[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

We may have to change the Caste Mark slightly...

so speaking of Chao's tendency to just accidentally all of creation, I'm going to just... suggest we move on with feantari/chao. posting lol
Feantari said:
Chao: giving faulty advice about pirates since the dawn of time.
it's not her fault, we can't all be winners.

also lawl Chao's just unreliable when she's deep in thought. wasn't even trying to hint something to kana, Chao was just too engrossed in the idea of how the HELL do you fix wood?

but this is a good plan yes maybe they'll let us help
Totally aware she wasn't, but you know, Kana asked and that's what came out so, eh, rolling with it. :-P Debated between that and we're crafts women hoping to get first look at any raw materials you might have for sale, but looks like you could use our services now. Maybe should have gone that route.. dunno. Kana is somewhat curious about mr. captain dude not being realm-ish and Chao didn't raise much fuss about it so, onwards wheeee. :-P

Twilights, if only they used their int scores for stuff other than crafting... :-P (trying to really I am >.> <.<)
Feantari said:
Totally aware she wasn't, but you know, Kana asked and that's what came out so, eh, rolling with it. :-P Debated between that and we're crafts women hoping to get first look at any raw materials you might have for sale, but looks like you could use our services now. Maybe should have gone that route.. dunno. Kana is somewhat curious about mr. captain dude not being realm-ish and Chao didn't raise much fuss about it so, onwards wheeee. :-P
Twilights, if only they used their int scores for stuff other than crafting... :-P (trying to really I am >.> <.<)
yeah, it's fun playing the characters the way they are, rather than the most optimally efficient way. flaws and unintentional signals and just forgetting to respond to people and all. Chao's turning out to be a really fun character. Of course it doesn't help that I have vague inklings of a Defiler caste infernal sorceress if I could find a damn game for her. I think I have a problem, honestly, everything I play seems to be either Twilight caste or equivalent. They're just so GLORIOUS. Especially when they have silly little motivations like "become a Yozi" or in chao's case, "DO SCIENCE, FUCK THE CONSEQUENCES."



anyways moving on! yeah chao is obviously super, super interested in the captain too. if kana brings it up Chao'll be doing a horrible impression of trying not to act too eager, hiding it about as well as she hides all her other emotions. but for now we might as well see how this craftsman thing works out, unless it involves Craft (Wood) in which case we're fucked

EDUT: in which case I'M fucked*
Are you guys heading back to the Dragon's Arse, or the bar with Captain Takeo and the harbourmaster?
If dude on ship doesn't stop us probably to the bar place where the captain is. Kana has some vague memory of needing to talk to the chief, but it can wait righ?
If I want to figure out why people were moving to leave and why other people were pointedly stopping them is there something I can roll for that?
Will post later this eveniung, enormous clusterfuck of math right now. Please don't go too far without me <_< Chao wants to dryhump-err, talk to the captain as well
Sorry, got a bit carried away. I might have to try playing a game as Takeo sometime, I like him.
I do toooo. and Chao is pretty naturally growing to REALLY like him; here's to hoping she don't have to fight him, or if so, that shameless Solar charisma fuckery solves that.

just college fuckery. as in. upcoming finals. also a fair bit of yesterday was spent waiting at doctor's for sister's terrible disease which turned out to be a sore throat or something.

so uhm that aside, should have a post up within... aiming for 24 hours cap
Tabby said:
oh, I just assumed he was suffering from a rare case of suddenlyfuckingdead-itis
Two seizures, a brain hemorrhage, and a automobile wreck later, and I log in to see that you had your money on the OTHER SIDE.

Thanks, Tabby.
Welcome back Valentine. Confused though, we thought you were swapping to the abyssal? (at least I did 'cause Sarky wrote Radiance sailing off...)
edit: I reread the OOC and the IC thread. I'm going to talk it over with Blacklion, so I can try and make sure I have something that'll mess well with his character, so we can play off of each other like Kana and Chao do, to introduce some more dynamic party make-up.
Tabby said:
Chao was still all too acutely aware that she probably cut a bit of an odd figure, given that the powersuit wasn't exactly normal wear - but it was mostly powered down, so without any major essence flow, hopefully she could pass it off as a hazmat suit or something.
We found some peasant robes to disguise things with. Not that they are likely to be super effective at it, but 's better than nothing.
Feantari said:
Tabby said:
Chao was still all too acutely aware that she probably cut a bit of an odd figure, given that the powersuit wasn't exactly normal wear - but it was mostly powered down, so without any major essence flow, hopefully she could pass it off as a hazmat suit or something.
We found some peasant robes to disguise things with. Not that they are likely to be super effective at it, but 's better than nothing.
I know, but playing under the idea that it isn't fully concealed
Valentine said:
Tabby said:
oh, I just assumed he was suffering from a rare case of suddenlyfuckingdead-itis
Two seizures, a brain hemorrhage, and a automobile wreck later, and I log in to see that you had your money on the OTHER SIDE.

Thanks, Tabby.
We're done here.
This could work out nicely. I'm just back home from a night sleeping in a field on hard cold uneven ground in a leaky tent in the pouring rain after far too much scotch and being kept awake by the sounds of people in other tents having sex all goddamn night long, so I'm in a perfect mood for ST-ing. Update in the next couple of hours ^_^

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