Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"May anima tua  requiem" he added at end of his prayer.

"There is similarities between them....but I must be confused."The boy shook the thoughts out of his head .

"Now brother? How are we going to deliver the news?We don't want to cause any more out burst especially from Aurum " .The archangel brushed a few leaves off the display. 

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko walked into the garden after finishing a book in the library. She sat down near the supposed glass case and watched them as she ate lunch.

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Ryo new outfit.jpg


(Ryo's Bike)

Ryo's bike.jpg

Pure lust and fear was projected towards Venganza. Her form was amazing, her body just waiting to be violated. Her voice like sinful silk, piercing his ears and bringing him to a breaking point. His hands needed to caress her, to tease and feel her. Ryo could feel the want and need that flooded his body. When her tongue swept smoothly across her lips, all semblance of control would have left Ryo's body, leaping in to ravage her with all the force he could muster. Truly this would have been a sinful act that would have gone down in legends, the echoes of pleasure reverberating throughout the school.

If Ryo was actually in front of Setsuna, which he wasn't.

Instead, Venganza's form had appeared in front of a desk with nic-nacs and a computer on it, a woman wearing a casual dress sitting behind it, filing her nails. All around were sounds of engine's revving, turbines flaring, guns being cocked, money being counted, fights, and drinking. Venganza had appeared in the newly form HQ of the Behemoth Criminal Syndicate and Motor Shop. All around vehicles were being worked on by mechanics dressed in greasy and sweaty garbs, while on the upper floors were men and women dressed in suits fit for the mafia or hitmen.

All in all, it was the perfect picture for a criminal gang cover, while also simultaneously being out in the open. The woman at the front desk glanced up at Venganza with a disinterested look, still filing her nails, you could tell she was already used to this, "If your are looking to have a vehicle, weapon, or particular item built, repaired, or invented, please see one of the mechanics to the left," The woman lazily pointed to one of the burly mechanics currently working on what looked like a giant robotic hand, before motioning to the right, "If you're looking to have someone beaten, robbed, poisoned, burned, killed, or any other criminal or mercenary activity, please see one of our businessmen on the right," Standing to the right were a gang of well dressed men and women, sharpening weapons or conducting maintenance on fire arms or even practicing martial arts and multiple forms of energy manipulation. Off to the side were people drinking, brawl fights occurring, and your generic bar scene, take note that all the people here were members of the school. WHEN DID RYO HAVE TIME TO DO ALL THIS, AND WHERE DID ALL THESE RANDOM NPCs COME FROM! 

The woman stopped filing her nails to then begin typing on the computer, "If you have an appointment with the boss, he is currently out, so you'll have to reschedule for a later date. If you feel the need to actually speak with a supervisor, here is the number for the Vice-Leader of Behemoth." The woman slid a number to Venganza, the writing stating Seo as the vice-leader of Behemoth, without him actually knowing, Seo had become a criminal organization's second in command. The woman then shot Venganza another disinterested look, "If that is all, my name is Jennifer and I am the secretary of Behemoth Industries, please go online to fill out a stupid survey, now kindly piss off." And with that, the noise in the building continued as everyone went back to work, ignoring the woman who had appeared.

MEANWHILE! The loud revving of an engine could be heard as Ryo zoomed across campus on a motorcycle with huge exhausts. Today was a good day for a ride! Ryo had gotten his building fixed up, recruited gang members and mechanics (This was a surprising amount wanting to join.) And even started his criminal business AS A FREAKING GANG BOSS! FREAKING WICKED.

Ryo couldn't help but sigh in happiness, yup, there was definitely not a single issue in his mind. Hell, not even that giant explosion in the distance, where A was obviously beating the crap out of Nequam bothered him. The breeze and the freedom of the ride was true bliss to Ryo. It allowed him to gather his thoughts and look over his actions. Maybe he should talk to Seo about Fley, he did have a tendency to get attached really fast, so killing the girl may have affected his brother. Should also probably tell him about the fact he's a gang second-in-command now....Naah, Seo would figure it out. Ryo then chuckled to himself, maybe after A was done kicking the crap out of the dog, Ryo could go visit and say hi, been a while since he chilled with his devil bro who was a girl. Hell, in honor of his last opponent, he had named this bike Fenrir, it was a fast bike that tore through the world like the wolf himself.

Yeah, today was a good day, that's why when Ryo got close to the fountain, he decided to stop when he noticed a giant wasp flying around. Pulling his goggles up and putting his bike's kick stand down, letting the loud noise die down, Ryo raised an eyebrow at the wasp that was usually with Lydia, what was its name again...Oh yeah, Honey! He must have been separated from Lydia when they got back. Ryo nodded his head in satisfaction, deciding to help the was. Ryo let out a loud whistle to gain the wasps attention, then gazed at the big wasp with a kind smile.

"Hey Honey, what are you doing so far away from Lydia? You lost big guy? Cause I can help you find Lydia if you want." Ryo spoke, hoping the wasp could understand him.

@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Cheryl

(HOLY CRAP THAT WAS A LONG POST! Sorry about how long it is, had to get this ball rolling, plus....clubs and stuff. Now Ryo has a gang, SO CONGRATS SETSUNA! When you're done being crazy, you get to be the boss's girlfriend who also somewhat controls the gang. AND I TOLD YOU RYO WAS GONNA BE LYDIA'S FUTURE FRIEND! Also, this was just to get details out the way, my posts will be A LOT less wordy now.)
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Saint Raphael

Raphael finished his prayer as the leaves peacefully fell, "I think we have no choice but to tell Aurum, If he has an outburst, we will need to calm him down, but I think that he won't freakout, after all, he IS the headmaster" The archangel said as they started to go away from the funeral ground, that was until a random girl sat down near the display case, "Should we do something?" Ralph whispered in Michael's ear, pointing towards the glass-wearing girl whom was eating lunch near Auriel's body.

At: Auriel's Funeral

With: Saint Michael (@Kisaki), Aiko Kirishima (@TGSRoleplay)

Mentions: Aurum Luxor (@Kisaki)

(I need to go now, buh bye!)
@Lucremoirre @Kisaki

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko stood over Auriel's grave and scanned her for injuries. She could bring her back to life if her permission was granted by [Redacted]. She opened the glass case and started regenerating her cells after given permission by [Redacted] to bring her back to life. 
Aiko Kirishima:


She finished a book and shyly looked at him "U-Umm...T-There are some good novels in this aisle." She said covering her face partially with a novel.

 Seo got nervous when she covered her face he thought he intimidated her so he moved back putting his hand behind his head and rubbed it. "Ehhh... sorry did i do something wrong i did not mean to startle you. I have not read real books in a while haha." Seo said happily with the nervousness noticeable in his voice as he showed the books that he wanted to check out.

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 Seo got nervous when she covered her face he thought he intimidated her so he moved back putting his hand behind his head and rubbed it. "Ehhh... sorry did i do something wrong i did not mean to startle you. I have not read real books in a while haha." Seo said happily with the nervousness noticeable in his voice as he showed the books that he wanted to check out.

Aiko Kirishima:

When he finished his sentence, she disappeared or just left really quickly. She seemed to be very shy and startled easily. He spotted her in the garden

"Uh! I guess so."Michael responded back. He looked at the girl who seemed to be..interested in the corspe.


Aiko Kirishima:


She finished regenerating Auriel's cells and sat down to read a book and looked at Michael and covered her face with the book Shyly.

While people were probably having a grand old time outside, chatting and socialising, Lydia was hiding under her covers with the curtains closed to try to forget about everything. Maybe if she stayed quiet for long enough, this whole situation would disappear and she would be back at her home all normal with Honey. No, it wasn't working. There was still the sounds of the water in the pipes and people walking past her dorm. She needed a better place to meditate.

Groaning, Lydia threw the covers off and flung open the curtains. She was useless at everything, useless! She can barely stand in front of a dragon, pfft, she was no better than a rat. Everyone else could face the god of destruction and not care, but Lydia, oh she was so cowardly. She keeps such a big posture and tries to be leader, just for everyone to abandon her and watch her little Honey get killed by a feather dragon. They had better things to do than to watch a useless girl liks her wander around hopelessly, they probably beat up trolls and found mystical treasure while she was strolling merrily down forest lane. Whatever, she'll just be a follower from now on and act like a lost puppy. And with that Lydia stormed down the corridor towards the garden, ready to snap at anyone she meets.


What was this creature? Why was it smiling at him? What did the call do? Was it calling for help? Was it going to eat him? The sound 'Honey' that was familiar to him, it sounded like home. No, it was tricking him into trusting it. Then when he landed on it, the once growling tiger back there would pounce and eat him. The four-winged hornet started to silently zip all around the yellow haired animal, checking to see what it would do.

@YungJazz (I'll get the pictures up in a sec)
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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy underbelly, Hundun's domain.)(With: A and Nequam.) @Olivia Acerbi
Hundun's arrogant smirk flared up fiercely as he noticed A's shifting positioning over him. Since he was very inclined to enjoy this physical bonding moment of theirs he gradually placed his unarmed hands behind his head which comforts the back of his cranium. Overbearing satisfaction came to him as he continued to lay down onto the ground. However he was surprised to notice a follicle of hair descend gently onto his forehead, Hundun didn't see much of an issue understanding that this was probably A's flowing hair that was being heavily rustled from the abrasive motions, yet his otherworldly shaped ears perked up immediately after hearing a distant sound which caught his attention, echoing of a canine's yelp surrounded the room which threw them off for a bit. Nonetheless they were determined to proceed with their 'recreation.' Suddenly a snowflake drops out of seemingly nowhere which plops itself on Hundun's firm chin. Something wasn't right and Hundun knew this, maybe he left the cosmic vortex accidentally open? Thoughts rushed by him until his suspicions were answer with a furry wolf-girl falling rapidly out from the aperture of a void which emerged on the ceiling. "What the fu-AAAGGH!" Hundun screams out noisily after he was interrupted in the middle of pronouncing his obscenity by Nequam's body after it collapses on-top of Astaroth causing his 'pride' to be swiftly distraught from trembling pain.

For the first time in his life, he had actually felt fate itself ringing him by his throat. Series of flashbacks in the form of images rush through his mind at tremendous speed as his golden eyes open to the size of miniature serving plates. Sight, smell, taste, each of Hundun's senses gradually diminished as he carefully curled up into a compact ball and shook violently. Each indecent word that tried to leave his shaking lips was stopped in its tracks by the aching torment that plagued his very soul. "Is this what death truly feels like?" He sarcastically thought to himself before noticing Astaroth's wrath from this disturbance, he tried leisurely extending out his arm in order to grasp her shoulder so she doesn't do anything harsh but he was too late. The quick-acting movements he once had were substantially sedated as everything that was occurring around him was in slow-motion. Yet oddly enough he could hear the distant sounds of music playing inside of his head which added to his dramatic suffering

Once his enormous agony subsided, with all of his exhausted effort he dragged himself leisurely through the crackling flames which engulfed the room then directly over to the edge of the crater that Astaroth made after clobbering her daughter through the series of foundation which led to Hundun's private area down beneath A's dorm. He needed to see what was happening down there, he didn't mind that A was mad, but this was a bit of an overreaction. Once he peaked his head out over the smoldering abyss he was hastily greeted with an enormous geyser of inferno which traveled up into his face which made him arch the midsection of his back in surprise. An exasperated sigh was let out from his mouth once the blaze discontinued out from the ashy pit. Mere minutes ago he contemplated to himself that his day couldn't get any worse after having his pelvis squished in. Well he definitely was corrected on that statement of his. Whining and the sounds of whimpering projected throughout the crevasse, knowing that A's overreactions towards certain issues usually winds up in someone's death, Hundun had no other choice. Without any warning he flung his heavy-frame downward into the searing tunnel.

During his free-fall he managed to position himself right side up and then break all of his momentum as monotonous quantities of aura revealed itself from underneath him which acted like safe-netting. Once he was nearby Astaroth and Nequam he observed the massive spears that were suspended all around them, at this instant he knew that she was going to try and kill the bloodied-up pup. With each straining exertion of his legs he continued onward and hastily halted as he reached Nequam's position. Hundun crossed his arms over his robust chest in irritation as he looked at both of them while squinting his eyes in excessive rage. "First off.. Wolf-girl, you're lucky that I don't snap every bone in your god-damned neck. Secondly A, I wish that she wouldn't of interrupted our private moment we had together but ending her life over this? This is a bit too much. Trust me we'll be able to continue our passionate moment together once we figure out who the hell this is." He yelled out in a furious tone before engulfing Nequam in a cloud of multi-layered miasma which protected her in-case A decided to not listen to him and attack her anyway. Hundun turned his head over-towards the brutalized Nequam giving her a sinister look before his nose-twitched in curiosity. Her scent was bothering him, he remembered that smell from Niflheim when he was embracing A in the depths of Muspelheim. His face turned hastily red from anger as he understood that he has been misled by A. "Astaroth, I know this smell. She was at Niflheim! You lied to me... This girl is connected to you.. Who is she? Tell me! Why were you hiding her from me?" Hundun demanded as he wildly scolded her as his pupils constricted from his devastating wrath. 
Aiko Kirishima 


As he got closer, her face became red

and she hid her face with a book. "J-Just r-regenerating her cells." She said peeking her eyes out of the novel and looking up at him visibly blushing. 

(I'll be back in 5 hours or so....)

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Cody got to his room, getting flash backs, he stumbled, but got balance back and reached his bed, falling onto it. But, it wasn't his bed, it was Fleys, he didn't care, he laid there, he fell asleep, feeling warm, not hot warm, loving warmth.

(Open, anyone can disturb) 
Logan was at the school track, running lap after lap to keep his mind off of the hell of the past few days. He wasn't really a runner, but it helped him forget and made him feel better. He checked his smart watch, he had already ran 3 miles. Logan jogged off to a set of bleachers and sat down, taking a break and drinking water. (Anybody free to interacf)

Seo Human form.png

Seo walked toward the garden where the mysterious girl headed well at least he tried before he was stopped to checkout the books. He felt bad as he never even asked her name though he still wandered if she was okay? Did the fact he turned into a dragon make her afraid of him? Probably so many people walked away from him because of this fact. What troubled him even more was the fact he cared. "Sorry about that.. want a potato?" The Librarian looked at him in wander simply getting his books and pushing him on. Seo left the potato on her desk and began heading his way to the garden to follow the mysterious girl. Before he entered the garden he noticed a bunch of delinquents marking the walls with "Dragon king Behemoth Ryo, Bitch you better bown down" he laughed as he thought about his brother making a gang at such an unbelievable pace. He then found the girl and yelled. "LET ME KNOW YOUR SUGGESTIONS WHEN YOU"RE NOT BUSY, I'LL MAKE YOU A BAGEL FOR ALL YOUR HELP!"  Seo then talked to the delinquents to find his brother. Do you know where Ryo is? the delinquients quickly pinned Seo to the wall then with a menacing look they yelled.



The last one pulled out a knife trying to Stabbed Seo.

Seo pushed them all away with a powerful wind and stood tall cleaning his clothes as he noticed the girl was looking at him. "Let's relax here before i have to hurt you there is a lady watching who has seen enough." The Delinquent's began an attack but immediately falling to a grovel as Seo announced he was the Brother of Ryo. Noticing this he quickly realized his brother involved him in yet another Scheme of his so he got the names of the delinquents, searched for his brother's aura and began to go meet him. "Thanks guys for the warm welcome but, your a liability being that weak. Don't worry ill put a great word in for you" Seo then smiled a calm nonchalant smile and proceeded with his new mission of finding his brother.

@YungJazz @TGSRoleplay
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Ryo new outfit.jpg


Ryo's bike.jpg

Ryo watched with amusement as Honey buzzed around him, inspecting him with caution. The poor thing was probably worried about his bike and the noise it made and the fact a weird guy was greeting him. Ryo couldn't help but chuckle, Honey didn't understand him, he needed to get Honey to trust him without coming across as a threat. Dismounting his bike, Ryo stood up and turned to face Honey, a kind smile adorned his face. Reaching into his pocket, Ryo searched through it for a couple seconds before finding what he was looking for. His smile widened as he clasped the item and pulled his hand out of his pocket. Opening his hand up and offering what he had in his hand to Honey.

"Want a sugar cube buddy? I promise i'm friendly." It was a sugar cube that Ryo had in his open hand. Ryo didn't know too much about insects and what they like, but he was pretty sure that they liked sugar. Extending his hand forward so that Honey could take the sugar cube, Ryo hoped Honey would follow him, he still owed a debt to Lydia for helping him when he first got to the school, and a Sentrale always repays his debts, as his father always said.

"Here you go Honey, I got more that you can have if you follow me to Lydia."


(Got bored of Venganza, seems like nothing is going to happen. Back to Lyssa and Setsuna. Just wrote this up lazily because why not?)


Venganza scratched her head in complete confusion as she noticed she was somewhere completely different. What exactly was this damned place? Looked like some busy corporation except it smelt like alcohol and cheap women. Speaking of cheap women, he didn’t know who this Jennifer bitch was but if it weren’t for the unwavering violence that has been occurring in Luxor Academy for an extensive amount of time, she’d collapse the entire foundation of the multiple storied building onto her smug ass. However she decided to ignore the random secretary as she pushed herself off the surface of her desk and landing feet first onto the floor. Venganza began to wobble uncontrollably once more as she felt overwhelming pain inside of her head, this agony was a lot greater yet different. She felt as if her body was getting split-apart. Sinister lavender Aura consumed her entire feminine body and caused both of spirits of Lyssa and Setsuna to separate from each other immediately. Before they knew it they separated from each other and their original body-structure and physical appearance was instantly returned to them. The previous thoughts of them wanting to absolutely demolish Ryo have been, almost as if they were suffering from amnesia from the mind-boggling experience.


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(Location:???)(With: ???????)

Lyssa looked up at the decorative ceiling and then back at the spiteful secretary. Something inside of Lyssa’s stomach boiled and it wasn’t her hunger. Something was irritating her. But what was it? It couldn’t of been the thought of Auriel because well she forgot all about her. She inspected Jessica with her intensified glare which analyzed each and every detail about her, whether it came down to her chest size or to how many strands of eyelashes she had, she knew it all now. As Lyssa approached her quietly she smiled in a nervous manner before extending her arms outward in a friendly gesture, it looked like she was about to give her a caring hug, but this wasn’t the case. A loud scream echoed throughout the foyer as the secretary was observed completely naked while Lyssa held up her clothing with great pride before wearing her well-fitting attire. “Gosh diggity damn I look hotter than two rats making love in a wool sock! Thanks for the kick-ass garments Miss! I’ll make sure to put it on my tab!” Lyssa shouts out towards the now fleeing Jessica as she joyfully flaunts her figure in one of the towering mirrors located in the receptionist area. She then proceeds to leap out one of the nearest windows on the ground floor of the building before eccentrically shouting “Arian i’m coming after that delicious chest of yours!” then de-materializing into the atmosphere.


(Setsuna - Nine tailed fox)(Location: Ryo's Gang HQ or whatever you want to call it.)(With: Naked Jessica)
Setsuna was still groggy and a bit pal as her energy was drained significantly once they were torn apart from each other. She didn’t care where or who she was with, she wanted nothing but rest! Setsuna decided that she’ll just sleep on one of the waiting room leather recliners. Because they sure looked pretty freaking comfortable in comparison to where she was standing, with one swift-motion she hurled herself onto the recliner and shut her eyes as she drifted off into dream-land.
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(Wait @Obsidian !!! LET THE CRAZY GIRL STAY! Ryo NEEDS the Yandere! He just has to get Honey back to Lydia! Plus he's super freaking tired from the Fenrir fight, HE'S JUST REALLY GOOD AT HIDING IT!! RYO NEEDS CRAZY LADY!)
(@YungJazz Nope ya dun goofed and the spell wore out. The only crazy lady you'll be able to talk to is Lyssa and she might be visiting Seo.) 
(@YungJazz Nope ya dun goofed and the spell wore out. The only crazy lady you'll be able to talk to is Lyssa and she might be visiting Seo.) 

(Alrighty then, Ryo can deal with his regular super jealous girlfriend. Just make sure Lyssa doesn't drive Seo insane, he's Ryo's brother and what not.)



A immediately yielded to his suggestion and withdrew all of her power from the environment. The menacing, fiery atmosphere was visibly retracted into her form, all of the flames suffocated and spears ceased to exist. She dropped Nequam's mangled body and turned to face Hundun, hands behind her back in a sorry gesture. 
"But-", she began to excuse before Hundun became even more infuriated having found out she had tried to keep something hidden from him.  A saw Hundun's fury in his eyes and clumsily backed up against the wall of the crater. 
"I, um, she's-we're, there was this-", she tumbled over her words this time. 
She was ashamed to tell him of their relationship fearing what he would think of or do to her, but simultaneously she didn't want to defy him. She'd been made perfectly aware of what he was capable of not hours ago in Niflheim and was not keen on provoking him again. She began to panic again, stuck between devil and deep blue sea she was ravaged with internal conflict and no means of alleviating it. She shuddered, pressed up against the dirt, anticipating his fury like a deer in headlights. 
All the while, in the background Nequam twitched and huffed as her bones snapped back together and into place, her gashes burning shut and her wounds turning to embers. 

Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko watched Seo fight some delinquents and she left feeling uneasy for some reason. She returned to the library and sat down reading a book at a table about emotions as she tried to understand them.


Lydia had stormed past the receptionist and stormed past the doors, where she stormed into the garden. She wasn't exactly where the fountain was with all of its flowers, but rather under a huge oak tree that provided lots or shade and shelter. It was much quieter out here, save for the couple people the sometimes walk past and the distant spouting of the fountain. But Lydia didn't mind that noise, it was good to have a constant noise to focus on while relaxing. Perhaps she should start a club? There are clubs people can start, it would be nice to make one of her own where people can just get away from life and do nothing but meditate.


What was this odd cube that this animal was holding out? It smelt rather tasty, and he knew he was fast enough to snatch it up before it would be able to do anything. He took the risk and swiped up the sugar cube with his mouth, immediately starting to eat it. The bug ate it in two bites, and afterwards he turned around looking for more. Perhaps this animal would drop some more? He silently hovered midair, prepared to follow this creature until he's had enough.


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