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Fantasy Lundall: The Guild of Mercs and Misfits


Hopeless Romantic

Welcome to Lundall

The Guild of Mercs and Misfits


Currently accepting.

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A new beginning

Quest 1


The loud cheer of the of the townsfolk filled the streets. The occasional tune of a lute or oud could also be heard, and bright lights seems to illuminate every corner of the city, dyeing the city in a soft, orange glow, visible even from the distant mountains. The smells of food also fills the air, providing a pleasant scent throughout the city. Today, is the festival of the mountains - an event only celebrated by the citizens of Lucadia City, a celebration of the mere existence of the mountain that exist just north of the city, as many of the locals believe it to be the life line for their businesses.Though, mixed within the cheery crowd are some of the world's most dangerous people, mercenaries. Some from the guild of Lundall, and some from other guilds.

Tonight though, is not the time to fight, but rather, a time to take a break from all the fighting that surround their lives.


@Trombone Geek @JohnNeko @Cocomo @Kwillz

With this, RP has begun! You can start wherever you like, though I recommend starting in the town, as it will allows you guys to interact a lot more during the beginning of the RP.

Also, about post length: please post 1 or more paragraph. Occasional 1 or 2 liners are alright, but please don't do it all the time.

If you have any more questions, you can always PM me or ask me in the OOC chat.

I look forward to see what world you guys will create!

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Graant walked through the streets, carrying a bottle of ale. He spoke out loud, although not particularly to anyone, "We get only a couple of days off, and we need to spend it in a crowd?" He took a heavy swig off of his drink, "Gods, why can't we just spend it training, or hunting? Something that would actually help us."
Tori was only at the celebration because the mountain was her home. She was far above everything, sitting cross-legged on a large wooden pole, blocking out all of the noise around her as she meditated.

She could almost see tiny, blue dots, but when she turned her focus to them they disappeared. She sighed, slowly standing from her spot and jumping from her perch and into the air. A blue ring appeared underneath her foot and she jumped off of where it appeared, landing on a roof as she watched the crowd below.
"Quit making noise will ya?" a rather buff looking man shouts towards Graant. Behind the man were a few of his lackeys, laughing at what he said. "Oh, aren't you one of those Lundall punks?" he continues as he stands up and stretches his arms in a circular motion, his fists clenched. "Scum of mercs I tell ya, they'll do anything for money!" he says looking back at his followers. They laughing loudly as he imitates a beggar.

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Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bored looking Tori landed in front of the buff man and his lapdogs, doing a few flips to show off and for intimidation. She motioned to the brass knuckles hanging from a clip at her side.

"Do you want to repeat that?" she asked in her normal yet terrifying voice. It was a quiet threat, but it would send many running and make most of the rest quiver in their boots. As if to back herself up, a darker blue floods the area around her pupil, but no farther, the lighter and darker colors mixing beautifully yet showing the power she held.
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Grant grunted, then turned to Tori, "I can handle this, don't worry. I can do this, after all..." Graant then threw his empty bottle at one of the goons behind the large man, glass breaking on impact. "So, Tori, fight or flight?"

He was prepared to draw his swords, either answer.
"Bastards!" He screams at the both of them, even he knew that he stood no chance with the both of them together. A crowd has now formed around to watch the fight. His guildmates stands up and begin to draw their swords, though was stopped by the man holding out a hand to his side; signalling for them to stop. "Com'on boys, these... punks aren't worth our time." He says before spitting on the ground and walking away, his lackeys follows closely behind him.

@Cocomo @Trombone Geek
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