Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Logan smiled at the girl, pulling his hand away. "Come on, I'm not that charming, am I?" He asked. He then looked at her and smiled a bit. "Care to dance?" He asked, nodding toward the dance floor, "You and I will be no worse then them and hell, you'll probably dance better drunk then me sober." @Plasma
Lilith wondered if she should. For some reason she found things she wouldn't usually do, debatable. Maybe it wouldn't normally be a good idea to walk out onto the floor with all the people standing in clumps. Her test felt tight when she thought about it and her fingers shook but instead of saying no, she managed a small smile and nodded, standing up and following him to the dance floor. Truthfully, she knew how to dance, but more of the old fashioned way. Hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. She sighed and tried to clear her thoughts.

Jia didn't slow down in her drinking, simply giving Jin a thumbs up when he asks is she's okay. Setting her 6th cup down, she slowly grabbed both the 7th and 8th in her hands, and began drinking from them, going back and forth between the two cups, her face beet red at this point. As she emptied 7 and worked on finishing 8, she slowly began to sink back down to the floor in front of the punch table, setting the completed 8 aside and letting it roll away from her. With a few heavy breaths, she raised her head again and began to feel around the table for her 9th and final cup.

@Dante Verren
[Male- Yana]

A bunch of teens who were drunk and probably emotionally deflated  with the addition of terrible music, plus the extremely awful and faint smell of alcohol or vodka if you want to be specific. His senses were stronger than some run of the mill guy which was a blessing but mostly a curse. Noise was louder to him and smells were at least a little bit stronger. "Can't see I hadn't seen that coming. Okay, what do we do? Get rid of the punch and tell Luxor about this so he can keep things from getting out of control somehow?" He didn't know what Luxor could do but he must of had some holy powers to help with.

Cody rushes into the ball room, feeling like crap that he had forgotten to meet Kagami for the time being, and he looked around to see her at the punch bowl, faltering as she stood a little, he walked over to someone standing next to her, "Um..excuse me...I'm her really bad date for the dance...I'm late that's why I said that... Kagami I'm sooo sorry I almost missed the dance, I've been busy with other things...could you forgive me? I really didn't want to miss this, I was super excited to be here, and...Oh god you're drunk..." he said, smelling the tainted punch water, his flame powers made him immune to alcoholic drinks. Wine that is aged 75+ years seems to hit him hard though...He wanted to take the cup away from her, but she could be upset and angry at him for being late.


@TaraSobiki(She's asleep I think...?)


(Hundun disguised as "Professor Xian Qui")(Location: Unknown)(With: Astaroth, The Embodiment, and Chronos) @Olivia Acerbi

His feelings of uncontrollable wrath gradually simmered down once Astaroth finally made her re-appearance back into his life, a breath of fresh-air entered his lungs after understanding that she was alive and well. Not to mention she was as beautiful as ever. His menacing golden gaze became flooded with unwavering emotion. Sadness, happiness, nearly every one had stricken his confused brain with these unanswered feelings. Hundun’s massive frame trembled with anticipation as he sauntered his wobbly footsteps over in the immediate direction of A, both of his pupils became fixated on her as if everything else was non-existent except for her. The enormous rhythm of his blackened heart caused him extend the palm of his rough hand up to the center of his beating chest and clenched it fiercely as he continued onward. The immense pulsations that his heart gave off made him feel as if it was going to rupture inside of him, These sensations that he felt, it must’ve been a fluke. His conquest for the multiverse was overwritten by her ever loving presence, now he the annihilator of worlds had only wanted one thing in his life and that was her. Once he was within a few feet away from Astaroth, he suddenly ceased his advance and heavily collapsed onto the front of his knees which sends tiny tremors and cracks throughout the surface of the hardened concrete-like floor. “Astaroth.” He muttered out from his quaking lips as he helplessly looked at her with his seemingly exhausted demeanor before slowly creeping his affectionate arms around her body and embracing her. In spite of feeling extraordinarily feeble from his compassion his face was not hindered from her gorgeous blazing eyes which had touched his soul with her loving warmth. His frigid lips tried to motion words as he gazed into her prepossessing eyes, perturbation took over his senses as nothing came out from his mouth. He didn’t know what to say to her, just from the expression across her face she looked shocked and riddled with dejection, was it a thought of jealousy after she experienced him besides Chronos? Or was it that she was so surprised to see him? Nonetheless he intended on revealing his heart-felt feelings towards her even if they were a bit too sappy. He just wish she could understand where he was coming from with his wording.


“A.. I was so scared, I didn’t know what happened to you when you left. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong, but I have something to get off of my chest. Every since i’ve met you something had changed inside of me. My ambitions that i’ve previously had, conquering the multiverse and wanting to change it all… That use to be everything i’ve ever wanted in this existence of mine. Until I discovered you, now I don’t know if I truly want that, I guess what i’m saying is.. The only thing I want is you.” Hundun declared with devotion as he pressed her forehead carefully against hers and interlocked their soft lips together forming another passionate kiss which lasted for an overextended amount of time as they curled their tongues around each other, Chronos’s face became agitated as she saw someone who she had complicated emotions for kiss someone who she described as a lesser-being or a disgusting devil whore. As much as she wanted to plow her foot into her oversized breasts she understood that she was a being of peace and didn’t want to create anymore physical conflict. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to be a total bitch to her. “Hundun, I hate to interrupt your saliva-swapping with this one red girl who looks like she just plowed an entire football team, but I think it’s about time we all left. It’s starting to reek of dead-bodies here, not to mention the smell of that girl’s mouth is rather off-putting. Although it’s not surprising concerning how all of Satan’s army uses it as a means to pleasure themselves.” She crosses her arms up over her chest and arrogantly huffs at Astaroth while looking in the other direction. Hundun clenches onto Astaroth’s slender figure a tad bit tighter so that she doesn’t wind up angrily throwing herself towards Chronos in response to her disrespectful rejoinder. Hundun gradually turns his head back towards Chronos and gives her a sickened stare before turning back to face Astaroth once more then exhaling out of irritation.


“Please ignore her Astaroth, she and I have dated a long time ago and it didn’t work out between us. We were both quite young and naive. But that doesn’t matter now, i’m with you now and my feelings for her are long gone. On the other hand my love for you only keeps growing to new extents. I want to cherish you til’ the end of time itself.” Hundun leisurely brings up both of his hands to her palms then begins to couple his fingers between hers. His muscular body is squeezed against hers as he adjusts himself up to her feminine figure, the tremendous rhythm of the interconnected bodies pulse raged on as they embraced this enduring moment that they shared together. That was until Chronos quickly clapped both of her hands together, suddenly the realm they were once in was non-existent as they were all traveling the confines of the space and time until their inter-dimensional travel was abruptly halted by the one and only (John Cena, just kidding) Embodiment which stood their towering over all of them as it sat in the oddly-made throne which consisted out of the various cosmos, strangely enough it seemed as if he heard the commotion over in the Earthly-realm and realized that Chronos was going to arrive sooner or later which made him equip himself with a rather exquisite suit which he was dressed from head-to-toe in. “My-my, you’re looking rather quite scrumptious today, if it weren’t for you know being Asexual and not really having well.. A reproductive system of some sort than i’d definitely have an interesting time with you.. Although you’d probably ask a monumental amount of questions during coitus.” Chronos placed her hands behind her back and admired the colossal being’s physique as he gazed down upon all of them from up on his celestial throne. But as expected the being responded with several questions which made her push her forefingers against her temples to ease her migraine. “STOP!” A powerful scream erupted out from her lungs which caused the stars nearby to disperse and catapult outward into the void, once she regained equanimity she smiled softly and looked up at him. “Sooo, um. I really don’t know what to call you after all this time.. I really should’ve gave you a nickname.. I’ll just call you Astral for now, seems like a splendid name, anyway ‘Astral’ I see that you’re obviously dressed for the occasion that’s happening in this remote little section on this meager planet. Just please re-size your body to a human-like volume so you don’t wind up stepping on the Academy..” Chronos announces before her body disappears and re-emerges on the being’s gargantuan knee while looking up at him smirking with a considerate look on her face.  


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[Male- Yana]

A bunch of teens who were drunk and probably emotionally deflated  with the addition of terrible music, plus the extremely awful and faint smell of alcohol or vodka if you want to be specific. His senses were stronger than some run of the mill guy which was a blessing but mostly a curse. Noise was louder to him and smells were at least a little bit stronger. "Can't see I hadn't seen that coming. Okay, what do we do? Get rid of the punch and tell Luxor about this so he can keep things from getting out of control somehow?" He didn't know what Luxor could do but he must of had some holy powers to help with.


"On it!"Izona ran over to the punch bowl and grabbed it away from the drunken students. She ran back over and help bowl in front of her. 

Andorra took the bowl and turned around. He should poor it down the sink while he still can. "Thanks. I shall leave you to discuss this event with Luxor"

(On mobile. Sorry for the late reply,I was exhausted from school)
Kagami was suprised by Cody's appearance. She was glad that he finally here. She couldn't really get angry , due to the large consumption Vodka. It made her more cheerful and flirty "Cody!Come dance with me!"She drinked the last cup of the alcohol and placed it on the table. She then reached her hands out gesturing for him to come over. 

[Male- Yana]

"Us? You're related to him too also your a archangel like him....Fine. We'll go look for him." He had a terrible feeling in his stomach. He had a bad feeling about something but he didn't know what. Maybe it was the smell of alcohol that made him feel this way? Well he would just ignore it and search for him "Hey Luxor I'm home!" He called out and started just walking around blindly, calling for him.

@Kisaki (It's fine. I took ages anyway before too.)
Jin let her lead the dance. He was clumsy from the alcohol and just general not knowing what he was doing.


She was just dancing the way Kagami taught her but the swinging if the arms was not the best Idea as she hit is face multiple tims by complete accident and ut felt like getting hit by a bus Everytime it hit followed by apologies. She soon left him feeling absolutely guilty taking a sip of the punch unaware of the C2H5OH

Present in the punch.
He smiles and takes them, feeling bad that she was drunk, and might not remember the night. He didn't know how to dance so he hopes he's decent. "Are you alright? You look a little...tipsy..." he said, not starting until she starts, he wanted to see if she was stable enough to dance.

"I'm sorry.  I have to deal with the students as well. I'm sure you'll be fine talking to brother "he said as he walked away. Izona soon arrived at Luxor's office with Yana. Luxor sighed as he heard Yana's familiar voice. He was slightly intoxicated from the drink Mei gave him. Thanks to that he's was calmer than usual. Izona waiting for Luxor to burst , but he never did. "It seems that your both back from your vacations...Of course someone did not verify me before he left."

"Tipsy?  Who me?...I don't even drink alcohol. "she then giggled. She started to move to the beat of music. The girl hummed as she danced along with her partner.

He sighs and dances with her, happy and upset, a sober Kagami would be great, but he had no way of fixing it. "So, how was the dance so far, again, I'm sorry I'm late.." he said sadly.

"N-nnothing much..."she replied. "Y-You don't have to apologize.  Your here now!"she smiled. She was still that girl who encouraged him ,even if she was drunk.

He sighs and dances with her, happy and upset, a sober Kagami would be great, but he had no way of fixing it. "So, how was the dance so far, again, I'm sorry I'm late.." he said sadly.

The feeling was even worse than before now that he was actually there. Believe it or not he found that Luxor not appearing angry at him when he did something that usually upsets him made him rather jumpy. Made him think something terrible was coming for him. He was on guard and replied quickly "I came back didn't I. Also I'm glad to see you found a replacement for me." yes, he was a bit bitter about that. "Anyway are you aware of what's happening in the ballroom right now?"

Aiko got instantly drunk and sleepily walked around. "Does Jin love me?" She said drowsily as she bumped into Kagami  "Oh Jin I found you!" She said being easily drunk. "Do you love me?" She asked her face red from alcohol.


Seo Human form.png

(Seo Sentrale)(Location: Bathroom)(With:Lyssa)

 Looking away feeling embarrassed at himself for being so destroyed by the situation while the thoughts that tore him apart continued to circle in his mind he wanted to calm his self before he spoke. He continued to look away in a defeated matter until his heart and mind were moved by her 'Unconditional Love' these words opening his mind as if he realized that his emotionless decaying state was also going to affect Lyssa. Failing at his attempt to calm his mind as Lyssa told him yet again she wanted to stay with him forever and that she would love him regardless of his physical disposition making him feel a bit more at ease simply hearing her compassionate words that pushed his tears out in realization that he was truly a lucky man to have such a amazing person by his side. Truly amazed to have found happiness in even such a dark time he started to climb out of the emotional rut he was trapping himself in. His heart grows heavier hearing her weakened voice, looking in the corner of his eyes watching as she moved her hands towards her face to hide her overflowing emotion. Seo closes his eyes trying to calm himself down enough not to cause her further worry and distress. Listening to her blame herself for the situation and that she will build him a replacement arm no matter his decision. He looks back in her direction as she weeps out her next few words before lowering her hands and returning to her confident look. She was so strong he could not bare to even think of wearing his defeated expression any longer. "Please don't blame yourself for my reckless actions. It's not your fault and you did not hurt me. I have you and Lysseo that is all I need my hobbies aren't important at the moment. Thank you Lyssa." Seo then looked towards Lysseo as she moved his gaze over towards him explaining that Lysseo had been cursed by a witch that had kidnapped him and experimented with him. Once the witch was finished she got Lysseo to believe he could only be loved as a adorable puppy. The horrific story struck Seo's heart yet he only smiled he smiled because of all the people Lysseo could end up with it was himself someone who struggled as well and would understand his pain lovingly and raise him with love. It was this moment that Seo claimed Lysseo as his true son as if he was born of his own blood, looking at the happily sleeping boy made everything worthwhile. What was losing his arm if he still has the opportunity to be with them? Nothing he would gladly do the same thing again if it was to save his family. Cheering up after realizing this is only a minor set back he found a new motivation in doing the best he could to show his family he is alright and ready this sounds easy but, the first step is already done time to move Seo! 

Seo was surprised as he was hoisted up by his significant other walking him to the bathroom. "What do you mean can have? We do have and You are worth all the effort in the world."  Seo was a little embarrassed and upset feeling as if he was extremely crippled and that he was over working his significant other. "In sickness and in health huh.." he murmured as she placed him on the toilet seat moving away to the cabinet. "Well let me tell you I have been working out for you tons lately because I know you love my arms..... my arm. You know you are the beautifulest greatest mostest amazingest woman-est everest"  Seo having his cute dorky moment before Lyssa pulled out scissors and walked over carefully cutting his shirt in neat sections avoiding harming him with extreme caution. he watched her slipping his gaze to her chest ogling at her features as she undressed him. He blushed as she investigated his revealed body and held him helping him into the tub. Once standing his face was visibly growing more and more red as he has never advanced this far before with any woman. He started shaking and turned his head not to peak as she undressed and entered the shower. When he turned around he saw her beautiful face stuck in a day dream then he admired her in all her entirety finally noticing she was lost in thought he brushed her waist turning on the water and calmly laughing as the spray startled her. As she begins to fall after her counter attack they both slide together. Compressing their bare skin against each other his heart beats faster and faster while he holds her loving the crashing water that flows its way though both of them. "Not sure you might put another door in the wall." he makes a mocking laugh before nuzzling his face against hers and kissing her neck a few times before he kisses her cheek. 

@Obsidian(sorry its so little detail)
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"Ai? I have not replaced you with him..."Luxor then looked at the glass cup that Mei have given. It was once filled with spiked punch. The archangel finally realized that Mei pratically tricked him and the students into drinking Vodka. 

"Yep...More drama for me to deal with. Drunken students am I correct. Mei is involved with this incident if my hypothesis is correct. . "

Aiko got instantly drunk and sleepily walked around. "Does Jin love me?" She said drowsily as she bumped into Kagami  "Oh Jin I found you!" She said being easily drunk. "Do you love me?" She asked her face red from alcohol.


"Maybe! You should totally ask him !"Kagami said. Her words were slightly slurred , but enough for anyone to comprehend.

Aiko Kirishima:




Aiko sobered up relatively quickly becoming shy and backing up to a corner terrified as she found herself fondling with Kagami's chest and looked around confused as she fixed her glasses.


[Male- Yana]

He knew about this? Why doesn't he seem upset? He's really starting to creep me out.. He stared at Luxor, wondering why he was just sitting there "Yeah we found out this was her doing not too long ago. So how are you planning to handle this?" 

Another empty cup fell to the floor...Jia did it...she completed her self-destructive challenge. A total of 14 cups of vodka punch within her system. 14. 14 would likely be her death number. Let only the number 14 be showcased on her tombstone after her death, likely due to alcohol poisoning, if not tonight, definitely in the future. 14 one, not even a dragon should consume so much, much less without a rest or without anything else in their stomach. This was a terrible mistake, worth it to her of course, but a terrible mistake, nonetheless...although Jia would likely never admit it to anyone who'd ask.

As the rest of the alcohol began to enter her bloodstream and supersede her actual blood, her entire body slowly flushed red, and the look on her face said it all: she is absolutely done for the night, and likely half the next day. Jia slowly crawled underneath the refreshment table and laid down, curled up on her stomach, quickly falling unconscious, her left cheek pressed against the cold floor, dead to the world around her, her heels and the cups she drank from sprawled across the floor around her...

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