Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(That's fine . )

Izona giggled,most people like herself would also go to the party for food. "I had the same idea. However, I have to be at the ball to make sure the youngling don't get any ideas. " she said. She remebered 10 years ago when a student spiked the punch bowl with alcohol. Half of the students at the party were drunk. " I'm now interested in what your going to wear?"

[Male- Yana]

The kids there were wild for sure, the past events certainly showed it. "Good luck with that. Though I'll help if  I have to." he hoped that nothing bad would happen that would make him have to help. "Whatever it is it's probably going to have pants. If I have a dress or skirt it would be awkward to turn into a guy if I want to or if I'm going in my male form." honestly even when he was in his female form he was a bit uncomfortable in something like that.

Logan glanced at the two, "Oi! Gentlemen, mind poinitng me to the 50's prom section?" He asked with a grin. "And you guys look... Damn... Just damn... I'd love to see who you two got booked for this dance." @ZappiestAbyss

"No one yet." Elch said. "You should try aisle three. That's where these were from." Smoke nodded. "If you want we can come with you. Help you pick out your gown." Elch joked.
"Cool. Just ask me if you need help with your costume".

From afar a blue haired boy started to get closer as he walked down the hallway. In a soft and barely audible voice he says," Excuse me. You must be my co-workers". Izona quickly turned around and looked at the smaller boy ,"Andorra! Haven't seen you in a long time " she exclaimed a she squeezed the boy against her chest. The boy quickly pushed himself back to regain his breathing. "Y-yes. It's very nice to meet you again as well" .

[Male- Yana]

He nodded his head slightly, knowing he would most likely need assistance in the end. A new face had approached him or at least someone he didn't recognize. Izona knew him apparently because she was acting rather friendly with this...Andorra? He couldn't recall that name in his mind at all so he spoke to him without much enthusiasm because he didn't really know him. "Yes if you work here." he answered before saying to Izona "Luxor hired more help while we were away?" it wasn't exactly unexpected but it almost offensive to know he could be replaced so easily.

@Kisaki (Sorry I feel asleep.)
" I should introduce myself....I'm Andorra , but I rather be called Ai. I'm a archangel thats related to brother Aurum Luxor." The boy then bowed.  

"Umm...I'm also the second counseler of the school. "

He returned to regular position. 

(Don't worry. I went to sleep as well)

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"Just twist your hips back and forth. Swing your arms around to add more pizazz ." Kagami demonstrated to help Aiko see how to do it.

She started doing hip circles while waving both of her arms with confusion

"Umm...Is this how it's done?" She asked 





Lilith wasn't much for social gatherings but because she had nothing better to do and because of the deeper desire to want to fit in with the students gathering at the event, she went anyway. Since it has started however, Lilith has only busied her time, sitting in the corner and watching others have fun. It wasn't as if she could dance with anyone. She didn't know anybody to talk to. So, she supposed observing was always better than being alone at home tonight. She'd chosen a somewhat simple dress, black and white with accents of red. It wasn't too pretty, but it seemed to fit Lilith well. To mask the scent of death, she'd adorned the fabric and her hair with roses and rose petals, which she hoped would be enough.


Lilith was mostly fascinated by how the dance was put together and what they did. They drank from a giant bowl, ate small snacks, and of course, danced, but not how she would expect. When Lilith thinks of dancing, she thinks of times that have long passed where a couple dance with grace, tightly following rhythmic movements, a certain pattern they were supposed to follow. But here, people were more expressive. It was almost nicer this way. Lilith figured at the very least she should find something to drink. Everyone else had small glasses of whatever was in that bowl clasped in their hands. It must be tradition. She stood up and made her way carefully over to the bowl, taking extreme care not to brush against anyone as she passed. When she got to the table, she scooped a couple ladle fulls into a glass and took a sip. Gah! It was bitter... With hints of what was once sugar. Was it supposed to taste like this? Wouldn't it be rude not to drink it now? Probably... Well, if she was going to drink it, it might as well be all at once. Better then make her suffer through sips of bitter liquid. She downed the glass quickly and then looked at it. Weird... As gross as it sounded, it made her feel... better? More numb to the pain? It tuned out the voices of the dead and the pangs in her heart. Almost desperately, Lilith reached for the ladle, filling her glass again and downing it just as quickly. Even better... Maybe this wasn't so bad.
(Alright i'm back!! LET'S DO THIS!......Aaaaaand Seo killed loki. Okay, no problemo, I can work with that. At least it gives me a chance to show lucifer's personality (He's pretty much deadpool with cosmic powers) and oooh, time god is a babe! Lucifer is now going to eventually hit that. PREPARE FOR DEVIL SHENANIGANS!!!....Also Ryo gets his body back.)

Lucifer (Ryo Possession)

Lucifer [Ryo Form].jpg

Lucifer let out a gasp as he brought his hands to his mouth in mocking shock, obviously doing the surprised act in mock of Hundun, "Le Gasp! Dunny is that you? Well aren't you looking swell with your pasty skin and your face paint from the circus, SELFIE TIME!" In a matter of seconds, Lucifer was standing next to Hundun, an arm wrapped around his shoulder and making the peace sign, his other hand holding a camera with the images of Lucifer and Hundun, with Lucifer grinning like an idiot and Hundun growling menacingly.

"Everybody say, Hundumbass!!"

Taking the picture, Lucifer grabbed Chronos and warped away before Hundun had time to react. Lucifer dipped Chronos down as a stage light shined down on them from nowhere, rose petals falling from the sky. And for some reason, Lucifer's eyes seemed to sparkle, not unlike those weird bishounen guys from anime, also he had this horrible french accent "Ah, ma cherie Chronos! It has been decades, how can I ever repay your interruption of asian Hulk's anger towards me! OH WAIT! I KNOW!" And with that, Lucifer stole a quite passionate kiss from Chronos, tongue battling the time goddess. It kinda made it awkward for everyone to watch the devil go to town on the controller of time while so much destruction occurred around them.

Anyway, Lucifer relented from his passionate assault of Chronos's lips and twirled the goddess around like a dancer, sending her back to Hundun. Lucifer then snapped his fingers, the stage light and rose petals disappearing, "Don't worry dear Chronos, you shall receive a good dicking later from yours truly, now then. WHINY DRAGON SHRIMP!" Lucifer pointed at the form of Seo, whose bleeding shoulder was suddenly healed, stopping the bleeding, but not replacing the lost arm. Lucifer zipped over and patted the unconscious dragon's head in mock sympathy, "That'll do pig, that'll do. Too bad you lost your arm, cool that you beat loki though. However, that meant you took my kill, so a little peeved about that, BUT DON'T WORRY UNCONSCIOUS DRAGON SHRIMP! I ain't gonna kill ya! You're still part of my plans after all. Gonna heal your shoulder, but no new arm for you, cause still peeved. Keep the mask, maybe you'll prove a challenge to Ryo the next time you fight. NOW THEN," Lucifer kicked Seo's unconscious form up, then grabbing him in mid-air and throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, making sure to place the leftover Loki mask on Seo's head.

Finally turning his attention to Setsuna, Lucifer quickly snapped his fingers in front of her face, sending her into a blissful sleep and erasing any lurking control of Loki over her. Picking her up and throwing her over his other shoulder, Lucifer then turned to face the fuming Hundun, a shit-eating grin on his face, "I'd love to stay and chat HunnyBunny, but I got plans to see through and a nice nap to take, cause I don't feel like doing anything yet. Plus, your daughter will be a pretty good mother to my next vessel if this one doesn't pan out. Oh, and tell Astaroth, 'WHAT DAT MOUTH DO THOUGH!', she'll get it, also, next time you see Daji, tell her that I get to be on top next time. Ciao!"

And with that, Lucifer disappeared, not even leaving a single trace of his presence. Appearing discreetly in the area that Lyssa and Lysseo were, Lucifer dropped Seo down without a single care and then paused, before turning back and kicking him a couple times in the ribs, for amusement, then disappeared once again without Lyssa or anyone else noticing. Arriving in Ryo's dorm room, the gigantic room that was pretty much a penthouse, Lucifer placed the sleeping Setsuna on the bed and brushed her hair back, a wicked smile on his face, "Oh the plans I got for you and Ryo, sleep tight little fox, hopefully your ass becomes as phat as your moms, cause maaaaan, them cheeks is bangin'" Lucifer then blinked, realizing that he was talking to himself, before shrugging and laying down next to Setsuna.

A small grin formed on the devil's face as he felt Ryo's presence slowly surface. Well, time to go back to sleep, Lucifer was to lazy to help Astaroth, so definitely taking a nap again.

"The body is all yours kid. Have fun, cause i'll be evicting you pretty soon!"

Ryo Sentrale (Back to Normal Idiocy)

Ryo new outfit.jpg

And with that, Lucifer's form faded away, being replaced with that of a handsome young man, with white hair and dark skin. Ryo had come back, his possession unknown to him and sleeping peacefully besides his love, already wrapping his arms around her form. Peace was restored......until the idiot fucks up again and pisses off ANOTHER god of some form.

@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Olivia Acerbi


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Asgard)(With: Chronos.) @YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi

Chronos shifted her entire body weight further backwards as the steps in Hundun’s stride grew further with each second. She knew she couldn’t hold him back much longer as her gentle fingertips hesitantly slid daintily across his hulking biceps with moderate ease. Her mind began continuously racing with propositions and strategies in order to combat his unwavering enraged condition before she could even take action that’s when it happened. Chronos’s grasp loosened around his triceps and he immediately flung out from her clutches in the direction of Lucifer which caused his menacing vermilion aura to pierce through the bloated clouds that were suspended far above in the depths of the bright azure colored skies above. The heavens themselves trembled before his quaking wrath as the pigmentation of the celestial sphere itself alternated into a misty shade of grey which heavily concealed the vast billows of white clouds. Despite the Norse trickster god’s inevitable demise, it seemed that the situations itself has only gotten worse as now Seo, Lucifer, and Chronos had to deal with a primordial deity who has now gone off the deep-end from Astaroth’s unexpected disappearance. Unintelligible screams of the forsaken spirits buried deep within his essence could be heard discerned as their echos sprung out from his sinister core. Each terrifying shriek was followed up by the wretched face of a dark spirit bursting itself rapidly out from his approaching frame which casted a menacing silhouette that stretched across the ground from the twilight colored sky.

Repugnant-smelling miasma scattered itself across fiercely across the land which corroded some of the forestry and vegetation as the smell of death spread itself further throughout Asgard, every wiff of the dreaded smell signified, after feeling Lucifer slither up to him and take an unwilling ‘selfie’ with him is when his cataclysmic bloodlust went to new heights. Surprisingly enough his homosapien appearing body didn’t revert back to its normal primordial condition. “Graah! When I split your entire body in two separate pieces, I hope that you’ll be alive. So I can watch as your life creeps away before my very eyes!” Hundun noisily roars out before instinctively swinging his hand towards him resulting in the atmospheric pressure creating a small suction which pulls Lucifer towards him at a breakneck pace. His sinister smile stretches across his face after realizing that this would be the blow that would finally kill that red bastard. However as his hand approached his chest, he swiftly disappeared with Chronos, as she dangled almost helplessly in Lucifer’s grasp, her innocent yet embarrassed eyes caught onto his. “Um, Luci- what are you doing?! Also, not to be rude but you should probably work on that accent of yours-Mph!” Her voice was abruptly silenced as his lips interconnected with her. As she pressed her dainty hands up to his midsection she nearly attempted to push him up off, until she felt the strapping embrace of his body and his devilish tongue expertly prodding against hers. As the saliva-swapping kiss lasted longer, Chronos gave into the will and started motioning her supple tongue against his not to mention her fingertips felt as if they hand a mind of their own when they creeped down his waist. Unfortunately her sensual endeavors were ended when the connection of their attracting lips was cut-short by him after spinning her into Hundun who effortlessly caught Chronos as she fell back into his arms. “Hueheh.. I might take him up on that offer. Hundun, you should take a couple of lessons from him.” Chronos unknowingly grinds her sensitive inner thighs against each other in a gyrating motion, her breath started to become lustful pants as she fixated her intense glared at Lucifer with carnal intentions. Before lazily shifting her eyesight in Hundun’s direction as her back pressed against his chest.

“Despite his falsified loving intentions, I still want to do the ever loving hell out of him. So Hun, if it makes you feel better, i’ll give you the chance to obliterate him.. Only after I have my way with him for a couple of days… Or weeks.. Just give me a month or two and we’ll be good..” Chronos replies in an excited tone before looking back at Lucifer and making a humorous alluring gesture with her index finger and then making a playful ‘roar’ as she turns herself slightly around and bringing up her plump rear and wiggling it briefly in his direction. “Ugh, I don’t even know why you’re here.. You just seem to always get in my way. Fine, i’ll take your offer. Just get off of me, I don’t want that disgusting putrid mongrel’s spit anywhere near my body.” Hundun announces as he pushes her off of his muscular body and into the murky waters of the fountain encircling both of them. “Ha, you’re such a prick!” Chronos crosses her arms over her chest while Hundun huffs back at her.
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Logan entered the dance, taking a glance around the room. He spotted a girl in a black, red, and white dress, and walked over as she seemed lonely. "Hi" he said as he walked over. He sat next to her, smiling softly. "I'm Logan, what's your name?" He asked, entending a black gloved hand that matched his grey suit and perfectly contrasted and complimented  the little white that showed. @Plasma
image.jpegThe twins showed up at the school looking for someone to take to the dance. They had a couple of bad incidents with angry Girlfriends and boyfriends alike but weren't discarouged. They ended up back where they had fought. "Hey Smoke." Elch said to his brother. 'Yeah?' Smoke replied telepathically. "That girl from you think she has a date to the dance?" He asked. Smoke shrugged and pointed to the broken door. 'Go ahead and try.' He said telepathically. Elch did just that, he knocked on the door frame while presenting his flowers.

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[Male- Yana]

Hmm...He had no idea that Mr. Principal had any relatives. The first thing that he wanted to know was if this guy was anything like Luxor. First impressions made him think he was nothing like him but he could of been being deceived. If this guy did end up being like him they would get along as Luxor and him did which was not very well....or he thought so anyways.

"Ai are you going to the ball." Izona asked. The boy nodded and slightly smiled. "Indeed. I'm assigned concession stand. Unfortunately,  there is a ...big problem." he rubbed his back of his head. He almost forgot to tell. It seemed some students and teachers are under the influence of alcohol. 

[Male- Yana]

Hmm...He had no idea that Mr. Principal had any relatives. The first thing that he wanted to know was if this guy was anything like Luxor. First impressions made him think he was nothing like him but he could of been being deceived. If this guy did end up being like him they would get along as Luxor and him did which was not very well....or he thought so anyways.



Mary (Mammon)

Mary was simply thinking about whether it was worth going to the ball or not when she heard the knock on the door. Well, more like the wall or door frame. There wasn't a door anymore after the fight. Hopping up from a brown armchair, Mary strolled over to the entrance while putting on her black cap. There was no change in her facial expression when she saw the two brothers dressed up and holding a bunch of flowers. "What is it?" she curtly asked, interested in why they came back.



Mary (Mammon)

Mary was simply thinking about whether it was worth going to the ball or not when she heard the knock on the door. Well, more like the wall or door frame. There wasn't a door anymore after the fight. Hopping up from a brown armchair, Mary strolled over to the entrance while putting on her black cap. There was no change in her facial expression when she saw the two brothers dressed up and holding a bunch of flowers. "What is it?" she curtly asked, interested in why they came back.


"Well...I was wondering if you'd like to go to the ball with me? After I fixed your door of course. Please?" Elch asked. He was blushing and was offering the flowers to you.

[Male- Yana]

A big problem? he thought another fight had begun again and the school was being destroyed once more because of the students here. He didn't think so because he smelled no smoke, heard no screams, and couldn't feel any extremely strong presences. A fight wasn't the case then "I didn't get back until a few minutes ago and I haven't even had time to go into the room where the ball is going to take place.Keep that in mind. Okay, what's happened?" he was on high alert waiting for what he had to tell them.

(Oh shit. Sorry. Never got the notification for this thread. I think my notifs are broken :p)

Josh smiled a bit. "This is Luxor Academy? That's brilliant. Less running around that I have to do." He paused for a few moments to let them both continue what they were speaking about. "Well, to answer your first question, I will probably attend this dance, it'll give me a chance to meet everyone." Josh paused. "Ah. Well... You see, I was abandoned as a kid. Left in the wilderness. I didn't know any basic human skills. It's a miracle I even survived a day." Pausing once more, he continued. "Anyway, that's why I probably sounded prideful, I mean, who can claim to have survived in the wilderness as a kid?" Josh sounded as if he could talk all day, but his expression said that he'd rather drop the subject. "I hope I see you both at this dance."


@Dante Verren


Mary (Mammon)

"Fine." was the answer that came from Mary. She gave a small smile before plucking a single rose from the flower bunch and looking at it. Mary wasn't smiling because she was happy about being asked to the ball or being given flowers, she was actually silently laughing at how Elch came to her and is now blushing. Taking the rest of the flowers, Mary threw them behind her and said "Now if you don't mind I'll need to get better suited for this whole ball thing. If you fix the door by the time I come back then I'll be coming and staying with you two." before she walked back off into her room to look for a good outfit for her.


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