[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Cirno said:
Image of a terrified Tirputra as he flees and howls protests about donating his body to science goes here.



Sarky said:
I have no idea what just happened, but I have the weirdest boner right now.
*had to look up Slaanesh* Huh. Interesting character design.

Tirputra has some custom stuff that needs approval (pox, virtue flaw, stats on weighted fishing net, artifact harpoon). Actual dots aren't set, since I don't want to overlap too much with our Eclipse.
Cirno said:
*had to look up Slaanesh* Huh. Interesting character design.
Tirputra has some custom stuff that needs approval (pox, virtue flaw, stats on weighted fishing net, artifact harpoon). Actual dots aren't set, since I don't want to overlap too much with our Eclipse.
Funny enough, my initial idea for building Platinum was a Melee/Thrown (I had awesome idea for an artifact that was a combination of a Reaver Daiklave and Skycutter that was great against inanimate objects)/Performance-heavy Eclipse with some Occult on the side (he was a possible Zenith, as well :P ). However, the more I get into his backstory, the more I realize he fits a mildly different mechanical concept much better. Instead, he's MA-focused (SHS and Arms of the Unconquered Sun, so more GARRR SMASH), with Presence, War, and Sail. There's absolutely no overlap with your Occult focus, and considering neither of the Twilights have very much in the way of Thaumaturgy/Sorcery, he's got his own nice niche going for him right now. Of course, it's hard to predict where things will go long-term, but for now, you're in the clear.
saganite said:
Funny enough, my initial idea for building Platinum was a Melee/Thrown (I had awesome idea for an artifact that was a combination of a Reaver Daiklave and Skycutter that was great against inanimate objects)/Performance-heavy Eclipse with some Occult on the side (he was a possible Zenith, as well :P ). However, the more I get into his backstory, the more I realize he fits a mildly different mechanical concept much better. Instead, he's MA-focused (SHS and Arms of the Unconquered Sun, so more GARRR SMASH), with Presence, War, and Sail. There's absolutely no overlap with your Occult focus, and considering neither of the Twilights have very much in the way of Thaumaturgy/Sorcery, he's got his own nice niche going for him right now. Of course, it's hard to predict where things will go long-term, but for now, you're in the clear.
Wow, that is some coincidental luck. Hope to see more of Platinum soon!
Soon. I need to figure out a proper combat-noncombat Charm balance, though. It seems we have a bit of a dichotomy going right now (old people seem more combat-focused, while Tirputra seems more a generalist. I haven't seen much of the 2.5 conversions for people just yet (just Kana), so it remains to be seen, but that will have an effect on which Charms I end up choosing for Platinum. There's a lot that I think would be perfect for him right now, but I need to temper that with the norm of the party, since I imagine that's what Sarky will use to end up determining the relative strength of threats we face. Right now, I'm gunning for SHS charms up to the Form, plus excellencies abound and a couple Resistance Charms, but how things end up is yet to be seen.
Ugh. I nearly had Platinum done, but just lost a good portion of my backstory (my estimate is the equivalent of about a page in a word processor, give or take) to a firefox crash. The sheet is done, though, save for quickstats for combat and BP/XP expenditures. Other than that, Platinum is basically ready to go.
saganite said:
Ugh. I nearly had Platinum done, but just lost a good portion of my backstory (my estimate is the equivalent of about a page in a word processor, give or take) to a firefox crash. The sheet is done, though, save for quickstats for combat and BP/XP expenditures. Other than that, Platinum is basically ready to go.
Ack. Sorry to hear you lost so much back story.
Thanks... It's not the end of the world, I remember what I wrote for the most part in terms of what actually happens. It's just annoying having to type it all up again and potentially forget things, especially when it all helps bridge the timespan from Platinum's exaltation until the present.

Any inkling as to when we'll be getting up and running?
So... Apart from Chao's budding new charm tree which can be worked on, does anyone have reservations about starting off soon?


no but seriously I'm ready to go whenever I'll post the rest of her sheet today and we can figure out the charms soonish now that I'm out of hell week in calculus
Hii! No reservations. Custom stuff needing approval though.

Glad you're free from hell week, Tabby.
engineers need calculus

don't ask why the walking disaster of failing to figure out character generation is an engineer JUST DON'T
Oh, an engineer. You're not just torturing yourself for no reason, then. There was a good portion of the stuff in my bioinformatics masters, trying to model biological systems and such. Not engineering level, but more than enough to allow me to extend my sympathies.
Nice, I actually want to get into bioinformatics myself. I just got through the second semester of calculus last spring, and man, did I fucking hate series tests. Integration? NO PROBLEM. Series tests? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHI-

EDIT: Oh, and I'm ready to go. I'll post a summary-blurb of Platinum's post-Exaltation stuff and turn it into prose later. But for simplicity's sake, the Greybloods are delivering cargo to Petraya, of the run-of-the-mill low profile sort, laying low to ease those few still weary of being chased down by privateers.
I like calc so much I took calc electives! But, like, useful ones, tensor calc and vector calc, is good times. (or is that more a good sit in the corner now thing?) Also yay more engineers of the female persuasion! What flavor? (I'm an ME/AE currently working in underwater robotics)
Underwater robotics? I once organised a talk for an engineer friend doing that. He had stories about shady Russian types asking if his underwater robots could, say, detect the sound of SCUBA gear and, uh, "target" them...

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