[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Well Lion and I figured out how Chao and Severin knew each other. Rough timeline:

-Chao, while away from home at university, undergoes Solar Exaltation. On the Blessed Isle. She didn't need to be a genius to figure out that was a bad thing, even though she was, so she went missing - ship off of the Isle that night.

-Her family (House Ledaal, I'm thinking) still has some hopes that she'll exalt (16 at the time), plus she's a pretty good craftsman so she could be useful regardless, put out a small bounty on her (Wanted 1) and stop caring.

-Severin sees the bounty, decides to cash in. He manages to track Chao down, and after a bit of a knockdown drag-out brawl, with neither of them able to fuck up the other despite her overall less experience since she's got the powersuit, he realizes she's an Exalt and they stop fighting.

-Chao is just happy enough to have a fellow Exalt that, after finding out what Severin (though she only knows him by one of this pseudonyms, Azure Sky) is generally planning, she offers to help - she's not really a social reformist, but hey: fighting the Realm sounds cool, she gets to fight strong people, and just as importantly, she gets to fix all that's wrong with the Realm - and she's seen a lot of the flaws over time.

-Spoiler warning: she has a hard-on for Lookshy

So. How could that figure into Kana and [insert name of Valentine's apeshit dude here]?
Hmm. Just so we aren't stepping on toes all the time I might make a new character. What castes were other people planing to use?
<_< I liked Kana, and she'd still be unique here; Chao is much more of a combatant than an off-the-field technophile so even though they have some similarities (caste, crafting, martial arts) they're as different as night and day in actual approach, personality, actions, even roles in the group. Besides, multiple Solar craftsmen working together can do bigass shit ridiculously fast and well compared to using mortal craftsmen, so it'd be nice for when we eventually get into the later parts of the campaign.

Oh! And also, I eventually want Chao to get some thaumaturgy, probably alchemy. /randomshit
Mk. I was maybe thinking it would be fun to put together a night caste if we didn't have one, but if we are going to be ready to go in quick order and/or have a night caste then I can stick with Kana. The how we all meet each other thing seems reasonable, and once Valentine has a dude we can work out how our character's found each other.
I'm happy to keep it in the West if you are. Most likely the Neck, it's very secular, won't have the Wyld Hunt bothering you all the time.

If you would like a change of location, though, now would be the time to suggest it.
I'm fine with [insert name of place you said here], west is cool and has island ruins and all that manly shit. We should ttly start off going to some RUINS and getting attacked by PIRATES who are actually EVIL GHOSTS. Or that one deathlord's bros, uh, bhodisattiva annointed by golden shower or whatevert the hell his name was
-chips teeth on tea can-


Can that be my Deathlord?!

Er, yeah. I think I'll be playing an Eclipse (again), unless I'm allowed to be a douchebag and play an Abyssal.

Motivation would be to kill/covert ALL THE DRAGON-BLOODED. And FUCK REINCARNATION. I'll do it AGAIN.


Although primarily through social charming, rather than blunt force. That's what the other guys are for. Hahah.
Valentine said:
-chips teeth on tea can-

Can that be my Deathlord?!

Er, yeah. I think I'll be playing an Eclipse (again), unless I'm allowed to be a douchebag and play an Abyssal.

Motivation would be to kill/covert ALL THE DRAGON-BLOODED. And FUCK REINCARNATION. I'll do it AGAIN.


Although primarily through social charming, rather than blunt force. That's what the other guys are for. Hahah.
Oh BB, I'll be the Fran to your Stein
...Actually, ARE we allowing Abyssals and such? It occurs to me that the 'feel' of this game is different with all the new characters, so it might not be a bad idea to re-evaluate Exaltations, general goals, etc.

Plus, I mean, if Valentine goes with an Abyssal, I know this great lab assistant...
Hey, if you'd like to try some new Exalt types, go right ahead.

A Deathknight in Solar companywould be... Interesting. Especially if he's still working for his/her Deathlord. But ESPECIALLY if the Deathknight had gone rogue and his master's hunting him down.
Sarky said:
Hey, if you'd like to try some new Exalt types, go right ahead.
A Deathknight in Solar companywould be... Interesting. Especially if he's still working for his/her Deathlord. But ESPECIALLY if the Deathknight had gone rogue and his master's hunting him down.
Especially especially interesting if he hasn't actually gone rogue, just wants them to think he/she has :P
I plan on not going rogue. Ain't nothin' that says Abyssals are actually against Solars--they just want Oblivion. I can do that just fine in a group that's kickin' Dragon-blooded ass.

Sure, maybe towards the end of the Chronicle, I might have a change of heart or something, but we'll see as it comes. Hahah.

So anyways. Failfaggotry aside. Latest idea for why the characters are together and such. Since I want to get started ASAP.

Say there's an island somewhere in the vicinity, one that's haunted, inhabited by the walking dead, something like that. Fairly well defended, to the point that most mortals would get ripped apart pretty fast. On the other hand, it's also home to ancient First Age ruins. Chao drags Azure Sky (Severin, aka blacklion's char) into checking it out since it might help them come up with shit to fight the Realm, Kana could have been recruited in port by Chao/become interested after overhearing them/whatever, your call though I figure realistically, it'd be a combination of overhearing them and Chao inviting her - she's not -stupid-, but has pretty poor judgement and doesn't really lie or think ill of people - yet. So, while they're not all BEST FRIENDS yet, Severin and Chao have probably about four months experience with each other and maybe a week or so with Kana, mostly on board the (pirate!) ship they chartered.

No idea on Valentine. If he was using Radiance we could just be using his ship, but since he's going for an apeshit Abyssal... uhhh... maybe he has a mission from Bhodissativa Appointed by Golden Showers to check out the ruins - unbeknownst to everyone but him, it was an ancient necromantic labratory, and Golden Showers wants that shit. Or something, idk.
edit: Yeah, I'll just roll with Radiance to keep things moving smoothly.






Sorry for taking a while. Judging my character concepts so I don't get bored too quickly--hahah.

If I do go Abyssal, I'd like to have someone (Hopefully Kana/nu-Kana, 'cause she's hot/will be hot) who sorta 'gets' the whole 'lol ahm abyssal lol' thing so I don't have to explain that yes, I do need to eat people in Creation, and yes, I am a bad tainted man, and yeaaah, I have to kill and maim to stay 'alive'.


I might just drop crazy and just use Radiance with a slightly different charm layout (not sure if Righteous Devil is worth it--) just to keep up with the pace of the game, though.

But tell me this shit ain't awesome!

Well, duh it's awesome.

But you know what else is even more epic?



Fran with Labyrinth Circle necromancy, insane medic skills, and a force choke that makes people explode combined with Stein kicking ass with a deathscythe and his own medicinal skills.

...But for this game, it might be easier to go non-Abyssal. I am totally doing Fran/Stein combo with you sometime though, dammit.
So, I'll stick with Kana. I'm looking over things to see if I want to change stuff, but most likely not too much. I'd maybe like to start dabbling in this sorcery thing if I happen to run across anyone who can help out with that (I know it's a long process). If you do end up with an abyssal, Kana's more concerned with logic and the end goal than if you have to munch on some people occasionally. Not that she'd be all happy about it, but she wouldn't feel the need to kill you for it if presented correctly.
Feantari said:
So, I'll stick with Kana. I'm looking over things to see if I want to change stuff, but most likely not too much. I'd maybe like to start dabbling in this sorcery thing if I happen to run across anyone who can help out with that (I know it's a long process). If you do end up with an abyssal, Kana's more concerned with logic and the end goal than if you have to munch on some people occasionally. Not that she'd be all happy about it, but she wouldn't feel the need to kill you for it if presented correctly.
Fean, Chao actually happens to have a copy of the White Treatise, which covers the various first-circle spells, though it misses a couple of the offensive spells covered in the Black Treatise. Chao is interested in sorcery, though she has absolutely no ability in it (zero Occult, etc) but will eventually go for First Circle sorcery (Lightning Spider + Mantis style MA = auto-grapple everyone and do about a million damage a tick without any real opportunity to escape) and to further her understanding of essence. So, not really a contender for MASTER SORCERER since she'll never go for Celestial or Adamant-circle sorcery nor will she use offensive spells (Obsidian Butterflies, etc), just as sort of a back-up talent that I tend to think has its use for any character - don't have to be a master sorcerer to benefit from a couple utility spells, you know what I mean?

Anyways, like I said: White Treatise and actually Daric's Laws of Magic, which basically let someone self-initiate into sorcery and learn most of the basic spells. Granted it still takes XP and a lot of time and effort and they don't actually provide any mechanical bonuses to any of that, but open to both of us. That might be kind of a fun plot to work through together, too; learning the basics of sorcery together, after which Kana is free to move on to the higher echelons and Chao can just branch off into her studies of essence. Again, not for a while though - need to get some Occult all up in this bitch. Just throwing it out there if you were interested in either or both of the reading materials and/or the possible plot hook.


And Chao probably wouldn't much like the Abyssal, though I really doubt she'd start on a spiel about human rights and morality and shit. Probably be more of a 'general dislike and avoidance' thing than anything else, but I mean... she's not all that worried about the sacredness of otherwise-useless life, so while she wouldn't want to watch him chew on some poor sod, she wouldn't attack him for doing it. Though I do hope that you ended up deciding to go with Radiance; it might be easier plot-wise and would definitely be easier character interaction-wise than a flaming skeleton, especially when it comes to getting past guards who might understandably be slightly suspicious at angry flaming skeletons walking around.

Just sayin'.
Cool cool. Yeah I have some more XP I want to spend towards charms before I'd start working on sorcery, but that could totally be a thing.
Love it when a plan comes together.

Severin was always planned to be a Combat mage but his is more of a Counter Mage, using Counter magic to disable the DB sorcerors and such, maybe a few offensive abilities to augment his own power in the later run but that's not until Essence 3.
And we have a new thread. UNF!

If you wanna post before putting the finishing touches to a character, that's ok as long as the basic stats and stuff are up.

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