[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

nah, everyone died grisly deaths. my funeral was pretty kickass though, the Huggernaut showed up and the Bhodisattive Annointed by Golden Showers totally did a wicked guitar solo

also sup
Sorry. When I first came back to New Yorkt wo weeks ago, I didn't have an internet connection. I got one now that I can make post a day.
What started off as a small cold is now a chest infection. I'm still around, just more... Phlegmy. I'm happy to continue the game, should you desire.
Phlegm, huh? Sexy.

I just got back from a job interview. They expect me to get there (without transportation, mind!) at seven in the morning...and then expect me to spend eight hours lifting a hundred pounds, no problem!

I, of course, told them that was no problem and I had it all worked out. Now I have all of a day to make a hundred pounds my casual lifting weight.

Valentine said:
Likely. Radiance fails as a face.
Oh yeah, would you object to bringing out the new guy until everyone goes to meet Jun Shea in that blue teahouse? Might be easier plotwise. I reckon everyone's nearly done with this island for now, shall be wrapping up that thread soon enough.
Manna's all complete, save I need to get his derived attributes all written out. But the important stuff is finished and there. I figured since he was to be an islander (like Kana), I'd name him something similar. What better than Manna? He puts the 'man' in your 'na' if you know what I mean.

He's got a motivation far more on track with the rest of the group, and will do much better in social combat that Radiance would've. I've dropped martial arts in favor for Melee, which is much more simple and less involved for a non-combative character, and dipped into both Melee and Dodge to give him a couple of defensive options.

2/5ths of my charms are combative, although they're largely focused for defense, which is awkward since I chose a weapon that isn't notably defensive. Still, I wanted to be 'different'.

I still have the points in Sail so we're not up the creek in that fashion, and I may or may not make it a priority to develop some Sail charms as we move on (seeing as we're in the West). I'll see how the plot progresses to make that decision.

I'd like to establish some inner-party cohesion between the characters, and generate a bit more 'fluid' of a character. While he's every bit of a 'back seat' character as you might expect, I'd like him to be portrayed with a bit more 'understanding' than Radiance before him, expressly in a more reserved attitude. The pirate wasn't really meshing well with me.

As for the party at large, a professional curiosity brings him to the Island next on the group's list. That same curiosity brings him to taking solid interest in the group: A fellow Western Solar, a well-bred Dragon-blooded girl who ended up Solar, and an Unrimited Brade Works factory? Given the chance to show off his 'not smashing things or fixing things' talents, he'd be quick to be able to offer solid support to the group in exchange for, you know, letting him tag along.

...I should buy a horse.

@Sarky (Since you ninja'd my post) - Yeah, that was my intent originally.
I look forwards to interacting with him, definitely. I think Chao would like him for sure, guess we'll see assuming she doesn't put her foot in her mouth.

Also, very important announcement: I realized halfway through that last Chao post that she's basically a technophile. Close to literally.
I'm down for her stripping out of that heavy armor and slinking up against the console in a impassioned manner, if she wants to.
I'm about to start making jokes about 3 1/2 inch floppies and inserting things into disc drives but I think that's a bit low even for me

though I can't be the only person who remembers those 5 1/4 inch discs, those things were like fucking wafers
To this day I can't help but giggle when I hear the phrase "insert security dongle".

Oh, Robocop 3, you were amusing for so many reasons...

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