through the polished wooden floor beneath them. Confusion and awkwardness continuously made itself present while Lyssa was there, not to mention there were so many unanswered questions. 

First off, how did a colosseum sized wrestling ring manage to fit in the Luxor Academy's library, secondly where did the vast sea of people in the room including the announcers come from? Thirdly where was Lyssa? She was nowhere to be seen again until Seo felt something being wrapped around his waist, which happened to be Lyssa pressing her soft cheek up against the side of his thigh. Her fingertips brushed upward towards his muscular frame as she looked up at him with her innocent eyes while her lips were trembling. "You brought Elvis back to me, I owe you everything. I think I'll be able to give you an autograph.. Except I'll give you a special one, with my mouth." She innocently announced to Seo while she seductively opened her mouth and stuck her gently tongue out up towards him while kneeling upon the ground,  This intriguing moment of theirs were both ruined once she stood up back onto her feet out of pure shock and noticed that Elvis the panda got up from mound of debris despite how hard she threw him into the ground. "That's it, i'm gonna give you the old one-two!" Elvis screamed out in an irritated tone before running towards Lyssa while swinging his arms in a windmill like motion causing Lyssa to wrap herself tightly around Seo in overwhelming fear. The panda's attack was suddenly interrupted by a familiar song that played in the background and the silhouette of a figure nonchalantly walking through the entryway of the library.

 It was none other than John Cena who devastatingly side-swipes Elvis through the side of the foundation after lunging his massive figure towards the chubby panda. Everyone that was encompassing the interior of the atheneum couldn't believe what they were seeing in front of them. Seo felt a light tap on his nose from Lyssa's smooth finger causing him to shift his eyesight towards her. Lyssa yawned quietly and pressed herself against him in a leisurely way before rubbing her face against his chest. "Nighty night cutie, i'm off to dream-land." Lyssa silently whispered into his ears as she slid carelessly off of him and onto the ground as she drifted off into a deep slumber. The gargantuan ring and the numerous quantities of random spectators all disappeared as soon as she closed her eyes, as if nothing ever happened to begin with.
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                   (Jin Narukami)

Jin gave Arian a small smile. "Glad to see your safe." he took in her battered appearance and the fact she was covered in blood but not her own. "You have to be quite amazing to have taken that thing down and come out uninjured."  He saw her hold out the coin but he shook his head. "I haven't payed you back yet so it's your's. Feel free to do whatever with it except for giving it back. That's not allowed until I have repayed my debt."


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Arian Lee Fulhumn

"Yeah, well, the dragon was such a glutton he swallowed me whole. It was out of the ball park after that," she replies, trying to humble herself a little bit. She didn't mention the fact she had healed, or she'd be as flat as a pancake. Or the fact she had tried to cut out it's heart. She herself had no idea why, she just was full of something... menacing at that moment.

The blonde felt like there was no debt that needed to be paid as she had only done what was human. Well, then again he probably wasn't human, judging from the fact his eyes... and his body. The electricity. 

She shakes her head slightly, wondering what exactly had gone down with Fenrir as she tucks the oni coin back into her clothes. However, she gets a slightly tingling sensation  at the back of her throat, and the odd feeling causes her to sneeze. Apparently someone was talking about her. With that aside, she looks at Ryujin with a tired expression, and reclines father back into the chair.

"Have you seen Caesar? I wanna tell'em about today." 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud @Obsidian- Arian's Lyssa sense it tingling. 

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo's bike.jpg

Ryo smiled leisurely as Honey took the sugar cube. Good, looks like Honey was going to follow him. Pulling out another cube, Ryo opened his hand a he started walking at a slow pace so that Honey would follow him, "Alright big guy, let's get you back home. Lydia is probably worried." And with that Ryo began walking towards the garden with Honey following him, pushing his bike along with him so that he wouldn't frighten Honey by starting it up.

Reaching the Garden, Ryo brought out a stack of sugar cubes and placed them on a nearby bench so that Honey would have a place to eat them. Resting against his bike as he watched Honey eat them, Ryo glanced around and spotted Lydia's frustrated form heading into the garden. Waving his hand in greeting, Ryo shouted, "Oi, Lydia! I found this little guy for you. Thought you might've lost him." Ryo said as he pointed at Honey, while having his gaze remain on Lydia, a kind smile on his face.

MEANWHILE: Back at Behemoth HQ, the secretary remained naked, a disinterested look on her face, wow, you could tell she was sassy AND cynical. Anyway, a couple mechanics and mercenaries walked over to the sleeping form of Setsuna, all curious as to who she was.

"Yo, who is this chick?"

"Don't know...but she's wicked hot, LOOK AT DEM TITTIES!"

"How's that sexual harassment class going for you Jerry?"


Inconsistent babbling and questions were shot back and forth about Setsuna's presence, before one person interrupted it all. It was a female mechanic, dressed in sexy overalls with grease stains in just the right places. She pointed at a wall of pictures hanging on the wall, "Isn't she one of the ones on the bosses, 'Take care of these people or I will shove your heads up your own asses' wall?" They all turned, and lo and behold, Setsuna's picture was on said wall, at the very top with a number one priority symbol next to her face.

Immediately the workers eyes widened, before they all rapidly nodded their heads in panic. This was the boss's lady, aka: the boss lady, either put her somewhere comfortable and attend to her needs, or have the boss rip their heads off and shit down their necks. Already in motion, the men and women quickly moved Setsuna, without her noticing, to a lavish bedroom fit for an emperor, a gigantic bed with silk sheets and fur blankets, making sure not to wake her. If she woke, Setsuna would find willing people ready to serve her in a room filled with the finest resources. Cause if they didn't make the boss lady happy, the boss would end ALL of their lives.

@Cheryl @Obsidian

(And so begins the groveling before Setsuna so that Ryo doesn't murder the NPCs useless lives.)
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Aiko Kirishima:




Aiko Scanned Seo to find weaknesses within him if she had to fight him. Being a human interface, she knows nearly everything but applies a small section of her knowledge to combat. This however, was a mandatory scan by [Redacted] seeing the great battle between the Wolf and the Dragon. Aiko was momentarily stripped of emotions as she scanned him to search for his weakness and critical areas as a sort of Self defense procedure.


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Jin laughed a little as he heard her speak. "You're insane you known that right? Getting eaten by a dragon and still walking out of that unphased." his laugh slowly faded and his eye scanned the rest of the room. His eye fell upon Fley's body laying on a bench. His face formed a neutral expression but the pain was obvious in his eye. He shifted his focus back to Arian but when He spoke the hollowness had returned to his voice. "Sorry I don't know where Caesar is."


Mentioned: @Destructus Kloud @Fazy
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Seo was surprised at Lyssa's response when she grabbed his leg and pressed here face on his thigh. What did this mean what was he to do he never had a relationship before and the girl he adored was right in front of him. "It.. It was no problem Lyssa re... remember i said i was going to he.. help you right?" Seo then surprised at Elvis attacking Lyssa his hand became frozen and he started to attack until John Cena saved the day. Lyssa then feel asleep right in front of him. "Well that is unfortunate.. this is not a place to leave her." Seo watched her as she feel asleep until he figured it out the girl he was with that was his roommate that's why she looked so familiar. " Hey i'm going to let her sleep in our room would you mind opening the door?" he then knelled on the ground and scooped Lyssa up into his arms gently so he would not disturb her and began to walk toward the dorms. His plan was to leave Lyssa in his room with fresh bagels and potatoes to eat maybe some spaghetti and find his brother.

(Sorry i had to rush this as well off to work ugh)

@Obsidian @TGSRoleplay


Lydia had finally calmed down, and was peacefully meditating under the tree when Ryo had called out her name and said something about a 'little guy'. This made her open one of her eyes towards Ryo and followed his pointing finger. Both of her eyes widened then squinted at the yellow hornet, could it be? No, Honey was white and was at least two times smaller than this one. But she could feel some sort of connection to him, the same kind as with Honey. "Ryo, are you sure this is Honey? You do know he's usually white and isn't the size of a labrador. Plus he would've made a whole bunch of noise while flying over here." asked Lydia, skeptical that this is Honey. She had come over to Ryo and to inspect the bug that could be Honey, how did he change so much after stinging the feather dragon?


At least the animal had food that it kept on dropping, and left a whole bunch of it on a bench. He had laid down onto the bench to quickly devour the sugar cubes, finishing the whole stack in no time at all. He decided to take a quick survey of his surroundings, and saw one animal that particularly interested him. It had the same body of the animal yet also had a spider like body. The tug was becoming stronger as whatever it is came closer, it beckoned him to inspect the thing. Silently he flew over to Lydia, this creature definitely had some sort of authority over him.

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko left Seo seeing how she was no longer needed and started reading a book while walking. She accidentally bumped into Jin surprised and started apologising. She saw who it is and her face turned red as she fixed her glasses.

@Dante Verren
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Arian Lee Fulhumn

"Ah... okay..." the blonde's voice falls as she sits back up. She catches his expression, "What's the matter? You act like somebody di---"

Her voice abruptly cut off as she followed his gaze, only to feel her heart drop through the floor. It was Fley... the wolf girl. She.... She was dead.

Her jaw cliches visibly, her hold body locked up. She didn't even pay any attention to Ryujin or the girl that bumped into him. All she heard was an odd roar in her ears at the injustice. 

So Xian Qui didn't just leave Arian, he'd left everyone. To die presumably. 

She was going to thrust her sword through his ribs. And strike whatever vital organ was in there. Cause he obviously didn't have  a heart. She slips from the chair easily, leaving the severed head on the desk, her sheathed blade that was tucked into her clothes, was gripped with striking white knuckles. Arian kneels down beside her, and then stands, pulling off a white tablecloth off a nearby table and draping it over the empty vessel. 

There. She had repayed her own debt too. 

The girl called Fley had protected her from an angry fox demon. 

Now Arian protects her dead visage by silent vigil. 

@Dante Verren @Fazy @TGSRoleplay
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Jin someone walk into him from behind and heard a familiar voice apologize to him. He turned to see. Aiko whose face was still red. "Hey Aiko. You feeling better? Your face is still a bit red so I'm going to guess that you're still feeling the same." he turned his eye back to Arian as she performed her vigil. "Fenir crushed in her throat leaving her to bleed to death. However while I was fighting Fenir Ryo found her laying their and dyeing. Instead of helping her the bastard Ripped her heart right out of her chest to use as bait for me and Fenir." as he spoke the pain became worse and more noticable as he used all of his willpower to keep himself from crying.

@SolistheSun @TGSRoleplay
Aiko Kirishima:


"I-I could b-bring her b-b-back if you want." She said stuttering as she felt embarrassed being near him and couldn't think too straight. She looked at them holding back tears and felt sympathetic patting Jim's back as he held back his tears. She observed Fley whose cells she regenerated earlier and is merely awaiting for her heart to be started up.

@Fazy @SolistheSun @Dante Verren
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(Jin Narukami)

Jin shook his head once Aiko offered to bring her back. "That would only be cruel to her. When I was in Oblivion I was shown her final thoughts. She cursed this world. She cursed it for having her being born a wolf. At least now she won't suffer anymore." He felt the reassuring pat on the back and He gave Aiko a sad smile and nodded his head in thanks. 

@TGSRoleplay @SolistheSun @Fazy
Aiko Kirishima:


She blushed heavily and dropped her book surprised she quickly picked it up and covered her face shyly with the book. She soon unpacked her lunch and found a banana inside her lunch box. She did not understand it and looked at the odd shape. "What is this?" She asked to Jin as she showed him a banana.

@Dante Verren



After arriving to his room he noticed that Aiko did not follow him to help, he looked down at Lyssa and sighed then began laughing lightly as he noticed Lyssa did not sleep so elegantly. "I forgot I  could have carried my books or at least stored them.....did that girl even notice me talking to her? Had I truly needed her help I'd be in stuck right now." Seo opened his door using magic to unlock it and walked into his room. He laid Lyssa on his bed tucking her in he then walked over to the kitchen to begin making food.

Seo put a barrier up into the kitchen only allowing sound to travel into the kitchen and not outside. He then began to cook up a storm throwing sauses and spices around as he cooked the meat for the spaghetti, as soon as the noodles finished he took the potato out of the oven and placed a variety of toppings to go with the potato on the counter encasing it an Icicle dome to keep the heat centered around the food and bugs and such off. After this the meat was done and he set a plate up for her and placed it inside the dome along with the potato. Lowering the barrier he walked to Lyssa and pressed his thumb against hers ,copying her finger print ,hopefully not waking her up. Heading back  to the kitchen Seo placed the thumb print he had copied on the dome so when she would place her thumb on it it would burst and sparkle "Good Morning or whatever the time is now" with the various hues of the northern lights. Seo also placed a cupcake in the dome for dessert, Enjoy was writing on top with icing.

Seo left her a note placing it on a nightstand next to the bed that said "Food is in the kitchen if you are hungry, just touch the ice -Seo". He washed the dishes then departed his room in search of his brother with hopes of Ryo helping him build his Archery area.

@TGSRoleplay @YungJazz @Obsidian

(Sorry i tagged you @tgsroleplay and would not let me remove it)
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(Jin Narukami)


Jin let loose a weak chuckle as she dropped her book and tried to make a quick recovery. I wonder what goes through this girls head. However he was completely thrown off by her question about the Banana. Jin gave Aiko look. "Well that would be Banana. It is a fruit. If you don't know how to open it just peel the top open and eat it from their. Though I'm not sure this is the best place to be eating." He glanced back over at Arian who was still by Fley's corpse

@TGSRoleplay @SolistheSun

Clyde M. Sade

The Library, a magnificent building if he ever saw one. It had majestic stone lions lying on either side, their heads held regally. The gentleman pats one gently, and places an identification between them. So that he would know the instant someone stepped over the ward and how strong their aura was. It was handy, when dealing with the particular students of the academy, he reasoned, after all, there were literal gods here. Didn't want the place to be reduced to rubble. Books were hard to re-piece. 

He places a protectional ward across the whole building that would contain any entity that threatened or damaged the library. Though it could be broken by a deity if they so wished, it was mainly just a precaution against thieves/kleptomaniacs, and graffiti artists. 

The spell casting complete, he strolls leisurely up the stairs and swings open the door, ready to greet his new workplace.


That's all it was.

Half of the foundation and a good portion of the floor was obliterated.

A panda bear, and odd girl- who was quite passed out, and a rather tall lanky teenager that was in the process of leaving the scene.

That was it was.

He hated people. 

With angry huff, he raises his staff and starts repairing the floor, the pieces flying around the room before settling into their rightful places. 

"Blasted students," he growls irritably, the library wasn't even supposed to open yet. He approaches the students briskly, his staff glowing ominously in his hand. 



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Arian Lee Fulhumn

"I'm going to kill him..." Arian whispers to herself, and then she draws it up and says it evenly," I'm going to go slay Xian, perhaps not now, but.. someday."
She pulls the blade from it's sheathe, looking at it's silver gleam. And with a silent promise, slides it back to its rightful places. It wasn't Ryo, or Fenrir's fault. This whole disaster could've been avoided if he hadn't left, no, if he hadn't even took them to slay a god. 

"I'm going to go speak to Principal Luxor, I'll see you later Ryujin," she says to the lightning man dully, her whole demeanor cold. She stalks towards the principal's office, an aura of despair and anger around her. 

@Dante Verren @TGSRoleplay

(Jin Narukami)


He nodded to Arian as she left. "See you around Arian." He turned around when he remembered that he changed his name. "Oh by the way the name is Jin now. Jin Narukkami." He called after her as she left.

He looked over at Aiko. "Why are you starring at me?" He sighed. now what am I suppose to do? He looked once more at the body of Fley now covered in the white table cloth and felt the sadness return. "Well what Am I suppose to do with you." He said as he walked over to the body. "I can't just leave you here." He placed his hand on the side of fley's head. A tear managed to escape from his eye but only one. "How am I suppose to usurp a god if I don't even known what to do with a dead body of a loved one." He chuckled softly. "Damn it all."

@TGSRoleplay @SolistheSun

Mentioned: @Fazy

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