Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Back...blood..." him tried to stand but his legs were super unstirdy form the pain. "Jackass..." This wasn't his he wanted to welcome Caesar back but proper welcome backs could be given later.

@Destructus Kloud

Aiko who tripped next to him was thankful she was alive and started healing him "P-Please hold still." she said as he felt his pain slowly fade away as she fixed her glasses after tripping over him running in a hurry.

Arian Lee Fulhumn

This was ridiculous.

After bouncing off walls and falling down more than one set of stairs, she was finally in a wide open space free of most impeding obstacles. Outside. When did she get outside you may ask? She doesn't know either. However, as the dragon head was never removed by anyone, and her attempting to do so only caused it's teeth to catch on her breasts, she had left to attempt to find the infirmary. Wherever that was. Not like she could really see.

Judging from the small flower beds, assuming that's what she was tripping over, she was in the courtyard. Nearby, she could detect voices, but as to where they were... Her sound perception wasn't exactly great either. She was essentially deaf, blind, and a sitting duck. Knocking over a trashcan in the process, she manages to fumble onto a park-like bench, her butt planted on it firmly. She sighs, and the repulsive air around her grows warmer with the second as the midday suns heats the flesh. 

Today wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Classmates dying, she was abandoned, slew a dragon, said dragon was still technically eating her... Yeah, not what she had in mind. She would've taken a day of mulling over ancient texts or scrubbing bathroom floors any day. 
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(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Luxor Academy Courtyard)(With: Lilith) (Sorry about the wait) @Plasma (Also Solis you're back :D ? @SolistheSun)

As soon as he marginally shifted his unperturbed posture into the direction of the tranquil garden, a certain stench carried itself through the moderate gusts of warm summertime breeze which sluggishly sauntered its way up to his perceptive nostrils, Hundun curiously adjusted his placement so that Lilith was in the very corner of his eyes, such a familiar smell that he has been accustomed through the entirety of his life. Apart from the average scent of pollen drifting leisurely through the surrounding atmosphere from the white-petaled daisies being blown about indiscriminately as the wind pushes itself fiercely throughout the blades of school yard grass. It was the distinctive aroma of death which mainly encompassed this strange girl’s thin outline, it was actually rather soothing to his senses, the marvelous notion of everlasting slumber would be that of a godsent, lasting from generation to generation and surviving all of the harsh treatment that this realm and the other universes have given him. This was rather humorous to him, in some way he believed he was forever cursed to wander indistinctly until time itself was brought to screeching halt, even then he thought it would still be impossible. Hundun’s continuance was preserved by the fact he was a primordial being. One who has existed at the beginning of time itself, forged from unadulterated pandemonium and arbitrary chaos which has always served its purpose through the horrid stains of time. Despite having the unmistakable appearance of a human-being corrupted by the sins of mankind and others alike, he was significantly far from it. When he continued to think about it even more it shocked him, maybe he wasn’t even alive to begin with. His skin was always concealed with the souls of the damned and forsaken. Then it instantly came to him when he gradually arched his back upwards into the blazing light which traveled throughout the skies, his essence was suspended in a perpetual loop between purgatory and actuality. The multitude of souls couldn’t escape his menacing presence they were forced to be merged with him as the maelstrom in the world claimed their spirit.


Suddenly his fixated reflection on existence were interrupted as his pupils were trained upon the young lady’s face, for a brief moment her pale ghostly complexion grew worse as her facial expression contorted in anguish, was she really that terrified of him? Or was it something else?  Nonetheless he couldn’t stand to see someone in tremendous heartache which was similar to that of himself, a seemingly docile smile stretched itself across his face in hopes that it would somewhat ease her shaky nerves. However his passive ephemeral smirk was brought to a swift conclusion as a few words slithered out from in betwixt her gentle lips. “Those who identify pain are those who know it firsthand.” How true she was with her astringent choice of words which seared through his sin and directly to his heart which sank and the thought of her once more. “Maybe I am overreacting, she’ll come back” He muttered out from underneath his heavy breath. Right now he could only hope that she’d come back to him so that he could embrace her vermilion pigmented skin which complimented her forbidding eyes which glimmered with a reddish-orange hue. Astaroth, her very name was burned into his brain with the overbearing strength of a thousand burning suns. As of now he didn’t care who seized dominant control over this world. He just wanted her back in his loving grasp, Hundun sighed painfully before turning back towards Lilith and attempting to conceal his overbearing pain which has stricken his emotions. “Have you ever had someone very close to you, just leave? Leave without even saying a goodbye. You think they’ll come back but the way they just left you, something inside of you knew that you were never going to see them again..?” To his astonishment he recognized something in the rough palm of his hand, it was the small fragment of one of her horns that had been chipped off during their time together, a choked sniffle left from his mouth as he clenched his hand into a fist tightly and holding onto the only close memory of her. He leaned back over in desolation as it struck him once more. “Sorry, you shouldn’t have to see me like this. Especially since you’re feeling the same way I am, besides I wouldn’t want to give a bad impression to a student i’ve never encountered before. Just by looking at you, I can already tell that you’re an intriguing youthful woman.


I’m guessing you have also witnessed the atrocities of life, haven’t you? Heh, Just like me.  it’s strange isn’t it? Sauntering through existence unwillingly and seeing those close to you perish from causes you couldn’t control. Sometimes you just have to let time takes it course on you and let it scar those open wounds of yours. You can’t help the inevitable truth, it’s sad I know but be happy to know in life that they had the pleasure of at least meeting you.” He announced mercifully before unknowingly positioning his hand onto her delicate shoulder in order to comfort her, suddenly another smell caught his attention as soon as his skin touched hers. An intense sweltering burning sensation that encircled his palm and resulting in unorthodox burn marks amidst his blackened hand, to her immediate surprise once he took his hand back only accumulated ash fell off from his uninflamed skin. His eyebrows raised in curiosity as he glared into her shuddering eyes. “So that’s why your body reeks of death. Because you consist of it, now I can see why you’re not happy. Plagued by loneliness and others around you, that’s why you sit in isolation from everyone else. You’re afraid of what you’ll do to them. Interesting, there’s only one other student that is like you in this school. I believe his name is Caesar, he’s one of the people here that are placed on Luxor’s 'watchlist' due to how dangerous his abilities are. Even the very tips of his fingers could disintegrate someone’s flesh if they came into contact. My skin is tainted with those who have already passed on, I am unable to die.. Yet, I’ve already been banished before-hand by the angels themselves for my previous unholy deeds, the way I see it. That's a million times worse than death.”
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"Oh... Shit." Was all Caesar had to offer as his looked over the wound in morbid surprise. There wasn't a whole he could do when it came to healing, but he would try his best. Dragging Jin onto his bed, he ripped a tuxedo of his own up to form bandages and prepared to take the knife out. He pulled it quickly and wiped away the cut, bundling what had been his upper breast pocket into it and wrapping what was his sleeve around his torso. He looked over and saw that the half empty can of the beer Ryo had given him was still there, he picked it up and began pouring it onto the cut. He wasn't sure if what he was doing was right, but he was fairly sure alcohol cleaned wounds, or sterilised it, or something along those lines. Despite learning human biology, he still had yet to take part in any actual medical courses. He did know that the wound didn't look too fatal and there wasn't masses of blood at least. Carrying Jin, he walked over to the infirmary, to which he placed Jin on a bed and collapsed in the one next to him. Too cold, too tired, too over-exerted. He passed out. 

@Dante Verren @whoever's in the infirmary
"Here I was thinking you would not put such a situation in front of me..." He acted like he would think. "I can do both, let us say that by killing him you did the world a favor, saving it from some future hell, and now I can kill you, sound good?" He said with a grin, this time real. "I hope when you see each other in hell you stay the hell away, cause hell is my turf, and so help me I will terminate you're pitiful afterlife before it truly begins."

Elch chuckles. "Hmmm. I think I did do the world a favor....those too weak to persevere deserve death." He says as his attention is directed towards Smoke. Smoke slowly got up as his helmet split in two revealing that there wasn't a wound and his face.

Smokes face: 


"Ah, the Demon rises once more for final vengence." He said with a grin. He stepped back and handed Smoke a P226. "I give you the means, find the motive." He said. He stepped back from the two, holstering his other P226, he walked to the girl. "I can pay for this is you like." He said, gesturing to the shattered door.


Mary (Mammon)

Mary sighed as she heard that Elch wasn't going to give the armour as payment. "Well whatever, it's probably plastic or something." she stiffly replied, slipping off both of the gauntlets from Smoke. She watched his helmet fall into two onto the ground and swiped them up before Elch would tell her otherwise. Throwing the broken helmet into her dorm, Mary stood up from her position and watched as they both prepared to fight. "Sure, I need someone to pay for it. I didn't break it, Elch did." Mary replied to Logan as he offered to fix the splintered door. The girl edged to the wall as she waited for the two to brawl it out.

@ZappiestAbyss @LoneSniper87 (What's your character's name?)
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"Ah, the Demon rises once more for final vengence." He said with a grin. He stepped back and handed Smoke a P226. "I give you the means, find the motive." He said. He stepped back from the two, holstering his other P226, he walked to the girl. "I can pay for this is you like." He said, gesturing to the shattered door.

"No demon. Just me." Smoke says in a low voice as he hands you the P226 back. He reached down and picked up his spear. Elch smiled crazily and drew a Python. Before Elch could even move, Smokes spear was already through Elchs chest. He pulled it out and looked at his brother. Elch laid down and looked at his brother. Smoke sat down and cradled his brothers head. Elch looked at his brother and broke the silence. "I'" He muttered as the life in his eyes slowly faded away. Smoke took off Elchs dog tags and put them on. He picked up his brother bridal style along with his helmet. 

(Logan) Logan handed the girl a hundread dollars, "That should cover it." He said. He leaned next to her on the wall. "You will come to learn this happens often, and death occurs often as well." He says monotonously. "But anyway what's your name? I'm Logan."
Logan took back his other P226 and holstered it and watched the two left, "Well there we have it. Smoke won. Poor Elch... Once he enters the domain of Hell he will be under my thumb and he know the true meaning of hell." He said to no one in particular.
Logan took back his other P226 and holstered it and watched the two left, "Well there we have it. Smoke won. Poor Elch... Once he enters the domain of Hell he will be under my thumb and he know the true meaning of hell." He said to no one in particular.

"No he won't be in Hell. Hell isn't the place for him." Smoke said as he set Elch down and snatched back his metal gauntlets, before putting them on. "Steal anything from me again I will kill you. And if I can't kill you,  I'll make sure to make your life a living hell." Smoke threatened the Angel.


Mary (Mammon)

"I honestly don't care if somebody dies. It isn't affecting me so why should I worry?" she said as she nabbed the hundred pound note from Logan. Stuffing it into her coat pocket she added "I'm Mary. It's alright to meet you." . Not long after that, Mary stuck out her leg as yet another student ran down the corridor, feet pounding. Didn't anyone teach them not to run inside? Pfft, obviously not she thought as the student tripped and face planted, skidding across the floor for a metre or so. Under her coat Mary had a large smirk on her face as she amused herself.

The smirk quickly changed back to the neutral face she always has on. "Oooh I'm so scared. I don't exactly know what else you can do apart from smash doors and punch people, but from what I know that doesn't mean 'hell' to me." she said with a sarcastic tone of voice. Mary didn't exactly know why she was turning so passive aggressive all of a sudden, but whatever. It's fun, and that's what matters.

@LoneSniper87 @ZappiestAbyss


Mary (Mammon)

"I honestly don't care if somebody dies. It isn't affecting me so why should I worry?" she said as she nabbed the hundred pound note from Logan. Stuffing it into her coat pocket she added "I'm Mary. It's alright to meet you." . Not long after that, Mary stuck out her leg as yet another student ran down the corridor, feet pounding. Didn't anyone teach them not to run inside? Pfft, obviously not she thought as the student tripped and face planted, skidding across the floor for a metre or so. Under her coat Mary had a large smirk on her face as she amused herself.

The smirk quickly changed back to the neutral face she always has on. "Oooh I'm so scared. I don't exactly know what else you can do apart from smash doors and punch people, but from what I know that doesn't mean 'hell' to me." she said with a sarcastic tone of voice. Mary didn't exactly know why she was turning so passive aggressive all of a sudden, but whatever. It's fun, and that's what matters.

@LoneSniper87 @ZappiestAbyss

"I do much more than punch. Me and my brother slaid Gods for a living. And little girl you mean less than nothing to me." He say in a low tone. "I'm not afraid to kill a little bitch." 


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Mary (Mammon)

"Whoa whoa, sorry that I offended you. Just going off of what I saw." defensively said Mary, holding her hands up. "So tell me, what gods have you killed? The god of peace from another universe? The little Ratotskr Squirrel messenger that everyone hates?" she questioned, curious to see who was weak enough to fall to two bickering brothers. Her eyes inspected the armour from a distance, guessing if it was worth to actually try to take it or not. 

"Oh... Shit." Was all Caesar had to offer as his looked over the wound in morbid surprise. There wasn't a whole he could do when it came to healing, but he would try his best. Dragging Jin onto his bed, he ripped a tuxedo of his own up to form bandages and prepared to take the knife out. He pulled it quickly and wiped away the cut, bundling what had been his upper breast pocket into it and wrapping what was his sleeve around his torso. He looked over and saw that the half empty can of the beer Ryo had given him was still there, he picked it up and began pouring it onto the cut. He wasn't sure if what he was doing was right, but he was fairly sure alcohol cleaned wounds, or sterilised it, or something along those lines. Despite learning human biology, he still had yet to take part in any actual medical courses. He did know that the wound didn't look too fatal and there wasn't masses of blood at least. Carrying Jin, he walked over to the infirmary, to which he placed Jin on a bed and collapsed in the one next to him. Too cold, too tired, too over-exerted. He passed out. 

@Dante Verren @whoever's in the infirmary

Aiko was s surprised to see him here and assisted him in saving Jim's left by regenerating his cells for him and preventing the wound from infection as she followed them into the infirmary. There was no knife however just the wound

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud





Lilith waited patiently for the man to answer, her gaze fixed off somewhere in the distance, not on anything particular and not for any reason in particular. He mumbled something about a certain 'she' but Lilith was sure that bit of information wasn't for her, somewhat like a rhetorical question.... a rhetorical comment, perhaps? Anyway, she couldn't quite come up with an appropriate answer anyhow. Instead she waited for him to speak further. The question he asked... Well, of course that was something she was familiar with that feeling but not in the same kind of way. That sort of loss was more intimate and while those that died often missed the living and vice versa, while she felt everything they felt, nobody really knew Lilith personally. Nobody shed a tear for her. Perhaps there had never been anyone in all of her existence that would miss her if she was suddenly gone. But that was something she had already come to terms with. Others pain was enough, her own misery would possible be her breaking point. Still, she couldn't help the curiosity and pangs of envy she felt, when he spoke of a girl he loved. Love must be a nice thing, although something she herself didn't truly believe actually existed. It was one of those see it and believe it type deals.

As he continued to speak, Lilith felt something inside of her she hadn't felt before. Sort of like an itch you couldn't reach or when a certain word was at the tip of your tongue... Something she might better understand if she could reach out and grasp it, but unfortunately, it was just out of reach. The feeling she couldn't fathom was empathy. True empathy. Not the faux empathy she had been made to feel and express. And it was followed by sympathy. She felt for him, truly. But what could she do other than cause more harm to people's lives? He needed the exact opposite. If it were possible she would have maybe patted his arm to express comfort but she knew better, and, he seemed to beat her to it. She felt the conversion of the darkness she'd grown used to escape her skin like it did with the flower she had touched earlier. With a look of horror, Lilith watched her nightmare come true as his skin quite literally melted off. Her first instinct was to reach out, to perhaps assist, a human thing to do really, but again, she knew what would happen and her fingers only hovered for a moment before dropping to her sides. She scooted as far away from him as she possibly could and ducked her head, her chestnut colored hair falling around her face in veil. Pain... she caused him pain. She hurt someone. Really, truly, good for nothing.

His first words after caused her to flinch like she'd been struck. The reek of death... Horrible. Horrible. But what he said afterward, made Lilith pause in her self loathing. Yes, that was exactly it. Was it that he understood her? Or maybe it was just that obvious. Still the guilt and worry of possibly making him feel worse than he already was clutched her deadened heart and wrenched. But it was... curious... that there was somebody else like her was here, perhaps very much like her. Maybe this person knew how to control it, to fix it, or maybe he would just kill her for her... No, enough of that. "I'm sorry... Sorry that I hurt you. Sorry that you're in pain already."

Logan looked at Mary oddly. "You must 'ave a death wish, missie." He said with a grin. "I saw 'ow you were eyein his armor, nice try there." He said. "So what do you do, love?" He said.



Loki let out a small whistle from where he was standing. There was now a large hole that went from the room they where in that went all the way through the castle. Loki was still on top of the railings having not moved an inch from the blast but the railing was in rubble. "Now that was impressive. I will have to remember to reward her once this whole shabang is over with." Loki looked over at Seo . "Well little white dragon I suggest you go home. Your brother is a dead man anyway so just go home and make love to the crazy one you call a girlfriend. After all if you get in my way something... Unfortunate may happen to her. Well tata." Loki snapped his fingers and disappeared taking Gungnir with him.

He reappeared a little ways away from Ryo and Setsuna. His boots crunched on the snow underfoot as he made his way over to the two. He looked down at the couple. "How sweet. However she belongs to me now." He used his foot to push Setsuna off of Ryo's body as he raised Gungnir and aimed it Ryo's heart. "If you can here me my little fox you did very well. After I'm done killing this fool feel free to make any request your heart desires. As for you my scaly little friend you'd better curse your own existence. Now any last words or can I just kill you already?"

@Marumatsu @Obsidian @YungJazz

Aiko Kirishima:




Aiko ran out of the infirmary after healing Jin of his wounds and ran into Arian. She was surprised at seeing her and tripped falling face down in front of her her glasses sliding down the hallway as she searched for them. "Glasses." She said groping at the floor near her as she crawled around near her.


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Mary (Mammon)

"Whoa whoa, sorry that I offended you. Just going off of what I saw." defensively said Mary, holding her hands up. "So tell me, what gods have you killed? The god of peace from another universe? The little Ratotskr Squirrel messenger that everyone hates?" she questioned, curious to see who was weak enough to fall to two bickering brothers. Her eyes inspected the armour from a distance, guessing if it was worth to actually try to take it or not. 


"Wouldn't you like to know? Ra. Horus. The God of Death. The God of fire. The God of dragons.....I forgot his name." He said pretending to think. "The Olympians." He continued.

Seo Human form.png

Following the direction of his brother Seo unleashed a flurry of arrows at Loki before finding his brother had been launched by a surprise attack. "Oh no what ever shall I do Ryo nooo." Seo sarcastically says as his body is imbued with a immense aura. Enraged at the threat Loki made, his eyes filled with a powerful bloodlust as his aura started to rise dramatically. "Threaten my family now you have crossed the line". Looking to his fallen brother he decides to run towards him instead of attacking. Seo upon making contact with his brother he threw Ryo into the air, suspending him while he focised his energy gathering all the power he could muster. Seo's hands became covered in a pure white essence, his eyes shined a brilliant blue as he leaped into the air to join his brothers suspended body. A demonic circle appeared under Ryo's levitating body as his brother's energy grew more and more twisted and demented while starting to perform what looked as a ritual. Immense waves of aura shot from the brother's pushing Loki and Setsuna away with each demonic pulse. Seo slammeed his brothers abdomen launching his lifeless body through the circle, before touching the ground Ryo dangled by crimson chains seeping with blood that connected to Seo's hand. These chains began to light up a translucent orange as Seo pulled his hand through the circle transforming into his dragon form Seo pulls with all his might a glow appears surrounding him sucking the very life away from his making him revert from dragon to semi dragon and human again. With on final tug the chains vanish into ash summoning a mighty wind throwing Seo's into the wall. Raising his head showing a cocky smile laughing with the last of his strength. "I would have loved to entertain you but, I wont risk it trying to destroy you. Gramps told me to release the restraint when it was time for Ryo to become "The Man". Seo having exhausted all his energy into the task lays on the ground of the castle holding one eye open and muttering a few last words before drifting off into a coma. "Sorry Ryo.... I-I had to.."

@YungJazz (Obsidian, Dante Verren)(I can't tag you all it won't let me because my internet is acting up)
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(Well, I was saving this for when Hundun and A attack Ryo, but this is good. Thanks for the set up Matsu!)

Ryo Sentrale (Dragon Form...and dying)

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Unbelievable. Inconceivable. Traitorous. And Soul Tearing. All of these feelings came rushing into Ryo the minute Setsuna had pierced him with her tails. The look of pure betrayal on his face reached to her very core as Ryo could feel his life essence drifting away. And as he crashed into the ground with blood leaking from his wounds, Ryo's heart still yearned for Setsuna. His eyes growing dim and his vision turning black, Ryo couldn't help but gaze into Setsuna's crying eyes as she wept in regret.

So many memories flowing through his head. Of the training that he and Seo were put through, the harsh lessons his grandfather imparted on him, to never show mercy and love, only rage and strength, to live their lives as monsters. Ryo remembered the countless atrocities he committed as a young beast, the millions of lives he ruined due to the urging from his grandfather. The battle lust he felt and the pleasure he enjoyed from destruction, it shaped him into the being he was. From attacking a innocent Ryujin, to injuring Caesar, who was just trying to save his friend, to even taking the life of a helpless girl who laid dying. All this flashed through his mind, but one thought was always present.


Even after this betrayal, all Ryo could feel when she came to mind, was love. Of all the people he had met, all the woman he had touched, and all the battles he had won, Setsuna had been the one to give him joy. She had changed him, from a beast to a some what decent person....sometimes. He wouldn't think twice about killing someone until she came along, now he was liable to spare lives. Ryo only chuckled as he felt himself fading away, what a way to go, from the hands of your love. Ryo's eyes gently closed as Loki walked up to him and spoke some gibberish about last thoughts, but Ryo couldn't hear him, he was too focused on the form of Setsuna, and of what would happen if he were to die. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it, so Ryo laid there, no words said, as he slowly began accepting his fate.

That is, until Seo unsealed 'IT'

Ryo's eyes widened as Seo went through the process of releasing limiters and seals, bringing forth a demonic power that flooded the area with such a sickly feeling, that life began to wither away simply from the smell. A dark mist began forming, completely different from the destructive power that Ryo used, this energy was sinful yet.....prideful. And as Ryo rose his hand up towards Setsuna, as if reaching for her, the demonic red sigils spread along his body, covering him from head to toe, then finally completely covering him, his last words before completely disappearing within the demonic fog and power being:

"Please. At least save her."

'Heh, don't worry kid. I'll take goooood care of her. You can have your meatsack back after i'm done, it ain't yet time for me to fully take over, but I think i'll lend you a hand here. After all, this body will be mine eventually'

And just like that, the world exploded into an array of colors and the sky grew dark. Lightning cracked the sky and a vile feeling surged throughout Niflheim. It was like the apocalypse had descended on this realm as tornadoes and earthquakes wracked the land. A dark smoke flooded over the area, feeling as if sin itself had taken a physical form. And from the spot that Ryo once was stood a figure. His mere presence compelled people to bow down and worship him, and through the smoke you could see his smile that could bewitch even the worst of enemies. The figure let out a soft chuckle, that sounded like the most wondrous orchestra, but had an undertone of a thousand beasts roaring in righteous fury.

It was evident now. Ryo's family lineage wasn't just Shiva, God of Destruction and Sydren Sentrale, Dragon of the End. No, his mother also had a link to another dark bloodline, one that Ryo's grandmother, who was mortal, carried in her veins. He had waited so long to achieve this, he wasn't going to stand by as some cheap Pagan imitation of him destroyed his hard work. No, no, no, he had worked too hard and was too proud of his decades of planning.

Now was the time he finally stepped in and had some fun.

The sinful smoke cleared, revealing the figure to have pure red skin and a presence that spoke of the holiest light, yet the most vile darkness. The figure took a bow towards Loki in sarcasm, one hand across his chest as if to mock the trickster god.

"Good day to you dear Sir. I couldn't help but notice that you and your family issues involved the idiot who's body I had worked through centuries to create. So i'm going to introduce myself and hopefully we can move past this and your abandonment issues."

The being looked up and immediately everyone felt a cold chill of both fear and lust flow down their spine. This being was Pride incarnate and powerful beyond belief. And Loki had just pissed him off.

"Hello, my name is Lucifer."

The man then flipped the Trickster God a middle finger, his tongue sticking out to mock the pagan god.

Introducing: Lucifer (Ryo Possession) The Angel of Light, Great Dragon, and Sin of Pride

Lucifer [Ryo Form].jpg

The air flooded with pure sin as the land crumbled and fire illuminated the skies. Looks like the stories were true, Lucifer did have a vessel, and his name was Ryo. Lucifer's other hand came up in another middle finger, giving Loki the two finger flip off.

"And i'm here to stomp a hole so deep in your ass, that every time you fart, a hurricane forms."

@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Dante Verren

(Oooooh SNAP! LOOK WHAT YOU DID LOKI! SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA! RYO IS LUCIFER'S VESSEL! See @Olivia Acerbi I had a plan, I mean, it was initiated rather soon, but meh, work with what you got. Shout out to Matsu for setting me up to do this. Ryo's lineage revealed and a massive mud hole about to be planted in behinds, oh yeah, good times. DON'T WORRY SETSUNA, LUCIFER WILL SAVE YOU! AND MAAAAAYBE GIVE RYO'S BODY BACK....maybe. Also, excuse the picture of Lucifer, I found what I wanted, but couldn't find any standing poses, work with what you got.)
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Loki stepped back in surprise but remained silent as the being spoke. He laughed hysterically as the being introduced its self. "Well well look what fell from heaven and into my lap. Oh wait you fell along time ago." Loki returned the two finger flip off with a tip of his hat. "A pleasure to meet you though I'm not the only one to have abandonment issues after all you were thrown out just like I was. Good times, Good times." Loki sighed happily. "There is truly nothing you can put me through That I already haven't experienced trust. After all I have even given birth to a horse. That was an interesting experience. Though I don't doubt I'm probably dead." Loki twirled Gungnir around in his hands one last time. "I at least lived long enough to see Ragnarock out. I only wish I could have seen those assholes begging on their knees for mercy." Loki raised the spear and pointed it at Lucifer. "Well then lord of sin let us dance the world away."

@YungJazz @Marumatsu @Obsidian

(Sorry for such a lazy post. My brain is not working right now.)
( @YungJazz o dang, dats sum M. Night Shyamalan shiz rite der boi  xD  I'd be lying if I said the thought that your were gonna do this hadn't crossed my mind tho, Great Dragon  :D Now I can't kill A off....hmm)
Smoke stopped and looked up. "Hmmm...time to fix my helmet before hell breaks loose....again." He muttered as he dropped Elch. "Come on get up. You're not dead and we all know it." He says exasperated. A smile breaks across Elchs face, and he slowly gets up. He smiles and says "How'd you know?" To which Smoke responded with "I'm your twin. I know all about you." They shook hands and nodded in respect for each other. Elch pointed up at the sky and asked "What's the deal with this shit?" 

"I have no fucking idea' Smoke said telepathically. 

@Cheryl @LoneSniper87

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