Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Mary (Mammon)

"Fine." was the answer that came from Mary. She gave a small smile before plucking a single rose from the flower bunch and looking at it. Mary wasn't smiling because she was happy about being asked to the ball or being given flowers, she was actually silently laughing at how Elch came to her and is now blushing. Taking the rest of the flowers, Mary threw them behind her and said "Now if you don't mind I'll need to get better suited for this whole ball thing. If you fix the door by the time I come back then I'll be coming and staying with you two." before she walked back off into her room to look for a good outfit for her.


"A-Alright." Elch stuttered. He went downstairs to get his door for his dorm, he unscrewed and brought it back up. He put it in your doors place, after that he put your dorm number on it. Smoke was chuckling all the while, 'Man she's got you good...' He said telepathically. 
Jin checked his phone to see what time it was and sighed. the dance would be starting soon. "Well josh welcome to Luxor academy.I need to go get ready if I want to make it on time so I will see you guys later."  He waved goodbye at the two before taking off and heading to his dorm to get dressed.




Mary (Mammon)

After the two had gone down to get a door or whatever Mary clicked her fingers and a swirling portal appeared in midair. Without so much as a second thought she hopped through it and closed it off to avoid anything from getting into her precious treasury. The room the girl teleported into was rather bland, with only racks and racks of clothes surrounding her that piled up for seemingly forever. Mary wasn't too bothered about what the two thought of her choices, and so she nabbed a random fancy dress from the nearest rack. It was a black ombre dress, one that satisfied Mary. Throwing it on, she clapped her hands twice and was sent back to where she was before.

Still keeping the hat on her head, Mary wondered why she even bothered. Sometimes she couldn't even understand why she does things for people, but it didn't really matter to her. There were probably going to be quite a few people at the ball and she wanted to blend in by not being the only girl wearing a trench coat. You never have fun when you stand out. Mary thought as she was noticed the door was back. Stepping outside, Mary said with a monotone voice to Elch and Smoke "Ready." .





Mary (Mammon)

"Fine." was the answer that came from Mary. She gave a small smile before plucking a single rose from the flower bunch and looking at it. Mary wasn't smiling because she was happy about being asked to the ball or being given flowers, she was actually silently laughing at how Elch came to her and is now blushing. Taking the rest of the flowers, Mary threw them behind her and said "Now if you don't mind I'll need to get better suited for this whole ball thing. If you fix the door by the time I come back then I'll be coming and staying with you two." before she walked back off into her room to look for a good outfit for her.


"Wow....You somehow look even more pretty." Elch said looking you over. He offered the flowers to you again, at closer inspection you saw the flowers were changing from purple to blue to red then back to purple. Smoke was simply waiting on you two.
"The students are getting intoxicated . I haven't seen anyone fighting , but students are acting very inappropriate. " he replied. Izona sighed," More work for me ....well at least the school isn't burning to the ground."

Kagami stopped dancing g when she started to hear the music that came from the ball room."It's seems the ball just started. Let's go and meet the others"

Kagami quickly changed into her clothes in the near bathroom and came out wearing a old cheerleader uniform . "Ready or do you need to change.?"

She smiled and continued dancing "It's okay..." She said happy she isn't falling over
Kagami stopped dancing g when she started to hear the music that came from the ball room."It's seems the ball just started. Let's go and meet the others"

Kagami quickly changed into her clothes in the near bathroom and came out wearing a old cheerleader uniform . "Ready or do you need to change.?"

She was in her Kimono how it worked was a mystery as she nodded following her to the ball.
Lilith, right about now had had more than a few glasses of punch and wasn't feeling so well. The liquid that seemed to make her feel better than made her feel even worse than before. Sure, her emotions were silenced but she was dizzy and could hardly see straight. What kind of place was this that they drank stuff like this at joyful occasions. The crystal clear image Lilith would have seen any other time blurred in and out. Foolish... Slowly she made her way back over to her seat and trying to quell the dreamlike state her life was now running in... Life. Ha.

Normally, Lilith would have been happy. Yet another person in so little of a time difference has chosen to have her presence. It would have made her happy, and it still kind of did, but what with how the punch was making her feel she wasn't sure how it would change things. It couldn't be good. When he introduced himself as Logan, before Lilith could process her actions, she reached out and shook his hand. What was she thinking?! Her touch was horrid to any living thing... Why did she do that? But more importantly, how was it that his flesh remained intact. Was it... the glove? Since it did not live and served as a barrier, was it okay to touch him? She held her breath, walking their clasped hands closely, probably holding on too long and sighed. It was amazing. He was warm... And he wasn't melting away. He might never know how important this moment was to her but to Lilith, she'd probably remember it forever. 

"S-Sorry. My name is Lilith. It's a pleasure," she murmured softly, releasing his hand and averting her gaze.

Jin entered the hall where the dance was being held. He wore a dark grey suit, a dark grey hat to go along with it, and his eye patch had been changed out for a white one. He looked around with a small whistle. There was already a few people here and they were dancing and just having fun. A small smile crossed his face and it was a mix of happiness accompanied by sadness. He wondered if Fley would have wanted to go to this if she was alive. He shook his head to clear his mind. Now was not the time to be thinking about her. Jin just needed to enjoy himself.

He saw a bowl of weird color liquid which he assumed was punch. He picked up a cup of it and the smell hit him at once. This was not punch. He shrugged "Screw it" and drained it in one go. The warm feeling hit him instantly and he knew it was alcohol. Seeing as he had nothing better to do he took another two shots and chuckled as he felt the warm fuzzy feeling began to build up inside him.

Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: His dorm room)(With: Lyssa, Lysseo)

A view of a darkened room a familiar room? Seo laying happily on the ground in his dorm room,  not sure how he arrived here though it did not matter it was only moments before he held his family in his arms. Attempting to lean up Seo falls off balance landing on his left side making a small thump in the guest room of his dorm. Seo brings his legs up to his chest while his forehead is pressed against the soft carpet floor. Noticing something covering his face when a flood of dastardly ideas group up in his mind simultaneously having his body emmit an ominous aura through out the dorm. Holding his left side with his right hand covering a feeling of pain in the lower left quadrant of his abdomen. Focusing his mind and drawing power from the mask an  icicle arm extends itself from his left side, having done this he lifts himself up by crawling up to the wall and using it as support before walking out the door to the guest room. The vile thoughts torn away at him making him forget about his location until a event he remembers snaps him back. Advancing down the poorly lit hall a relieved laugh expels from his stomach knowing his current location after falling into the bathroom having seen that the door was buried into the wall of his bathroom. "What an adventure... where are they? why is it so quiet?." a new inspiration inspires him to jump up though not being in good condition he hits the hallway wall making yet another startling sound. Seeing the door to his room open and hearing small sounds from it he smiles and walks pushing off the wall keeping his balance. Once he entered the doorway his ominous aura filled the room frightening Lysseo and Lysssa who springs into a crazy attack to protect Lysseo. Watching the moment his lovers arms were wrapped around a small child he felt his heart warm up as he started his way towards his beautiful significant other and the boy who he could only believe was Lysseo simply due to him being a talking dog hopefully this was the case otherwise Lyssa may be crazier than he bargained for if she is kidnapping people. At least the kidnapping thought would makes sense seeing as though a random girl was in his room hours before. Seo having forgotten the mask on his face as well as his missing arm now being replaced by an icicle counter part he is greeted by the spontaneous powerful strength of his wonderful lover sending him spiraling into the kitchen, knocking off his mask while his icicle arms turning into a puddle of water that splashes on the floor. Seo now sprawled out and embedded in the kitchen wall, blood dripping from his mouth from her heavy impact he gatheres what remaining power to hopefully stop the rampaging Lyssa by making the puddle turn into icicle bits that shine in a deep violet and bright pink and blue spelling. "Good morning...." the other words are barely readable and have faded color as a result of Seo's weakened condition. Laying motionless in the wall with his head dangling struggling to stay attentive,  all he could do was hope that Lyssa noticed this or at least saw his face light up from the colors in the darkened kitchen.

"Pleasure to meet you, and are you ok?" He glanced around and saw people who had punch glasses acting similarly, "Bastards are probably drunk... Someone spiked the punch with liquor I guess..." He brought his hand back, notcing the amazement in her eyes. "What, I'm not that charming dear." He said with a grin. @Plasma


Mary (Mammon)

"Then let's go." Mary said as she took the bouquet of multicoloured flowers. She took a moment to appreciate how they fluidly change colour, Snapping off a head of one of the flowers, she tucked it into her hair so the flower stayed and wouldn't fall out. Then Mary set off down to the ball, following the sound of music. Hopefully Elch and Smoke were following her as Mary glided along the ground, with the rest of the bouquet back in her mystical garden within her treasury.

She was in her Kimono how it worked was a mystery as she nodded following her to the ball.

Kagami took a glass of punch and chugged it down. It had a odd taste , but instantly made her warm. She felt alive again.

"Hey look there's Jin. Go talk to him!"
(Dammit Lenny, get it together, man, this is why we can't have nice things in this world! (jk of course))

Jia raised an eyebrow when Josh explained his reasoning behind his prideful response. A kid left to raise himself in the wilderness? Respectable...a bit odd, and raises a few questions in her head...but respectable, nonetheless. She was about to asking another question, but noticed the uncomfortable expression on Josh's face, and chose to spare him and simply hold any other questions she may have for a better time. 

"Fair enough, I guess. I'm going to the dance, so if you want to look for me, I'll probably be by the food the entire time."

Glancing over at Jin when he speaks, her ears perking up and checking the time on the letter.

"Oh, shit, it's almost time for the party. Guess I better run and get ready. See you later, Josh!"

With a peace sign raised to Josh, Jia quickly sprinted off to get ready for her first dance.


Not long after she left the two guys, Jia was ready and made her way to the dance. She wore an obviously never used floor-length red and white floral cheongsam dress with a mid-thigh length slit, kept from opening thanks to a silver dragon clip. The large jade glass beads normally securing her braids were replaced with white beads with a black dragon design. Black heels clicked on the floor as she walked into the room. Her eye scanned the room, noticing that those who are already there seem to be having fun already. On her noir lips, a pleased smile slowly turned to a confused frown as a peculiar scent grazed her nose. A few gentle sniffs traced the site to the refreshments table...specifically the punch bowl.

"Eh...? Something in that drink smells familiar...this I gotta investigate..."

Jia made no hesitation to take long strides over to the table, eye locked onto the punch bowl. She then raised her head to notice one of the guys from earlier, Jin.

"Oh, hey guy! Glad to see you can make it. Let me see the punch real quick..."

After picking up another cup and giving a subtle sniff, it confirmed it. Someone spiked the punch bowl. An impish grin spread across her face.

"Well hello there...looks like someone here wanted to guarantee a good time at this party...don't mind if I do~"

With that, Jia downed the punched in one shot, shuddering with delight at the sensation of the alcohol.

" I know I made the right choice to come here...hope they have more of this punch, because I'm gonna be here for a while~"

Picking up another cup, Jia began her night right by the punch bowl. 


@Dante Verren
If Lilith could have blushed she would have, but being there was no warmth, no heartbeat, no humanity... Well, it was no longer something that happened. Maybe it was that he noticed her expression. Maybe it was what he thought it meant. Or maybe it was the punch. Either way, she was feeling rather embarrassed. "Liquor?" What was that? She'd heard the term before but never in her existence dappled with any such thing. Whatever it was, it was horrible and because she never had any before, she was really uneasy with the affects it gave her. "I feel like I'm going to faint," Lilith muttered, perhaps a bit of an exaggeration. She cleared her throat and looked at her shoes. "That's not what I meant by it... Not that you aren't handsome... I mean-!" Lilith sighed and shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. Get it together!'



Mary (Mammon)

"Then let's go." Mary said as she took the bouquet of multicoloured flowers. She took a moment to appreciate how they fluidly change colour, Snapping off a head of one of the flowers, she tucked it into her hair so the flower stayed and wouldn't fall out. Then Mary set off down to the ball, following the sound of music. Hopefully Elch and Smoke were following her as Mary glided along the ground, with the rest of the bouquet back in her mystical garden within her treasury.


Elch walked with you reaching out to hold your arm, Smoke on the other hand was behind us. "Thank you. For being my date for tonight." He said a bit shyly.

(sorry for the checkered and crappy responses.)
Kagami took a glass of punch and chugged it down. It had a odd taste , but instantly made her warm. She felt alive again.

"Hey look there's Jin. Go talk to him!"

She gathers her courage and goose stepped towards him and asked him of they could dance visibly shaking. 

@Dante Verren
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Kagami felt fuzzy inside and decided to get another cup of  punch. " Yeah! Go ...and dance with him." Kagami cheered  . She stumbled over a chair and stood back up. " IM..O-kay" she then sipped the spiked drink.

She gathers hrt courage and goose stepped towards him and asked him of they could dance visibly shaking. 
Kagami felt fuzzy inside and decided to get another cup of  punch. " Yeah! Go ...and dance with him." Kagami cheered  . She stumbled over a chair and stood back up. " IM..O-kay" she then sipped the spiked drink.

She went back as she was thirsty and took a drink unaware it was spiked and left immediately to start dancing.
Kagami also danced. She danced to the rhythm of the beat as her hair  fell loose from her poinytail holder. She scooted close to Aiko," Enjoying the party!"

She went back as she was thirsty and took a drink unaware it was spiked and left immediately to start dancing.
Jin waved to Jia as she made her way to the punch bowl. "Heyo glad to see you as well." his words where starting to slur as he spoke. "Yeah this punch has quite the kick. some one thought it would be fun to spike it." He watched as she drank a few cups with amusement. That's when Aiko appeared and asked if he wanted to dance. he was going to reply but she suddenly walked off and started dancing with some other girl. He shrugged and went back to his drink.

@snoozySashimi @TGSRoleplay


(Lyssa Yasa)(Location: Seo's Dorm)(With: Seo and Lysseo) @Marumatsu (My detail is poop, sorry D: )

Suddenly as Lyssa was about to unlock the clasp to the hardcover of the gigantic book which was littered with folk tales, she heard something, something that sounded like a crashing sound in the guest room. At first she thought it was the gusts of wind from one of the open windows knocking over a decorative vase causing it to shatter into several pieces, but then Lyssa heard a small masculine groan as she witnessed the terrifying silhouette of a figure wearing a disturbing mask saunter their way between the wooden frame of the entryway which led into the master bedroom where both Lyssa and Lysseo were comfortably situated. Goosebumps traveled throughout the exterior of their skin and brushed smoothly against the hair follicles on their body causing them to stand up in anxious manner as they both felt the ominous presence of the being in front of them. “S-seo, is that you baby? W-why are you looking at us like that? And why are you wearing that freakish mask?!” She replied as she edged her way closer to Lysseo so that she could protect him from Seo as he stepped forward. Lyssa firmly pressed the back of her delicate hand onto the child’s chest and pushed him behind her so that he wouldn’t wind up getting hurt if anything were to happen from this unnerving encounter.

“M-mommy, what’s wrong with dad? There’s something wrong with his eyes.. They look red!” Without any warning Seo took a few steps forward, each step he took made Lyssa nervously crawl backwards on the sheet covered mattress while keeping Lysseo behind her feminine figure. Her pupils trembled quietly as Seo stood in front of her with his menacing crimson stare which made her beating heart sink with overwhelming fear. “Seo..Y-you’re scaring me! Stop it!” She hastily replies before adjusting her palm and thrusting it as hard as she could into the center of his upper-body, Seo is then sent soaring across the living room and into the kitchen where his physique impacts heavily with the reinforced wall. Lyssa’s face quivers with tremendous sadness after observing him cough up portions of blood which seep out from his lower lip and onto the floor-tiles beneath him. “Boo, i’m so sorry.. That mask you were wearing.. Don’t wear that thing ever again… You scared the living hell out of me! Y-y-your arm.” She welps out in remorse as she sprints over to him as he sat upon the cold floor beneath his rear.

Lyssa hunched herself down and threw herself into his waist in a sobbing mess as she gradually coils her loving arms around him.
“What happened to you..?! Who did this to you?!! I’ll fucking gouge their damn eyes out!” Lyssa then brings out a disinfected rag from out of medical storage closet across from her and places it onto his stump while adjusting herself ontop of him while interlocking her tender lips with his so he doesn’t scream from the pain. She carefully wraps it around his bloodied stump as Lysseo on looked in horror as he kneeled on-top of the bed trying to examine the situation. “Please.. Don’t move as much. You’re gonna make it bleed more babe. I’m so mad at you right now.. I’d be screaming at you if it weren’t for me being so happy that you’re alive.. I missed you so much.. We both did.. Please never do something that stupid again..” Lyssa announces before wrapping the mutilated part completely then hugging him once more as tears surged out from the side of her eyes and streamed down her cheeks.
[Male- Yana]

"Intoxicated? Off what?" he actually found what he said pretty funny but he couldn't exactly laugh right in front of them. Intoxication was just another way to make arguments anyway and no matter how funny those arguments were it could become a disaster with these people. "Seriously what is it? Nothing at the party should get someone drunk."

After a few more cups of punch, the effects of the alcohol slowly began taking their effects on the young dragon girl. Her speech began to slur, her body slightly swaying.

"Oi...let me tell ya ssssomethin'...if I ever find out who *hic*...spiked this...this punch, I'm giving 'em a biiiiiiiiig ooooollllle kiss...boy, girl, m-manatee, I don't give a *hic* give a shit...hell...I w-was thinking of spikin' it...s-some *hic* someone here is my k-...kinda party animal..."

After shaking her head as if to bring her back to focus, she begins to drain yet another drink, albeit slower than the others. After she finished, she slowly began to lean against the wall, slowly sliding down against the wall and laying on her side, while cackling a bit to herself, her cheek pressing against the floor, a half-full cup clenched in her left hand. She brought up her free hand to keep her fringe over her right eye.

"Ahhh damn...I think I'ma fuckin' up here...I should stop drinkin...and pick m'self up an' *hic* ...and make myself look and a-act like a decent young lady...but I'm not, 'cause this *hic* this is my hot date tonight~"

And with that, the rest of the cup's contents poured down her throat.

@Dante Verren

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