[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Oh cool! Well, I dunno about Python, but I'd believe it has it's uses. :-P Lots of cross discipline stuff there.

One of my friends was looking for a Solar game, but I didn't know what you had planned. He's Zoronos here on patternspider if you want to see if it'd be a fit.
Evening, folks. I'm in the middle of tidying up the old threads and such. I'm sure I can get things up and running by this weekend.

In the mean time, I'm thinking I'll time skip a little from the last adventure, to allow for old characters leaving/dying. You want to keep your old characters, that's fine by me. You want to make a new one? Go ahead. Do let me know your intentions though, so I can plan adventure around it.

Sarky said:
In the mean time, I'm thinking I'll time skip a little from the last adventure, to allow for old characters leaving/dying. You want to keep your old characters, that's fine by me. You want to make a new one? Go ahead. Do let me know your intentions though, so I can plan adventure around it.
I think I'll definitely keep with Kana. She's been fun so far. I might be interested in making a couple tweaks to her, especially if we are going to use 2.5.
Ah yes. Probably worth checking for 2.5 compatibility. I don't think it'll affect anything too badly, I was never one for observing the rules to the letter when there was a more fun alternative.
hooooooooooooooooo boy

so uhh... I don't suppose you have any idea what houserules you had (I think there was some extra BP for something?) and/or what XP we earned?

I was going to do the whole UPDATE FOR 2.5 thing but that just hit me and oh god what

A few things are quick, like yoinking back things spent on combos and 4 free specialties, but I'll give it a look see and see if other things want changed.

I have the sinking suspicion that I'll spend more time artfully arranging new pics of Chao than actually working on the character.

To be fair, they're all excellent pics.
Since my ideas were cleared, expect a new character. Of Doom.


Actually. Severin's story is gonna be tweaked and I'm gonna combine the new molds I was gonna use anyway. OF Doom.
Tabby said:
so uhh... I don't suppose you have any idea what houserules you had (I think there was some extra BP for something?) and/or what XP we earned?
So I dug around a bit.. it looks like there was BP awarded for backstory (up to 10) and picture (5), but it was variable so we'll need some help here. I have 22 XP written down on Kana's sheet.. dunno how or what you want to do with all that.
Maximum values, why not. So 15 BP, and if you have 22XP, I must have given everyone 22XP, so we'll go with that too.

I'm going to start up about 2 months after the group saved Captain Takeo. He'll be fully recovered, his ship will be fully repaired, old players will have moved on/died heroically, new ones have a chance to arrive. I'm going to see about bringing just one newbie in, and I'll make something happen here soon after.

Thanks for your patience.

$3 says Chao never detached herself from his chest in the interim.


also um thankee for getting this moving again MY BODY IS READY
Oh. I'm gonna attempt to pierce through Yu Shan with this Drill of mines.

Cause I mean.

Who the hell do you think we are?
what's that?







So Chao is staying pretty similar and I should have her in working order sometime tomorrow, but I'm switching her craft focus a bit, partially because lack of powersuit, partially because I had some ideas for backstory stuffs and REPRESENTING PERSONALITY TRAITS and yeah she was supposed to be an Earth aspect DB, or that's what they thought anyways. Mansebuilding and shit BRO. Earth Air Wood.

Insert jokes about Chao and "wood" here HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Just throwin this out here and all.

But I've always wanted a pet animated mountain.

Chao has Craft (Earth), sorcery, and is Chao.

By the end of this game, she will have animated an entire mountain range as a collective of guardians for her favorite manse.
You can probably convince Kana to put some dots in craft (earth). She's running around with the hearthstone of do all the craft (earth)...

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