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Fantasy Lost in Magic

"Whatever you say...Hey, we should probably look for other people sometime soon." Alecks said, bracing his arms on the ground.

@Amanda Rose
"Well, I wasn't talking about right now. We could climb some more trees, or tame the wildlife...heck we could make out for a bit, too." He said, lying on his back as he stared up above them.

@Amanda Rose
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She shook her head. "Taming wildlife seems more entertaining. Besides, even though I've got a small rack, I'm sure you don't have any skills... Sexually, of course." She said, getting up.
"Kissing, making out, whatever, has nothing to do with sex. And I'll tell you, I...have no idea if I'm good at any of it." He said, shrugging. "But if you would rather find a wolf to ride, I guess that's cool too."

@Amanda Rose
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Alecks put his fingers up as a frame, taking in the near endless trees growing up above them. He then turned towards Sam, and smiled. "I remember asking you first. So I guess that means its your choice, doesn't it?"

@Amanda Rose
Alecks simply sighed in response, and sat up. "I offered because we're in a situation that we haven't ever dealt with before...at least I think so. And in situations like these, having something normal, familiar to focus on instead can help keep your head clear of some of the worries. So, to answer your question, yeah, I'd really like to kiss you right about now...."

@Amanda Rose
She rolled her eyes. "Isn't playing something like tic-tac-toe normal?" She huffed. "But fine. If that's what you want, go ahead, I guess."
"I asked you first. So unless you're saying you want to do this..." Alecks stopped short, walking closer to Sam as he started to consider where they were headed next.

@Amanda Rose
Alecks looked at her, and raised an eyebrow, keeping silent as he waited for Sam to give him a proper answer.

@Amanda Rose
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Alecks smirked and started to walk without another word.

"Too bad. I guess I'll have to find another way to keep my head on straight. Oh well." He said. Alecks raised a hand as he walked back into the forest, motioning for Sam to follow.

@Amanda Rose
She sighed, following behind. "You are a pain in the ass." She said with a huff as she pushed her hair back.
Alecks shrugged, and broke into a light jog. "Come on. We need to hurry up before it gets dark out here."

@Amanda Rose
"Terrified would be the better term. And just think about that for a second. If you have no idea what's out here, what makes you think it will be safe once the sun goes down? I'd much rather get somewhere relatively safe before night fall, so even if things are calm, we aren't left wishing we have in any other scenario." He replied, returning to his jog.

@Amanda Rose
She sighed, trailing along behind him. "You're an idiot..." She mumbled, but continued to follow behind him anyways. "You do realize we both woke up here? Early morning? If we slept unconcious and weren't mauled by whatever you think is hiding in these woods, the chance is highly improbable tonight. But whatever..."

@Kalin Scarlet
Cam was sitting on a rock his fist pressing into his chin for support with his eyes closed. He began to think "I enjoy it out here in the forest....So....Peaceful....No noise."

@Amanda Rose

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