Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)



A nearly crumbled when Hundun approached her, flinching when he put his hand on the wall behind her for support. Her entire being trembled as she experienced Deja Vu. What was he going to do this time? Chain her down here forever? Beat her with Nequam? 
She could never read him, his mood seemed to swing more than hers. He'd go from enraged, to endearing to indifferent and she had no idea which if and which one was real or fake. When he reached his hand out toward her she didn't know whether to expect a soft touch or a vicious attack and so clenched, bracing for worst case scenario. 
Feeling the caress on her cheek she opened a single eye to show she was listening to him as he issued her the passive threat. 
"I understand.", she responded in a subdued tone. 
She curled into him, holding onto his arm as he kissed her and looked into her eyes, his probing gaze almost enough to break her. The moment he spoke asking about Nequam again she broke eye contact and stared down and to the left.
"Sh-", she'd began to answer, stopping when his interest had been peaked elsewhere and he moved away from her. His absence threw her of balance as she'd been leaning on him and she stumbled slightly before staring with a searing irritation at Nequam.



Nequam hung  as dead-weight in his hands. Her head thrown back as she twitched and bent with sickening snapping sounds while her healing factor took effect. For a moment she could only make strange gurgling and choking sounds. She began to softly speak as her neck cranked back into a functional state, slowly bringing her face up to face his. 
"N-Nequam.", she responded through crushed windpipe. She'd started to say something else but was cut off by a wet crack that emanated from her throat, she gasped for a few moments after which she looked up at him with a dimwitted grin. 
"I'm Astaroth's discarded progeny!", she proclaimed almost proudly, her tail wagging as she seemed completely regenerated. 



(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tailed fox)(Location: Behemoth HQ ~ Ryo's club-house.)(With: A bunch of weirdos.) 

(Had to change her picture, there's a lot more pictures of Ahri and they're more suitable.) @YungJazz
At Behemoth HQ, Setsuna could be observed rotating back and forth on her side while was asleep, despite being in a luxurious bed made for the finest of queens, nightmares involving the incidents at Luxor Academy tormented her troubled mind, but who could really blame her for having these night terrors? Especially after feeling like she was abandoned and hurt by someone who she deeply cared for. Suddenly she awoke in a panic with a few streams of sweat dripping from her brow, she couldn’t help but breathe heavily as she looked around. This wasn’t Luxor Academy. Does that mean, everything that happened was a dream? She questioned in her head before carefully positioning her back against the smoothly cushioned backboard of the ultra-king sized mattress. “Oh shit, she’s awake!” One of the female caretakers replied nervously before nearly stumbling out the entrance to the room to notify the other workers. Whoever that one random girl was Setsuna didn’t really care for, she just needed to understand where the hell she was. However something bothered her as she shifted her delicate legs off the side of the bed and watched her feet dangle above the decorative carpet which not surprisingly had drawings of phenomenal dragons sprawled across the extent of the room. A single tear dripped down from her face after realizing that she had a plot to hurt Ryo with Lyssa earlier, regret filled her stomach almost like eating an overabundance of taco-bell and getting food poisoning from it later.

Setsuna couldn’t understand why she would’ve done such a thing to him. Speaking of Ryo, where was he? Nothing but splendor and magnificence filled her eyes from the scenery as she looked sluggishly around the room, that was one her eye caught a single portrait. She chuckled lightheartedly to herself after recognizing that the egotistical Ryo had a sketch portrayal of himself in his own freaking bedroom. Her laughter subsided as she lovingly took in the sight of his appearance while having a stupid miniscule smile across her face, she didn’t have a crush on him.. She truly loved every fabric of his being. Whether it came to his outrageous personality and down to his silly shenanigans that he caused she couldn’t help but become affectionate towards him.
“Ryo, i’m sorry. I’ll never do anything to hurt you again..” She whispered underneath her breath as she casually wiped away the transparent teardrop that rested upon her cheek.  Her moment of privacy was soon interrupted by an ass load of maids and butlers barging through the elegant double doors of the slumberous chamber. Her pupils widened and her tongue licked her gentle lips in anticipation after the breath-taking scent of food caressed her perceptive nose.

Setsuna was actually quite happy to have all of these people pampering her, yet it was a bit too much when they were placing tray after tray and a numerous amount of silverware across the bed, nearly filling the entirety of the damn mattress and her lap. Each voice that projected at her and circled around the room made her head spin, she wanted nothing but a little bit of peace and quiet right now. But she was too scared too hurt their feelings.
“Uh-um please s-” Setsuna said in a worrisome tone before being interjected by another worker that wrongly piece together her wording. “More food?! Hey chef’s hurry the hell up! The boss-lady is hungry!” The tough-looking man yelled out as he edged himself over the frame of the doorway. Boss-lady? When did she become the leader of anything.. She felt like she was in an alternate universe with Ryo. Yet Setsuna put this towards the back of her mind as the obstructing food caused her to be immobilized on the bed. “Oh jeeze, save me from this Ryo.” Setsuna frantically thought as her eyes scanned over the delicious food once more.
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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy underbelly, Hundun's domain.)(With: A and Nequam.) @Olivia Acerbi (Sorry for the half-assed post I was trying think of something elaborate but couldn't.)

All of Hundun’s suspicions were finally confirmed after absolute truth left itself from Nequam’s soft lips. Oddly enough a wicked ‘irked’ smirk stretched across his face after understanding that she was going to wind up killing her own child because of something so petty. “Nequam.. Astaroth’s child, interesting. Not only did you saw it fit to abandon this young offspring of yours, you also tried to murder it in cold-blood!” He exclaimed while violently shaking Nequam within his tight clutches resulting in her eyes to become completely dazed, Hundun places her back onto her fragile wobbly legs and turns himself over towards at the now incredibly nervous Astaroth. He began curling up both of his fists with great anger. “Judging from how you intentionally treat this poor descendant of yours, I’m not exactly sure how you’ll wind up treating ours.” He snarled viciously at A before glaring up at her with his canine-like appearance being slightly revealed, suddenly he goes into a full-on sprint before ramming the palm of his hand against the rough stony-wall resulting in the tremendous-force completely devastating a part of the wall adjacent to A. His sinister growl projects into her ear as he gradually arches himself over towards her once more. He gleamed his eyes at her with downright hostility. “That’s pretty god-damn nefarious, even for someone such as myself…Bloodline means everything to me and it should to you as well.. Not sure why you’d throw her out of your life like she was a crumbled up pile of garbage.”

Hundun exclaims savagely in front of Astaroth’s face before becoming completely still and silent. He remembered his own daughter again, ‘Setsuna.’ In a sense, he also abandoned her. He didn’t even get to experience her grow up after being left out of her life. Hundun leisurely clenched his chest from the emotions that overtook his being, he spun himself back around and carelessly sat himself onto the cold desolate floor across from where A was stating. His hardened grasp upon his chest weakened then covered both of his eyes in overbearing shame. “Don’t make the same mistakes.. Pushing your own child out from your life, it only makes you that more lonely A. Setsuna, my own flesh and blood. All the things i could’ve taught her early on in life in order to achieve a proud family bond, all of it wasted by arrogance.” Hundun rambled unknowingly that he just revealed to A that surprisingly Setsuna was also a part of his lineage, repentance engulfed his very essence as he thought back about what could’ve happened if he was more involved with her life not only this but it would’ve helped him seek out the chaotic bloodline in her and have Setsuna assist him on the same path that he had destined himself for. All of it now was lost, he knew that Daji had tampered with her mind and as of that he paid the ultimate price in his mind.


Mary (Mammon)


Mary wasn't even sure why she came here, there was no benefits to her and there weren't any stories about there being anything special here. Apart from the fact that everyone here had some sort of power,  that was the main thing about this school. People from all over the world have come here, maybe even from other worlds. It would be fun for Mary to simply blend into the crowd and see what happens here. If things spice up, or if she spies something of value she might stay.

Mary straightened out her black coat and sauntered through the school gates, not really caring where she goes. She spotted a small bench in front of the library. She may have flew over to this country in her dragon form, mainly using the winds to glide her way over, but when she reached the surrounding town she had to change over to her vessel. She couldn't fly over the town, she would've been taken down and probably interrogated, which would've been a massive annoyance to her. So Mary was exhausted from the walk over here, and decided that she needed to rest her feet. 

And with that Mary strolled over to the wooden bench and sat down on it, putting her hands behind her head and gazing at the sky. She'll do something at some point, but there's no rush, she has all of the time in the world. Maybe someone will come by, maybe someone won't. Who knows, Mary doesn't care. 
Andorra strolled through  the area. It seems like his brother has been doing well. 

Andorra sat on the bench near another student, looking up at the sky.  (At school but could use some interactions)


Mary (Mammon)


Mary wasn't even sure why she came here, there was no benefits to her and there weren't any stories about there being anything special here. Apart from the fact that everyone here had some sort of power,  that was the main thing about this school. People from all over the world have come here, maybe even from other worlds. It would be fun for Mary to simply blend into the crowd and see what happens here. If things spice up, or if she spies something of value she might stay.

Mary straightened out her black coat and sauntered through the school gates, not really caring where she goes. She spotted a small bench in front of the library. She may have flew over to this country in her dragon form, mainly using the winds to glide her way over, but when she reached the surrounding town she had to change over to her vessel. She couldn't fly over the town, she would've been taken down and probably interrogated, which would've been a massive annoyance to her. So Mary was exhausted from the walk over here, and decided that she needed to rest her feet. 

And with that Mary strolled over to the wooden bench and sat down on it, putting her hands behind her head and gazing at the sky. She'll do something at some point, but there's no rush, she has all of the time in the world. Maybe someone will come by, maybe someone won't. Who knows, Mary doesn't care. 


Mary (Mammon)

Mary was soon accompanied by someone else, a green haired boy. He looked pretty normal to her, there were no obvious abilities around him. "Hey, do you go to this school?" casually asked Mary, looking over to him. Maybe he'll show him around, or perhaps start up a conversation. Mary was pretty bored at the moment, some small talk won't hurt. Perhaps she could ask what he does, or if the people here actually have powers. She doesn't want to waste her time around a school that doesn't actually have anything interesting.

"No. I came across this school when I reawakened". 

(Back in a hour. )


Mary (Mammon)

Mary was soon accompanied by someone else, a green haired boy. He looked pretty normal to her, there were no obvious abilities around him. "Hey, do you go to this school?" casually asked Mary, looking over to him. Maybe he'll show him around, or perhaps start up a conversation. Mary was pretty bored at the moment, some small talk won't hurt. Perhaps she could ask what he does, or if the people here actually have powers. She doesn't want to waste her time around a school that doesn't actually have anything interesting.



Mary (Mammon)

Reawakened? That sounds like some sort of power. Maybe whenever he dies he comes back? That sounds cool. Wonder if I could have it. thought Mary, looking at him with her whole head now. "Sooo your power is to come back to life? Anything else?" carried on Mary, interested to see if this boy can do anything else. If he asked Mary already knew what she would say, she doesn't want to just stroll in and say that she's Mammon, no, she's coming in as simply a school girl who can become a unicorn. She'll keep quiet about everything else.



(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(Location: ??? Somewhere with Arian)(With: Arian) @Marumatsu @SolistheSun
Lyssa shuffled her delicate legs in Seo’s bed while brushing her inner thighs against the comfortable blankets, almost like she was a dog having a wonderful dream, if it were out catching frisbees and rolling around in other dog’s poop or something. As the persisting scent of various types of foods that Seo cooked up departed from the kitchen and into the living room, Lyssa gradually extended her arms out in the air while she was sleeping and acted like she was hugging a humongous pile food as she made chomping noises with mouth before painfully biting down on the tip of her tongue causing her to scream loudly. “AGHH! THAT’S NOT SPAGHETTI!” Then Lyssa rolled out from the crown of the bed resulting in all the neatly bundled up blankets that were covering her to slide off with her and scatter messily across the ground. She has had bad experiences waking up before but this was one of her top ones, Lyssa hastily sprung up off the ground by doing a kick-flip and landing gently back onto the soles of her feet after recognizing that the delicious smell that haunted her dreams was coming from this person’s kitchen. After skipping merrily over into the kitchen until she was brought to a saddening halt after she noticed the icy sheet concealing all of the food. Lyssa’s once radiant eyes darkened with despair and sorrow while staring at the dinner that she planned on consuming. “Jeeze.. And I thought I TV Dinner was frozen.” Lyssa muttered to herself before out of curiosity sliding her hand against the large dome of ice, However she leaps back and stares with awe after the frigid frost bursted into the atmosphere as if it were a firework then began to spell out “Good Morning or whatever the time is now” with dazzling sparkles. She now knew that this was that one awkward guy’s room who thoroughly enjoyed her company. Lyssa for the first time actually showed sincere emotion while pressing her hand above the midsection of her chest and smiling softly as she watched the magnificent spectacle in front of her. “Aww… He’s so sweet.. He did all of this for me? I really should write him a thank you letter for all of his generosity that he's shown me.”

She said in an affectionate tone before retrieving a sharpie out from the breast pocket protector of the secretary's outfit she was currently wearing. Her thoughts were filled with uncertainty as she casually pulled off a sticky note sheet from off of the kitchen counter-top. She didn’t know what to write him, she was never good at telling anyone her feelings and how grateful she was to have them do something for her. All was lost inside of her mind until she came up with a perfect solution which made her face fill up with glee. As she touched the pen’s tip to the slip of yellow paper the words “Wanna Bone? - Love Lyssa” showed up onto the segment of paper, she then proceeded to slap the note onto the rigid fridge handle before hurling herself over towards the immaculate amount of food at great speed  then devouring all of the cooked dinner like an ill-mannered savage which results in spaghetti sauce and noodles flying everywhere making a slight mess. In an unlady-like manner she belched quite loud as she finished the rest of the mouthwatering food and wiping off the messy sauce from her soft lips with a paper-towel. Lyssa felt as if something was missing, her stomach was full but her satisfaction was empty which led her thoughts to salaciously envision Arian’s naked body, she couldn’t help but chuckle perversely before disappearing from Seo’s room and reappearing behind an ornamental support column a couple feet away from the unsuspecting Arian. Lyssa oddly enough wasn’t wearing the secretary outfit this time nor was she wearing her regular set of clothes. This time she was wearing a fully camouflage stealth-outfit with a black eye patch concealing her right eye, not to mention she was wearing this really cool black colored bandana that was wrapped around her forehead and the back of her head. Lyssa without warning pulls out a pair of binoculars and presses them against her face while looking down at Arian’s plump butt, Lyssa gradually licked her soft lips in pleasure before retrieving a device with a strange interface which emitted odd static from it.

“Big Boss, do you have confirmation on the target?” A mysterious voice projected out from the technology causing Lyssa to respond in a rough, raspy, and bad ass sounding voice. “I sure do, I have it in my sights, i’m coming in for the kill.” Lyssa responds before pushing a retracted button onto the device causing the device to shut-off. She then begins to get into a prone-position onto the floor beneath her feminine frame as she places the heavy binoculars onto the utility belt which was coiled around her slim waist. Lyssa began to crawl in the direction of Arian as background music played. Her unyielding gaze could not be deterred from Arians butt, Lyssa knew that it was all there for the taking and she was going to take advantage of it, once she got within a foot distance away from Arian she pushed herself up off the ground with her hands and sprung her hand forward at a brisk pace resulting in a noisy ‘SMACK’ sound which echoed throughout the neighboring areas once she connected her mitt with her rear-end. Lyssa stared on in total lust as she watched Arian’s buttocks jiggle from the slap. “Ooo, oh Hi Arian. I missed you! Your butt looks splendid today!” Lyssa exclaimed happily and made an innocent expression on her face once she received Arian’s undivided attention from her wonderful introduction.

Espionage music for Operation: Arian's booty.

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"Indeed, but my body is still warming I can't do whole lot for now."he replied. He cracked his knuckles and tried to get his blood flowing again. "Is it okay if you inform me what year it is?I may have overslept. .."he added.



Mary (Mammon)

"It's the year 3876. How long have you been sleeping for?" Mary knew that the year definitely wasn't 3876, but it would be fun to see if she managed to fool him. She kept a straight face as she looked at the guy when she said that, and she was pretty sure she said it normally so it was unlikely that he wouldn't believe her. Unless he knew how absurd it must be to have it be the year 3876 and to have no flying cars, but Mary doubted that since by the way he was talking it sounded like he may have slept for years. It's nothing she hasn't seen or heard of before, so maybe it would be easy to trick him. 

"Oh! .....Is that the truth?" the archangel spoke. His green-eyed eyes started to stare blankly at the woman.  His calculations and the climate change on Earth would make him hypothesis that it's 2016 rather than the date he was given. However he could be wrong..." 1945  is when I fell asleep in the cold tundra of Russia...."

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Mary (Mammon)

"Yup, last time I checked my calendar it said 3876 on the front." Mary started to silently laugh in her head. It's been a while since she had done this to people. If this guy manages to believe him then he could probably tell him anything and he'd believe him. But what if he asks for proof? a question wandered into her head. To make sure that she would be safe, Mary got out her phone and changed the date so it would say that the year was actually 3876. It was just a precaution, it's never fun when people find out that you're lying and to have them be pissed off at you. Why can't people take jokes anymore? Mary sighed through her nose.

 "Then show me the calender "He said. The archangel was then curious of what the girl had in her hand."What is that?"he pointed at phone , seeming intrigued.

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Hikaru v2.jpg

(Hikaru "Ryu")

Hikaru had left the classroom and was wandering around in his human form. He yanwed out of boredom. Now that he had broken his contract with his master he no longer need to pretend to be an adorable happy fox like had been doing. He had somehow ended up by the librayr where he saw a boy and a girl sitting and talking on a bench. The girl was clearly making fun of him so Hikaru decided to listen in. He leaned up against a wall of the building a little ways away but remained in earshot so he could hear what was going on.

@Kisaki @Cheryl


Arian Lee Fulhumn


The blonde paused at the door at Ryujin's new name. She didn't question it. He probably just didn't want the memories of Fley calling him that. With a tug from the intestine rope, which had started to thaw and was rather slimy to the touch. The severed head comes rolling after her, leaving an oozing trail through the room before she slings it over her shoulder so it was staring behind her, covering her back. It's dull glossed eyes stared into the classroom as she walked down the hallway and to the outdoors, her mood starting to ease up as she looked at the seemingly normal school setting. 


Or would have, if it hadn't been before a generous smack to her butt that was felt all over her body hadn't suddenly caused a sudden short in her thought process. Arian turned, fully prepared to dish out an awful day's worth of path upon the perverted person, except... she stopped. It was Lyssa, the only one who was so crazy she seemed normal around here. Perfect.


A distraction. Exactly what the doctor called for.


"Lyyyysssaaa! Where have you been?" Arian whines happily, dropping the dragon head to the side so that the odd girl couldn't get anything on her and outstretches her arms for a hug. 






Mary (Mammon)

"Oh this? It's called a 'Juranger'. You can do stuff on it, like show you the date." and with that Mary showed the phone screen and unlocked it so that it showed the date '5th October 3876'. If this wasn't enough then well, she'll just have to think of something on the spot. Some blonde guy walked past them and past the building, but Mary didn't really care, he probably went off to some place. I'll just go somewhere after this conversation, I wanna see some stuff this academy has to offer. It is four star after all. she thought, her eyes shifting from the green haired dude to the surrounding area.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren
"Weird but intresting."he said as he got up from his bench and scanned his surroundings. 

"I'm still doubt that year is correct but I must keep moving. Would you like to explore this school with me " asked the boy. He glanced back at the blonde man , but steered his attention back to the girl.

@Dante Verren @Cheryl

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo's bike.jpg

Ryo blinked in confusion for a couple seconds, glancing back and forth between Lydia and the hornet that he thought was Honey. Okay, so he wasn't the best at recognizing insects, but could you blame him? He only met Honey for a couple seconds, and even then, he was more concerned with Lydia then he was with the big hornet. When he spotted the hornet circling around Lydia, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, sorry if I messed up, but I kinda just assumed since I haven't exactly met a lot of giant hornets. But I could help actually find the real Honey if you want." Ryo offered his assistance. He liked Lydia, she was nice, plus Ryo had spotted her earlier, she looked upset and he felt like helping her.

"Besides, this guys seems to like you, so why not keep him by your side? He seems pretty cool." Ryo said, his kind smile directed at Lydia, hoping to help, what he considered, his first friend in school.

BACK AT BEHEMOTH HQ WITH THE IDIOTS: As servants rushed into the room one after another, bringing in the best meals they could find, one of them actually had the common sense to stop for a second, gesturing to the rest to stop. Walking up next to the bed, the lady who stopped the influx of food was a female mechanic, grease stains on her overalls. She cleared her throat before speaking softly, so as not to anger the boss lady, for if she did, the boss would no doubt use the bodies of the people here as punching bags.

"Sooo, we've been carting in a crap ton of food to keep ya happy, but just wondering if there's anything else you need lady Setsuna." The rest of the people bowed their heads down in respect, so that Setsuna could see they were ready to be ordered, "Also, welcome to Behemoth HQ, there's a hot spring available to clean yourself if you want. We also have several entertainment rooms, a movie theater, and an amusement park built into one of the rooms as a separate dimension. Just say the word and we're good to serve."

Another server appeared, popping up from the shadows like a ninja, holding a cell phone with Ryo's number dialed in, "If you would like to call the boss, we already have him dialed up."

@Obsidian @Cheryl


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(Location: ??? Somewhere with Arian)(With: Arian) @SolistheSun

Surprisingly Lyssa thought Arian would’ve winded up complaining about her taking a hand full of delicious succulent booty but she winded up attempting to embrace her instead. She didn’t understand why Arian was dragging the ugly bloodied dragon’s head with her concerning she was such an innocent seeming girl. But Lyssa didn’t seem give a ‘hoot and hollar’ after rushing up to Arian and hugging her while a big stupid grin was planted on Lyssa’s face. “Well i’ve been behind that column the whole time looking at yer’ gorgeous butt silly! Also what’s with the freaking decapitated dragon. Didn’t think you were that violent! Alsooooooo I made cupcakes!” Lyssa exclaims eccentrically before pulling out from Arian’s loose grasp and retrieving a silver tray that was completely filled with cupcakes that smelt absolutely scrumptious!

Even though Arian attempted to reach out and gently grasp one of the cupcakes Lyssa thought it would be better to shove one directly into Arian’s soft mouth which sent her taste-buds soaring into heavenly desire.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you my secret ingredients. Shhh, don’t tell anyone though. Well the first ingredient is a shit ton of aphrodisiacs! Like, I mean a lot a lot. Like dumped every sensual-boosting powder I could put in the thing, whatever that means! Oh but here is the last secret ingredient, it’s actually made out of pure cardboard!” Lyssa replied in a whisper as she wiped off her soaked hands that were covered in slobber onto the side of her shirt while shuddering a bit from disgust. Lyssa tilted her head to the side in confusion after noticing Arian’s face becoming flushed with a red tint after she consumed the baked treat. “Uh… are you okay?” Lyssa responded in a worrisome tone while cautiously approaching Arian to poke the top of her tender nose.
Seo having ventured to the library now was on his way to the back left of the school where he found a place he would start building his Archery range. After ten minutes of work the Delinquents arrived asking Seo what he would need to build the place. "Well, i need some kind of area that can be strong enough to hold a few nuclear explosion, Wood of course and extra bows premade arrows, Materials to make arrows. Bringing the supplies to build the foundation and the building would be good first i just need the materials i'll do the building. Seo waits in the grass for the man to return.

@YungJazz(be my Hench people.... no  awww fine ill be back in an hour or two)
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[Schedule exception]

Roy and Wulf stumbled out of the portal, into their little campsite. They were all bloodied from fighting, most of the blood not their's. Both Roy and Wulf bent down, panting, and after a while, Roy reverted back to his normal appearance. Wulf and Roy sighed, and both headed through the back door, into the men's restroom, where they cleaned themselves up. Afterwards, they struggled back to their campsite, both collapsing into their porch chairs.
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Lydia inspected the large amber hornet hovering beside her. He was definitely not the usual Honey, yet he seemed like Honey. She would never replace her old companion, so before deciding to have him tag along she decided that a quick quiz would do the trick. "Ryo, don't mind the question I'm about to ask, it's going to be a little quiz for this guy." Not the writing kind, but a simple question that only Honey and Lydia would know.

She turned to face the striped hornet that had somehow found another sugar cube. "Honey, where did we first meet? Point in the direction of the area." . The other Honey had a great sense of direction, and a great memory. He knew where everything was, which somehow included the direction of their meeting area where Lydia first woke up with him. Lydia was skeptical that this bug would know it, but it was worth a shot. Obviously she didn't base it on question alone, no bug would ever understand the human language. She did the little magic trick when asking an insect of some sort a question or order, the invisible link between her mind and all of the surrounding bugs' minds.



This animal was asking for a direction, that was what he knew. It was the direction for when they had first met. He didn't remember meeting this lady before, but yet he felt like he had been with her for a long long time. Without really thinking about it, he turned to the south-west while pointing his grey stinger towards it. It felt like the right direction, a little nag at the back of his mind told him this was correct. He was quickly greeted with a loving embrace coming from the woman that now registered in his mind as his queen, that goes by the name 'Lydia'. 


Mary (Mammon)


"Sure, and before I forget, what's your name?" . Mary was a tad bit disappointed to see that her mind tricks didn't fully convince him, but no matter. Maybe he had another ability or something that told him the time or something. No matter, she didn't care if he believed her or not. It was his decision, Mary didn't like to force people to believe that something was real, it was absolutely no fun at all. She changed the date back to '2nd September 2016' on her phone that was not a 'Juranger' and got up. A short nod followed to show that she was ready to go.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @YungJazz

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