[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Excellent. Valentine, you going with Radiance for sure, and if so, are we using your boat or... whatever?

Nice boat. Great boat!

btw, Sarky, feel free to just shove us on the shore. I'm sure Radiance can get them there in small boats from the ship no problem. Then my crew can stay safe off the coast. Hahah.

...I really don't want to come home to find my men all zombified.
Do I (Radiance, that is--) have any reason to think we're going to encounter baddies? Maybe I should bless my guns ahead of time.
The locals have told you all stories of why the islands are forbidden, you've heard there are nasty things out there, although what you've heard is very sparse on details. Plenty of reason to go armed just in case.
Let's just assume that he's standing around doing Exalted stuff. Posing and shining and whatnot. Moving on...

(I'll probably do this from time to time if there are big delays in posting. I'll try not to leave people out, or give them something to do later, but I'd like to keep things moving)
And I retconned the results into my last post. So, further into the little jungle or more research? Or would you like to split up? I can't see anything going wrong with that one. :)
Sarky said:
And I retconned the results into my last post. So, further into the little jungle or more research? Or would you like to split up? I can't see anything going wrong with that one. :)

also it's sort of hard to play an intelligent but immature character without skewing too far to either end of the spectrum. Valentine, just keep in mind that while she's intelligent enough to notice the [small] slight, she's not mature enough to ignore it and is taking it entirely too seriously, and I'm just trying to play her character right. nothing personal olol <3
Just to clarify because of the valor roll, yes, a virtue roll is dice=[virtue in question]. I'll let you know if there's anything else to be added. And you can't spend a willpower to channel a virtue for a virtue roll, but an automatic success is fine by me.

Ooh, and if you fail and spend a willpower to ignore it, don't forget the point of limit!
I'll throw my valor throw, had an idea for some character development that works better if she fails so fuck actually rolling. Willpower+limit ftw
minor update: three, four to five-page essays and a shitload of studying for a major test that's 1/3 of my grade in a class, and about one day to do it - maybe even the entire week if I manage to convince the teacher to let me turn in the essays late. needless to say I won't be doing much posting for a few days, though I will try to drop a short post on chao so she doesn't get left behind
Indeed. Luck and stuff.

Me, I have a nice little while convalescing from some throat surgery ahead of me, so I'm about at all hours. I'll update as regularly as is feasible without leaving anyone out too much.
shit yes I just ballfaced that test, and no coherence is not my strongest suit

anyways, I'm taking a break from school shit today so I'll post ASAP. maybe after a nice relaxing bath...
...maybe a little late, but it's up. congrats, tabby, you just dragged out "I auto-fail so I can justify spending a willpower point" to like five million words across a mental breakdown and growing hero worship

gg all, gg

(also, for the purposes of my last post, "ballfaced" was a positive descriptor insinuating that I did well on the test, not a diatribe on the negative effects of growing testicles from one's eyes)


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