[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Sarky said:
This could work out nicely. I'm just back home from a night sleeping in a field on hard cold uneven ground in a leaky tent in the pouring rain after far too much scotch and being kept awake by the sounds of people in other tents having sex all goddamn night long, so I'm in a perfect mood for ST-ing. Update in the next couple of hours ^_^
this should go swimmingly

ITT Chao relives memories of being raped to death by a cheese grater. that's some damn powerful alcohol
>>Chao flashback

Elmo's furry scrotum, I thought I'd updated this. I'm very sorry folks, I'll sort that out now.
It's great how long I can forget to check this place when I manage to keep up to date with just about anything else fine. ><;;
Ah, it happens.

I'm in the middle of travelling right now, if there's wifi on the bus I'll have an update later, if not you'll have to wait a day or two till I get to Scotland.
oh man oh man command and conquer 3 is still the best. just had an epic epic battle of me and a couple hard comps against a trio of hard comps, started off pounding them, sneak attack nuked my base, rebuilt in a more defensible position and spent the rest of the map laying waste to entire bases with dwindling forces that I had been about to steamroll with before getting my base crumbled.

by the end, all I had left was a core group of like eight elite Predators that were pretty much rolled through Hell itself - just set them to aggressive and rolled through bases to minimize AoE damage, so they just took everything out while rolling through. GLORIOUS. took like an hour, because one of the friendly comps got steamrolled five minutes in - hence my base getting steamrolled when their defenses fell - so it was 2v3, and eventually nearly all my unit production facilities got Rifted as well so I really was down to core, but DAMN that was a glorious win eked from the jaws of defeat.
Huzzah, people! If I don't post in the next 30 min it might not happen until tomorrow. Will start writing hopefully finish before they board the plane.
Missed you, Tabs.

Er, if you want, I'll play CnC with you. It's kinda sad to see you say, "I was in this awesome epic multiplayer game just now! It was me, and my friends Bot 1 and Bot 2 versus Bot 3, 4, and 5."
you know what's funny?

I have the C&C3 disc in my hands RIGHT FUCKING NOW, boguht it on launch day, but since that fucking movie installation error and not having the jewel case aka serial code, I can't play online, can't even INSTALL it anymore from the disc. that I bought. so technically I have a torrented installation - legally I think, since I own the game, but that doesn't super matter for online play.

on my old computer though, loved playing multi. I sucked ass at it but it was fun.
Ah, shame, shame. We can always play on a simulated LAN connection. But this laptop is a POS and is quite literally falling apart (my keyboard comes out and it don't supposed to do that), so I'd have to wait until I buy a new computer, anyway.
oh tru, Hamachi. forgot about that. really though, it just pisses me off that I can't reinstall correctly. wish it was easier to link games to some online master account, Sins of a Solar Empire was good about that - promptly lost the case like a week after buying the game, but since iirc the master program/account/online activation they use also stores serial key for you, I've been able to reinstall that just fine.
I hate steam with the white-hot burning passion of a million suns.

this may be because I used to have a friend who came over ostensibly just to hang out, but always jacked my computer for the entire damn night to play counterstrike with his headphones on.

eventually I learned not to invite him over, but the h8 for counterstrike/steam persists
is it time for me to make the Bhodisattiva Annointed in Golden Showers joke again?

also I'M NOT DEAD YET, just coming off of a crippling case of BASICALLY SLEEPING FOR SEVERAL DAYS AFTER CLASSES ENDED. but I'll post tomorrow.
One or two possibles. Should know by the weekend, just started my masters and it's hogging a lot of my time.
How is the search and the masters work going? Are you doing something more course-based or researchy?
Course based. Bioinformatics, systems biology, coding Python, that sort of thing. Should get some research in early next year.

Search is not going well, alas. Crying shame. I think I'll advertise more openly.

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