[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Sarky said:
Tabby said:
The orichalcum and jade might require a favour or two though.
I call NOT IT on blowing a shark god, or whatever zany character ends up having the Orihalcum and demanding sexual favors in return for it
My shark gods have teeth everywhere! ^_^
That powersuit comes with a built-in chainsaw condom

just fyi
Today's my birthday. I'm twenty one.

Fairly soon, I won't be able to claim to be a 'young adult' anymore. Pretty soon, I'll stop being referred to as a kid. Pretty soon...

I'll be 28 in a month and nobody has considered calling me an adult yet. I wouldn't worry about it. Oh, and happy birthday, or whatever the custom is these days.
Woo XPs

Kana would like to start working on the following:

All Encompassing Sorcerors Sight (8XP) (5 days)

Combo: Tool of the Sun: Craftsman Needs No Tools + First Craft Excellency (5XP) (15 days)

It seemed like you were sorta giving her the benefit of all encompassing sorcerors sight earlier so I'm picking that up to keep some consistency. :-P
Also, apparently it costs 9XP to take an out-of-caste ability from 0 to 3, and since Chao basically spent the boat ride home reading her magic books, she's totally got Occult 3 now


...still no sorcery though. pity, I wanted Lightning Spider shit. OH DEAR GOD MANTIS STYLE + LIGHTNING SPIDER = LOLWORTHY GRAPPLING.
So, what is the plan here? Valentine was going to switch characters? Just trying to figure out where we are headed before I make a post. Other people are still around for this or no?
I was thinking something unpleasant happened next time he went to sea. Assassination is always a good one too.
I don't know what to dooooo. >.<

Also, it looks like maybe people aren't so much around? (not that I have posted yet either, but anyway)
I had meant the latest thread to mostly be a bit of in-character banter about just what you guys want to do next. While I did drop a not-very-subtle hint about an overdue Guild ship that could be investigated, there are other things that happened in the previous thread that could be looked into as well. Choice of direction is up to you guys.

As for pace, as long as people keep posting I'll keep updating, whatever delays in-between. Although I'm working very hard not to get kicked out of my flat at the end of the month and have to go looking for somewhere cheaper, so I haven't been terribly, er, present, myself of late either.

Not ignoring Feantari's suggestion, but Chao is OUT OF IT right now like wow. She'd be amenable to the idea but she came in at the tail end of Kana's suggestion and forgot about it three seconds later.

Also, when she wakes up, I was rereading the last topic and Humble Cogwheel mentioned the Great Maker leaving. seems like something Chao would start obsessing over. and eventually trying to CALL BACK AUTOCTHON WITH THE POWER OF DEUS EX MACHINA SLASH NEVERBORN ORB SLASH SWORD OF CREATION.

honestly sometimes I wonder if she's going to end up the final boss of the universe, having turned herself into a particularly intelligent and malevolent shade of blue. or something. Twilight through and through!
It was necessary to put Valentine's character in the right place now, should he wish to go ahead with a character swap.
"I know," said his mother sympathetically, "you bite one math teacher and they never let you forget it, do they?"
Harry turned to McGonagall. "There! You see what I have to deal with?"

"Excuse me," said Petunia, and fled through the screen door onto the outside porch, from which her screams of laughter were quite clearly audible.

"There, ah, there," McGonagall seemed to be having trouble speaking for some reason, "there is to be no biting of teachers at Hogwarts, is that very clear, Mr. Potter?"

Harry scowled at her. "Fine, I won't bite anyone who doesn't bite me first."

Professor Michael Verres-Evans also had to leave the room briefly upon hearing that.
fuCK I LOve you for linking me to this fuck sleep I have lulz to read
okay seriously the harry draco scene is possibly the best thing I have ever read period sarky I want you to bear my babies for this
Hehe, I'll have to check it out when I am not at the work place.

Do we know if others will be joining us for this, or do the twilights get to run around unsupervised? >.> <.< O:-)
if Lion would stop being a lazy obama stealing DVDs

he would be posting

but sicne he is lazy and fail i have no idea, and valentine probably died. honestly I'd rather just keep this going rather than wait for people to post, up to people more patient than I, aka everyone else
The others can catch up whenever they get around to it. You guys do your thing. Assume Valentine's character's off doing captain stuff and Blacklion's is hungover and not getting out of bed or something.

Nothing wrong with a pair of Twilights having unsupervised adventures. I'm sure it will be fine.

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