Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

( @Olivia Acerbi Yep nothing but pure Magic!)



When Ryo just shrugged her off about there being a dragon that may be about to get them, Lydia sighed about not being taken seriously. They were in serious danger back there! But luckily Professor Xian Qui came to save the day as they were all teleported to the classroom. As such her thought about looking for Honey was swept away and she was just feeling depressed. The final feeling of being alone had settled into the empty space in her heart and Lydia wanted nothing more to do with classes or whatever to do with this school. She's never going to find him again, Honey's gone forever. The feather dragon was too much for him and he got crushed by the mountain rubble from the fight between Fenrir and the dragon. If not then he would've probably died by the fierce winds that appeared high up in the mountains. Lydia didn't care if there were people who died or that an actual god just got killed, she didn't really know them too well so she didn't have any emotions for Fley's injury or whoever else died or got hurt. 

Dragging herself down the corridor, Lydia made her way back to her room and locked it. Shrugging off her winter coat, she tossed the wet coat onto the radiator and plopped her face into the newly made bed. She wasn't going to cry, just wonder about how weak she is and what happened back in the forest. Joining Luxor Academy was the worst decision of her life. Even worse than when she decided to venture even further into the forest when she was still a little girl.


Where was he? He had just been in the wintry pine forest whilst hunting down a herd of deer before being suddenly teleported here. He hadn't asked for this, he was just about to sneak up onto his prey before coming here. The whole place seemed foreign, yet it seemed familiar. The dog sized bug silently hovered midair, taking in the classroom. There were chairs and tables, and it seemed to be empty. There was a large window that was left open for the light breeze to come through, an opening big enough for him to hover through and inspect the outside. The amber hornet flew past the window and out into the open, where he saw a marble fountain and many flowers. It seemed so familiar, yet he felt as if he had never seen it before. There was a minuscule tug on him that seemed to want to lead him to a building, yet he had no idea why. For now he'll just stay here, maybe the tug was something important. Not that he knew anyway.
(Geez @Cheryl now I feel bad....THAT'S IT! CONGRATS LYDIA! YOU WILL NOW RELUCTANTLY HAVE A DRAGON IDIOT HELP YOU BE HAPPY! Oh yeah, time for spider/dragon friendships)


(Note: She's only met people and introduced herself to them and made a tiny amount of small talk. So before you say that -this guy- is her friend, in my book a person is a friend if you constantly hang out with them, so Lydia has no friends :P )

(Note: She's only met people and introduced herself to them and made a tiny amount of small talk. So before you say that -this guy- is her friend, in my book a person is a friend if you constantly hang out with them, so Lydia has no friends :P )

(You said the magic words of Dragon ball z. Now have fun with watching this.)


(Note: She's only met people and introduced herself to them and made a tiny amount of small talk. So before you say that -this guy- is her friend, in my book a person is a friend if you constantly hang out with them, so Lydia has no friends :P )

(Oh you done goofed. Now Ryo is going to never stop bothering her, so prepare for antics and shenanigans new best friend, cause now lydia is going to be associated with his idiocy and violence. Lydia had been given the titles: Ryo's Best Bud and Ryo's Voice of Reason!)

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(Venganza ~ Lyssa/Setsuna) (Warped personality and combined body of both.)(Temporary character used for eventual encounter with Ryo) @YungJazz (Ryo your now insane yandere girlfriend is here.)
Menacing violet-hued aura suddenly bursts out from the center Setsuna’s cozy dorm as Venganza re-appears on her comfortable unmade bed. However she realizes after pressing the delicate palm of her hand softly onto the silky-blankets that she winded up getting an overabundance of Auriel’s blood on them, Venganza’s panic expression shoots across her face as she hastily leaps off of the lowered side of the mattress, upon observing her mistake she attempts to clean it with a part of her
seductive flimsy clothing.
“Shit, Shit, Shit!” She muttered out from her lips as she tried her best to remove the velvet stains, to her disbelief she winded up smearing the disgusting liquid across the sleek material. At this point she just completely gave up, she decided that the best option would have to be filling in an order for replacement sheets at the administrator’s office. She carelessly looked down back at her thin-body as she stretched out her elastic-like outfit causing the droplets of blood to drip down her midsection and onto the ground below. Her eyes hastily grew bright with excitement as she smelt something very closeby, it was none other than the arrogant fool himself! Ryo. She grinned with overwhelming pleasure as rubbed her hands near the sides of her hips in a provocative way, Venganza enjoyed every single hint of his scent that past underneath her nostrils, she could feel nothing but hatred and satisfaction clouding her judgement as goosebumps were riddled among her skin. “Oo, Ryoo.. I can’t wait to keep you all to naughty self, each ounce of blood that leaks from your pores i’ll enjoy wholeheartedly. But don’t worry i’ll act like a good-girl for now.”

Venganza hysterically whispered underneath her breath as her firm legs wobbled with glee as she went inside of her bathroom and lazily slipped her skin-compressing clothing off. A glimpse of her reflection distracted her for a moment as she began to step inside of the shower. She bit her bottom lip and blushed heavily just from the sight of her bare figure, she knew that he was going to enjoy every single second. Well that is until she plunges a blade deep into his bulky thigh. Warm water embraced and soaked her body once she stepped inside of the shower and turned the handle. The dried up blood that was formerly on her skin began to wash away and disappear into the small drain beside her toes. Each droplet of water suddenly felt like a blistering memory as she abruptly arched her back forward and clenched her fragile head in agonizing pain. Her teeth grinded up against each other as the sensation grew worse by the second. “Stop...stop.. Please,” She said with her quiet voice trembling from the discomfort, weakness overtook her entire body resulting in her upperbody being pressed against the drenched wall of the shower. “I need him now, I need his suffering to fulfill my every desire.” Venganza screamed out as her voice switched back and forth from Setsuna to Lyssa before collapsing out of the shower and onto the floor-mat. “This torment will never subside until I lacerate every inch of skin on his beautiful body!”

She murmured out from her lips as she feverishly stumbles back up onto her feet then proceeding to put on a slick new outfit before disappearing into a cloud of murky miasma
. “Hiya Ryo, It's me Setsuna, d-do you like my new look? I kinda cut my hair a bit, and got a different choice of clothing. But that really doesn’t matter… I was really really lonely without you.” Venganza declares to Ryo with a lustful voice after she materializes in-front of him on the ground in a ‘tempting’ position with heaps of water rolling down her arched back causing a small puddle mixed with her menacing energy to form below her. She couldn't believe that he was finally with her again, Ryo's name kept repeating itself continuously inside of her brain as she stared crazily into his eyes. Her tongued glided daringly across the top of her lip while trying to incite his perverted mind. Setsuna and Lyssa's mixed personalities wanted nothing but revenge and knowing how stressed out Ryo was from his last battle with Fenrir. This was going to be a cake-walk for her.
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Arian Lee Fulhumn


"That's why you never underestimate a girl," Arian replies, spinning the direction of the chair towards Ryujin, "Almost not worth to take it back. Almost." 


She pats it in an almost loving manner a top it's head. She sits it up on Xian Qui's desk, bits of discolored ice and drops of dragon blood pattering it unnoticed by the blonde. She hopes for a second, that it's mahogany. 


"Not to mention I got all of these," she gloats, pulling a small handful of war medals, medallions, and amulets. Each emitting a different aura.  The golden circular one around her neck glows in response, a bright red, before fading. She smiles in triumph before saving back into the folds of her clothes, which she might add, were looking quite battered.


"Oh.. yeah, that reminds me, do you want this back? I didn't use it," Arian inquires, searching her person roughly before pulling out his oni coin, outstretched in her palm to him. It had caused her mental pain, and she felt as if it had seared her very mind with... whatever emotions he had. She really didn't like the idea of it literally being a piece of him. Around here, you needed every marble you have in your noggin. Unless you were Lyssa, that is. 


The coin was dull slate grey when she had first got it, now it gleamed a pretty silver, as if his pains were passed to her. Well maybe they were.

(my tags aren't working, sooooo yeah) 


Levia yawned as she returned from Niflheim to the school, finding herself in the dorm hallway, right in front of the Condorm™, the female Leviathan didn't really see what had happened in Niflheim as she was hiding on the back of a tree, however, she did see a dinosaur-like creature and the fallen body of the Fenrir, she was to make her way on the Condorm™ to drink some water, that was until she noticed the embraced two on the floor, one of them was A, she wasn't really surprised by this honestly, however, she didn't really open the door all the way, she only made a small creak, she couldn't really see who was embracing A, but it must be some perverted student, muttering a simple "Whatever"  She made her way towards the school cafeteria,  "Well that was boring, thought it be even more challenging, but I suppose not, at least someone finally slayed the Fenrir"  The female Leviathan unknowingly said out loud as she headed towards the cafeteria booth, "Just a simple bottle of water." She said as the cafeteria lady gave her the water bottle, she then was to sit on a solitary empty table, drinking the water as it refreshed Levia while she stood alone.

At: Luxor Academy Cafeteria

With: Nobody (Open for interactions)

Mentions: A  (@Olivia Acerbi), Prof. Xian Qui  (@Obsidian)

Sythnar Dochrohen

Sythnar then found himself at the infirmary, hand at stomach, the Golem's punch really made a score on him, he then struggled to walk as he moved himself to the nearest hospital bed, resting on it as the small room smelled of something that reminded him of lilies of some sorts, the smell of the lilies helped him to sleep on the bed, he also didn't see anything that happened on Niflheim as well.

At: Luxor Academy Infirmary

With: Nobody (Open for interactions)

Mentions: Clyde M. Sade (@SolistheSun)


Saint Raphael

Raphael tiringly made his way to the infamous Luxor Academy, with sweat drooping from his forehead towards his black suit, leaving spots of wet obsidian black on it, 'You didn't need to leave me at the hotel, Mike...'  The archangel thought to himself as he was finally inside the academy, technically he was still outside the academy, but he was still inside the property of the headmaster, while yes, Raphael could have used his wings, but he didn't want to risk getting caught by anyone, he then wondered as to how was Luxor doing on all these years?, was he doing well?, his life on Earth being flourished by joyful moments, or was he doing horribly?, his life filled with regretful and depressive moments, Ralph wondered in worry as he sat down on a bench, with cherry blossom leaves falling beautifully on the ground as the winds continue to pick them up and lead them towards the unknown.

At: Luxor Academy Entrance

With: Nobody (Open for interactions)

Mentions: Saint Michael (@Kisaki), Aurum Luxor (@Kisaki)

Michael walked to the entrance of the Academy. "Raphael! What took you so long? "the boy asked. 

(Using mobile right no long post until I get home.)
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Ryujin v2.jpg

                   (Jin Narukami)

Jin gave Arian a small smile. "Glad to see your safe." he took in her battered appearance and the fact she was covered in blood but not her own. "You have to be quite amazing to have taken that thing down and come out uninjured."  He saw her hold out the coin but he shook his head. "I haven't payed you back yet so it's your's. Feel free to do whatever with it except for giving it back. That's not allowed until I have repayed my debt."

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Saint Raphael

Raphael rested on the bench until a familiar face appeared, "W-What took me so lo-MIKE! You practically left me sleeping at the hotel! and you know we can't use our wings or we might just get noticed!" Ralph said towards Michael with an annoyed tone as he rose from the bench towards Mike, his hands crossed as he turned his head to the right, huffing in disapproval, "Anyways, could you debrief me on what happened while you were here?"  The archangel sighed as he asked Michael, returning to face him.

At: Luxor Academy Entrance

With: Saint Michael (@Kisaki)
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( @Lucremoirre Could you use just a slightly darker shade of green? Like this instead of this? I know it looks nice, but it hurts my eyes to see such a bright green against white :( )
"Oh! Some of the demons died and Auriel seems to be quite dead as well..."The boy said cheerfully.  He raised a hand to the sky  , letting a small bird perch oh his finger.




Saint Raphael

Raphael sighed in sadness when he received the news that Auriel was dead, he might have not known her, but he still liked her, as she was a nurse, or at least he heard so from the rumors around the academy, but of course, Raphael noticed the strange fact, however, he was still unsure as it could be just a coincidence, but still.... is it really a coincidence?, "Well, Let's go mourn her shall we?, and then we will tell a staff member about the occurrence" He requested of Michael as he continued to wonder in curiosity.

At: Luxor Academy Entrance

With: Saint Michael (@Kisaki)

Mentions: Auriel Dwelle (@Lucremoirre)
"Yes! ..but Raphael don't you think it's quite strange. Auriel the nurse and  our dear Auriel ?" the boy asked. Both archangels arrive to the area where Auriel rest. Michael placed flowers onto Auriel's body and said a few prayers.

(Oh you done goofed. Now Ryo is going to never stop bothering her, so prepare for antics and shenanigans new best friend, cause now lydia is going to be associated with his idiocy and violence. Lydia had been given the titles: Ryo's Best Bud and Ryo's Voice of Reason!)

View attachment 162921

(Did someone say idiocy and violence?!)



As soon as they landed, A had already begun to rend herself unto Hundun. She'd already begun to adjust her position atop Hundun to a receiving position. 
However their physical bonding is cut short as something annoying and hairy follows them out of Niflheim and lands onto A and as a result on Hundun's nether, knocking the wind out of him. 
A becomes instantly filled with almost unending rage. Once again in a realm of power her aura expands engulfing the entire floor, setting everything in the Condorm ablaze. 
With a low roar she jumps back with incredible force launching herself and Nequam through the roof and high to the sky, shattering the floor Hundun was laying on. Distresses yelping can be heard as A explodes like a rocket into the sky, beating Neqaum upwards before turning on dime and torpedoing her to the ground smashing back through the Condorm with face melting force and through to the, apparently amazingly expansive, basement level hitting the ground like a quake, cratering Nequam into the floor. 
At this point, A really lets loose and savagely beats her each blow rocking the foundations of the school and brutalizing Nequam. The sounds of whines and snarls reach up to Hundun's ears. Flames from A's attacks flood the basement and follow the sounds several hundred feet up to the hole he peered down into, causing him to recoil slightly to the incoming inferno as it shot into the night(?) like a gyser. 
Violence momentarily ceases, the the room in ruins, he peers down to see A holding a broken Nequam by the scruff. Before he can even think of doing something, a glint catches his eye. An expansive barrage of spears began to spawn all around them, extending all the way up to the room and the sky above. The moment they all simultaneously began to glow with destructive energy Hundun realizes something was going to be needed to be done. 

@Obsidian (Fix it, Source of Chaos)


Saint Raphael

Raphael nodded in response towards Michael's argument, "Yeah, but remember, Auriel isn't human, if this nurse was truly our Auriel then we would have noticed it, and our Auriel doesn't have the heart to take someone's life.... I know that" He said to Mike right after they arrived in the location of Auriel's body, surrounded by exotic flowers and trees as their leaves fell down to the display case's glass cover, surrounded by life and peace, a funeral true to a joyful nurse, he then went near the display case and started to pray for their latest lost.

At: Auriel's Funeral

With: Saint Michael (@Kisaki)


Seo returned to the school through the portal hoping that he would be able to find his mindset again. The death of Fley had a bigger impact on him than he would have ever thought,  She was his Friend maybe only briefly she was still a friend. Seo toke this a another adventure with his bro no one would be hurt a couple laughs here and there and everything would be fine. His carelessness caused the death of his friend and nearly the death of others, these people were not all as strong and capable as the adventurers he usually travels with Seo did not understand this. "I have to I have to." He continued to say this as he wandered the hall writing in his book over and over my friend Fley I knew you only for a second yet I considered you a friend I never lost someone in travel before.... Had I only protected the group... had I only acted serious. He continued to write this for two pages of his book as a reminder of what can happen when he gets careless Seo disgusted at this fact that he could not save his teammate he meditates for awhile before he goes to the library to gather a few books for "study,  probably some chemistry and environmental science books then some coloring books. His face was blank though it would seem others would perceive this as deep concentration. He wandered around after finding his books, he wanted to read something again it has been ages since he picked up a real book a classic novel, he laughed as he remembered a time he read a wonderful book while to fought multiple opponent's at once. The only reason he stopped with heavy novels was because he would become distracted by the story that and he received quite a few ass beatings from his brother for abandoning him mid battle. Is it okay to ease himself with the thoughts of reading again? Would it really be okay after the sole reason he could not protect his frienda was partially due to him not giving his all in battle? Ehh it hurt a bit knowing that this was the case but, fuck that shit he won't stop doing Seo things, cause who else would do Seo things..... Literally anyone but that's besides the point. The topic whirled around his head until he realized what he would do. " Of course the Archery club I just need some books on archery for beginners maybe a few on gravity hmmmm a good book on angles and stuff would work what's that subject called again the one with numbers and scary letters? After gaining a new reason to continue his adventure in the library, he notices a girl from the trip reading a book totally oblivious to her surroundings. "Hey I'm Seo did you enjoy th- " after remembering the emotional pain it caused everyone else he stops then composes himself before he continues."Er ahhh .... What book are you planning to get? I would like to get a suggestion for a good book if you have any?" 

@TGSRoleplay @YungJazz

Aiko Kirishima:


She finished a book and shyly looked at him "U-Umm...T-There are some good novels in this aisle." She said covering her face partially with a novel.

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