Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"There's some good designs out there. I  do have some in mind that you might like." she replied. The bus started to move. In at least 5 minutes it arrives in town. "That's was quick."she stated .

He giggles, "Don't say it like that..." he said, his tail wrapping around his arm, looked kinda cool to him, 'I will KILL Ryo if I ever see him again...' he thought, "So, the clothes, do they have good designs or just plain shirts? I'm just wonder..." he asked.
Logan woke up, tired. He got out of bed, his vision blurry and swaying. He stumbles to the fridge and grabs a drink, which happened to be a soda can, he opened it and downed the hole thing in a couple swigs, his head clearing slightly. He got into fresh clothes, a blue t-shirt, khaki pants and sneakers, re-clipped the knife sheath onto his side, and walked around campus in a daze. (My character has officialy gine delirious with grief and may take someone hostage soon ;) )
"There's some good designs out there. I  do have some in mind that you might like." she replied. The bus started to move. In at least 5 minutes it arrives in town. "That's was quick."she stated .

Cody smiles, and wonders what they would be, "Alright, can't wait to see." he said, and when the bus arrived he got excited to see what the shirts were and what the mall had to offer, course, he only had so much for her, he might by her a nice dress or...wait, she's a model...she get's all that stuff for free pretty much, maybe something bought from a loved one is acceptable? "Well, I'm excited to see what they look like now." he said smiling .

Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale- probably the weirdest guy here)(Location-Dorms)(With: Lyssa, Fremy)  

Waking up, still in the hole he crashed in drool all over his books, Seo went to his room to shower and feed himself. After a refreshing shower and a simple breakfast Seo decided to color.... but his books were ruined. "Color color hmmmm crayons? No paint..... paint that sprays." Seo wandered off in the direction of the arts center with a quiver full of arrows on his back, a white cape in hand, and little balloon like bags on the end of each arrow. Seo gathered a few delinquents to help with preparations. One delinquent was in charge of gathering the different paint colors while another watched as Seo taught him how to make paint-balls. When Seo had finished with the preparations he watched over the group to see if they could do the job as he had demonstrated. "Excellent keep this up and the day will be filled with excitement! MWAHAHAHAH! Alright LISTEN UP, not sure how everyone is doing but, we are going to Initiate Mission: Restore Happiness by Causing Chaos. We are doing this to lift the spirits of the class, that and i got bored just doing Seo things." Seo leans on a chair issuing commands having the groups gather up the weapons and the belts. His energy is completely through the roof zipping around the arts center before stopping when the first group leader declares his group is ready. After reviewing the first group he prepare to send them off. "Your mission is to deliver the weapons and belts to everyone in Professor Xian Qui's class. If they choose not to except well leave it there i won't be responsible if they get attacked by a rampaging Ryo. HAHAHAHA!" His eyes lit up as his anticipation for this event raised, he began over exaggerating his movements as he lunged to the leaned his body over pointing out the door with intensity growing in his eyes. "OUR SUCCESS IS ON YOUR SHOULDERS NOW GOOOOO!" Group One startled by his immediate response jumped up collected the items and took off. "VICTORY UPON THE MASSES" they exclaimed running down the hall. Seo placed one hand on the door panel and held his body up side ways looking in the direction of the running delinquents, he raised his other hand giving a thumbs up and a Guy Sensei smile he exclaimed. "YEE-ESSSSSSHHH". Placing his feet on the wall bringing his body back in the room he darted over the table grabbing an edge and landing in a seat a fierce determination swept over his face as he toke a weapon and began designing it. "I will deliver this on my own as planned along with my brothers. Group Two i need you to continue making paint balls until we reach the amount specified." With that Seo' Ran into the hall closed his eyes raising his senses sniffing the air until he found it. "Ah blueberries... in the dorms...." Seo raced off in his search to find the lovely Lyssa and deliver her weapon to her.

Meanwhile the delinquents having found each student besides Ryo, Setsuna, and Lyssa they kneeled before each holding up the paintball guns and the belt that holstered the pocket dimension where the paintballs where held. "Sir/Lady you have been invited to the first and maybe last PAINT BALL EXTRAVAGANZA! If you choose to join this is all you will need be on guard your peers will also receive these invitations." The delinquents await the response of the student before handing off the weapon or leaving with the weapon. 

Seo finding Lyssa with a unrecognizable person waves and calls out to Lyssa. " Hey Lyssa you lovely treasure." saying in a way suggesting he got her note. "Before anything if you're not busy i wanted... no wait" Stopping himself he gets on a knee slipping a bit before he regains his posture and begins again pulling out a pink paintball gun with her name on it in blue and several drawings of cupcakes. cats, and other small animals on it. "Lyssa would you accompany me in attacking Behemoth because why not?"  Awaiting her response he looks at her with a inviting smile though before offering one to fremy just in case she wanted in on the shenanigans. 

@Obsidian @CERBERUS177 @LoneSniper87 @Trust @Kisaki @Freemankiller @TGSRoleplay

(Let's do random stuff before shit goes down!)

Seo Human form.png
Logan watched as people scrambled with paintball guns and notes, one ran and gave him one. He read the note and took the paintball gun. Hefting it with one hand he shot the messenger in the back of the head, a phump sound filling the air around him. He walks around looking for the ring leader, paintball gun in one hand. @Marumatsu (hope you dont mind if you become my hostage lol, you might not, depends on when I make him choose to snap.)


Jin had been caught up in his wandering. He found himself by the main courtyard where he saw two girls he didn't known and Ryo's brother. He watched with a raised eyebrow as the man known as Seo dropped to his knee and offered one of the girls a gun. What the hell is wrong with this school he wondered to himself. Deciding that this would be amusing he sat down and watched from a distance.

@Obsidian @Trust @Marumatsu
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Kagami stepped out of the bus ," I have some stores in mind , but I need to know what type of clothing do you usually wear" she asked. Kagami loved to mix and match her styles . It could be the same for him , but she might as well figure out now.

Cody smiles, and wonders what they would be, "Alright, can't wait to see." he said, and when the bus arrived he got excited to see what the shirts were and what the mall had to offer, course, he only had so much for her, he might by her a nice dress or...wait, she's a model...she get's all that stuff for free pretty much, maybe something bought from a loved one is acceptable? "Well, I'm excited to see what they look like now." he said smiling .

(Seo Sentrale- probably the weirdest guy here)(Location-Dorms)(With: Lyssa, Fremy)  

Waking up, still in the hole he crashed in drool all over his books, Seo went to his room to shower and feed himself. After a refreshing shower and a simple breakfast Seo decided to color.... but his books were ruined. "Color color hmmmm crayons? No paint..... paint that sprays." Seo wandered off in the direction of the arts center with a quiver full of arrows on his back, a white cape in hand, and little balloon like bags on the end of each arrow. Seo gathered a few delinquents to help with preparations. One delinquent was in charge of gathering the different paint colors while another watched as Seo taught him how to make paint-balls. When Seo had finished with the preparations he watched over the group to see if they could do the job as he had demonstrated. "Excellent keep this up and the day will be filled with excitement! MWAHAHAHAH! Alright LISTEN UP, not sure how everyone is doing but, we are going to Initiate Mission: Restore Happiness by Causing Chaos. We are doing this to lift the spirits of the class, that and i got bored just doing Seo things." Seo leans on a chair issuing commands having the groups gather up the weapons and the belts. His energy is completely through the roof zipping around the arts center before stopping when the first group leader declares his group is ready. After reviewing the first group he prepare to send them off. "Your mission is to deliver the weapons and belts to everyone in Professor Xian Qui's class. If they choose not to except well leave it there i won't be responsible if they get attacked by a rampaging Ryo. HAHAHAHA!" His eyes lit up as his anticipation for this event raised, he began over exaggerating his movements as he lunged to the leaned his body over pointing out the door with intensity growing in his eyes. "OUR SUCCESS IS ON YOUR SHOULDERS NOW GOOOOO!" Group One startled by his immediate response jumped up collected the items and took off. "VICTORY UPON THE MASSES" they exclaimed running down the hall. Seo placed one hand on the door panel and held his body up side ways looking in the direction of the running delinquents, he raised his other hand giving a thumbs up and a Guy Sensei smile he exclaimed. "YEE-ESSSSSSHHH". Placing his feet on the wall bringing his body back in the room he darted over the table grabbing an edge and landing in a seat a fierce determination swept over his face as he toke a weapon and began designing it. "I will deliver this on my own as planned along with my brothers. Group Two i need you to continue making paint balls until we reach the amount specified." With that Seo' Ran into the hall closed his eyes raising his senses sniffing the air until he found it. "Ah blueberries... in the dorms...." Seo raced off in his search to find the lovely Lyssa and deliver her weapon to her.

Meanwhile the delinquents having found each student besides Ryo, Setsuna, and Lyssa they kneeled before each holding up the paintball guns and the belt that holstered the pocket dimension where the paintballs where held. "Sir/Lady you have been invited to the first and maybe last PAINT BALL EXTRAVAGANZA! If you choose to join this is all you will need be on guard your peers will also receive these invitations." The delinquents await the response of the student before handing off the weapon or leaving with the weapon. 

Seo finding Lyssa with a unrecognizable person waves and calls out to Lyssa. " Hey Lyssa you lovely treasure." saying in a way suggesting he got her note. "Before anything if you're not busy i wanted... no wait" Stopping himself he gets on a knee slipping a bit before he regains his posture and begins again pulling out a pink paintball gun with her name on it in blue and several drawings of cupcakes. cats, and other small animals on it. "Lyssa would you accompany me in attacking Behemoth because why not?"  Awaiting her response he looks at her with a inviting smile though before offering one to fremy just in case she wanted in on the shenanigans. 

@Obsidian @CERBERUS177 @LoneSniper87 @Trust @Kisaki @Freemankiller @TGSRoleplay

(Let's do random stuff before shit goes down!)

View attachment 166023

(Cody's loadout when they get back, plus fitting music >:P




Kagami stepped out of the bus ," I have some stores in mind , but I need to know what type of clothing do you usually wear" she asked. Kagami loved to mix and match her styles . It could be the same for him , but she might as well figure out now.

"I'm mostly t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. But I don't mind some suit wear or something like that." he said, as he was wearing a t shirt with a bright red splotch on the left lower half, and black and red shoes, "But, how about we just see what fits huh?" he said, thinking a suit and tie, he doesn't know why, but he thought he can rock a black and red suit.

(if you cant see the picture I'll have the link)

"There's plenty of stores with your style then" she said as they entered the mall. " We can also visit the cosplay store if you want"

"I'm mostly t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. But I don't mind some suit wear or something like that." he said, as he was wearing a t shirt with a bright red splotch on the left lower half, and black and red shoes, "But, how about we just see what fits huh?" he said, thinking a suit and tie, he doesn't know why, but he thought he can rock a black and red suit.


Jin had been caught up in his wandering. He found himself by the main courtyard where he saw two girls he didn't known and Ryo's brother. He watched with a raised eyebrow as the man known as Seo dropped to his knee and offered one of the girls a gun. What the hell is wrong with this school he wondered to himself. Deciding that this would be amusing he sat down and watched from a distance.

@Obsidian @Trust @Marumatsu

(Sorry i meant to tag you so you got the original..)

(@Marumatsu Might want to contain yourself, i'm still awaiting a response from Fremy.) 

(Alright ill change it or wait to change it after flemy responds, sorry about that)
Logan found two girls and a man in the main courtyard, some armed with paintball guns, "EY!" He shouted at them, "WHICH ONE OF YA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE!?" He yelled, holding up the paintball gun, painted a tiger-striped woodland camoflauge. @Marumatsu

(if you cant see the picture I'll have the link)

"There's plenty of stores with your style then" she said as they entered the mall. " We can also visit the cosplay store if you want"

(Nothing there but an error deary :3)

"Cosplay sounds nice...but...I'm kinda my own cosplay of the kid from blue exorcist..." he said, "Except my flames are normal, and not blue." he said, smiling.

(He was never intended to be that way until now >:3)
@Obsidian (I'm sorry! ;-; I need to work on a CS for another RP rn, you can move on without me, just have Fremy slink around in the shadows, following you around. I'm super busy as it's my first week of school, I should be back in the swing of things by next week)
@Obsidian (I'm sorry! ;-; I need to work on a CS for another RP rn, you can move on without me, just have Fremy slink around in the shadows, following you around. I'm super busy as it's my first week of school, I should be back in the swing of things by next week)

Oh you're fine it's no big deal! I hope you do well on your first week :)
(Nothing there but an error deary :3)

"Cosplay sounds nice...but...I'm kinda my own cosplay of the kid from blue exorcist..." he said, "Except my flames are normal, and not blue." he said, smiling.

(He was never intended to be that way until now >:3)

( Darn. I guess I'll link it when the characters try some clothes on)

"I think you will be a great match" she giggled.  " Now...what should I wear. Maybe cosplay as neko or wear maids costume"

(The two characters definitely have similarities. :3)
( Darn. I guess I'll link it when the characters try some clothes on)

"I think you will be a great match" she giggled.  " Now...what should I wear. Maybe cosplay as neko or wear maids costume"

(The two characters definitely have similarities. :3)

Cody giggled, "Sure, can call you 'Kagami-neko-chan." he smiled, "But, I guess it's up to you. I'll wear something for maid outfit though, I'll wear a butlers but that's it. No dresses!" he said in a funny way.

(He'll follow if you decide to move to the shop)
" Nya!" she quickly posed like a cat . They both then walk into the store. " I'll try on the neko costume first. Are you sure you don't want a dress? "she slightly teased.

 (So be it. Teleportation incoming)

Aiko looked around at her surroundings in the mall and after a few minutes she was lost and bumped into Kagami.

Cody giggled, "Sure, can call you 'Kagami-neko-chan." he smiled, "But, I guess it's up to you. I'll wear something for maid outfit though, I'll wear a butlers but that's it. No dresses!" he said in a funny way.

(He'll follow if you decide to move to the shop)
" Nya!" she quickly posed like a cat . They both then walk into the store. " I'll try on the neko costume first. Are you sure you don't want a dress? "she slightly teased.

He looked at her, "I'm sure Kagami-neko-san." he said, laughing a little, "Can we see the clothing you spoke about?" he asked, he was so excited to see what they had here. But, he has a few hundred dollars left over, and there was a jewelry store nearby, maybe he can buy her a nice necklace.

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