[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

so I have that Invisible Vagina Monster or whatever it's called charm on Chao, the one where she auto-stealths against anyone with less than a +3 circumstance bonus to noticing her. can I just invoke that, or do I need to go off my 10-ish die stealth pool and automatically win the roll anyways?
man I need to stop having ideas for Predator!Chao and Jad Empire-style Closed Fist Empress/Lotus Assassin!Chao

also will poast tonight
so how the hell do stunts work anyways, and do I get one?

also it's kind of hard to write chao in a fight -_- she just totally works on two totally separate levels, constantly thinking about shit while her training takes over. OH WELL. hopefully that post doesn't come across as DBZish, since it's only about a one-second space of time, just with her thinking a lot.

Balls, the servers must have asplode yesterday, a bunch of posts are missing. Reposting stuff now...
Tabby said:
so how the hell do stunts work anyways, and do I get one?
You get stunt dice for impressing people (mostly the ST) with your character's moves. Here's a rough combat-related (one can of course stunt dialogue, medicine, any action at all) example, although it's more open to interpretation than this:

"I kick him" doesn't get stunt dice.

"Chao jumped at the wall, rebounding towards her foe with a spinning kick to the face" would easily get you 1.

"Chao dodged an incoming arrow by leaping towards the wall, rebounding off it with a spinning kick to the face" would net you 2.

"Chao leapt, not to avoid the arrow but to use it as a springboard, bounding off the tiny ledge, gaining height, letting its momentum twist her mid-air, extending a graceful leg in a spinning kick that trailed a golden afterglow, like a strike from the Unconquered Sun Himself, right down upon her foe's head" would probably net you 3. And the bonus XP that a 3-dice stunt always brings. To get 3 dice, a character's actions should be epic.
thanks. I see you rerolled too, that makes things a little easier if he's still alive this time <_< I'll wait until kana posts if she wants to talk to Baha.
Figured I might as well see what happened with new rolls. I wasn't able to reproduce the old ones anyway.

Oh, and apologies for carrying on regardless, I'm trying to keep the pace up a bit, and I know not everyone's had a chance to do as much as others. If it's a problem I can hold back. I want you guys to have fun so if I'm not letting you do that then please call me on it!
Blacklion said:
you shut your whore mouth
also, this would be a really good time for Kana to jump in if she wants to question the god. I'm hoping that 8 suxx is enough to pacify Baha, but shit knows <_< it'd be nice if Chao got a circumstantial bonus for beating some sense into him, though!

8 dice, -2 penalty for whatever

10 10 10 8 7 4

yes I just rolled A HIGHER RESULT THAN DICE hahaha holy shit that's the best roll I've ever made

minor issue: what the FUCK am I doing? can I just ram the scythe into his chest and hope for the best, or are we "aligning essence" or whatever fancy sounding bullshit catchphrases I can use to spice up my post?

also, fuck yeah Twilight-brand surgery. fuck anesthesia: we just ram an eight foot long scythe into you and hope for the best!
minor issue: what the FUCK am I doing?
Um, something about redirecting the essence from the corruption-thing towards the scythe. It's improvisational surgery, you guys will make something up! ^_^
:-P This seemed more fun than standing around talking about it. Besides we don't really have a caster on hand to do something more... precise.

So Kana's using Craftsman Needs No Tools if that will help (7m, 1w). She will use a point of willpower to channel conviction (I must fix this).

9 dice - 2 penalty + 3 conviction = 10 dice

Kana rolled the following on her 10 dice:

6, 1, 8, 2, 6, 7, 3, 5, 10, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.

Good thing I got those last 3 dice. O.o yeesh. Posting this over in the story thread.
it occurs to me that if I was ever going to have Chao fall to the service of the Neverborn, this would be the starting point of that gradual descent

best update EVER
now, I'm not saying anything, and I don't have any solid plans for Chao. and she's not exactly going to start dressing in pure-black and cutting herself.

but it seems to me like being exposed to pretty much the raw essence of the Neverborn pretty much warrants a Whispers

holy god the RP potential of her trying to fight them off, or possibly eventually succumbing to them, just blew my mind. like there was some serious mind blowing going on here.

i love you man
also I'm too tired to write a grade-A post in honor of Sarky's ridiculously perfect one, but I'll work on a fitting one tomorrow morning when I wake up.

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