Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)



(Lyssa Yassa)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Fremy, Seo, Lysseo) @Marumatsu @Trust

“Yeah! Join us I mean, she has big boobs! I like big boobs. Also I have big boobs. You like big boobs. Like it’s four big boobs plus you Seo. Let’s do the math here! It’s like a booby palooza!” Lyssa eccentrically responds to Seos questioning about Fremy joining in the sensual fray. Suddenly as she lays there with her tempting and revealing pose she gasps in slight surprise as he lifts her up off of the ground with muscular arms, God damn does she love it when he embraces her with those hefty appendages of his, her slender shaven legs dangle off from the side of his forearms as he carries her to the bed. “I bet Foxy doesn’t even get treated like this with your brother, i’m so grateful to have you Seo!” She exclaims lovingly while wrapping her arms around his upper-chest and nuzzling her gentle face upward towards his neck. Lyssa arches her back a bit forward to romantically peck him on the tip of his nose in teasing sort of way. A soft chuckle escaped her mouth as he looked at her with challenging eyes. He too could play this sort of game, which he did once he interconnected his lips with hers as he set her comfortably down onto the blankets covering the bed beneath her, such a devilish rogue he was! He was going to suck the life out of her with that passionate kiss he was giving her but Lyssa enjoyed every prolonged second of it. Once they both parted from each other’s mouths, a strand of saliva interconnect from both of their bottom-lips as they continued to stare lasciviously at each other. “Ewww... !” Lysseo spouted out from his muzzle before covering his heavenly-blue colored eyes with both of his fluffy paws as he sat across from them. Lyssa smiled softly while positioning her eyes so that they were in the direction of Lysseo, she wasn’t even upset at the little guy for interjecting each word that came out of his mouth was cute as could be! Her delicate fingers skim through the pelt of fur on the puppy’s head which parted ways as her unyielding fingers brushed through. He wagged his tail in a circular motion as he was being petted by whom he called his matriarch figure. “Love you mommy!”

He barked while bouncing in excitement as he rolled around to his backside while wiggling his little body around and then leaping off the side of the bed playfully and running up to Seo’s shot and gnawing on it gently before being told about how Lyssa loves him. “Y-yeah I know! She is the bestest!” Lysseo announces while pouncing around on the carpet and following Seo into the kitchen. Lyssa couldn’t help but feel her heartbeat pounding out of her chest, any word to describe her happiness that she was feeling right now, would’ve been an understatement. She overlooked both her significant other and her tiny Lysseo playing together in the other room while cooking up something fierce in the kitchen. Two of her favorite fellows so close to her having a wonderful time as she watched them. A beautiful smile stretched across her face. “This is what it felt like to be a mother?” She joyfully thought and snickered with delight as Lysseo struggled to climb over Seo’s head while they were frolicing about. “Ah-ha! Take that!” Lysseo howled, before slipping off and falling gently to his butt as his paws slide down to his the bottom of his cheek. It was a matter of minutes that they met and they were already having a blast together. She couldn’t believe how fortunate she was to have those two in her life, but she was missing something.. A pair of boobs that went missing from her sight.. “Biyaatch, I don’t think so. You can’t have a complete bath without someone to help scrub your back! Also love you too Lysseo!” Lyssa yelled out, her echo sprung out around Seo’s apartment area which got the attention of Fremy who was thoroughly enjoying her bath. It was at this moment, Fremy knew she fucked up.

“Yaaarrggh Matey, i’m coming for the booty!” Lyssa screamed out in a girly pirate impression before drop-kicking the damn entryway down that led into the bathroom causing the door to fling off the handles and embed itself into the wall across from Fremy while creating a noisy crashing sound. Suddenly Lyssa steps out in front of the naked and embarrassed girl, however she was completely outfitted with a bunch of pirate attire and a sharpened cutlass gripped in her left hand. Once the exposed and bare bodied Fremy realized that she was in the presence of Lyssa she quickly plunged herself into the soapy waters below her which conceal her head. As soon as she pops out to catch a breathe of fresh air, she notices a bath-like toy pirate ship that was floating skimming across the water towards her in a sluggish manner, it also had a bunch of really tiny people on it including Lyssa, all of them were decked out in a pirate them too. “Alright men! We’ve been on this mighty vessel for 21 days now and we still haven’t found land out there!” Lyssa responded in her pirate voice to her surrounding crewmates, which caused them to bicker and shove each other about until one of them yelled. “Why don’t we just turn back around?!” However Lyssa replied by pointing the jagged end of her cutlass towards his face with hostile intentions shrouding her angered face. “How about I make you walk the plank!?” She screamed wildly resulting in the bunch of rough and tough ship mates to cower in fear from the thought of drowning, yet their emotions were drown out by one of the random people on the deck of the ship. “Laaaaaand! Hoooooooo!” One of the shouted as they looked down their hand-held telescope in the direction of Fremy’s boobs. “Ah-ha! Celebration I say men, grab your whisky and grab your beers, we have discovered new territory! Hozzah!” Lyssa exclaimed boisterously while accompanied by the overly excited cheers of the surrounding men which all gathered up together and started singing Drunken Sailor by the Irish rovers as they danced around with one another.  

(Drunken Sailor song v)


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Loki strolled through the halls of his deceased son's dungeons as he hummed happily to himself. He twirled his cane around in his right hand as he walked. His outfit was the same as when he kidnapped the fox girl but it was now freshly clean and his mask was brand new. He stopped next to one of the doors in the dimly lit hall. He pounded on the door twice with the cane. "I'm coming in my dear. Make sure you look presentable." His blood chilling laugh echoed through the silent halls as he opened the door and strolled into the room.

The room was sealed off with only one door and no windows. It looked like a cell but the room was actually lit pretty well. Sentsuna was chained against the back wall of the empty room. She was fully clothed for now probably because He thought it would be fun to tear it off later. Besides blood that dripped from where the chains where tightly locked around her body she was unharmed. Loki had healed her after he was done sense he would gain more entertainment from breaking her over and over again.  Loki casually made his way over to her stopping a little ways away. He took note of the expression of hate and fear she wore on her face.

Loki raised his cane and place the tip under her chin tilting Setsuna's head upwards a bit. "Whats wrong my dear fox? Aren't you happy to see your new master?" He chuckled as she squirmed away. "Now don't do that. You will hurt my feelings. Besides their is nothing to fear after all I won't kill you."  He slid the edge of the cane away and used it to hold his weight as he leaned on it. "You're to precious to kill. I think I will keep you but first I'm going to make sure Judgement is dealt to the one's responsible for killing my Little boy." Loki tapped his cane on the ground as the thought of him avenging his son played through his mind.

He raised his cane and pointed it at Setsuna. "Alright Little miss Fox I wanna here your opion on something. See my other two children are quite distraught at the death of their brother. To make them feel better I was thinking of letting them borrow you for a while. Have you ever been with a world eating serpent or a crazed god of death? I'm sure you will have a wonderful time."

Jin's eyes slowly blinked open and the blurriness gradually faded. He realized he was starring up at the ceiling of his dorm. He sighed and sat up rubbing his eyes as he yawned. His gaze slowly scanned the room but didn't find anything unusual. Just the normal beds, furniture, and Aiko... His hand shot up as he pointed at her. "What the hell are you doing in here!"

An orderly came by and released him after he was deemed stable. He rubbed his wrists and walked away heading to his dorm. He took his armor and went to the city, finding a place to sell and replace it, finding a suitable piece he liked.


He went back to the academy, holding the new lighter and more flexible suit, as it was bent over his shouler at the waist. He hung it up in his dorm, then walked to the shooting range. He saw where the MMA kids practiced, walked over and started to hit one of the bags, starting slow, getting used to its hardness and how it moved. (Available for interaction)
Jin's eyes slowly blinked open and the blurriness gradually faded. He realized he was starring up at the ceiling of his dorm. He sighed and sat up rubbing his eyes as he yawned. His gaze slowly scanned the room but didn't find anything unusual. Just the normal beds, furniture, and Aiko... His hand shot up as he pointed at her. "What the hell are you doing in here!"


"Kyaah!" She screamed covering her head "U-Ummm Uhh.... I can't find my dorm." She said visibly shaking because lightning is dangerous and can destroy an interface relatively easily.

[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]Fremy White[/COLOR]

"L-Lyssa... What the hell?!" Fremy cried out from the several things that had happened in an extremely short period, the two most definitely worst being that Lyssa and a bunch of random tiny men could now gaze upon her nude figure, the second being that Lyssa's boyfriend could also see her due to the door now being broken. Fremy wrapped a single arm over her chest and picked up the small boat with the other before placing it outside the bath on the ground. She contemplated creating a small bomb to generate some smoke but was incredibly reluctant to leave her warm bath, which was somewhat murky now as all of the dust and dirt from her had seeped off her skin, now revealing completely lucent white skin rather than what had been a somehwat greyish-colour before-hand. Her face had gone a same hue as a strawberry due to to her embarrassing position. "F-fix the door and get rid of those sailors! A mere human shouldn't be allowed to gaze upon my figure, if I had my gun I woukd shoot that boat to pieces!!" Fremy called to the insane, tiny blond just outside of her field of vision, slightly annoyed but more-so unsure of what to say.

Jin looked down and remembered he was only wearing a towl around his waist. He sighed angerly and took the cloth he used for an eye patch. He stood up and wrapped it around Aiko's eyes. "Do not remove this until I tell you to."  He made his way over to his stuff and pulled out fresh clothing before going into his bathroom and changing. once he was done he walked back out. "You can take off the blind fold now."
Jin looked down and remembered he was only wearing a towl around his waist. He sighed angerly and took the cloth he used for an eye patch. He stood up and wrapped it around Aiko's eyes. "Do not remove this until I tell you to."  He made his way over to his stuff and pulled out fresh clothing before going into his bathroom and changing. once he was done he walked back out. "You can take off the blind fold now."

She took it off and rubbed her eyes as the blindfold was too tight "A-Alright." She said. She was in her school uniform as she doesn't have any other clothes.
Jin sat down on one of the chairs in the room. He tapped his left ahnd against the table. "So how and why are you in my room. I don't believe for a minute that you where lost. Also how long have you been in here.?"

Jin sat down on one of the chairs in the room. He tapped his left ahnd against the table. "So how and why are you in my room. I don't believe for a minute that you where lost. Also how long have you been in here.?"


"U-Umm...." she knelt down as in an apologetic position.

"I got tired and couldn't find my way back to my dorm so I decided to sleep with you." She said her face a bit red.
Jin's face turned a bit red for a moment but he shook his head and cleared his thoughts. "How did you even get in here? I didn't leave the door unlocked did I?" He scratched his chin in thought. "Oh well whats done is done."


(Setsuna Hayate)(Location: Fenrir's Dungeon, Niflheim)(With: Loki) @Marumatsu

Setsuna silently awoke in a moderately lit stone-chamber, she tried to conceal her gently opening eyes with one of her hands but failed to realize that she was chained heavily to the wall which caused her to get immediately tugged back. Her eyes darted around the environment as she begun to frantically panic as she tried to pull a bit more on the chains, she was trying her best to look for a way to escape but nothing caught her attention. This room was sealed completely tight, there was no way she was going to leave this place.. Well not in one piece anyway. Setsuna hung her head in a defeated manner causing her tiresome gaze to look at the concrete beneath her feet. She realized that even if she attempted to use her sound manipulative powers that it would’ve been no use because of the fact that she was exhausted from the torture that she was placed through earlier. Suddenly she hears it.. That distinctive yet terrifying humming which bounces off the corridors and makes its way to her observant ears.. He was coming. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She went from mildly panicked to extremely frightened and terrified, each movement of hers became erratic as she struggled even more to get out from the tight bindings which hugged her appendages. Without warning a loud creaking sound was brought to her ears as the ancient looking wooden door across from her swung open revealing Loki standing there with his menacing mask.

This was it.. Setsuna’s heart-beat increased ten fold, she was going to wind up either getting killed or tortured even more, she began to hyperventilate out of sheer terror as he approached her with a gleeful stride in his step, each footstep became louder then the next in her eyes. As soon as he stepped his slender figure out in front of her, Setsuna’s eyes filled up with sorrow. All of the movements she had in order to get out of the cuffs were concluded as he stood within her sights, sweat dripped quietly down her brow as she glared into his cold and unforgiving eyes however her view was a bit adjusted once he brought the end of his cane up underneath her throat. “Please! D-d-don’t hurt me! I’m sorry for whatever i’ve done!” She muttered out while whimpering excessively then proceeding to squirm her feminine figure back further against the wall, the inhumane things that Loki has done to her has completely rendered her to that of an abused slave, there was nothing she could do to stop this, all she could think about was when Ryo was going to save her from this hellish nightmare that she was in. “Whoever you are, we had nothing to do with killing your child.. Just stop this, I just want to go back home..”

She murmured out from her trembling lips as tears sank down her cheeks and to the edge of her chin. Setsuna hastily choked back her cries as soon as Loki ascended the pinnacle of his cane up to her forehead, this was one person who she definitely did not want to piss off. This man could effortlessly tear her in half with his bare hands if he wanted to. “I-i-i” Setsuna had no idea what to say to this man her entire frame was paralyzed from the neck down with distress, yet as time sluggishly passed by Loki grew more and more irritated by her inability to answer his question. She had no other alternative but to think of something to say. “I-i-i’ll do anything you want! Just don’t hurt me again, i’ll be whatever you want me to be, even if it means doing things I don’t want to…” Setsuna whimpered out from her mouth before thinking about Ryo, every fibre of her being felt demolished, the words that flung out from her mouth were heart-breaking to her ears, she felt as if she betrayed the only thing she ever cared for in this world.
Jin's face turned a bit red for a moment but he shook his head and cleared his thoughts. "How did you even get in here? I didn't leave the door unlocked did I?" He scratched his chin in thought. "Oh well whats done is done."

She sighed and looked at him "O-Okay." She said as she fixed her glasses and left him through the door. She sat down outside thinking of whether Jin will ever love her back.
Norman finally goes to the academy. Maybe he can get info on this world, get money, maybe even.. a friend?

It's difficult to get friends in Alcyone α.



Mary (Mammon)

"I don't want your hands touching my stuff. Just give me something so I can pay the school to replace the door." she said nonchalantly, just happy that the guy who seemed to have flirted with her away from herself. Mary was sure that she was going to have such a fun time with all of these different races, a walking suit of armour? Yes please. She wondered if it was possible to take a piece of the armour, but stopped the train of thought when she realized that he would probably notice the weight difference once she was done with him. Stomping over to the boy that was just thrown around, Mary glared at him. She just wanted to make him feel looked down upon, both literally and like the saying.


"Hey pretty lady! Damn your legs are fine!" Elch said as he picked himself, while popping his bones back into place. He smiles insanely at you and draws a gun. He aimed at Smoke and fired. Smoke moved into a door frame effectively dodging the bullets. "You bastard! What happened to fighting like a man?! What's the matter lost your fuckig balls!!!" Smoke screamed at Elch. Elch smiled at the human knight (#notwalkingarmor!!!(lol)) he shot one more before whistling and reloading his gun.
Logan heard the gunshots echoing through the campus, to which he ran toward, grabbing a bow and quiver. He shouldered the quiver, and ran to the gunshots. He saw Smoke and Elch fighting, and then some girl, he drawed back the bow. "Hey! What's going on between you two!" He yelled. @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl
Logan heard the gunshots echoing through the campus, to which he ran toward, grabbing a bow and quiver. He shouldered the quiver, and ran to the gunshots. He saw Smoke and Elch fighting, and then some girl, he drawed back the bow. "Hey! What's going on between you two!" He yelled. @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl

Elch was distracted by the newcomer. "?!" He turned towards you. Smoke used this distraction to tackle Elch. There he started to literally beat his face in, with every punch you saw his face cave in more and more. Smoke picked Elch up and threw him again. He looked at you through his helmet and just stared at you.
"Smoke bloody hell!" Said Logan, wide-eyed. "Hell did he do to deserve that!?" He asked. Keeping the bow raised. It was suprisingly comfortable. @ZappiestAbyss @Cheryl

"Logan." Smoke didn't answer your question but looked after his prey before seemingly teleporting in front of Elch. Elch got up and started to heal himself, but it was pointless because Smoke was in front of him. Smoke kicked him hard enough to send him flying back towards Logan.



Rage flared inside of Loki when he heard her deny killing fenir. Dark miasma flooded from his body and in an instant the blade was unsheathed from his cane. He stabbed the blade forward impaling it into the wall mere centimeters from her face. However a small cut appeared on Setsuna's face and a drop of blood fell from. Loki's tone was thick with poison when he spoke. "You little bitch. You have the nerve to lie to the god of trickery. Your little dragon friend murdered my son. on top of that he ruined my best chance at finally getting my revenge at those High and mighty bastards who live in Valhalla. You're feeble excuse of a brain can't even begin to comprehend how much time, effort, and planning went into that! Then that Scaly man whore had to come along and ruin it!"

Loki slowly pulled the blade backwards towards him. The blade slowly cut across the wound on her face making it a little bit bigger. once the blade was clear he gently wiped the small drops of blood from his blade onto her chest before sheathing the sword. The miasma faded away as he regained his composure and his tone lightened. He snapped his fingers and a large wooden table appeared in the center of the room. On the table there where five iron cuffs. one for each hand/foot and one for her neck.

The darkness that hid eye's faded and she could see his pure golden pupils. They glowed Threateningly. Even though the room was well lit and it was easy to see the hate built up inside of them. "You will have to forgive me for my outburst my dear I tend to lose control sometimes. Oh and don't worry I don't plan on doing any more perverted stuff for the rest of the day. Tomorrow may be a different story though. It honestly depends on how much you cooperate or resist." His tone had returned to the cheerful one he held earlier.

Loki followed the girl's terrified gaze and looked at the table. He looked back over at her. "Oh that? I came up with a knew science experiment that I thought you might enjoy. I want to see how rusty my healing power is and whether or not I can help someone regrow a limb. In your case I will be using a tail. Then when were done we can make a nice scarf out of it and send it to your boy toy. I'm sure He will love it." He clapped his hands together in excitement. "Oh my I'm getting giddy already! What do you say my dear? Shall we get you moved to a more comfortable position?" 

Despite his words he didn't make a move yet. He wanted to watch and see the terror on Setsuna's face. He wanted to enjoy the anticipation of his newest experiment a little longer. Most importantly;y he wanted to see how desperately she would react.

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